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Topic: Does anyone feel that....
Candiapples's photo
Fri 05/27/16 07:25 AM
Some people's responses are so long winded that you skip over them?
For me..I don't have that kind of patience unless I am reading a good novel

Candiapples's photo
Fri 05/27/16 07:26 AM
Sorry I posted in the wrong topic area embarassed

sparkyae5's photo
Fri 05/27/16 08:45 AM

Some people's responses are so long winded that you skip over them?
For me..I don't have that kind of patience unless I am reading a good novel

yes, we dealing with person's ( our public self) ''persona'' almost all is just

social intercourse, nothing really important going on..:angel:

sparkyae5's photo
Fri 05/27/16 08:49 AM

Sorry I posted in the wrong topic area embarassed

i have no problem with you post, so many could be posted in several areas....

no photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:08 AM

Some people's responses are so long winded that you skip over them?
For me..I don't have that kind of patience unless I am reading a good novel

The ' Think out loud ' ones. By the time I finish reading it, I realize they answered their own question.
(Especially in Dating & Relationships). They just don't like, their own answer laugh
And want affirmation.

no photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:23 AM
Does anyone feel that...Some people's responses are so long winded that you skip over them?

Some people don't use the forums as a chat room and don't care if theirs is ignored.

Some would rather offer one response someone can ignore and move on from than 40 one liners or pointless arguments that don't really offer anything for several pages.

Theoretically, someone that had a question should be able to find the topic of what they want to read about, and then be able to find something of value rather than scrolling through 100 pages of what is ultimately casual conversation.

IMO online forums are more about the people that haven't found them yet, the "newbies" to the site, seeking to get opinions, experience, perspectives, information, rather than the people that are immediately using them.

There's a reason why the site, theoretically, doesn't like multiple posts of the same question and will redirect to ongoing forums of the same subject.

Online forums (especially on niche sites like for dating) are for posterity more than immediate social emotional gratification.

That's what the email feature is for.

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:24 AM
Brevity is the soul of wit.

happygypsygirl's photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:31 AM
In the 90s there was this chat room called talk city! Fun chat room

Candiapples's photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:40 AM

Some people's responses are so long winded that you skip over them?
For me..I don't have that kind of patience unless I am reading a good novel

The ' Think out loud ' ones. By the time I finish reading it, I realize they answered their own question.
(Especially in Dating & Relationships). They just don't like, their own answer laugh
And want affirmation.

no photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:42 AM
I agree...more than a few lines, and I am done...unless it's pantie lines, of course. winking

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 05/27/16 09:44 AM
It depends what you are after in responses.

Some of the succinct ones that are funny are great. For just goofing around and being seen in the forums ups their chances at having their profile viewed. Which for many members is the purpose of posting and I recommend it.

Rarely will scammers post in forums.

It used to be that many of the forums were more fun patter and I kind of miss that. Because things tend to get lost in translation and people don't always know when you are kidding around I only joke around for the most part in private email or Skype.

Some that are longer posts are supporting their point with reasoning and experience and I often take those as a gift because it gives another point of view. I like men but I don't always know their true point of view.

Some are just diatribe and thinly veiled bigotry. Or justification for being selfish and getting over on others. Some are just rants because they are walking wounded and can't let something go.

Well this is probably one of those long post certain ones will skip. Oh well.

no1phD's photo
Fri 05/27/16 10:54 AM
Does anyone feel that?
..ummm.. well it's been a long time since anybody felt it... usually it's just me that gets to feel it...
And let me tell you that's getting real old real wink..

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 05/27/16 10:58 AM
Humm no cause I'm one of those long winded person's

I tend to type like I talk no one has to read it... whoa slaphead

no photo
Fri 05/27/16 01:47 PM
I am long-winded as hell and I totally understand where you are coming from. laugh

no photo
Fri 05/27/16 02:10 PM
Once in a while I read something on here that is a little too long and I lose interest. It's usually a topic I'm not very interested in anyway. Well, I try not to write many long ideas on here. I figure that many are not interested with what I have to say lol.

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 05/27/16 02:17 PM
you did a bad bad thing

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 05/27/16 02:18 PM
you'll get over it

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 05/27/16 02:20 PM
The open forum is just that "Open"....Never mind what others say or think...If you have something to say...just say it.....there I just said it...and you can always skip the message ...its a good option....and hey! think of countries where free speech is totally absent or costs a helleva lot of money????

Candiapples's photo
Fri 05/27/16 03:01 PM

The open forum is just that "Open"....Never mind what others say or think...If you have something to say...just say it.....there I just said it...and you can always skip the message ...its a good option....and hey! think of countries where free speech is totally absent or costs a helleva lot of money????
I have nothing against free speech at all. Anyone can say as they please :laughing:

adivorcedone's photo
Fri 05/27/16 03:27 PM
Oh! good to know...feel I dodged a bullet on that innocent comment...thanks for being polite about

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