Community > Posts By > LorenTimothy

LorenTimothy's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:27 PM
Ok..In defense of those Police who want to do something good...It is not
all their doing...It is the laws that make 'victimless crimes' in
felonies and finally the 'The Victimless Crimes' have a victim....the
victim is the quasa criminal.....Anyway..The laws have given room and
permission for the Cops to Become the 'bad boys'...Makes me laugh to see
them tear up a house because they can....Instead of picking someone up
at the gas station..or the store...where it could be done without acting

LorenTimothy's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:21 PM
What I see is a system which created the problem that they claim to be
trying to fix. I see them racial charged, and inexpicably dealing while
arresting those who buy and sell. And for what...A Smile..The
Munchies...The Pigment in a Man's skin...Stop being nieve...its time to
Police the Police...and to stop turning young men and women into
criminals for the self perpetuation of any given police
department...PS...I know this from about fixin
the problem...not about how to ignore it...THE POLICE ARE PART OF THE
PROBLEM...not part of the solution.

LorenTimothy's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:09 PM
The point is....break up the Police Gangs....And give the power to those
who really care....Stop the quotas and look for problems...not
money....The Police Gang problem is just that...a growing GANG
Problem...its time to remember that their job is protecting us....It is
not perpetuating a system based on income rather than
protection....Giving them the power to do the things they do is killing
us...and our FREEDOM....Oh yes....I'm young folks don't
remember that! you?

LorenTimothy's photo
Mon 12/04/06 08:02 PM
Bad Boys, Bad Boys.....'are they talking about GANGS again...Oh
my....can you imagine anyone needing to have someone take your
back?....Is it because the cops are all about a Paycheck and not about
fixing the problem....?.....Hummmm...Oh yes...Doesn't the Police force
fit the Profile as a GANG....Yes!!....and they act like it to...B.S...on
the excuses....Put them in jail like they would anyone else who did what
they did!

LorenTimothy's photo
Sun 11/26/06 01:52 AM
Thanks, that is reassuring...I hope mom is thinking when the time
comes...take care.

LorenTimothy's photo
Sun 11/26/06 01:36 AM
yes..Im still here. I am serious here. I haven't the slightest idea what
to do here. I don't want to have tramatized the little girl..Im bothered

LorenTimothy's photo
Sun 11/26/06 01:27 AM
Ok...I have a problem. I was in the living room with at my date's apt.
Her 11 year old daughter was inbed in the other room, when, yes...she
appeared in the hall. Well, I had my hand in the pudding and we both
froze, acting as if nothing was going on. It was dark and she had on
dark pants so maybe the details were lost. The young lady went to
kitchen and back to her room without a word. A few minutes later she
returned to ask when I was going to go home. My date and I just looked
at each other...speachless. wanted a real post...what should I

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:26 PM
Time to do something in the physical world...Nice talking to you
three...take care....Loren

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:17 PM have had to keep the brakes on. This white guy has not had
the blessing of knowing the down side of life. But, I still think its
hate that modivated him. Hate is a powerful spirit.

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:14 PM
Drama..I think you are right. He is an actor and was an angry one at
that. I beleave he meant what he said. He was trying to hurt that
person. It is always the same...When you try to hurt someone else; you
hurt yourself!...We all know from our parents and grandparents that to
hate is a cancer. Yet, we often use it to try to protect ourselves.
Someone said earlier in this string....Something to the affect, that its
time to get past this. I beleave that if we analize these situations
,look for the reasons why and ignore that race issue, we will see how to
do that. We can do this. We can get past the ignorance of the past. But,
only if we get over our own ignorance. I is cheap. But, I
beleave this is true.

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:04 PM
Salow...I can't disagree with that. Just trying to say that this guy may
not be prejustice. I think he was just stupid that night. We are all
stupid sometimes. True?

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:56 PM
Salow...I do understand your frustration. But, in this situation I
beleave that the race of the heckler was insignificant. It was anger,
not hate that made him push the buttons he did. Yes, I have had my share
of the ignorance thrown at me. I have felt the feelings of being labeled
when I carried my grandson, proudly into public, and getting stupid
looks. I know I cannot walk in your shoes. I still beleave that he was
pushing buttons to hurt the people who were hurting him. He would have
used different buttons for different races.

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:49 PM
I have a mixed family. I am more or less looking in from the outside. I
didn't have anything to say before. It really gets old to see people
make a race issue out of something just to feed their anger or fear or
prejustice. That is what I was trying to say. I had nothing to say
before. But, as you can see, this issue was something that hit a nerve
with me...

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:44 PM
Morena...who were you reponding to?

LorenTimothy's photo
Tue 11/21/06 12:39 PM
The issue here is not what he said. He probably would have slurred the
Mexican people or the Indian people if the heckler was one of those
races. He just got mad!...The ISSUE is that some want to make this into
a RACE problem. It is not, as I see it. It is an ANGER problem. He
doesn't need to address a racial problem. He needs to come to terms with
his chosen career and realize that he will be heckled. For you who wish
to make this a race issue. I would rethink your reasons. Maybe it is
your problem...not his.