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Topic: questions that believers are afraid to answer
chuck366's photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:41 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

I am far from a religious fanatic. Just curious why you hate God?
do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:41 AM

this thread is about questions that the religious will just close their minds to and refuse to answer or just afraid to answer because it will question their suppose faith or question that they just can't answer rationally ..here's the first one

according to believers logic, God had to have created the universe because the universe couldn't have popped out of nothingness and create itself .....so therefore do the same logic apply to the creator

if the answer is no then could you explain why with a rational explanation

why has the bible been the most scrutinized book ever. Yet never been disproved?

because the book do exist what's in dispute is the content in the book

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:44 AM
Well, with this is another complex issue that is tied to my answer. I do not do everything with rational reasoning only.
I am also intuitive. So the question is...can I answer with innate intuitiveness EN rationalization?

chuck366's photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:44 AM
I know the book exist. It seems to me , again.......you hate God.......why is that if I may ask?

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:47 AM
uhhh there is more than 1 book en they were written for the times. If you look at the evolution en constant change in evolving religions...then you will also not that religion is philosophy also. Hmmmm? A way of life? The books are lessons, parables, analogies, compasses. Do not get hung up on one element.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:47 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

I am far from a religious fanatic. Just curious why you hate God?
do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

that you say that I hate an unproven enitiy is irrational..it's the same as hating Dr. Octopus in Spiderman 2

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:49 AM

Well, with this is another complex issue that is tied to my answer. I do not do everything with rational reasoning only.
I am also intuitive. So the question is...can I answer with innate intuitiveness EN rationalization?

sure ..no problem....as long as it doesn't sound delusional

chuck366's photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:49 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

I am far from a religious fanatic. Just curious why you hate God?
do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

that you say that I hate an unproven enitiy is irrational..it's the same as hating Dr. Octopus in Spiderman 2

thats comparing apples to oranges........they are both round and thats about it but if thats how you feel, it is what it is

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:51 AM
Is kind of like the concept of 3 dimensionalism.
We perceive everything in 3 dimensions, however....
(en it is a learned thing kind of like when people thought the world was flat)...
so go outside yourself en realize there are more than 3 dimensions. Can now be proven however existed before it could be proven.

Have to think some differently than before to know beyond.
EN...as I said before...there is intuitiveness. Quantum en metaphysical science only sets out to prove what is already there.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:52 AM

I know the book exist. It seems to me , again.......you hate God.......why is that if I may ask?

sorry Dr. Phil ...sounds like you are the one with the hate issues ..so can you stick to the topic

chuck366's photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:52 AM
Edited by chuck366 on Fri 01/04/08 07:53 AM
faith cannot be "rationalized" and "reasoned" at times ,thats why its faith. So the original question to me seems like some sort of inane heathoness bantor

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:53 AM
However, it is good reading en good thought. More for the future than what is already.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:53 AM
I agree. I also think there is blind faith. The literal blind faith of a sheep follower. I DO have a little problem with that.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:54 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

Yes, exactly. They were fully justified in doing that. Heretics should be tortured and murdered.

Stop the silly trolling, okay? Non-Catholic Christians were also tortured and murdered, so I would be right there on the rack next to you. Remember the old saying "Your right to swing your arm stops where my nose begins."? Well, the same goes for any belief. As long as I believe it and I'm not hurting anyone, it's of no concern to you. Stop worrying about what others believe, it's not your concern.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:54 AM

uhhh there is more than 1 book en they were written for the times. If you look at the evolution en constant change in evolving religions...then you will also not that religion is philosophy also. Hmmmm? A way of life? The books are lessons, parables, analogies, compasses. Do not get hung up on one element.

and that is why I phrase the question the way I did ..so that it would apply to any God and denomination...

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:55 AM
I recommend for this topic a little light reading....
go to edge.org

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:55 AM
Ok...define heretic. LOL. Your definition en my definitiion may very well be different en it is not the church that will dictate my thought on that.

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:57 AM

it is the believers of the particular belief that claim that religious things as true and claim they need nothing but to utter the word faith and it becomes truth ...this is deceptive and/or or delusional

Assuming that belief is deceptive or delusional, it is only deceptive or delusional to the person who holds the belief. Since you have no say whatsoever in what another believes, that's not your concern.

I am far from a religious fanatic. Just curious why you hate God?
do you mean like when it wasn't anyones concern when the church were torturing and murdering heretics

that you say that I hate an unproven enitiy is irrational..it's the same as hating Dr. Octopus in Spiderman 2

thats comparing apples to oranges........they are both round and thats about it but if thats how you feel, it is what it is

no because just like the God in the bible it also hasn't been proved that Dr. Octopus exist beyond the comic book character

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:58 AM
Not all things have to be provEN to be. Hmmm?

no photo
Fri 01/04/08 07:58 AM

I agree. I also think there is blind faith. The literal blind faith of a sheep follower. I DO have a little problem with that.

In Hebrew and Greek, "faith" means trust in God. Trust is established through experiance and proof. If you want to have faith in God, then seek God with openness and dilligence and you will have your proof. For Christians, there is no such thing as blind faith, because our search for the truth has been rewarded. Christianity uniquely offers proof of God's existance to those who seek him. Jesus made this promise to us in the Gospels.

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