Community > Posts By > misswright
The government has introduced some new standards recently into the school systems of the US called "Common Core". It became major news recently as one of the books recommended has a whole chapter on the Islamic faith but no chapters on other religions. What do you know and what do you think? Originally, schools in the US were strictly local. Eventually, the States took over and controlled standards. The Federal Government has gradually exercised greater control to the point of overruling the States on many issues. Is local or Federal control better? What do you know about the impact of the teacher's unions? I just heard about this. Disturbing to say the least. You either teach about all religions or don't include any religions as part of "Common Core". To teach just Islam is not only wrong, it's insane!! ![]() ![]() Brain washing of our youth perhaps? Another step in the direction of New World Order? One religion, one monetary unit, one gigantic military to enforce one set of imposed standards, one giant free healthcare system, one big huge government dictating what our kids are taught and just about everything else in our lives? And to top it off, they'll take away our guns too so we can all live happy safe lives without the means to oppose their 'standards'. Can you say Big Brother? ![]() I admittedly don't know anything about teacher's unions and their impact, but I'd hope they'd oppose this strongly. I'd seriously consider home schooling if I had young kids these days with what I'm learning about our current educational standards. Scary what they're imparting on young minds... ![]() |
Jack The Ripper
I wonder what he got out of it. To understand something like this you really got to try and relate to it. Are you daring enough? You don't have to go on a killing spree to understand or relate to the actions of a serial killer. ![]() There's a lot of interesting research done on the subject if you really wanna know what makes psychopaths or sociopaths tick. Of course, there are several possibilities but neuroscientist James Fallon has some pretty extensive data collected showing a combination of genetic factors and brain scan anomalies in many serial killers. Quite fascinating learning about this stuff while getting my degree in biobehavioral psychology. Hard to say what they get out of it. Seems to be enjoyment oddly enough, sickening as that is to conceive of, although they actually don't really 'feel' the way normal people feel so it's hard to use normal terms like joy to describe it. You certainly wouldn't have the same reaction they do if you went out killing people though so no need to go hack someone to death to try to relate. Seriously kid?! ![]() |
I've offered myself to the entire female population but for some reason they aren't giving themselves to me. What's going on? ![]() You act like you think you should be Charlie Sheen with hordes of beautiful women dripping off you every night. ![]() You actually remind me of Charlie Brown instead though! Except replace Lucy with all women and the football will metaphorically stand for sex. It's quite hysterical when you picture it... Here buddy, want some of this? ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks for the laugh kid! Good luck in your quest to finally score with a girl someday. ![]() |
I think double standards in a relationship can be either positive or negative depending on the circumstances. Some are necessary, some are ridiculous. Some I'd tolerate willingly and others I simply won't. Couple of examples...
Had an ex that liked to drink, but he complained if I drank. Seems like a clear case of a double standard. Not so. He could handle his booze but I couldn't. Better for us if I refrained. I accepted this and didn't see it as a double standard really, even though it sure looked like one from the outside. Same ex. We both smoked about a pack a day. He started 'monitoring' my cigarette consumption. 20 or less was fine. Somehow 21 or more meant I didn't love him anymore and I didn't hear the end of it for days on end. Hello! You're going to gripe about me smoking when you smoke too moron. Give me a friggen break. ![]() Those kinds of double standards...I can screw around but you can't, I can have friends but you can't, I can be overweight but expect you to be a swimsuit model ![]() ![]() It's not always clear cut though, so I'm careful not to assume all double standards are unfair. We all have strengths and weaknesses and it's not always a bad thing to have different standards in the relationship based on individual needs. Sometimes what's good for the goose can be really detrimental for the gander, in which case it's probably best to have a double standard for the relationship's sake. |
love at first sight
I only believe in love at first sight after about a half dozen shots of Goldschlager! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's winter here too, but my winter is about seventy degrees! ![]() Bacardi 151 makes a killer Rum Runner too though. Totally hits the spot on a hot winter day! Not quite as love inspiring as Goldschlager although I once told a light post I loved him after about four of 'em down in the Keys. Ha! Love at first light...sorta like love at first sight! ![]() upside - the light post won;t argue downside - the light post can't take out the trash I'd take the light post and take out the trash myself lol ![]() Crud! Where were you that night when I was trying to decide between the light post and my man? He argues to no end and although I suspect he can take out the trash, he doesn't. ![]() You are too smart. I shoulda picked the light pole. Damn that 151 inspired love at first sight! ![]() |
love at first sight
I only believe in love at first sight after about a half dozen shots of Goldschlager! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It's winter here too, but my winter is about seventy degrees! ![]() Bacardi 151 makes a killer Rum Runner too though. Totally hits the spot on a hot winter day! Not quite as love inspiring as Goldschlager although I once told a light post I loved him after about four of 'em down in the Keys. Ha! Love at first light...sorta like love at first sight! ![]() |
love at first sight
I only believe in love at first sight after about a half dozen shots of Goldschlager!
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Looks to me like a fish carcass covered in bioluminescant phytoplankton. Microalgae that glows in the dark. Learned about this stuff studying animal behavior. Pretty cool looking though. ![]() i saw that when i was in the navy, while out at sea... but never anything that big... I think the colonies can be massive if I recall correctly. Also believe it's a cold water phenomenon although I could be wrong. Don't really recall the specific details about them as it was a tiny blip in the course curriculum. Don't quote me as I'm no marine biologist. Just what it looked like to me when I saw it. |
Admitting you're wrong
IF I'm wrong, I will admit it.
![]() I want proof though! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Looks to me like a fish carcass covered in bioluminescant phytoplankton. Microalgae that glows in the dark. Learned about this stuff studying animal behavior. Pretty cool looking though.
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I always wear a thin chain around my neck with a unique gold pendant on it, one of only two in existence. It's a heart symbolizing my dad, with two little angels representing my mom and I on either side. My mom had them custom made after my dad passed as he called us his angels for taking care of him in his final days. It lies above my heart everyday so that my dad is always near to me even though he's not here with me anymore.
![]() That, along with my specific DNA sequence of course. ![]() |
I don't think it's fair to expect someone to have done something or acquired something by a certain age. All people should be married by X number of years. All people should own a home by the age of X. If you are X years old, you should be financially responsible for yourself. Hogwash!
X is a variable, hence it varies! Over time and with life circumstances, things change. What good would it do anyways to apply these generic standards? Okay, I got married by 25 like I was supposed to, but now I'm 30 and divorced three times. Is that better? (Not true for me, just an example, but still.) So what if I owned a home by the time I was 20? Now I'm 44 and I live in a box beside the road. Do you see what I mean? Who's to say what someone should or shouldn't have by a certain age. Makes no sense to look at someone's life and someone's age and see if they're where they're supposed to be. Only the person walking in those shoes knows the path they travel and where they're supposed to be at any given time. "Judge not lest ye be judged" comes to mind... |
What about you & why?
Apparently lying under my truck with a 9/16" socket wrench in hand and grease up to my elbows makes me attractive. Not exactly sure why, but the boys sure do flock around gawking when I'm working on the truck. ![]() Because your combining two fantasies at once. One a beautiful woman and a cool machine. Men like women who understand and know how to play with their grown up toys. ![]() I'm happy too see so many people putting themselves out there and on the spot like that. It takes a good bit of courage to talk about oneself especially with an audience. You guys sure have some strange fantasies! I'm far from beautiful and generally drenched in sweat by the time I get the lug nuts off. Add in that I'm covered in grime, and usually bleeding from some knuckle or elbow and swearing like a sailor before long and I'm not exactly a sight for sore eyes. ![]() I have no idea how guys think that's hot. I switched out my brake pads and you'd think I was re-inventing the wheel the way the news was spreading. "Hey man, ya gotta see this. There's some chick doing a brake job on her truck!" ![]() ![]() If I was beautiful or in a bikini, I could see the draw but really?! Men! ![]() ![]() |
What celebrity are you like?
Stockard Channing.
![]() When I was a waitress, I got it constantly from the customers. "Has anyone ever told you that you look just like ..." and I'd finish with "Stockard Channing", and they'd be like "YESSSSSS, OMG!" ![]() In fact, one huge party called me Ms. Channing all night. They were totally tripping about it, wanted my picture and everything. Was kinda creepy, but they left me an awesome tip so there ya go! Stockard Channing at your service, folks! ![]() ![]() |
What about you & why?
Apparently lying under my truck with a 9/16" socket wrench in hand and grease up to my elbows makes me attractive. Not exactly sure why, but the boys sure do flock around gawking when I'm working on the truck.
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Don't know about what women want in a man, but I can tell ya what I want...
Must have a heart, one capable of giving and receiving love. ![]() Must have a brain that functions properly nearly 96% of the time. ![]() Must have eyes that see me and accept me for who I am. ![]() Must have ears that listen not just to my words, but really hear what I'm saying. ![]() Must have a mouth that both opens and closes when appropriate, and not just for food intake or beer consumption. ![]() Must have a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, arms to embrace me, and a strong back to lean on when needed. ![]() Must have the anatomical male appendage, preferably one that functions properly nearly 96% of the time. ![]() Finally, they should be fleet of feet so they can run far and fast when I don't get what I want... ![]() |
Miss wright- it's been a few days since you posted, and I just read through thisthreadnwith tears in my eyes. Our personal struggles can seem lighter when shared;'thank you for being courageous and sharing yours! I have been through medical trials, such as yours, but not financial, so I understand the feeling of helplessness and despair at being "useless". I am wondering if you have made any progress getting the depression treated? There have been some solid people giving advice, here, (PacificStar, mg, TB, Leigh, etc.), so I am glad you are feeling supported. :) I really like the idea of tracking daily accomplishments. I find it very motivating. I have a bulletin board in my kitchen to keep my TO DO stickies on. Some days, if I get a shower, that is a major win! I was feeling pretty down, today, and it was great to read mg's discourse on why we come to Mingle- it is so true. I send you much light and love and positive energy to help you find your way. ![]() Jaded Thanks for posting Jaded. To answer your question, no I haven't been able to get to a doctor yet for help with either the depression or the back/neck injury. I have however taken steps to fix my current difficult situation. Do nothing and nothing will change, and so I'm at least doing something! I'm not sure where I'm going, or what exactly I'm doing, but I know that living like this is nothing more than slow suicide. If I won't do it quickly, why should I suffer the torture of doing it slowly?!? And so I am making some major life changes. I think I may have to go a little further down before I rise again, but I'm strong and I can handle this. I slept in the truck the other night with the dog. I was scared. Tried to roll the windows up, but with both of us breathing hot air, wasn't too long before the dog was panting, and so down go the windows. Hard to go to sleep knowing someone could just walk up and plunge a knife in your chest to steal your truck while you're sleeping. But I did it, and lo and behold, I survived. And I will continue to survive. Or I won't. But I will do my best until I die, and I can't really ask more of myself than that now can I?!? ![]() Thank you for your kind words and warm thoughts. ![]() |
sex... how much is too much?
If he'd want 3 hr sessions including massages and god knows what every other day, I'd develop a chronic case of headaches. 3 hour sessions are reserved for birthdays anniversaries Christmas & or new years. And misswright your starting to frighten me with your sexual prowess. You over sexed minx... Funny I don't feel over sexed! ![]() Perhaps I'll feel differently after I get my 3 hours tonight. ![]() It is a hard and fast rule right? My man must comply on my birthday and if he gripes, I'm printing this **** out!! ![]() I dunno. Sure, in a perfect world I'd have sex really often, but sex is only one form of intimacy. My man and I 'negotiate' sex, but it's not like we sit down at the beginning of the week and hash out a hard and fast deal. He works a ton, and sometimes he just can't find the energy. I suffer from health issues, so sometimes I can't comply with his wishes. Frequency rates aren't set in stone, nor should they be. We may not always be able to have sex when we want, but we're always intimate and that's more important. ![]() |
sex... how much is too much?
Edited by
Thu 11/14/13 03:12 PM
I have been in relationships where the woman wanted sex everyday.
Really? More than one? Have you still got their phone numbers? ![]() ![]() No seriously though as people have already mentioned before at the beginning its all hands on deck (each other) But when that initial excitement goes and one sides sex drive drops to near zero maybe after a year of having it on tap (meaning both wanting it) What is the guy supposed to do? And no D.I.Y. comments please... lol For one, it's not just guys that this happens to, so how 'bout we go with what's the person supposed to do instead?! ![]() Now to answer the question... Suffer apparently. That's what I do. ![]() ![]() No seriously. Takes communication and compromise to work it out. I was kinda resentful at first, like he suckered me in by putting out daily in the beginning. Now I just to choose to see it like I tuckered the poor fella out and he needs to recoup and slow down for awhile. ![]() |
sex... how much is too much?
![]() ![]() ![]() First post: Is it wrong to want sex once a week? Later post by same guy: So twice a week is okay, right? Two sentences later: So then two to three times a week is a good average? ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm dying here! Sounds exactly like me when I'm in negotiations with my man about this exact subject! Okay, 3 works for ya. Can we go for 4 maybe? How 'bout three and a half then?! ![]() Too much varies with each individual. Sex drive can be either very high, in which case daily probably isn't too much, or very low, in which case you could probably use years as increments, or generally it falls somewhere in between. Too much FOR YOU depends on where in the scale YOUR sex drive falls. Too much for your partner might be a totally different ballpark. I do agree that it's better to find someone that is close to your range as negotiations can get tricky if the two are polar opposites. Not that I would know or anything... ![]() ![]() |