Topic: The "N" Word
LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:44 PM
Morena...who were you reponding to?

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:49 PM
I have a mixed family. I am more or less looking in from the outside. I
didn't have anything to say before. It really gets old to see people
make a race issue out of something just to feed their anger or fear or
prejustice. That is what I was trying to say. I had nothing to say
before. But, as you can see, this issue was something that hit a nerve
with me...

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:51 PM
Loren, I sincerely hope you understand the frustration factor here.
Being an upstanding, respectful and intelligent (not bragging) BLACK
MAN, I should not have to endure being called anything than what I was
named by my parents because of the skin I'm in. Ya feel me? You are
entitled to your own opinion no matter how caring or insensitive you
deem it to be. Until you walk in my shoes or in the shoes of ANYONE
else who has been harassed as a matter of race, your views will not be
honored here.

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:51 PM
Loren, I sincerely hope you understand the frustration factor here.
Being an upstanding, respectful and intelligent (not bragging) BLACK
MAN, I should not have to endure being called anything than what I was
named by my parents because of the skin I'm in. Ya feel me? You are
entitled to your own opinion no matter how caring or insensitive you
deem it to be. Until you walk in my shoes or in the shoes of ANYONE
else who has been harassed as a matter of race, your views will not be
honored here.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:53 PM could be right but it was the way he stated it, the tone of
voice, mean what you say, say what you mean, and u can tell he meant
what he said by his body language

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:53 PM
you may be right thoe, it depends on the way a person feel and see it.

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:56 PM
Salow...I do understand your frustration. But, in this situation I
beleave that the race of the heckler was insignificant. It was anger,
not hate that made him push the buttons he did. Yes, I have had my share
of the ignorance thrown at me. I have felt the feelings of being labeled
when I carried my grandson, proudly into public, and getting stupid
looks. I know I cannot walk in your shoes. I still beleave that he was
pushing buttons to hurt the people who were hurting him. He would have
used different buttons for different races.

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:59 PM
There is nothing in this society that justifies losing your temper and
disrespecting someone's outer appearance. The Seinfeld guy would have
felt the same way if the tables had been turned. Quick scenario: If
Eddie Murphy would have gotten angry about a white photographer taking
an unauthorized photo of him and went ballistic with racist comments,
I'm almost 100000000% most of America would have shunned him and his
credibility as a people person would have been smashed into much smaller
pieces than Michael from Seinfeld's. If Hugo Chavez would have make
racist statements about George Bush, this country would be in an uproar.
Don't think for one second that I justify the use of the word, but I
don't think anyone else should be using either.

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:00 PM
well he is a public figure, now
do you think his fans are still going to look at him the same?

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:02 PM

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:04 PM
Salow...I can't disagree with that. Just trying to say that this guy may
not be prejustice. I think he was just stupid that night. We are all
stupid sometimes. True?

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:08 PM
His fans will look at him the same if they think like jackasses.

Solow's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:13 PM
It's SOLOW......but to answer your question, we all tend to do things
that are not in our best interest, but I can honestly say that I have
NEVER tried to belittle someone based on their culture no matter how
pissed I get. I have the wisdom and self control to understand that I
can get angry at a person's word's and actions, not the color of their
skin. I need a fuckin' talk-show. Drama, you wanna help me with this
after I sign this deal?

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:14 PM
Drama..I think you are right. He is an actor and was an angry one at
that. I beleave he meant what he said. He was trying to hurt that
person. It is always the same...When you try to hurt someone else; you
hurt yourself!...We all know from our parents and grandparents that to
hate is a cancer. Yet, we often use it to try to protect ourselves.
Someone said earlier in this string....Something to the affect, that its
time to get past this. I beleave that if we analize these situations
,look for the reasons why and ignore that race issue, we will see how to
do that. We can do this. We can get past the ignorance of the past. But,
only if we get over our own ignorance. I is cheap. But, I
beleave this is true.

no photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:14 PM
sure baby i got u

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:17 PM have had to keep the brakes on. This white guy has not had
the blessing of knowing the down side of life. But, I still think its
hate that modivated him. Hate is a powerful spirit.

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:23 PM
you are not solo, solow. lol,lol,lol
Dramafree what are you doing for TG?

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:24 PM
may be Louren

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:26 PM
Time to do something in the physical world...Nice talking to you
three...take care....Loren

Morena350's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:27 PM
it was nice talking to you to.
