Topic: Women are more advanced than men
navygirl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:07 AM

Then they see a spider or a mouse and all that " advancement " goes out the window! laugh laugh laugh

Yeah right. I have seen grown men scream when seeing a mouse and all I do is laugh. I also have had to remove spiders from a man's office because he was terrified of it. Heck; I even have removed snakes from my brother's garden as he is afraid of snakes. Sorry; this kind of thinking is out of date.
Yeah and i've seen women who's whole life seems to have collapsed just because they've broken a nail ? So i'll let you get back to wrestling Bears and knocking out Gorillas, etc, ok? laugh laugh laugh

What's the matter pumpkin? Threatened by a strong woman? laugh
Never heard so much s**t in my life! Tell you one thing though, even when its text, women like to talk! Look at the size of some of these pages thats been posted? Yap, yap, yap, yap, bloody yap! Its all most women do? Thats why God gave women orgasms? So they can still moan when they're happy! Its true. If its not talking its bloody nagging! Don't care what you think, none of you. At least im saying what I think, instead of sooking up to people and agreeing with them, to keep the peace in the forum room! As it said if you don't like it, tough! Right im away to the f*****g pub. Good day to you all,

Oh my; I touched a nerve. I didn't realize men were so emotional. laugh

hellsboy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:10 AM
Navygirl females r emotional n men r nerds..... remember dat

navygirl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:11 AM

Right im away to the f*****g pub. Good day to you all,

While you're at it, you may wanna think why you get so angry about this all, and why again you feel it's totally okay to knock women like you wouldn't believe.
To lower myself to your level for a sec: god has given you a f**kig brain, you might wanna use it for thinking for a change instead of raging like a mad bull.
Very sorry about this, but you go just a bit too far. If you have no respect for women whatsoever, what are you doing on a dating site?

Crystal Fairy; I am sorry that people here have misconstrued what you are talking about. They quickly turn it into the battle of the sexes rather than having an exchange of views. There are still those that have old fashioned ideas and will never see beyond that as I said early, they simply can't conceive thinking outside of the box. I think it was a good topic though and you put a lot of thought in to what you wrote. In military terms I give you a Bravo Zulu which in civilian terms means well done.

Thank you Navygirl
flowerforyou flowerforyou

You are quite welcome and don't let him get to you as he is not worth the time personally. Hope you have a wonderful day.

navygirl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:14 AM

Navygirl females r emotional n men r nerds..... remember dat

Yeah; like I am going to take advice from a guy that can't even spell. Think again sunshine. Men aren't nerds and yes they can be emotional as I have seen men cry; its called being human.

tai666's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:15 AM
flowerforyou ya

hellsboy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:18 AM
Lolz navy I dont even remember when I cried last... ages back... n spell?? Ya got bad at that... sorry gotta manage with me on that

lionsbrew's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:24 AM
Its after the year 2000 you would think people would get with the times and realize that the adapting never stops. That adaptability is the main reason we as a species were able to fair so well and evolve to such a point we find ourselves at now. We as a species are probably closer to gender equality than ever before.

I have said this many many times in the past men and women's only real difference is we have outies and women have innies. After that we are all individuals. Proof lies in the varied views from both sexes debating the topic.

Men will evolve and woman will evolve to adapt. Women will evolve and men will evolve to adapt. Both statements should be considered as true if we think scientifically. Regardless of the speed at which it may happen it "is" something that has been going on for the hundreds of thousands of years humans have been evolving as a species. Which compared to the amount of time other species have been evolving is just a drop in the proverbial bucket.

metalwing's photo
Fri 10/11/13 11:53 AM
Lisa Randall is pretty hot but she's also gay.

no photo
Fri 10/11/13 12:09 PM

Its after the year 2000 you would think people would get with the times and realize that the adapting never stops. That adaptability is the main reason we as a species were able to fair so well and evolve to such a point we find ourselves at now. We as a species are probably closer to gender equality than ever before.

I have said this many many times in the past men and women's only real difference is we have outies and women have innies. After that we are all individuals. Proof lies in the varied views from both sexes debating the topic.

Men will evolve and woman will evolve to adapt. Women will evolve and men will evolve to adapt. Both statements should be considered as true if we think scientifically. Regardless of the speed at which it may happen it "is" something that has been going on for the hundreds of thousands of years humans have been evolving as a species. Which compared to the amount of time other species have been evolving is just a drop in the proverbial bucket.

Very well said.

no photo
Fri 10/11/13 12:24 PM
I used to get a shock, when all my male friends at school suddenly had a deep manly voice. Suddenly, that little boy voice was not there anymore. It took a little getting used to, but so do women's menstrual mood swings. Women grow faster mentally. Men grow faster physically. Let's not make this a war zone. lol

no photo
Fri 10/11/13 12:39 PM

so you were talking about the British woman's suffrage movement?..yeah never herd you guys
so go chain yourselves to a railway for another
century :wink: ya ya okay that started late 19th early 20th, they had full voting right by '28 For
woman over 21.
The woman sure did do a lot during wartime,constantly working making and sending for the cause,but those magnificent woman are all dead!
I don't see a comparison to those strong woman
and the typical "lady" I see today for the most part.
In both eras the mark was missed,to much one way
then to much another,I'm sure it the backlash of
yesterday's society,man's own doing!

Just because ones "quick with a joke and to light up your smoke" or whatever they may be doing on here that would make you think they're immature,
may not be factual . It's just a playpen for me...
perhaps to create not procreate(sure you'd be happy
to here just because one is"acting immature" doesn't mean they're not strong & mature, maturity is measured on many different levelsthink
I've meet Intelligent woman on here that seemed pretty childish then talked to them privately and
their story is so different . In this case she was
letting loose,she was a very responsible serious,
tightly wand religious person . She was able to be
someone else for a while and have fun.
Just one persons story,but I bothered to find out
the juice is worth the squeeze..and I bet I got
a half a gallon:wink:


Even if any woman DID try chaining themselves to a fence these days, the less-than-intelligent David Cameron, or Ed Miliband, wouldn't give a hoot. They ignore everyone anyway. Except the people who pay them. The government are useless. Throw tomatoes at em.

navygirl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 12:45 PM

Lolz navy I dont even remember when I cried last... ages back... n spell?? Ya got bad at that... sorry gotta manage with me on that

Well that is you. My friend who has been a firefighter for 33 years does cry and cried about 6 months ago because his cat died. Its not a sin to cry; nor is it to be angry, depressed, or laugh. We all have emotions but we deal with it differently. Some show it outright and others keep it hidden. I learned that from serving in the military .I think the last time I cried was in 2003 as I was very badly injured in a car accident and it was 4 years before I could walk again as well as sleep without chronic pain in my back, neck, and knees. The pain was incredible and yes it brought me to tears. Sorry; I didn't mean to slam you for your spelling as I am sure you are trying your best as I am sure English is not your native language.

navygirl's photo
Fri 10/11/13 12:47 PM

Its after the year 2000 you would think people would get with the times and realize that the adapting never stops. That adaptability is the main reason we as a species were able to fair so well and evolve to such a point we find ourselves at now. We as a species are probably closer to gender equality than ever before.

I have said this many many times in the past men and women's only real difference is we have outies and women have innies. After that we are all individuals. Proof lies in the varied views from both sexes debating the topic.

Men will evolve and woman will evolve to adapt. Women will evolve and men will evolve to adapt. Both statements should be considered as true if we think scientifically. Regardless of the speed at which it may happen it "is" something that has been going on for the hundreds of thousands of years humans have been evolving as a species. Which compared to the amount of time other species have been evolving is just a drop in the proverbial bucket.

Very well said sir; I salute you. flowerforyou

stueebaby's photo
Fri 10/11/13 01:40 PM
:smile: This is a disscussion top !

I dont pretend to be pretentious , Rude , Disrespectful of another persons views !!! I will not vent my dissappointments of previos lovers gone wrong !!! But remember the learning and patience they gave me , While we attempted to build our version of committment .
I wanted Red you wanted Green ? We must descide can we paint this rainbow together? Can we work as a team and agree ? Or resort to indifference, point scoring, Hurt feelings and total competitive pride !!! Say no more !!!

I'm greatful for all women who have
shared my life in what shape , way or form it was !!! Thank you for putting up with my ignorance , And any perceived falts that I may have or you may assumme ? U have molded part of character !!! Do I dismiss reality , Do I except others point of view ? That is only determined by the sum of what I kno to be true and correct , As it has been reseached ,tested and validated !!!
Ladies ! I dont disagree with my
felow men kinfolk , Their perception and their attitude is based on their experience and prespective !!!

I feel everyone carries their bagage here to this topic !!! Girls can think they r more superior than us guys !!! That is sad , For if I wanted a superior women who thinks , She mayb superior to other men , Then sadly she is not a team player willing to acknowlege she has faults as I do !!! We unfortunately can never journey together ? Mistakes will heal and teach us both lessons ? But criticism will only provide a stage for resentment and loss !!! kno me before u judge me !!! If u have no faults , let me determine that and u can determine mine also !!! :smile P.S No fun here !!!

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 10/11/13 02:59 PM
Edited by isaac_dede on Fri 10/11/13 03:13 PM

.... Biology between the two genders haven't changed, what did change was one gender willing to listen, to a gender that is biologically weaker than them , and they decided to throw the "warrior mentality" out, so instead of beating women down, they chose listen and adapt.

Wow, what a bold statement: women are BIOLOGICALLY weaker???
Is this part of the evolved US cultural view on women you keep mentioning?

- Empowerment is not about women's rights. Don't know why you keep latching on to that.
Maybe we (as in "everyone here") should talk about what it means to be truly empowered.

- Yes, it's a process in which both men and women had/have a part. Never said otherwise

Some other interesting things:
- A number of women jump to the defense of men.
- a number of women mentioned they respect and embrace men and what they add to the mix (myself included)

Now where are the men that do the same thing and show this respect?

Instead a number of men took the piss out of women (and most women didn't even notice it nor reacted to it --> I guess we're still used to this derogatory treatment)
Apart from that men jump to their own defenses, as if they've been attacked, which isn't the case at all.

Have you seen women take the piss out of men?

Aren't these different overall reactions from men and women a clear sign that their IS a difference in growth and being evolved?

Yes I did say biologically weaker, I didn't say women are weaker, I said biologically weaker.

If this wasn't the case, then professional sports teams wouldn't have men and women's divisions, they would have coed divisions and you would see games such as wpfl vs nfl, but that will never happen. They won't put an all women's football team against an all male football team, even though both are superior athletes. They won't do this, because they know that men are biologically stronger, and would cause great injury to women. Same reason they don't have male fighters vs female fighters, men have been biologically designed to be 'protectors' therefore the male body has the biological capability to surpass the female body in terms of raw power, and physical strength. The larger amounts of testosterone help with this, even female body builders to even get close to a male body builders physique have to take steroids and or testosterone supplements. If you look at professional bodybuilders who compete in the 'natural' divisions there is a noticeable difference in the amount of muscle that males can put on compared to their female counterparts. This is my basis for the statement of biologically weaker, I was talking about physical strength, which men naturally have more of than women. Look up weight lifting records for men and women, currently Becca Swanson(I believe it is still current anyway) holds the record for an Assisted Bench at 551lbs(which is insane an I wish to do half that) but the men's record held by Ryan Kennelly is 1074lbs.

hellsboy's photo
Fri 10/11/13 05:22 PM
Lolzz... u people dont get bored being so Intellectual. ..I get bored reading u all

isaac_dede's photo
Fri 10/11/13 07:13 PM

Lolzz... u people dont get bored being so Intellectual. ..I get bored reading u all

that's cool, were just glad we could teach a vibrating rabbit to read :)

jacktrades's photo
Fri 10/11/13 10:41 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Fri 10/11/13 10:47 PM

Don't want to try to prove you wrong (or right), just want to say I feel you only address one side of the issue, the female side...First off, when women began to change and expand their roles, it was not initiated by desire, it was more or less forced upon us because our men were busy giving their life's blood to protect our freedom and the freedom of other countries.....We found we enjoyed working outside the home, liked how it felt to earn money, understood we could support our families if we had to...We also liked feeling independent....We realized we were just as smart and just as capable as our men...What I see is most men struggling (and succeeding) to catch up to the changes women demanded and continue to demand...Remember, women are embracing these changes as well they should, but men have more or less been forced into, not only adapting to our evolvement, taking on traditionally female roles that lack the empowerment of traditional male roles, ie earning and controlling the money, building wealth which provides power....I understand your point, but I think your assessment that women are more advanced when it comes to personal growth and development is way wrong....This change you are so proud of actually has more to do with women racing to catch up to men....

Good thread!flowerforyou

I found this very insightful and wise.
Its nice to know that there are women like this in the world! God bless you Leigh:thumbsup: :thumbsup: waving waving

larsson71's photo
Sat 10/12/13 12:26 PM
Ha ha, I threw you the bait and by God did you bite, but I expected that! Especially frm Navygirl. With a set of teeth like that, you could eat an apple through a letterbox! ha ha ha ha ha

hellsboy's photo
Sat 10/12/13 12:42 PM
Ill say women r equal to men