Topic: Cration Vs. Evolution Part 3 | |
I watched but don't quite know why you wanted it posted here....I think like with all writing it's just one view of things....
no, it's not just one view of things.
the question should not be why i wanted to post it here, the question should be why i did post it here. you are not so slow... answer the question for me... |
Well I honestly watched and felt it was one in a million ways of looking at things....It doesn't mean it's right or wrong....just another way.....For myself I don't look at things that way....but if you do.....then that is fine too.
I'm sure you posted because you thought it was information people would enjoy...and to be able to look at it differently....Which I have seen over and over through the years....doesn't change how I think things happen... |
Just bringing up for the memories.....lots of good debate over this one...gigglesnort
If the big bang theory were true, matter would be evenly distributed.
How do you know that matter would be evenly distributed, and how do you know it isn't? Are you aware of a thing called Dark Matter? JB |
Why is gravity always the same?
The problem with gravity.... Imagine the weight of a nagging suspicion that what held your world together, a constant and consistent presence you had come to understand and rely on, wasn't what it seemed. That's how scientists feel when they ponder gravity these days. For more than three centuries, the basics of gravity were pretty well understood. Newton described the force as depending on an object's mass. Though it extends infinitely, gravity weakens with distance (specifically, by the inverse square of the distance). Einstein built on these givens in developing his theory of relativity. Then more than a decade ago a researcher noticed something funny about two Pioneer spacecraft that were streaming toward the edge of the solar system. They weren't where they should have been. Something was holding the probes back, according to calculations of their paths, speed and how the gravity of all the objects in the solar system -- and even a tiny push provided by sunlight -- ought to act on them. Now scientists have proposed a new mission to figure out what's up with gravity. Staggering possibilities…… |
If every man decided he was the god of his own universe, could you imagine a world where every man did what was right in his own eyes? Without a God, how do you tell right from wrong?
You must be joking, right? Are you telling me that you do not know right from wrong without your Biblical rules? If so, I am glad you are a true believer. ![]() |
Feral wrote:
ok abra then answer it.....instead of repeating over and over that you think I am stupid...wheres your proof of any said above..... Take physics 101 for God's sake!!! What do you expect someone to post on an internet forum that would prove physics to you???? You need to go and learn the concepts, do the expermiment and SEE how it works for yourself!!! Bottom line is that you obviously don't have a clue how physics works. Why is all of this so important to you anyway? Do you doubt your faith in God???? You shouldn't need to seek proof that your God exists. You either believe in God or you don't. Make up your mind. If you actually learned that evolution did occur would that shatter your faith in your God? I seriously doubt it. So why are you playing these STUPID games???? Does your faith in your God rely on science being wrong? again the same ole same ole.......take physics 101 I have taken plenty and your not prooving anything....except that your great at not answering.....what about all the other stuff in the thread about population about the other statistics.....nothing Boy and I thought you were one of the intellects....... He cannot answer. Evolution is a THEORY with absolutely zero proof to back it up. I am not comparing evolution to creationism, I am simply stating that what is being force fed to our children in school is a THEORY that is being paraded as fact. ![]() |
If the big bang theory were true, matter would be evenly distributed.
How do you know that matter would be evenly distributed, and how do you know it isn't? Are you aware of a thing called Dark Matter? JB Yes, it is caused by too much iron in one's diet. ![]() |
Feral wrote:
ok abra then answer it.....instead of repeating over and over that you think I am stupid...wheres your proof of any said above..... Take physics 101 for God's sake!!! What do you expect someone to post on an internet forum that would prove physics to you???? You need to go and learn the concepts, do the expermiment and SEE how it works for yourself!!! Bottom line is that you obviously don't have a clue how physics works. Why is all of this so important to you anyway? Do you doubt your faith in God???? You shouldn't need to seek proof that your God exists. You either believe in God or you don't. Make up your mind. If you actually learned that evolution did occur would that shatter your faith in your God? I seriously doubt it. So why are you playing these STUPID games???? Does your faith in your God rely on science being wrong? again the same ole same ole.......take physics 101 I have taken plenty and your not prooving anything....except that your great at not answering.....what about all the other stuff in the thread about population about the other statistics.....nothing Boy and I thought you were one of the intellects....... He cannot answer. Evolution is a THEORY with absolutely zero proof to back it up. I am not comparing evolution to creationism, I am simply stating that what is being force fed to our children in school is a THEORY that is being paraded as fact. ![]() totally agree with that. |
Hi Deb
![]() wasn't this an eight part series? bad ![]() How time flys.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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| Nazer, your icon picture reminds me of Igore (eye-gore) in the movie "Young Frankenstein" ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mirror you know I love ya dude.....but you are way way least imo......There is no science that can convince me I came from a speck of flossom that dropped into the ocean that turned into a tad pole, that crawled out and turned into a monkey, that turned into an ape that turned into me....and think about if we were once apes then why are they still around.....same with tadpoles. And think about this one while your at it....In the last 200 years is their any scientific proof of any animal being one species and turning into another sir re mirror there is not...and there never will be.....Now that doesn't mean that something cant change over time within it's species but not change into a new species....A dog is a dog and always has been.....a horse is a horse and could never be a dog.....but you can have many species of dogs and horses but they still are dogs and horses. |
New species have been witnessed and observed...within our lifetime...
Genus is a different matter... Getchyer story straight feral... ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/19/08 03:15 PM
who cares where I got it from....the point of putting the scientist was to show that even they believe in God......and honestly with all of have still yet to take the meat of any of these posts and prove what I have said is wrong.....none of you have done that yet....all you do is bash being a Christian.....and if any of you so called intellectuals knew or read anything of mine that I don't care what religion people are......I care that you believe in God.....and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Period end of the story...... so unless anyone wants to take any of the original thread and prove it to be false....go for it....and please back it up with something.....other then blah blah blah. Its false. so be it. so it is! P.S. I don't care what religion people are......I care that you believe in God.....and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.
The above statement is illogical. The belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins is a religion. Therefore the statement that you don't care whatr religion people are ... is false. JB ![]() |
who cares where I got it from....the point of putting the scientist was to show that even they believe in God......and honestly with all of have still yet to take the meat of any of these posts and prove what I have said is wrong.....none of you have done that yet....all you do is bash being a Christian.....and if any of you so called intellectuals knew or read anything of mine that I don't care what religion people are......I care that you believe in God.....and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Period end of the story...... so unless anyone wants to take any of the original thread and prove it to be false....go for it....and please back it up with something.....other then blah blah blah. Its false. so be it. so it is! P.S. I don't care what religion people are......I care that you believe in God.....and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.
The above statement is illogical. The belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins is a religion. Therefore the statement that you don't care whatr religion people are ... is false. JB ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Creation vs evolution ? . Hum and hum again !. Bunches of theories and thoughts with no proof ,no evidence and no scientific backing . To add craziness to confusion of it all ; some even rely on thousands of different religions to find the answers . I am running out of here as I need proof ,evidence and scientific reality backed by logic !.
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Creation vs evolution?
How about a combination of both? ![]() ![]() |