New here
New here looking to meet some nice ladies! ☺ Those are high expectations...there's plenty of "not so nice" and "naughty" ones running about. |
Social rules
Always kneel before your Goddess...
Picture Perfect
I don't take pics in my bedroom or the toilet .. does that help your bed looks messy btw .. have you changed the sheets ? Any videos floating around, Miss Blondi? |
Until the "Restraining Order" is served...
How to find out
Check the hamper...
hello...what can you say about on this things... I like a nice pair of brains on a woman.. |
The Three Angels Message
That show was cancelled years ago...
Cheryl Ladd was my favorite Angel... |
Piece Mail...
Vincent Van Gogh, mailed a piece of his ear to his girl...
How would you upstage young Vincent's gesture?...and what piece of yourself would you send to your one true love? (Θ¿Θ?) |
Chivalry is it dead.?
My car remote is broken... her door doesn't have a keyhole lock. In order for me to be courteous I would have to walk her to her door, leave her there, walk around to my door, open it, pop the locks, get back out and walk back around to her door open it and let her in...
By the time that's done... she's already met someone else and is engaged to be married. |
anyone here loves baking??
I like sliding things into the oven...
Wondering what my last thought of the day might be.
Women are involved...any questions?
I'm not wearing a costume. Just staying home and giving out candy to the kids, if anyone shows up. Give us your address, Cat... |
Battle of the sexes .....
I bought and wore a necklace which was hard to miss ... since I wear low necklines... my x never noticed it ... or just p*st that I bought it would have liked to have know which ... We like to place the necklace on you ourselves... |
I'm going out in dirty underwear...already have the costume...
What don't you have
the courage to change my career That takes a lot of courage, Peggy... Especially if you have family depending on you. |
Women/girls are sexiest in black Hold on to their mammaries... |
Are we talking clothing here?...tight black cocktail dresses?...plunging neckline... that ride up the hips when they lean over?...
Movie bias...
How long before a Vagina hat makes its way into a rendition of the
Post Apocalypse? |
To create as much Cheetos dust as possible.
I don't even know what this means. |