Topic: A Desperate Agenda | |
I love how you guys are all really quiet about Ellison, something that is very current and very violent. He is a brutal woman beater. If he were a Republican you would be screaming bloody murder.
I love how you guys are all really quiet about Ellison, something that is very current and very violent. He is a brutal woman beater. If he were a Republican you would be screaming bloody murder. He’s a Democrat and denies the allegations so it’s all good. It never happened. |
Keith Maurice Ellison is an American politician and lawyer who has been the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2007
I dont think he has quite the name recognition. I had to look him up. Ellison has been accused by two women of abusive behavior. In 2006, Amy Alexander claimed he “berated” and “pushed” her during an on-and-off relationship in the 1990s and early 2000s. He had sought a restraining order against her in 2005, and the next year a judge dismissed her request for a restraining order against him, according to the Star Tribune. More recently, his former girlfriend, Karen Monahan, accused him in August of repeated verbal abuse and one instance in which he pulled her from a bed by her ankle and shouted at her. She claims to have video evidence of the incident but will not release it, saying it is traumatic. Ellison has denied both allegations. well," berating and pushing" after someone that someone has had a restraining order on you may or may not be more than defensive gestures, but pulling someone from the bed, is just as violent as pinning and covering one's mouth. all accusers should have the chance to be heard, and the accused a chance to be heard in return. |
I love how you guys are all really quiet about Ellison, something that is very current and very violent. He is a brutal woman beater. If he were a Republican you would be screaming bloody murder. He’s a Democrat and denies the allegations so it’s all good. It never happened. There is a record of a 911 call from a woman he viciously attacked a few years ago and now medical records of abuse from his most recent girlfriend have been released. There is hard evidence here of a savage woman abuser but the Democrats are quiet or they defend him and a judge is ACCUSED with no evidence of something that happened in high school and they crucify him. Liberal logic right there. |
I have not seen nor heard this 'hard evidence' of anything 'vicious' personally. I researched and found only a few tweeted images of documents. one of which is a record of a call saying someone was assaulted by an ellison but didnt need emergency service. and another saying someone in the hospital with ANEMIA shared a story about having an abusive boyfriend named Ellison but had never needed any physical injuries requiring exam.
If they wish to proceed with the charge, they should be heard as should he. |
Edited by
Tue 09/25/18 12:53 AM
I have not seen nor heard this 'hard evidence' of anything 'vicious' personally. I researched and found only a few tweeted images of documents. one of which is a record of a call saying someone was assaulted by an ellison but didnt need emergency service. and another saying someone in the hospital with ANEMIA shared a story about having an abusive boyfriend named Ellison but had never needed any physical injuries requiring exam. If they wish to proceed with the charge, they should be heard as should he. Abuse allegations against top Dem Keith Ellison rock Minnesota as voters head to polls in key races "Allegations of domestic abuse against Rep. Keith Ellison, the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee and the first Muslim elected to Congress, continued to rock the race for attorney general in Minnesota as voters headed to the polls on Tuesday". If he did it he deserves a cell too. Usually, from the best that I can tell, it's the Republicans that can't admit anything. Many of them will stand behind a man to the point of being totally unreasonable about it. Many will try to make up things as they go. Many just spread outright lies to the point of seeming delusional. I see a lot of it on these threads. If there was "hard evidence" Seems by now it would already be out. I'm sure that if there was any hard evidence someone would have already posted a link to it. ![]() Keith Ellison says his accuser fabricated domestic violence abuse story, can't be sure others won't 'cook up' allegations |
Keith Maurice Ellison is an American politician and lawyer who has been the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district since 2007 I dont think he has quite the name recognition. I had to look him up. Ellison has been accused by two women of abusive behavior. In 2006, Amy Alexander claimed he “berated” and “pushed” her during an on-and-off relationship in the 1990s and early 2000s. He had sought a restraining order against her in 2005, and the next year a judge dismissed her request for a restraining order against him, according to the Star Tribune. More recently, his former girlfriend, Karen Monahan, accused him in August of repeated verbal abuse and one instance in which he pulled her from a bed by her ankle and shouted at her. She claims to have video evidence of the incident but will not release it, saying it is traumatic. Ellison has denied both allegations. well," berating and pushing" after someone that someone has had a restraining order on you may or may not be more than defensive gestures, but pulling someone from the bed, is just as violent as pinning and covering one's mouth. all accusers should have the chance to be heard, and the accused a chance to be heard in return. According to most Kavanaugh’s not fit to be a judge on the Supreme Court because of allegations. Shouldn’t the same be said of Ellison who is running for attorney general of Minnesota? |
Reminds me of Bill Cosby, they didn't care what 'kind' of girl the accusers were, only if he acted outside of the law. Reminds me of Donald Trump, they didnt care what 'kind' of girl the accusers were, or what 'kind' of guy he was, for that matter. It is crazy that in 2018 we still have the double standard which allows certain men to be whores to the point of assaulting females without criticism or question, but which shames and discards females if there is even a slightest chance they enjoy sex. But I dont think most people share that double standard anymore. People are now starting to see men as whores just the same as girls when they behave with no discretion or standards sexually. Speaking of Pill Cosby, he is being sentenced this week ..should get about 5 years..and be labeled as a sex offender. No Jello Pops where he is going But he can add one more title to his career Serial rapist |
I personally dont believe accusations make someone unfit by themself, no. I feel that if accusations are heard and determined to be true, it should make K. unfit for the lifetime high office of SCOTUS.
as for this distraction regarding a rep from some district in Minnesota, the DNC apparently feels otherwise from the link provided above: "These allegations recently came to light and we are reviewing them," the DNC told NPR. "All allegations of domestic abuse are disturbing and should be taken seriously." Meanwhile, former DNC communications director Luis Miranda told NPR: "The party has no choice but to suspend him at a minimum until they figure out what's going on. Frankly, it would be malpractice not to. We've made it clear we're going to take these accusations seriously." |
Dems are believing guilt by accusation is enough. If this goes bad, get ready for more men to be accused falsely. I hope women like being by themselves. I barely trust them now. My ex brother-in-law got the crap beat out of him by his girlfriend. She didn't have a mark on her, and he got a weekend in jail for that. That just proved to me that women can physically assault men, and get away with it.
This hasn't started into a shooting civil war yet. But I feel we're getting close to it. Closer than I ever thought possible. |
I am registered democrat. I have voiced the opinion consistently that I do NOT believe guilt by accusation should be enough. I do believe that whatever standards being used(if they are guilt by accusation) they should be used consistently.
I dont believe even that dems or others who have reacted to someone being accused by relieving them of their job are as concerned with guilt or innocence as they are their own culpability IF the verdict is guilty. ITs like a teacher being accused of pedophilia, it would be a matter of culpability for the school to keep them on. they would feel obligated to relieve them unless or UNTIL the accusation was refuted. Or with cops shooting people, they are put on paid leave often times, unless or UNTIL that shooting is deemed justified. I feel it is a shame that someone else's words can turn someone's life upside down. I feel everyone has a right to be heard though. |
K's mom has came forward and accused him of whacking off to the bra and panties section of the sear's catalog. She was putting away laundry and walked in on him.
It reminds me of the Duke Lacrose team being falsely accused. When will Rev. Al put in his two cents. We know what a stand up kind of guy he is for the underdog. Lol.
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Tue 09/25/18 11:47 AM
Kavanaugh didn't drug his so called victums . They were partying !
He is not a sexual preditor. Cosby is going straight to prison for at least 3yrs --10 CBS news NY today |
It is illegal to have sex with someone who is intoxicated for a reason. some 'party' with alcohol and others with drugs and some with both.
Presence of these things does not prove consent, or absence of. It comes down only to perception of the individual what they perceive as just 'partying'. |
Brett Kavanaugh: Five major contradictions Trump's Supreme Court nominee made in unprecedented interview
"Brett Kavanaugh has provided an emotional and full-throated defense against sexual assault allegations during an unprecedented interview with Fox News". |
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Tue 09/25/18 02:32 PM
Hopefully his accusers will be brought to the light in all they are saying Kavanaugh did . It was probably two consenting Young people !
I find it odd that K didn't lead with the 'but, I was a virgin' defense. But we will let the system work it out. Thursday should be interesting.
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Tue 09/25/18 03:52 PM
ABC news today
An Outside Woman Attorney will be asking All the Questions on Thursday. The so called Victums will have to answer her questions, about the assults they say happened . Kavanaugh will also be questioned by the Woman Attorney! GOP get to the Truth ! ![]() |
yes, six white men, four white women, one black man and one black woman, none of which, regardless of which side picked them, had been isolated from the media storm that happened BEFORE THEY WERE CHOSEN. Well, as one who has been called jury duty at least 20 times and was picked for juries and dismissed from juries I can tell you that in all the times I served the prosecutor and defense attorney could ( and did) keep you on the jury or dismiss you from the jury for any reason at all. Both could keep you or dismiss you. Point being, the defense team picked those people to stay on the jury so they must have liked them Don't be so fast to whip that race card out |