Topic: Women are more advanced than men
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Thu 10/10/13 02:11 PM
Edited by KiK2me on Thu 10/10/13 02:11 PM
I like to think men and women are equal in the fact that we BOTH have
Much to contribute to life and society
As well as relationships
I also find women who "think they are better" than men VERY unattractive !
I will give you the fact that women seem to "mature" sooner than men in most cases...


SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 10/10/13 02:53 PM

... when it comes to personal growth & development.

Yeah, you read that right, nothing wrong with your eyes, so I'll say it again:
Women are more advanced than men when it comes to personal growth & development.

So now your feathers are ruffled, your male ego's about to explode?
I'm tempted to say β€œI rest my case”, but I won't. Just bear with me.
It may help to get some better understanding between men and women, as we often aren't on the same track.

Mankind is constantly changing. Unlike animals who still 'animal' the same way they did thousands of years ago, unless we've meddled with their natural habitat, then they adept. But I'm not talking about adapting and surviving, I'm talking about changing, learning, evolving.

At the moment the changes mankind is going through, happen really fast and often these changes are quite substantial as well.
Imagine the chaos if both sexes would go through such big changes simultaneously. Sometimes not feasible.
Women started to change during WWI, as many women had to keep the war industry going at home while men were away fighting. (can explain this further, but don't want to write a tome)
Especially after WWII, things started to change real fast. Women started to resist oppression, being regarded as inferior beings, we got rights, could get jobs other than being a nanny, we got sexual freedom and so on. But it didn't stop there, we kept fighting for our rights and equality. And sure the scales tipped for a while, quite normal after a long period of oppression to get too extreme for a while. Part of the learning curve.
Now the growth I'm talking about is not just about women rights, although that triggered it.
Now we've sort of reached a balance. We've gone through a tremendous growth process, while men basically held the fort.

As far as I understand, we've now gotten to the point where it's men's turn to go through a similar process of growth. These days you get to see men attending workshops, seeking advice, the meaning of life the universe and everything. Until some 6 years ago this rarely happened.
And again, this process is not solely about relationships between men & women. It far bigger than that. If you get what I mean, you'll also know that life doesn't evolve around having a relationship or not.

The problem for many women is finding a male partner that matches this growth and development.
Many men still have a lot of skeletons in their wake, don't understand the concept of inner strength, or they do understand it but don't have a clue how to achieve it.

I read quite a lot of postings from mature, wise women, and I'm not talking about age when I say β€œmature”.
But I hardly ever read anything from a mature man and yet I think most women are looking for a mature man. Nice predicament.

I think most women understand the point I'm trying to make here while many/most men won't.

Prove me wrong

It is not up to anyone to prove you wrong. It is up to you to prove yourself right.

For example, you say, "Many men still have a lot of skeletons in their wake, don't understand the concept of inner strength, or they do understand it but don't have a clue how to achieve it." You give no reason for me to believe such a claim.

Prove me wrong: what happened to your sense of humour? Left it behind the fridge?
I realized I was making quite a statement and it wouldn't go down well with some ppl. I like to keep things somewhat lighthearted even though they are dead serious.
Humour is important in life, dear Watson.

Kik, I never said I or women think we are better. It was a man who said that, lol.
Like I said earlier on in this thread, it has nothing to do with being better. It's not a competition. It's about a process ppl are going through.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 10/10/13 04:24 PM

... when it comes to personal growth & development.

Yeah, you read that right, nothing wrong with your eyes, so I'll say it again:
Women are more advanced than men when it comes to personal growth & development.

So now your feathers are ruffled, your male ego's about to explode?
I'm tempted to say β€œI rest my case”, but I won't. Just bear with me.
It may help to get some better understanding between men and women, as we often aren't on the same track.

Mankind is constantly changing. Unlike animals who still 'animal' the same way they did thousands of years ago, unless we've meddled with their natural habitat, then they adept. But I'm not talking about adapting and surviving, I'm talking about changing, learning, evolving.

At the moment the changes mankind is going through, happen really fast and often these changes are quite substantial as well.
Imagine the chaos if both sexes would go through such big changes simultaneously. Sometimes not feasible.
Women started to change during WWI, as many women had to keep the war industry going at home while men were away fighting. (can explain this further, but don't want to write a tome)
Especially after WWII, things started to change real fast. Women started to resist oppression, being regarded as inferior beings, we got rights, could get jobs other than being a nanny, we got sexual freedom and so on. But it didn't stop there, we kept fighting for our rights and equality. And sure the scales tipped for a while, quite normal after a long period of oppression to get too extreme for a while. Part of the learning curve.
Now the growth I'm talking about is not just about women rights, although that triggered it.
Now we've sort of reached a balance. We've gone through a tremendous growth process, while men basically held the fort.

As far as I understand, we've now gotten to the point where it's men's turn to go through a similar process of growth. These days you get to see men attending workshops, seeking advice, the meaning of life the universe and everything. Until some 6 years ago this rarely happened.
And again, this process is not solely about relationships between men & women. It far bigger than that. If you get what I mean, you'll also know that life doesn't evolve around having a relationship or not.

The problem for many women is finding a male partner that matches this growth and development.
Many men still have a lot of skeletons in their wake, don't understand the concept of inner strength, or they do understand it but don't have a clue how to achieve it.

I read quite a lot of postings from mature, wise women, and I'm not talking about age when I say β€œmature”.
But I hardly ever read anything from a mature man and yet I think most women are looking for a mature man. Nice predicament.

I think most women understand the point I'm trying to make here while many/most men won't.

Prove me wrong

It is not up to anyone to prove you wrong. It is up to you to prove yourself right.

For example, you say, "Many men still have a lot of skeletons in their wake, don't understand the concept of inner strength, or they do understand it but don't have a clue how to achieve it." You give no reason for me to believe such a claim.

Prove me wrong: what happened to your sense of humour? Left it behind the fridge?
I realized I was making quite a statement and it wouldn't go down well with some ppl. I like to keep things somewhat lighthearted even though they are dead serious.
Humour is important in life, dear Watson.

Kik, I never said I or women think we are better. It was a man who said that, lol.
Like I said earlier on in this thread, it has nothing to do with being better. It's not a competition. It's about a process ppl are going through.

CF, you did do not make a good argument in your OP.

Sure, the societal roles of Western women have changed considerably during the last 100 years, but that fact doesn't mean that "Women are more advanced than men when it comes to personal growth & development."

momentsinthesun's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:30 PM
Edited by momentsinthesun on Thu 10/10/13 06:47 PM
If I Said I Think Women Had It Better Before You Would Come Out Swiging. :) My Grandfather Could Support A Fimily Of Five With A Stay At Home Wife. That Tells me it Is Harder Now Than Then. And Children Are The One Suffering With Out A Mom To Care And A Lack Of FreeTime To Sit Around The Dinner Table And Talk Out Problems.
Question To You Do You Like Your New Role?
And The Emo Men It Created?
Old Guys On This Can Post But The Fire Has Long Burnt Out In Their Eyes Frome Saying Yes To A Over Dominant Wife That Moved On To A New Man...

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 10/10/13 07:37 PM
Statistically speaking women live longer than men do as well. Proof of being the more advanced gender. But for some reason they have a soft spot for poo flinging apes.laugh laugh

hellsboy's photo
Thu 10/10/13 07:53 PM
Women have slow minds so dey can never b advancedd

no photo
Thu 10/10/13 07:54 PM

Then they see a spider or a mouse and all that " advancement " goes out the window! laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Thu 10/10/13 09:12 PM
I have long since learned to bait my own hook.

isaac_dede's photo
Thu 10/10/13 09:56 PM
I would have to say that it isn't women who have advanced, the U.S cultural view of women has advanced, however, I don't think societal change equates to all women's personal advancement, take for example the single-mom who has three different kids, by three different dads, sits at home on welfare with nothing more than a 9th grade education, her kids normally don't complete high school and end up on welfare as well, she doesn't keep house, or generally cook anything. You're telling me that this woman is more advanced and personally developed then a woman in the 1900's who had to haul water to bathe their children, had to stoke fires, and do any number of household chores that were much harder without our modern conveniences?

Taking one issue, women's rights, for example and saying that it proves one gender is more advanced than another is almost as bad as stereotyping races.

I could for example, say that men are more advanced because modern society money is all important, and there are more male billionaires then female billionaires, while the statement may be true, generalizing one gender, or even ethnic group for that matter is just that a generalization.

I do think that some women are more advanced in personal growth than some men, and some men are more advanced than some women, making a blanket statement such as the title is just silly.

ridewytepony's photo
Thu 10/10/13 09:56 PM
Suffragettes suff RAG ettes:laughing: :wink:
Suffragettes city ...David Bowie a wham bam thank you mam
I love Bowie!
so you were talking about the British woman's suffrage movement?..yeah never herd you guys
so go chain yourselves to a railway for another
century :wink: ya ya okay that started late 19th early 20th, they had full voting right by '28 For
woman over 21.
The woman sure did do a lot during wartime,constantly working making and sending for the cause,but those magnificent woman are all dead!
I don't see a comparison to those strong woman
and the typical "lady" I see today for the most part.
In both eras the mark was missed,to much one way
then to much another,I'm sure it the backlash of
yesterday's society,man's own doing!

Just because ones "quick with a joke and to light up your smoke" or whatever they may be doing on here that would make you think they're immature,
may not be factual . It's just a playpen for me...
perhaps to create not procreate(sure you'd be happy
to here just because one is"acting immature" doesn't mean they're not strong & mature, maturity is measured on many different levelsthink
I've meet Intelligent woman on here that seemed pretty childish then talked to them privately and
their story is so different . In this case she was
letting loose,she was a very responsible serious,
tightly wand religious person . She was able to be
someone else for a while and have fun.
Just one persons story,but I bothered to find out
the juice is worth the squeeze..and I bet I got
a half a gallon:wink:

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/10/13 10:06 PM

If I Said I Think Women Had It Better Before You Would Come Out Swiging. :) My Grandfather Could Support A Fimily Of Five With A Stay At Home Wife. That Tells me it Is Harder Now Than Then. And Children Are The One Suffering With Out A Mom To Care And A Lack Of FreeTime To Sit Around The Dinner Table And Talk Out Problems.
Question To You Do You Like Your New Role?
And The Emo Men It Created?
Old Guys On This Can Post But The Fire Has Long Burnt Out In Their Eyes Frome Saying Yes To A Over Dominant Wife That Moved On To A New Man...

Wow; what a wonderfule attitude. The ladies must be running to date you. laugh Yes; I do like my new role but that doesn't make me a man; it makes me an individual who feels she has the right to live the life she wants as human being without men like you judging me. Just in case you haven't noticed; the cost of living is out of control and both parents have to work just to keep food on the table. Maybe you should look at the bigger picture before passing judgement on women.

navygirl's photo
Thu 10/10/13 10:09 PM
Edited by navygirl on Thu 10/10/13 10:09 PM

Then they see a spider or a mouse and all that " advancement " goes out the window! laugh laugh laugh

Yeah right. I have seen grown men scream when seeing a mouse and all I do is laugh. I also have had to remove spiders from a man's office because he was terrified of it. Heck; I even have removed snakes from my brother's garden as he is afraid of snakes. Sorry; this kind of thinking is out of date.

larsson71's photo
Fri 10/11/13 01:54 AM

Then they see a spider or a mouse and all that " advancement " goes out the window! laugh laugh laugh

Yeah right. I have seen grown men scream when seeing a mouse and all I do is laugh. I also have had to remove spiders from a man's office because he was terrified of it. Heck; I even have removed snakes from my brother's garden as he is afraid of snakes. Sorry; this kind of thinking is out of date.
Yeah and i've seen women who's whole life seems to have collapsed just because they've broken a nail ? So i'll let you get back to wrestling Bears and knocking out Gorillas, etc, ok? laugh laugh laugh

davlove's photo
Fri 10/11/13 03:23 AM
Man is the one who desires, woman the one who is desired. This is woman's entire but decisive advantage. Through man's passions, nature has given man into woman's hands, and the woman who does not know how to make him her subject, her slave, her toy, and how to betray him with a smile in the end is not wise.
The being who, for most men, is the source of the most lively, and even, be it said, to the shame of philosophical delights, the most lasting joys; the being towards or for whom all their efforts tend for whom and by whom fortunes are made and lost; for whom, but especially by whom, artists and poets compose their most delicate jewels; from whom flow the most enervating pleasures and the most enriching sufferings -- woman, in a word, is not, for the artist in general... only the female of the human species. She is rather a divinity, a star.

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 03:49 AM
I wonder what might be possible if we stopped making one another wrong, if we stopped comparing and started appreciating and accepting people as they are. I have met some wonderful, evolved men and some decidedly not 'advanced' women.

What is it that you mean by personal growth and development? Og Mandino, W. Clement Stone, Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, Tony Robbins and a million other men have been not only developing themselves but have been providing doorways for others to follow for decades. Men have been taking workshops to better themselves and to develop skills for as long as they have been available.

If you are speaking more specifically of spiritually development, it is true that there is a higher percentage of women that attend workshops than men ... but that doesn't mean that the men aren't reading the books. And it can be quite scary for men when the women they love head off in a different direction. There is this weird superiority thing that happens sometimes when people head off on a path of enlightenment that is anything but inclusive.

Real evolution is allowance not tolerance. Tolerance means that although I judge you, I will be tolerant of your point of view. Allowance means that there is space for both of our points of view without judgment.

We are different. We shouldn't be expected to be the same. I, for one, will not only embrace the differences but celebrate men for the amazing value they add. It does not serve women to emasculate men any more than it serves men to control or oppress women.


SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 10/11/13 05:47 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Fri 10/11/13 05:50 AM
It's not about emasculating, don't really see where you get that idea. The only ones that seem to feel that way in this thread, are men, not women. You're the first.
It's about empowerment of both the feminine and masculine, nothing to do with emasculating at all. Unfortunately that's what most men seem to think. When you talk about a more evolved man (and I actually dislike that word, as it suggests "superior"), most men think this means being a sap, a wuss, an emasculated man, none of which is true.

Maybe better replace evolved man/woman with empowered man/woman.

You have a weird view on spirituality. Superiority thing? There is no superiority thing in spirituality and/or enlightenment.
Spirituality (and I prefer to speak of personal growth & development, as that's what it truly is) is about understanding and feeling that everyone is equal, we are all one, and everything is according to divine order. Meaning that Isaac's scenario (mother on welfare slouching around) is okay. We don't need to judge her.
Empowerment has nothing to do with status, hierarchy, career or money.

The most beautiful thing of being truly empowered, is that possession means very little anymore. You let go of materialism, greed and so on.
But I digress from the OP. Although this materialism does shine through in mostly men's comments: they are the ones that mention careers, money and climbing the ladder, women on welfare etc.

As for the childish comments on spiders etc. Funny, nothing wrong with a good laugh. But as far as I'm concerned only a subconscious or deliberate attempt to dis-empower women. Knocking them and having a good laugh about it, making yourself feel good at the expensive of women.
How 'evolved' is that, needing to feel good at the expense of others?Cause, however funny the spider piss take may be, that's exactly what it is!
Why you have this need to react that way? Was my statement so upsetting to you, that you need to lash out?
What I do when I feel/notice something like that, is think about it. Why do I feel this way? Why does it trigger this emotion?
That's how you learn, grow etc.

An empowered man would respect a woman, not knock her to make himself feel or look better. He wouldn't need that anymore as he can empower himself. And as far as I'm concerned this respect is what's missing from most men.
An empowered man would embrace woman, including the difference of the gender.

And that's the kind of man I'm looking for.

misswright's photo
Fri 10/11/13 06:34 AM
Personal growth and development can only be judged on an individual level. Trying to determine whether one gender surpasses the other in the matter seems a bit outlandish. Every person grows and develops throughout their life. Some are forced to start from the depths of hell and rise far. Some are born into the lap of luxury and fall down before learning to rise from the ashes again, if they're so lucky. Some opt to stagnate while others embrace change. Gender matters not. It's PERSONAL growth. How far one has to travel on their individual journey depends on many factors...what life throws at them, the amount of physical, emotional, and spiritual strength of the individual, of their support system in life, and of society as a whole.

How do you judge somebody's inner strength? How does one know whether another possesses this trait without knowing what they have faced in their life? You can't possibly know nor see what they've endured or overcome in their years on this earth. We all must possess inner strength in some capacity or this cruel and chaotic world would eat us alive in no time. Strength, whether physical or inner, varies depending on the individual. The difference is you can look at two people and see which one would probably have more physical strength...a 90 lb female isn't going to be able to bench press what a 250 lb male will in most cases. Try to judge inner strength between the same two individuals...can't be done with a glance. So how can anybody say whether somebody else has or doesn't have inner strength?!?! Judge not lest ye be judged...

My gender is better than your gender at [insert whatever here]...blanket statements like this are just pure hogwash regardless of which gender is speaking or what you put in the box. Personal growth and development isn't gender specific, it's an individual's perspective that can't be judged by others. Just my humble opinion. shades

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:24 AM
One could also argue that during this "personal growth and development over the last 100 years" that it was the men who advanced more, The reason I say this is yes the women fought to get rights and freedoms, However, men of that day had to decided to 'evolve' their own view of women at the time, at least some men had to, because without at least one man willing to listen to women nothing would have changed. Men, made the rules, and they at the time were the only ones who could change them, thankfully some men did 'evolve' and change the rules to include women. However, it was the men's views that had to change.

We see in other cultures that women are trying to fight for rights, and have been doing so for a long time, however, the difference is the men there aren't willing to listen, so instead they are killing the women, and even children to protect their image of what a cultural should be like.

In conclusion if men in the U.S. didn't evolve and listen to a growing women's right movement, if instead they stayed stagnant, then women's right's wouldn't exist now.

Biology between the two genders haven't changed, what did change was one gender willing to listen, to a gender that is biologically weaker than them, and they decided to throw the "warrior mentality" out, so instead of beating women down, they chose listen and adapt.

Women's right's wasn't just about women standing up, it was about men of the time agreeing with them and standing with them as well.

dcastelmissy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:30 AM
I totally agree with MissWright. Some men evolve more than some women; some women evolve more than some men. Like I said in my statement before IT IS AND ALWAYS WILL EVERY SINGLE DAY A PERSONAL EVOLVEMENT among every man and every woman, INDIVIDUALLY!!!! Put that in anyone's pipe & smoke it. smokin smokin smokin

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:46 AM
Yes it's personal growth, but personal growth is part of the bigger picture, a more overall process of change. And yes, everyone goes through this process his/her own way, at his/her own pace. But overall there is a difference between genders.
I don't see how ppl can keep coming up with the argument that one gender is better. Maybe think why YOU interpret it that way, cause I don't.

Judge not ... and in the same breath say it's hogwash, lol

What about this, for ppl who don't agree I'll make it a hypothetical statement:
Woman had the opportunity to grow, evolve, become more empowered, because men helped us do so. While we were/are growing through all these processes, they held the fort, made sure the world kept turning and basically kept a framework intact to keep things stable and going, while we were experimenting, learning, sometimes kicking up dirt to find out what was underneath and so on.
If men hadn't done that, our growth, change, would not have been possible.
Meaning men supported women, it's teamwork. This is mostly not a conscious process, it seemed to just happen, but it's part of this bigger process.
Now roles are (about to) reverse, meaning men will have the opportunity to grow, evolve etc. while we women support them, hold the fort, provide a framework for them to learn.
As we've already come far, we are able to better support them, so men might go through their change much faster than we did.
It's NOT to do with better, superior, not at all. If you can see the bigger picture, it's just a wonderful process all of mankind is going through and men help women and vice versa.
If both genders would have entered this process simultaneously, this would have let to utter chaos and neither would have had a proper opportunity to grow and evolve.

As women were in an inferior position when this process took off, it wouldn't have been feasible, if at all possible, to have men be the first to change.
In the end it doesn't matter which gender was first or last, it's NOT a competition! It is about evolution of mankind and the best possible way to achieve this.
It's quite patriarchal (which is the old way that we've been brainwashed with for over a thousand years) to think one gender is better, that's exactly the way of thinking we need to dump.