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Topic: What Movies Have You Recently Seen? - part 6
SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 05/31/20 10:34 AM
Oh I agree on that. A female Dr Who, and even talk of a female James Bond... FFS!!
But it's more than that even, in every 'white' movie or series HAS to be a black person, and nowadays also a Muslim/a, Asian and so on.
I do not think 'black' series and movies have to be political correct the same way, and don't do it, and to be honest, who the bleep cares?
All this political correct stuff tends to ruin a movie or series that could have been -or used to be- good.
In that sense I do feel James Bond should be white AND male. I don't see the racism or sexism in there, but maybe that's because I am neither.

no photo
Mon 06/01/20 04:12 AM
Edited by Zion on Mon 06/01/20 04:13 AM
I'd like to see the amount of outrage if there was a white Shaft or Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop) remake. Or better yet, let's make them someone with an alternative lifestyle and see how open-minded these Progressives demanding change actually are. For most movies, the demographics aren't important. However, there are just certain roles that can not be replicated as simply.

Hollywood has tried to recreate some past gems like True Grit, Death Wish and Ben Hur and are shocked when they fall flat on their faces. Even the remake of Evil Dead, when they switched the Bruce Campbell character with Jane Levy; it just doesn't have the same character and feel, plus part of the movie's charm is the low-budget look with the inventiveness of a developing crew and cast.

Finally, I would have to say that today's group of actors just don't have, well the easiest way to put it, is Presence. Bruce Willis and Lawrence Fishburne are not Sidney Poitier or Humphrey Bogart, but they do at least command a screen presence. This new wave of actors just don't have that same aura. Watch The Expendables 3 to see first-hand what I'm talking about. The older actors, even the B-Grade ones, have pizzazz while most of the younger ones seem interchangeable and anonymous. IMO, you can't remake classic films without having strong enough actors/actresses to pull of the roles.

Police Academy: Mission to Moscow (1994)

Just when we thought the Cold War was over, leave it to these guys to heat it up again.

The Russians need help in dealing with the Mafia and so they seek help with the veterans of the Police Academy. They head off to Moscow, in order to find evidence against Konstantin Konali, who marketed a computer game that everyone in the world is playing.

5 out of 10

Deadline Auto Theft (1983)

After the attempted theft of his daughter's husband's car, LAPD Captain Gibbs declares war on master car thief Maindrian Pace, whose insurance investigation company provides the perfect front. A South American drug lord pays Pace and his team to steal 48 cars for him, so they set out on the job while the police frantically try to track him down. Their efforts pay off when Pace's boss double-crosses him and tips them off on his next job. Police pursue Pace in "Eleanor", the last of the cars needed to fulfill their contract, through southern California as he tries to get away.

7 out of 10

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 06/01/20 07:59 AM
PSXtreme, Its obvious (from your replies) you favor the older generation of films. Actors then had to have some talent besides the ability to act. Singing, dancing or some type of unique attraction.

In that 'golden era' films were a form of art which also made money.
Now, the entire reason for making films is to make money and art comes into it far down the list.
"Art" films now deal with filmmaking styles more than on-screen performances.
You get shaky cam, found footage and screen tints, all features the golden age would never allow. We get these 'new' art films because its cheaper to do a found footage shaky cam washed out film than to film a sharp clear picture that makes sense. I often wonder what Cecil B DeMille would have said about the Blair Witch Project?

Genre films like Hammer films gave way to Charles Band which in turn gave way to The Asylum. If you watch a Hammer film and an Asylum film back to back you can see how low we have fallen. But, I know people who love Syfy Original films more than Hammer films. They are mainly the younger generation.

If you have a high schooler watching movies, you put a syfy original (Asylum) film on then a Hammer film, they will complain about the Hammer film being boring.
This is because Hollywood is geared to make money from a specific age group.
It tries to appeal to the demographic which will yeild the most money for its investment. Less is more.

I watched a 2020 Bruce Willis movie the other night. He's a slug. Sure he's getting old but George Burns was old and still captured audiences. They put Bruce Willis in that movie because he sells it to a specific demographic.
Its all about the money.

Another thing common today is the movie franchise with a long duration subplot. Look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There is so much wrong with the MCU I could waste pages on it. Its not like My Friend Irma or Charlie Chan. Yet...the new generation loves the MCU. The Transformers, the X-Men even the DC Justice League franchises make money.
You take any film that makes good box office and there will be a series based on it. Prequels, sequels and origins.

Did we need a Joker film to find out why the Joker was the Joker...NO. Did we need a Suicide Squad...NO. Do I care about Harley Quinn...NO. But the demographics that make money for them does so we get garbage.
Its all about the money.

As for remakes and reimaginings. Some are better than the originals but some are just as good. Some are bad but that's the folly of remakes.
There are many young people who would not watch the original but love the remake. Sometimes you can tell the same story better.
I'm a Godzilla Fan. I've been a Godzilla fan since 1968. My favorite Godzilla film has always been the Original Gojira (1954) with Japanese Subtitles.
Godzilla King of the Monsters with Raymond Burr was awful. Then they did the Rework of King of the Monsters (2019) and I love it. It isn't a remake, doesn't tell the same story but it's well done. It has its problems but its a good movie.
There are many remakes/reworks like that.
Then there was the garbage reboot Godzilla (1998). Gino was a terrible movie.
If I based my watching on Gino (1998) I would assume all reworks/remakes are garbage.
So many people hate the Dark Universe rework of The Mummy with Tommy Cruise.
I didn't like it but I kept rewatching it and it does have good stuff in it.
The IT miniseries by Stephen King. Until I saw the Remake, I thought nothing could be better but I liked the Remake better after seeing it a few times.

Many older generation viewers prefer originals. I've learned to at least give them a chance. I prefer the original Cabin Fever to the remake because the remake is exactly a remake but with different faces. I've already seen that story, there isn't anything new for me. Yet when a younger person sees the remake then the original they will prefer the remake.
I liked the remake of Evil Dead. I liked Evil Dead 2 as well. Similar stories which unfold differently. Both have good but different degrees of entertainment.

I can usually tell right away if a film will be good or will be junk.
It has to do with how its shot, sound foley and filtering, camera framing and filtering and actor movement and dialog. Sometimes the opening credits (or lack of) gives it away. Also the writer, director and star is the same person usually means you are dealing with a garbage film, usually. There are exceptions but they're rare.
Another thing is the music. Music which does not fade as the scene starts, lack of background movement, lack of ambience.

I watch a lot of films (5-7 perday) and I see all sorts, good & bad.
I've seen bad oldies and good new ones. The biggest problem I see with a new film shot well is what I call lazy writing. Still you get a few good ones like County Line and Time Trap.

A few I watched over the weekend with my GF:
Cannonball Run
Son of Flubber
Backdraft 2 (pretty good movie)
Shanghia Noon
The Condemned
Beach Party
Beach Blanket Bingo
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Danny Kaye)
The Librarian Quest for the Spear
Gino (1998) {sorry that WAS NOT Godzilla)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Mon 06/01/20 01:42 PM
One of those movies that could've been good but wasn't really.

no photo
Mon 06/01/20 03:01 PM
"Creed", finally. I wanted to see it for a long time, but I'm a Rocky fan. It was good, and I think people would get more out of it if they have seen the Rocky movies.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Mon 06/01/20 03:06 PM
The boys from Brazil. Mad stuff smokin

no photo
Mon 06/01/20 11:40 PM
Tom, you are a wonderful fountain of knowledge and have extensive information to be shared...you just need to learn how to regulate the amount you share at one opportunity. You overwhelm most people with the amount of information you offer. Most people ask for a drink of water and you give them Niagara Falls. You're kind of like the Sol Roth of Mingles2. If there is something that you need to know, you consult the "Book."

As far as Godzilla goes...He's my childhood hero. He alone sparked my interest in everything Japanese. My favorites range across his lifespan. I'd have to put my favorite order as Final Wars (#29), vs. Megalon (#13), Godzilla 2000 (#24), Shin Godzilla (#31) and Gojira (#1) as my top 5. I haven't seen anything beyond #31 YET, but I will eventually. As far as Godzilla (1998) goes, I've expounded on that in depth on other venues. https://letterboxd.com/psxtreme/film/godzilla-1998/

As for your reference to preferring older movies, I do but not for the points you raised. I have also watched my share of good and bad throughout the eras. Honestly, I seem to prefer a campy B-Movie with a bowl of popcorn over any A-Grade experience. At least the B-Grade movies of the 70s tried to be straight compared to the SyFy garbage that doesn't even put forth an effort. When you rely on Special Effects, expect to be disappointed.

I have nothing against remakes, or sequels. Some are actually better than the originals (Wild Card (2015) vs. Heat (1986) and Taking of Pelham 123 (2009 vs. 1974) come directly to mind). I just prefer the quality of the actors of older films over those of today.

Today has been a wonderful day as far as movies go. I've discovered one fantastic new franchise and a great new Submarine movie and a new bit of Baseball History. I'll have them all listed over the next few posts...

The Bedford Incident (1965)

β€œHunt her down … until she comes up!”

During a routine patrol, a reporter is given permission to interview a a hardened cold-war warrior and captain of the American destroyer USS Bedford. The reporter gets more than he bargained for when the Bedford discovers a Soviet sub and the captain begins a relentless pursuit, pushing his crew to breaking point.

9 out of 10

no photo
Mon 06/01/20 11:57 PM
I watched a lot of movies.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/02/20 12:22 AM
Insurgent (2015)
Allegiant (2016)
Manhunter (1986)
Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Lady Driver (2020)
Clash of the Titans (1981)

no photo
Tue 06/02/20 12:24 AM
Edited by Zion on Tue 06/02/20 12:25 AM
The Thin Man (1934)

A laugh tops every thrilling moment!

A husband-and-wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts. My new favorite series...no Sherlock Holmes ever worked better with a snoot-full of Gin.

9 out of 10

After the Thin Man (1936)

Continuing the fun in their NEW hit!

Nick and Nora Charles investigate when Nora's cousin reports her disreputable husband is missing, and find themselves in a mystery involving the shady owners of a popular nightclub, a singer and her dark brother, the cousin's forsaken true love, and Nora's bombastic and controlling aunt.

8 out of 10

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/02/20 12:39 AM
My top 5 Godzilla films in no specific order; Gojira (1954)~(no subs/no dubs)full extended cut with deleted scenes added in, King of the Monsters (2019), Destroy All Monsters {dubbed}, Terror Of Mechagodzilla {dubbed}, Shin Godzilla Resurgence (2016){dubbed}.

My Godzilla Collection - dubbed unless noted otherwise
Gojira ~ no subs or dub (in original Japanese)
Gojira ~ subs
1- Godzilla King Of The Monsters (Raymond Burr)
2- Godzilla Raids Again
3- Godzilla VS King Kong
4- Godzilla VS Mothera
5- Ghidorah – The Three-Headed Monster
6- Godzilla VS Monster Zero
7- Godzilla VS Ebriah (Sea Monster)
8- Son Of Godzilla
9- Destroy All Monsters
10- Godzilla's Revenge
11- Godzilla VS Hedorah (Smog Monster)
12- Godzilla VS Gigan
13- Godzilla VS Megalon
14- Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla
15- Terror Of Mechagodzilla
16- Godzilla 1985
17- Godzilla VS Biollante
18- Godzilla VS King Ghidorah
19- Godzilla VS Mothera – Battle For Earth
20- Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla 2
21- Godzilla VS Space Godzilla
22- Godzilla VS Destroyah
23- Godzilla Millennium – 2000
24- Godzilla VS Megaguirus
25- Godzilla GMK – Godzilla, Mothera & King Ghidorah
26- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
27- Godzilla Tokyo SOS
28- Godzilla Final War
29- Godzilla 98 – Gino
30- Godzilla 2014 Legendary Reboot ~ bluray
31- Shin Godzilla Resurgence (2016)
32- Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)

Godzilla: Monster Planet - Part One (2018)
Godzilla Monster Planet - Part Two (2018)
Godzilla Monster Planet 3: The Planet Eater (2018)

Bambi Meets Godzilla
Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla 2 – Subs
Godzilla Files – Asst'd Special Clips & Trailers
Godzilla and Other Movie Monsters Documentary (1998)
Godzilla Sky Special (2014)

Godzilla Power Hour (cartoon)
Godzilla The Series (cartoon)

I also have dubbed versions of Gamera

Gamera Collection -New Gamera

G1 – Gamera
G2 – Gamera Attack Of Legion
G3 – Gamera Awakening of Iris
G4 – Gamera The Brave ~ sub
Gamera 2 – Texarkana Redneck Dub (pretty funny)
Gamera 3 Documentary
Gamera 3 Hard Subs

Gamera Collection – Old Gamera

OG1 – Gamera The Invincible
OG2 – Gamera VS Baragon – War of the Monsters
OG3 – Gamera VS Gyaos
OG4 – Gamera VS Viras – Destroy all Planets
OG5 – Gamera VS Guiron – Attack of the Monsters
OG6 – Gamera VS Jiger – Monster X
OG7 – Gamera VS Zigra ~ MST3K

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/02/20 12:51 AM
Available at Archive`org
(Note a few have been removed but many are still there)

https://archive.org/details/ROGEOST (Return of Godzilla HD Reconstruction)

no photo
Tue 06/02/20 12:55 AM
I'm pretty much even with you for those...we both are missing the Mothra Rebirth series it seems...I'm just missing 3 of the original Godzilla series on DVD...just waiting to find them at one of my local shops. I've got:

Gamera 1: Gamera the Invincible (1965) *
Gamera 2: War of the Monsters (1966) *
Gamera 3: Gamera vs. Gyaos (1967) *
Gamera 4: Destroy All Planets (1968) *
Gamera 5: Attack of the Monsters (1969) *
Gamera 6: Gamera vs. Monster X (1970) *
Gamera 9: Guardian of the Universe (1995)

Godzilla 01: Gojira
Godzilla 01a: King of the Monsters
Godzilla 02: Godzilla Raids Again
Godzilla 03: King Kong vs.
Godzilla 04: vs. Mothra
Godzilla 05: Ghidorah
Godzilla 06: vs Monster Zero
Godzilla 07: vs. the Sea Monster
Godzilla 09: Destroy All Monsters
Godzilla 10: Revenge
Godzilla 11: vs. the Smog Monster
Godzilla 12: vs. Gigan
Godzilla 15: Terror of Mechagodzilla
Godzilla 16: 1984: The Return of Godzilla
Godzilla 17: vs. Biollante
Godzilla 18: vs. King Ghidorah *
Godzilla 19: Battle for Earth *
Godzilla 20: vs. Mechagodzilla 2
Godzilla 21: vs. Space Godzilla *
Godzilla 22: vs. Destoroyah *
Godzilla 23: 1998
Godzilla 24: 2000
Godzilla 25: vs. Megaguirus
Godzilla 26: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack
Godzilla 27: Against Mechagodzilla
Godzilla 28: Tokyo S.O.S.
Godzilla 29: Final Wars
Godzilla 30: 2014
Godzilla 31: Shin Godzilla

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/02/20 01:11 AM
Oh, I have the Rebirth of Mothera Trilogy.

Two of the three are also avail at wayback machine (arhive~org)

Rebirth Of Mothra
by ultragoji2

Science Fiction, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Kaiju, Daikaiju, Metamorphosis, Mass Destruction, Forests, Construction Companies, Bulldozers, Mothra, Monsters, Giant Monsters, Desghidorah, Jumbo Jets, Japan, Hokkaido, Fairies, Moths, Larva


A construction company is tearing down the forests of Hokkaido for a land development. The chief encounters a strange piece of metal and removes it from a stone it was engraved in. But he doesn't realize that he has opened the seal that had trapped a giant monster, Desghidorah. This three - headed titan is able to draw energy by sucking the life force of the Earth. It's up to Mothra to stop this terrifying monster of doom.

Rebirth Of Mothra II
by ultragoji2

Science Fiction, Sci Fi, Japan, Children, Pyramids, Schools, Teachers, Resorts, Okinawa, Kaiju, Daikaiju, Monsters, Giant Monsters, Moths, Mass Destruction, Treasures


A small furry creature, known as Gorgo, is being hunted by both man and Belvera, the sister of the Alias. Belvera knows that Gorgo is from an extinct civilization. She knows that those who have access to the treasure from this legendary civilization can rule the world. But there's also the monster, Dagarla, that is wanting to destroy it's enemy that was created from this lost civilization. The Alias call on Mothra to stop this menacing beast. Is the giant moth able to defeat this monster from ancient times?

Lots of interesting selections on ultragoji2's sort list of 986 films.

I first saw Shin Godzilla subtitled and liked it a lil.
Then I found a dubbed copy and it was so much better for me.
The subs were difficult to read at times because they faded with background colors plus reading them distracted me from the film.

no photo
Tue 06/02/20 03:30 AM
The Chinese "Classic of Futility" AKA "The Music Box", where Stan and Ollie try to deliver a player-piano. 🀣

no photo
Tue 06/02/20 07:31 PM
The Thin Man Goes Home (1944)

Together again in M-G-M's riotous comedy.

On a trip to visit his parents, detective Nick Charles gets mixed up in a murder investigation.

7 out of 10

The Fisher King (1991)

A Modern Day Tale About The Search For Love, Sanity, Ethel Merman And The Holy Grail.

Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a mission to find the Holy Grail and thus to save themselves.

9 out of 10

One in a Million: The Ron LeFlore Story (1978)

One in a Million: The Ron LeFlore Story was a 1978 made for TV movie telling the story of Ron LeFlore, a troubled Detroit youth who rose from Michigan prisons to star in Major League Baseball with the Detroit Tigers. The movie was based on LeFlore's autobiography, Breakout: From Prison to the Big Leagues.

It follows LeFlore from his heroin addiction, to his time in Michigan's Jackson State Penitentiary, and tells of his discovery in prison by Billy Martin, who was then the manager of the Detroit Tigers. The role of Ron LeFlore was played by LeVar Burton. Larry B. Scott portrayed Ron LeFlore's younger brother.

Former Detroit manager Billy Martin played himself, and former Tiger players Norm Cash, Bill Freehan, Al Kaline, and Jim Northrup also appeared as themselves. The movie first aired on CBS Television on September 26, 1978.

9 out of 10

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/02/20 09:37 PM
Streamed 3 really bad movies:
Another Plan from Outer Space (2018), Ouija Shark (2020) & Tooth Fairy 2 (2020). Couldn't finish any of them. Too stupid/bad filmmaking

Hellboy (2004)
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
lame like Sharknado
American Pie (1999)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Wrath of the Titans (2012)

no photo
Wed 06/03/20 01:35 AM
The Ann Jillian Story (1988)

Ann Jillian finds out she has cancer and the movie shows how she deals with that (the hospital treatments and impact on her life).

7 out of 10

Tim (1979)

A Heartrending Story of Courage and Devotion

Handsome but backward gardener Tim Melville has a new woman in his life. She is Mary, his widowed employer, a woman who had given up on love until she had found Tim. At first they are friends. But soon they become lovers, as Mary, drawn to Tim's innocence and magnetism, begins to teach him all about life - and love.

5 out of 10

Waco (1966)

They let him out of jail - to kill for them!

Preacher Sam Stone and his new beautiful wife Jill stand by the grave of Sheriff Billy Kelly, who died trying to bring law-and-order to Emporia, Wyoming. Among the mourners are businessman George Gates, mayor Ned West and his daughter Patricia. The mayor rejects Gates' suggestion that he release gunfighter Waco from jail to clean up the town. When Patricia is attacked by a cowboy after leaving her boyfriend Scotty Moore, the mayor finally decides it is time accept the governor;s offer of amnesty for Waco. Jill Stone's first reaction, when learning that Waco has been released, is to leave town before Waco finds out that she, his former fiancΓ©e, has married the town preacher while Waco was in jail. Town boss Joe Gore is not overjoyed, either, but Ike and Pete Jenner eagerly await the chance to shoot Waco for the death of their brother.

6 out of 10

Father of the Bride (1950)

You're invited... to a hilarious wedding!

Proud father Stanley Banks remembers the day his daughter, Kay, got married. Starting when she announces her engagement through to the wedding itself, we learn of all the surprises and disasters along the way.

9 out of 10

The Main Event (1979)

A Glove Story

Hillary Kramer, successful Perfume magnate awakes one morning to find that her accountant has robbed her blind and left for South America. Going through all of her remaining assets she finds a boxer, purchased as a tax write off. She decides to take Kid Natural, (Eddie Scanlon) who is much more at home giving driving lessons, into the ring and use him as her key to riches. Eddie thinks this will only get him killed and resists.

6 out of 10

Married Life (2007)

Do you know what really goes on in the mind of the person with whom you sleep?

A very gentle middle-aged man is married, but when he falls in love with another woman, he decides that to divorce his wife would humiliate her too much – so instead he decides to kill her. A modern-day film noir movie in living color.

6 out of 10

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 06/03/20 12:13 PM
Tonight I set up a playlist of films I have seen many times.

Immortals (2011)
Gods of Egypt (2016)
Independence Day 1: Invasion (1996)
Independence Day 2: Resurgence (2016)
Maze Runner 1: Maze Escape (2014)
Maze Runner 2: The Scortched Trials (2015)
Maze Runner 3: The Death Cure (2017)

...might add more if time permits.

Larsson71's photo
Wed 06/03/20 12:19 PM
All 9 Star Wars films seem to be on a continuous loop, in my young sons room. As is the Lion King, Avengers films and Iron Man ones also! I could play a part in any one of them, I've seen them that much when he's about!

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