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Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer
polyethelene's photo
Thu 01/03/08 06:41 PM
I gots a simple philosophy, cuz I too asked myself that question....I think god exists becuase we want him to. Weather we are here because of devine will or becuase of some crazy stroke of luck, either way, you're belief in God supports him. The more strength you lend to something, weather it be an idea or a physical force, the more power it has. That doesn't make it fake, just reliant on a lot of different factors.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 01/03/08 06:44 PM

My apology's funches. It seemed to me that you were antagonizing her.

I am not however new to these forums. Been here for quite sometime. Moved here with many others.

As I have said; many apology's.


considered that it never happenned ..you had no way to know that feralcatlady was sending me delusional bible thumping e-mails

Only because of some warped sense of wanting you in heaven with me.....NOW THATS DELUSIONAL.....hahahahhahahahhahaha

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 01/03/08 07:38 PM

God can do anything

God cannot look on sin

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 01/03/08 08:03 PM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

believing something wholeheartedly without any concrete proof is the definition of faith...some of us don't need concrete proof or a rational explination to believe...

Eljay's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:52 PM
Hmmm... 13 pages of anything but responses to this original post. I've plowed thru them all. For the sake of a reminder this was the OP:

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation


Since you make references to "the religious", "believer's logic" and "God" - and refered to "The Creator" my response is to the Premise I feel that you have established - in that the Christian God of the bible, who claims to be the Creator - is the subject of your question "does the same logic apply to the Creator".

The answer is no, and the rational explination comes in one of the basic attributes of the God of scripture. Since the object of the question is the scriptural God - the God of creation, henceforth known as the "Creator" - it is understood that He is omniscient, omnipresent, has no beginning and will have no end. These attributes are basic, and unquestionable, else we are not talking about the God of scripture - but some other god.

Your argument establishes that the universe was created. Having accepted this as a valid premise, it follows that the universe now exists within a time continuum. It has a beginning, and through the course of time, changes, evolves, deteriorates, etc. We know this through our experience with a minute portion of the universe - Earth, and whatever scientific evidence we have accumulated by our research in the heavens beyond. The Creator - however, exists beyond the time continuum, and is not confined by it. Whereas the universe is.
Therefore - since the Creator is not bound by time, it is illogical to presume that a Creator had to have a creator. It contradicts the definition of Him, and it is irrational to attribute a fact to a subject that contradicts the definition of it.

Sorry for the interuption all - do continue.

Chazster's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:16 PM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

Well lets take the scientific approach. The big bang theory is the most widely known and accepted. Basically matter and energy coming together and a great explosion. very simply put, but according to the laws of physics, matter and energy can neither be created or destroyed. If this is the case then where did the original matter and energy come from for the universe to begin? Science can't answer your question either.

Also science isn't about proving things but disproving them, so you can't say the religious things aren't true just because they can't be proven.

TheDoctor394's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:30 PM

Hmmm... 13 pages of anything but responses to this original post. I've plowed thru them all. For the sake of a reminder this was the OP:

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation


Since you make references to "the religious", "believer's logic" and "God" - and refered to "The Creator" my response is to the Premise I feel that you have established - in that the Christian God of the bible, who claims to be the Creator - is the subject of your question "does the same logic apply to the Creator".

The answer is no, and the rational explination comes in one of the basic attributes of the God of scripture. Since the object of the question is the scriptural God - the God of creation, henceforth known as the "Creator" - it is understood that He is omniscient, omnipresent, has no beginning and will have no end. These attributes are basic, and unquestionable, else we are not talking about the God of scripture - but some other god.

Your argument establishes that the universe was created. Having accepted this as a valid premise, it follows that the universe now exists within a time continuum. It has a beginning, and through the course of time, changes, evolves, deteriorates, etc. We know this through our experience with a minute portion of the universe - Earth, and whatever scientific evidence we have accumulated by our research in the heavens beyond. The Creator - however, exists beyond the time continuum, and is not confined by it. Whereas the universe is.
Therefore - since the Creator is not bound by time, it is illogical to presume that a Creator had to have a creator. It contradicts the definition of Him, and it is irrational to attribute a fact to a subject that contradicts the definition of it.

Sorry for the interuption all - do continue.

Um... indifferent I don't think you've noticed that I actually did answer the original question just the other day. Scroll back a page.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 01/03/08 11:30 PM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

In all honesty the universe is nothing more then gas built up over millenia, the planets are nothing more than rocks that built up over the time. The only real logic that God is to of created the universe is the Adam and Eve story, and to be honest isn't a lot of logic to put on such a vast creation. The bible says seven days and seven nights it was all created but in scientific terms that is highly improbable and very unlikely, the argument here is God. You be the judge.

Shaden's photo
Fri 01/04/08 02:52 AM
It's not that God can not look upon sin, it's that he doesn't favor it. He gives us commandments and we choose to follow or not. This is my opinion, no calling names, no getting angry. Science has actually unearthed, researched and discovered some of the truths in the Bible. I can see how some are turned off my "organized religion", but for me it's my faith that has sustained me through some pretty hard trials. As far as the earth being created by the creator, how can one prove that wasn't done?

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 04:50 AM

My apology's funches. It seemed to me that you were antagonizing her.

I am not however new to these forums. Been here for quite sometime. Moved here with many others.

As I have said; many apology's.


considered that it never happenned ..you had no way to know that feralcatlady was sending me delusional bible thumping e-mails

Only because of some warped sense of wanting you in heaven with me.....NOW THATS DELUSIONAL.....hahahahhahahahhahaha

well it sounds delusional to me

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 04:52 AM

I gots a simple philosophy, cuz I too asked myself that question....I think god exists becuase we want him to. Weather we are here because of devine will or becuase of some crazy stroke of luck, either way, you're belief in God supports him. The more strength you lend to something, weather it be an idea or a physical force, the more power it has. That doesn't make it fake, just reliant on a lot of different factors.

that doesn't make it fake but it does make if faith and it may as well be fake because faith is a belief in "no proof is truth"

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 04:56 AM

believing something wholeheartedly without any concrete proof is the definition of faith...some of us don't need concrete proof or a rational explination to believe...

sounds delusional to me

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 05:42 AM

The answer is no, and the rational explination comes in one of the basic attributes of the God of scripture. Since the object of the question is the scriptural God - the God of creation, henceforth known as the "Creator" - it is understood that He is omniscient, omnipresent, has no beginning and will have no end. These attributes are basic, and unquestionable, else we are not talking about the God of scripture - but some other god.

Your argument establishes that the universe was created. Having accepted this as a valid premise, it follows that the universe now exists within a time continuum. It has a beginning, and through the course of time, changes, evolves, deteriorates, etc. We know this through our experience with a minute portion of the universe - Earth, and whatever scientific evidence we have accumulated by our research in the heavens beyond. The Creator - however, exists beyond the time continuum, and is not confined by it. Whereas the universe is.
Therefore - since the Creator is not bound by time, it is illogical to presume that a Creator had to have a creator. It contradicts the definition of Him, and it is irrational to attribute a fact to a subject that contradicts the definition of it.

Sorry for the interuption all - do continue.

everything you claimed that was valid is actually not valid but exist as a matter of faith to the believer that it is valid...and because one has faith only validates that they do not actually know if it is valid or not but only an assumption that it is valid ...

your response to the question was "no" which then requires you to give a rational explanation as to why you answered "no" in which your response was that God exist beyond the time continum..that is again a matter of faith and faith is used to accept that which is irrational

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 01/04/08 06:00 AM
Edited by toastedoranges on Fri 01/04/08 06:02 AM

It's not that God can not look upon sin, it's that he doesn't favor it. He gives us commandments and we choose to follow or not. This is my opinion, no calling names, no getting angry. Science has actually unearthed, researched and discovered some of the truths in the Bible. I can see how some are turned off my "organized religion", but for me it's my faith that has sustained me through some pretty hard trials. As far as the earth being created by the creator, how can one prove that wasn't done?

truth being? that some of those events did happen? some of those people might have lived? no doubt, but a good deal of the bible's stories are not new or solely beloning to religions which are around today. it's a story book. you know, i don't see anyone building a religion out of what homer told

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 01/04/08 06:01 AM
Edited by toastedoranges on Fri 01/04/08 06:02 AM
hit quote instead of edit..

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:10 AM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

Well lets take the scientific approach. The big bang theory is the most widely known and accepted. Basically matter and energy coming together and a great explosion. very simply put, but according to the laws of physics, matter and energy can neither be created or destroyed. If this is the case then where did the original matter and energy come from for the universe to begin? Science can't answer your question either.

Also science isn't about proving things but disproving them, so you can't say the religious things aren't true just because they can't be proven.

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:21 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

chuck366's photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:25 AM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

why has the bible been the most scrutinized book ever. Yet never been disproved?

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:36 AM

It's not that God can not look upon sin, it's that he doesn't favor it. He gives us commandments and we choose to follow or not. This is my opinion, no calling names, no getting angry. Science has actually unearthed, researched and discovered some of the truths in the Bible. I can see how some are turned off my "organized religion", but for me it's my faith that has sustained me through some pretty hard trials. As far as the earth being created by the creator, how can one prove that wasn't done?

God has to favor sin because he dictated the rules that brought sin into existence ..sin would not exist if not for God's law

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:39 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

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