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Topic: The "N" Word
Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 06:53 AM
No Sluggo......I'm not saying slurs should not be used in comedy. If
you would have thoroughly read the entire topic, you would not have
asked me that question. I AM saying that slurs should not be used in a
fit of rage by someone who is admired by the very culture who has
embraced his craft and his work.

Solow's photo
Wed 11/22/06 07:05 AM
By the way, I would have beat the shit out of him for negatively
addressing me by anything other than my birth name.....even more of an
ass beating if I was just minding my business like I was doing when I
was called the N word.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 02:31 PM
I kinda thought we'd gotten away from the n word yesterday, 'pears I
was wrong!!!
I thik one problem is white folk today haven't dug into history and
found an understanding about said word.
I can't think of a word that would invoke similar feels to a white. The
word was melted into what fit at various stages of life over the past 50
or so years, from the point of blacks not being in a position to refute
such comments (back of the bus Rosa, blacks drink this fountain, white's
only served here and on...) to a semi-race acceptable parable. Black men
also have an aversion to being referred to as boy and given the context
of historical use of that word too, in a degrading manner, I feel they
have good reason to reject it.
I have a bi-racial g-daughter and g-son, I refer to him sometimes in
the boy term and think I shouldn't but I have other g-sons that are
white and they also get to be called boy by me. In such case, there is
no hidden meaning or reference, I love them all, each dad knows this and
nothing has ever been said. If I heard anyone belch out the bouyee
phrase to one of mine, there indeed would be problems!!

BTW, I used to (keynote used to) like Bush (the president, I still
like the other bush, prefer trimmed at least)I'm not sure if the old
Bush had much to do with this war or maybe it was 9-11. I have a s-i-l
in the Army and a son in the Marines, both proud of what they do and
both willing to do whatever they need to for their country. Anyway, it
is time for a change but Idon't wanty another commander in chief that
will boldly lie to the face of the american people either.

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/22/06 03:18 PM
Trust me I did read this whole damn thread last night. Additionally I
listened to the botched comedy show 3 or 4 times and I listened to the 6
min Letterman Show apology where Richard’s was obviously shaken up by
the whole experience. Solow, Personally I think you are miss reading how
good a Comic Richards is. He was a midlevel stand up comic that jumped
on a ride of his life when he got the part of Kramer. Did getting this
part make him a better stand up Comic? (No). If he has a fan base it’s
from being an actor not a comic.

Was he Mad during the Blow up? (Yes, but ANY entertainer gets mad when
they get Heckled or Disrespected while they are entertaining [Right?].
You being a HipHop Rapper, would you be Mad if you were being
disrespected in the middle of one of your shows by a heckler? [I’m
thinking Yes]. The problem lies in that Richards isn’t that good of a
Comic and while he was being heckled he used Racial Slurs that fell flat
because he wasn’t funny [wow, imagine that, even the use of racial slurs
couldn’t make him funny…big surprise]). But if the Comic was Robin
Williams or the Diceman who are funny and good Comics and they dropped a
couple N-Bombs on the heckler as they ripped him apart while they were
making the audience laugh this whole thing would have Not been a story
we even heard of.

no photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:07 PM
I've seen ADC perform and be heckled and retaliate quite well without
using any racially disparaging words or phrases.
I'm equally sure any professional comic (sorry kramer)could handle
themselves in a like manner.
Ahh the memories of such great comedic lines like "Hickory dickory
dock, this chick was sucking on my cock" or "Clint Eastwood, (drag on
the cigarette, exhale) I fucked him". Anyway, Michael Richards' career
may have needed the puiblicity but he could have done it some other way.

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:18 PM
Solow, Thanks for answering the other question about popping the guy had
he said something else (which is perfectly fine and your right by me,
specially in the situation you described) and from reading your Post I
gather your response would have been the same no matter what color the
person was that said it. However I’m not sure if HowRU’s post is too
valid since the 50+ years ago mentioned were 21+ year before when Solow
was born. Early in this thread Solow mentioned that he doesn’t like when
Rappers use the N word in their song which I agree for various different
reasons (such as it keeps Racial Tension on the forefront of their
audiences mind. A large segment of their audience is NOT that well
educated and a lot of the lyrics continually reinforce to them that
blacks are being oppressed with a heavy does of the N word being used to
drive the point home).
Bill Cosby gave a speech in 2004 to the NAACP that ties together
oppression, education and responsibility and I think Rappers repeated
use (or misuse) of the N word keeps Racial Tension in the forefront of
the minds of the current black generation that wasn’t around at the
height of the Racial Split. It looks like this thread pretty much died
out, too bad I missed it..

The following link is Bill Cosby’s search he gave to the NAACP in 2004,
it’s a good read & listen (since there are MP3 excerpts on it):


no photo
Wed 11/22/06 04:34 PM
my two cents are this...
1 cent: free speech, is the right of every american
2 cent: we are only listening to second hand BS, unless we were there i
dont really think we should be fuzzing about it.

and an extra cent for free
3 cent: some people just need to grow thicker skin. i dont cry everytime
someone calls me a wetback, especially when i know i make more than the
white dude that calls me that...call it subtle revenge

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