Topic: Are you for... or are you against?
oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 03/18/13 04:16 PM

How do you expect to obtain reasonable opinions about something unless you listen to the pros and cons of arguments surrounding a topic? Diversity in hearing opinions is how we make who we are and our own personal opinions. That is why, although I disagree with someone, I want not be friends with them.

hippie, if you are directing this argument my way, then I don't see what it has to do with the subject I posted originally. But if you are asking someone else, then forgive my intrusion into your conversation. flowerforyou

I guess I read more into it than what you meant. My bad.

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 03/18/13 04:18 PM

I think it is important to learn where people stand on issues that are important. On a thread on another site one lady said she got up and left her date at a restaurant after he prayed over his meal. Many on that site said she was rude and should have found out how serious was his faith to him.

Our political and religious believes normally go to the core of who we are. While you may have a good time on a date and become good friends, once two people start living together their personal beliefs and habits can cause problems if they are too different. This does not say they cannot make it work, just that it can create major problems.

Wow, that was a radical move on her part... to despise God so much she can't even stand to see someone pray? Ouch!

So, are you saying that you wouldn't try to get to know the member you'd been interested in on a personal basis, if you learned through thread interactions that they had some views different from yours? You don't think people can change for the right person?

Maybe he just thought that he didn't want to get involved with the sort of person that might preach about people despising God if you aren't into that sort of thing? Why assume that he "despised God"? Maybe he just doesn't care much for religious types and felt awkward because he felt a bit of pressure to join in with the praying and didn't want to have a conversation about religion on a date?


Is that really so hard to understand? The guy decided that she wasn't his type and it would certainly make me feel a bit awkward if I met someone for a date and they started praying or preaching. Now, maybe the lady wasn't a total Bible basher and it's just her habit to say grace and it is rude to just walk out on somebody like that but he might dislike religious types or not want to date them because religion is contraversial and faith is a personal matter.

I can only speculate about why the guy walked out but I don't just assume that it meant that he "hated God". Many of us were brought up by religious parents that pressured us into going to church and praying and we don't want anything to do with organised religion or preachy people. Some people dislike christians because they think that they are bigots that want to force their views on other people and a lot of people that call themselves christians are just that.

Now we have started an argument about religion. Do you think this would be a fun thing to do on a date and if you got the idea into your head that a guy that you were out on a date with "despised God" wouldn't you just feel like ending that date yourself or would you prefer to preach to him about it?

I don't know why you want to argue religion. According to the original poster it was the woman that walked out on the man as he prayed. I merely made a comment about what may have compelled her to react so definitively. Then I went on to ask the original poster to expound on what he said that pertains to my original post. The different spin you created has nothing to do with either of the posts involved, that's why I ??? your first post, as it is very confusing... now you say "we" have started an argument, but I'm not going to argue religion. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond to my original post though... flowerforyou

I don't want to argue about religion either but you said, "Wow, that was a radical move on her part... to despise God so much she can't even stand to see someone pray?" That's not "merely making a comment". You were either making an assumption or asking a rhetorical question. I responded to it anyway because this topic is presumably about people saying things on this forum that can effect your opinion of them. Going on about people "despising God" is going to give some people the impression that you are a preachy person and it doesn't particularly matter to me what your religious views are but you want to know whether coming out with statements about heathens that despise God in this forum might put people off from making a "move" and yes, I think it could.

well, tawt, if the two words I posted, "despise God"... out of the thousands of posts I've created here on Mingle, suddenly makes me look like a preachy person, and I would turn off, what did you say, "heathens", because of this 23 words total in the sentence... then I dare say I wasn't meant to connect with those who take offense to this statement, especially if they didn't bother to ask me what I really meant by it before passing judgment on me...

Yeah, that's a good NO U response but you've done this before where you make provocative statements that people respond to and instead of explaining what it was that you did mean you accuse them of not asking or saying that it's a hypothetical scenario or ancient history that you can't bee bothered to go over again.

I don't think that you can really blame anyone for taking someone that talks about people hating God as a preachy person and I've put it to you that you did give at least me that impression with that post. If I got the wrong impression and you aren't like that then why not just say so instead of trying to turn my post back on me?

tawt, you discern and respond the way that is right for you, just like I discern and respond in the way that is right for me. if we have some kind of communication problem with one another, and we can no longer relate without feeling like we need to defend ourselves, rather than begin a sparring match on the thread, we can simply agree to disagree and close the subject. if you'd be so kind... flowerforyou

Who's being defensive? You are the one that seems to care about whether things people post here could put people off that might have romantic feelings towards them. I just post my honest opinions and people can take them as they like or ask me to explain myself.

You asked if things that people post here could effect those romantic feelings that other posters might have for them and someone brought up religion. You decided to say that about people hating God and I said that that is an example of a post that could sway someone from making their "move". Then you don't want to discuss it any further when I pointed that out, which could give the impression that you are either not open minded and prepared to change your views or you could be someone that makes statements about things and when people challenge you on them you won't explain yourself for some other reason.

Perhaps you do just come from a small town where everybody thinks the same and you have said that you were brought up to be submissive. That could well be it but you are asking here about how posters here react to things that other people post and you also brought up whether it's possible to modify your views to suit someone else etc. I'm just replying to your thread and you aren't obliged to respond to every post. What is it that we have to agree to disagree about though? You still haven't explained that.

ViaMusica's photo
Mon 03/18/13 04:49 PM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 03/18/13 04:52 PM
Edited by oldhippie1952 on Mon 03/18/13 04:58 PM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

WEll eeexxxxccccuuusssseee me if I have become a feeble old man who will listen to opposing views and still like people.grumble

Just being an ornery ol' cuss....

no photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:01 PM

...I like diversity and I love hearing others express opinions even when I disagree, especially when they elaborate and explain why they feel the way they do...It keeps things interesting and gives me something to think about....Varying opinions and a mixture of personalities is what makes any gathering interesting and fun....It's called socializing!happy

"Be a boring world if we all thought the same"

ViaMusica's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:07 PM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

WEll eeexxxxccccuuusssseee me if I have become a feeble old man who will listen to opposing views and still like people.grumble

Just being an ornery ol' cuss....

Uh... what?

All I said was that I wouldn't be interested in dating someone whose views on areas that happen to be important to me were too different from my views. That has nothing to do with who I can be friends with, and it doesn't mean I won't listen to opposing views. I have friends who are all over the spectrum on all kinds of things, and it's great. We discuss things all the time.

But when I'm DATING someone, we need to be on the same page or it isn't going to work. I'm passionate about my political beliefs, and I follow a non-Christian and non-mainstream spiritual path, so I wouldn't be a good match with someone who was seriously committed to an opposing political camp or who was, for example, a devout fundamentalist Christian. What's the phrase? "Unevenly yoked", I believe, and since in dating I'm ultimately looking for someone I might well spend the rest of my life with, we'd have to be compatible in our thinking on important issues. Otherwise we'd just be arguing all the time, or else be unable to ever discuss them.

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:09 PM
Told ya I was just being an ornery ol' cuss!!pitchfork

ViaMusica's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:14 PM
Edited by ViaMusica on Mon 03/18/13 05:15 PM
I think I read your reply before you edited it, and your edit occurred just as I pressed the "Quote" button, since the system appears to have picked it up but I don't recall having seen it until after I posted.

S'all good.

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:16 PM
Yeah, sometimes I forget new people don't know me and how I like to joke around.

Just for that I'm gonna punch a bagpipe!

ViaMusica's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:18 PM
Poor bagpipe. tears

<--- loves bagpipes

no photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:18 PM

No excuse for ya Hipsterdrool ...I have an open mind and I am pretty flexible...I like change in the form of progress and learning new things...I enjoy challenge as in opposites attract...And for sure I like meeting new people....It keeps the juices flowing, keeps me from getting bored....I will overlook a lot of things if I am feeling an attraction to someone on the boards ...BUT!...There are certain things that, once determined, would cause me to back off...The more someone posts, the easier it is to get a read on them....Sometimes I wonder if I would even consider dating a man who did not participate in forums....

no photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:20 PM

...I like diversity and I love hearing others express opinions even when I disagree, especially when they elaborate and explain why they feel the way they do...It keeps things interesting and gives me something to think about....Varying opinions and a mixture of personalities is what makes any gathering interesting and fun....It's called socializing!happy

"Be a boring world if we all thought the same"

You got that right!!...

CuteKittyKat's photo
Mon 03/18/13 05:55 PM

The what to do, how, when and why, can be changed in some way or another, but beliefs are what it is deeply immigrated on us and personally I think those are the most difficult things to change (but not impossible, if we want it we can change them).

There will be things or situations that do not actually click with us or our way of thinking but as long as we respect each other it´s the key to having great relationships, friendships or acquaintances.

It´s a true thing that we have to set limits with different things or people (even in work, or with our families) just to be true to ourselves, that it´s to be living in authenticity.

There could be times we can readjust our limits because we really and truly know and feel deep in our gut that that´s the right thing to do. It´s part of evolution or our self development.

Love it´s a risk. If you change or transform some belief of yours cause you feel like it´s worth it, then you just do it. Not because of the person but because you want it.

Traumer's photo
Mon 03/18/13 09:14 PM

You should always be open to change and diverse ideas. Obama is too liberal for me and the tea party is too conservative...but both have some ideas worth hearing.

Same thing on the boards, I have a friend who despises guns while I don't but I still count them as a friend despite this big deep divide. If their side wins and guns get banned, oh well, that's the change I was talking about.

Do you think it's easier to change the way we think, as apposed to changing the way we act, or things that we do?

Changing one's way they think as opposed to changing a mode of behavior can't be compared. How someone thinks is at the core of their being as perhaps what their beliefs are.
Yet look that the thousands of Arabs and Jews that have intermarried out of love; a form of love that transformed them from mere passersby in a great challenge of all their respective thinking as well as many of their forms of behavior. With the right demeanor, motivation and a very special type of Love it does indeed seem perfectly natural to bend a bit and to change and adjust, We adapt to what is best for us and for those we love as they do for us. It makes Life more livable in harmony for all concerned...imho

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/18/13 11:29 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/18/13 11:29 PM
I think changing action has to start with changing perception in order to last

when we try to change action and never change our thought process, we will revert to what has become habit or 'normal' for us,,,

the more we say to ourself this is who or what we 'are' , the more it will become real and unchangable, because its a way to devote ourself to not changing our thoughts or feelings,,,

no photo
Tue 03/19/13 12:29 AM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 03/19/13 12:29 AM

How do you expect to obtain reasonable opinions about something unless you listen to the pros and cons of arguments surrounding a topic? Diversity in hearing opinions is how we make who we are and our own personal opinions. That is why, although I disagree with someone, I want not be friends with them.

hippie, if you are directing this argument my way, then I don't see what it has to do with the subject I posted originally. But if you are asking someone else, then forgive my intrusion into your conversation. flowerforyou

I guess I read more into it than what you meant. My bad.


no photo
Tue 03/19/13 12:30 AM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

WEll eeexxxxccccuuusssseee me if I have become a feeble old man who will listen to opposing views and still like people.grumble

Just being an ornery ol' cuss....


no photo
Tue 03/19/13 12:31 AM

...I like diversity and I love hearing others express opinions even when I disagree, especially when they elaborate and explain why they feel the way they do...It keeps things interesting and gives me something to think about....Varying opinions and a mixture of personalities is what makes any gathering interesting and fun....It's called socializing!happy

"Be a boring world if we all thought the same"

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 03/19/13 12:34 AM

I am friends with someone on FB that I can't stand their views. I don't defriend them because it is important to hear all sides of a story, rather you agree or not to the side you are hearing.

Okay, so are you saying that if you were attracted to someone on the forums and didn't like their views, you would still be friends with them, but wouldn't try to get to know them more on a personal level?

I can say for myself, that if I was attracted to someone on the forums but read some things I did not like and it can be anything, I most likely would lose that attraction. Why? because to me attraction is inside and out. And I am not saying that the person cant have their own views, I'm saying that it could be his beliefs in life, how he conducts himself etc, just depends on the subject. But I could definitely ger turned off.

Same here. I'd have a difficult time maintaining an interest in and dating a guy whose political beliefs were too different from mine, or who was devoutly religious in a faith that clashed with my own. Or if his attitudes toward society were vastly different from mine.

WEll eeexxxxccccuuusssseee me if I have become a feeble old man who will listen to opposing views and still like people.grumble

Just being an ornery ol' cuss....

Uh... what?

All I said was that I wouldn't be interested in dating someone whose views on areas that happen to be important to me were too different from my views. That has nothing to do with who I can be friends with, and it doesn't mean I won't listen to opposing views. I have friends who are all over the spectrum on all kinds of things, and it's great. We discuss things all the time.

But when I'm DATING someone, we need to be on the same page or it isn't going to work. I'm passionate about my political beliefs, and I follow a non-Christian and non-mainstream spiritual path, so I wouldn't be a good match with someone who was seriously committed to an opposing political camp or who was, for example, a devout fundamentalist Christian. What's the phrase? "Unevenly yoked", I believe, and since in dating I'm ultimately looking for someone I might well spend the rest of my life with, we'd have to be compatible in our thinking on important issues. Otherwise we'd just be arguing all the time, or else be unable to ever discuss them.

you're right, unevenly yoked... and it can cause problems in a relationship if both persons aren't on the same page... been there, done that...