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Topic: Are you for... or are you against?
s1owhand's photo
Sun 03/24/13 01:47 AM

There are long-term regulars on the forums that we get to know through our daily conversations. Sometimes controversial subjects come up, and tensions mount while diverse ideas are bantered about. It’s during these intense discussions that we can learn even more about each other as we let our critical thinking sides show.

If you are attracted to another member and have been interacting to get to know them better before reaching out to make a personal connection, can what you learn about their views, and how they handle themselves on the boards, turn you off from getting any closer? Or do you remain determined to make your move because even if their particular views may be outside the box, they turn you on no matter what?

I guess I just either am attracted to them on the whole or I am not.
What they say and how they act on the boards is very important as it
is the only way to get to know someone here until you videochat and
meet in person.

Don't expect anyone to think exactly like me. On the other hand I can
recognize someone who has compatible or incompatible views on various
topics. It's like pornography. You know it when you see it.


no photo
Sun 03/24/13 01:58 AM

Like with the last dating site I was with I contacted a bunch of women I found in my own area on here and haven't heard back from any of them. It makes me wonder what they're up to. Maybe they want to find someone outside of this town or they want to have an excuse to get out of this town themselves.

I can definitely relate to people having the desire to move away from where they live if there are no jobs in the area. Or maybe the women don't contact back because they might think you're just looking for a booty call, just saying... or maybe they've spread themselves too thin and there's nobody left who wants to date them... maybe they don't want their reputations to ruin their chance at a new relationship so they search a wider field...

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 02:05 AM

There are long-term regulars on the forums that we get to know through our daily conversations. Sometimes controversial subjects come up, and tensions mount while diverse ideas are bantered about. It’s during these intense discussions that we can learn even more about each other as we let our critical thinking sides show.

If you are attracted to another member and have been interacting to get to know them better before reaching out to make a personal connection, can what you learn about their views, and how they handle themselves on the boards, turn you off from getting any closer? Or do you remain determined to make your move because even if their particular views may be outside the box, they turn you on no matter what?

I guess I just either am attracted to them on the whole or I am not.
What they say and how they act on the boards is very important as it
is the only way to get to know someone here until you videochat and
meet in person.

Don't expect anyone to think exactly like me. On the other hand I can
recognize someone who has compatible or incompatible views on various
topics. It's like pornography. You know it when you see it.


nice... hot... true...

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 02:34 AM
Edited by mg1959 on Sun 03/24/13 02:41 AM

So if while reading this I got hungry for a bologna sandwich and mentioned it on here, would that be off topic?

Hang on, got to go make the sandwich.

offtopic Mg, I don't have a problem with people going offtopic I do it myself all the time,oops offtopic and it's the diverse opinions that rule the conversations and makes them fun.bigsmile What I do find strange is if people never post on the original topic, but instead break into the middle of threads and spin the conversation onto completely different topics. Once in a while is okay, but I find this kind of "chronic" behavior to be rude and uncalled for when people can just as easily create their own threads to play on. Thank goodness one of the mods recently explained what is allowed and what is not, so now I have a better understanding about why things have been done the way they are here on the boards. I like to have fun too, but on my own time, not on others. oops all this talking has really made me hungry... I hope you have a sandwich for me too... but I'll take turkey and swizz on rye, plzzz..laugh offtopic

Now for my reasoning in posting this.

When I first joined many moons ago I use to see people who I thought were maybe drifting off topic or joking when I didn't think they should (according to my world) or making points about things that I thought were offencive. I made my rules in my mind of how this thing worked and how I would get to know others. I thought I knew how to get to know people, but as time went on I started to see the madness in looking at this through my eyes. When I did see mingle through my eyes I would get arrrggg-ed (still do till I catch myself) at some of the not so much topics, but the way people came in and out of them. It took me a long time till I started seeing mingle as a big living room and while someone is having a say so with someone else others come and go throughout the room on their way to doing something different from what I am, but did want to take the time to drop by. In my living room when this happens some times the topic actually does change for a moment or may head in another direction till all of a sudden someone says "what is it we were talking about" and it gets right back on track. Also in my own living room it's nice if someone is getting a little intense to have someone crack a joke. Doesn't have to be a funny one (in my case rarely are), but just enough to shift gears up a little.

Off topic to me means a deliberate derailing and not so much someone stopping in to say hi or even add a twist. For example, look at what I just posted and see how it is really a part of the topic itself. Reactions on here and how people make them happen and react to them is very much on topic. By seeing different sides to the same person allows us to see deeper into who they really are and if we really are compatible with them. Doesn't have to be an answer on how we look at something, in fact I sometimes learn more about them by their mannerisms. For example again, I like a serious person but even more when that person can crack out with this sideways joke to lighten the mood. To me that says tons.

We are on the internet, but even on here it is easy to see someones personality when you are here a while and if that person writes from different angles or is more of a straight line. And I would say that we all change on mingle after a few months or years as to the way we let our hair down. These are the things I am attracted to at least as I interact, or should I say mingle. I find myself looking at when they joined and gauge that along with their comments.

just some thoughts while on the topic

I could just hug you {{{{mg}}}} this is so cool the way you illustrate it... I never thought of Mingle like this... and it actually helps me to see the bigger picture...

let me ask you this though... what if I threw a dinner party and one particular guest showed up knowing they weren't welcome at the table because we aren't on friendly terms... and then after crashing the party they stand in the middle of the room drawing attention to themselves while they berate me as their hostess... at this point I would ask them to please leave because they are not only disrespecting me, their behavior is offending my other guests who actually like me... but instead… they turn to me and say, "hell no I won't go… so take that!"… what should I do then?

The interesting thing about this is everyone has their own line of tolerance. It would be very hard for me to draw that line for someone else. Doing what I do, I run in to a lot of show boaters. Sometimes it's wisest to have them leave and sometimes it's more beneficial to let them show their own butt. If I'm confident in my postion sometimes it does more to let them run out of gas. On the other hand I do believe there are cases where you should keep harmony breakers away from your own personal harmony orbits.

I do think that it is all about learning and growing though and if they are doing this because they need help that's what I would get them if I could.

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 02:45 AM

So if while reading this I got hungry for a bologna sandwich and mentioned it on here, would that be off topic?

Hang on, got to go make the sandwich.

offtopic Mg, I don't have a problem with people going offtopic I do it myself all the time,oops offtopic and it's the diverse opinions that rule the conversations and makes them fun.bigsmile What I do find strange is if people never post on the original topic, but instead break into the middle of threads and spin the conversation onto completely different topics. Once in a while is okay, but I find this kind of "chronic" behavior to be rude and uncalled for when people can just as easily create their own threads to play on. Thank goodness one of the mods recently explained what is allowed and what is not, so now I have a better understanding about why things have been done the way they are here on the boards. I like to have fun too, but on my own time, not on others. oops all this talking has really made me hungry... I hope you have a sandwich for me too... but I'll take turkey and swizz on rye, plzzz..laugh offtopic

Now for my reasoning in posting this.

When I first joined many moons ago I use to see people who I thought were maybe drifting off topic or joking when I didn't think they should (according to my world) or making points about things that I thought were offencive. I made my rules in my mind of how this thing worked and how I would get to know others. I thought I knew how to get to know people, but as time went on I started to see the madness in looking at this through my eyes. When I did see mingle through my eyes I would get arrrggg-ed (still do till I catch myself) at some of the not so much topics, but the way people came in and out of them. It took me a long time till I started seeing mingle as a big living room and while someone is having a say so with someone else others come and go throughout the room on their way to doing something different from what I am, but did want to take the time to drop by. In my living room when this happens some times the topic actually does change for a moment or may head in another direction till all of a sudden someone says "what is it we were talking about" and it gets right back on track. Also in my own living room it's nice if someone is getting a little intense to have someone crack a joke. Doesn't have to be a funny one (in my case rarely are), but just enough to shift gears up a little.

Off topic to me means a deliberate derailing and not so much someone stopping in to say hi or even add a twist. For example, look at what I just posted and see how it is really a part of the topic itself. Reactions on here and how people make them happen and react to them is very much on topic. By seeing different sides to the same person allows us to see deeper into who they really are and if we really are compatible with them. Doesn't have to be an answer on how we look at something, in fact I sometimes learn more about them by their mannerisms. For example again, I like a serious person but even more when that person can crack out with this sideways joke to lighten the mood. To me that says tons.

We are on the internet, but even on here it is easy to see someones personality when you are here a while and if that person writes from different angles or is more of a straight line. And I would say that we all change on mingle after a few months or years as to the way we let our hair down. These are the things I am attracted to at least as I interact, or should I say mingle. I find myself looking at when they joined and gauge that along with their comments.

just some thoughts while on the topic

I could just hug you {{{{mg}}}} this is so cool the way you illustrate it... I never thought of Mingle like this... and it actually helps me to see the bigger picture...

let me ask you this though... what if I threw a dinner party and one particular guest showed up knowing they weren't welcome at the table because we aren't on friendly terms... and then after crashing the party they stand in the middle of the room drawing attention to themselves while they berate me as their hostess... at this point I would ask them to please leave because they are not only disrespecting me, their behavior is offending my other guests who actually like me... but instead… they turn to me and say, "hell no I won't go… so take that!"… what should I do then?

The interesting thing about this is everyone has their own line of tolerance. It would be very hard for me to draw that line for someone else. Doing what I do, I run in to a lot of show boaters. Sometimes it's wisest to have them leave and sometimes it's more beneficial to let them show their own butt. If I'm confident in my postion sometimes it does more to let them run out of gas. On the other hand I do believe there are cases where you should keep harmony breakers away from your own personal harmony orbits.

I do think that it is all about learning and growing though and if they are doing this because they need help that's what I would get them if I could.

Yes, you're right, it is all about learning and growing... and being confident in our position, that really helps a lot... biggrin

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 02:46 AM

Now for my reasoning in posting this.

When I first joined many moons ago I use to see people who I thought were maybe drifting off topic or joking when I didn't think they should (according to my world) or making points about things that I thought were offencive. I made my rules in my mind of how this thing worked and how I would get to know others. I thought I knew how to get to know people, but as time went on I started to see the madness in looking at this through my eyes. When I did see mingle through my eyes I would get arrrggg-ed (still do till I catch myself) at some of the not so much topics, but the way people came in and out of them. It took me a long time till I started seeing mingle as a big living room and while someone is having a say so with someone else others come and go throughout the room on their way to doing something different from what I am, but did want to take the time to drop by. In my living room when this happens some times the topic actually does change for a moment or may head in another direction till all of a sudden someone says "what is it we were talking about" and it gets right back on track. Also in my own living room it's nice if someone is getting a little intense to have someone crack a joke. Doesn't have to be a funny one (in my case rarely are), but just enough to shift gears up a little.

Off topic to me means a deliberate derailing and not so much someone stopping in to say hi or even add a twist. For example, look at what I just posted and see how it is really a part of the topic itself. Reactions on here and how people make them happen and react to them is very much on topic. By seeing different sides to the same person allows us to see deeper into who they really are and if we really are compatible with them. Doesn't have to be an answer on how we look at something, in fact I sometimes learn more about them by their mannerisms. For example again, I like a serious person but even more when that person can crack out with this sideways joke to lighten the mood. To me that says tons.

We are on the internet, but even on here it is easy to see someones personality when you are here a while and if that person writes from different angles or is more of a straight line. And I would say that we all change on mingle after a few months or years as to the way we let our hair down. These are the things I am attracted to at least as I interact, or should I say mingle. I find myself looking at when they joined and gauge that along with their comments.

just some thoughts while on the topic

Good morning my friend:heart: ...An awesome post for sure! ...Sophisticated, classy, intelligent, and sensitive....If there was ever a living room I would like to pass through, it is yours Michael... I totally agree with your take on this..flowers

And I would really love to have you visit my living room. Ever get the feeling that something will actually happen? Well visiting with you guys is one of those feelings.

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 03:05 AM

So if while reading this I got hungry for a bologna sandwich and mentioned it on here, would that be off topic?

Hang on, got to go make the sandwich.

offtopic Mg, I don't have a problem with people going offtopic I do it myself all the time,oops offtopic and it's the diverse opinions that rule the conversations and makes them fun.bigsmile What I do find strange is if people never post on the original topic, but instead break into the middle of threads and spin the conversation onto completely different topics. Once in a while is okay, but I find this kind of "chronic" behavior to be rude and uncalled for when people can just as easily create their own threads to play on. Thank goodness one of the mods recently explained what is allowed and what is not, so now I have a better understanding about why things have been done the way they are here on the boards. I like to have fun too, but on my own time, not on others. oops all this talking has really made me hungry... I hope you have a sandwich for me too... but I'll take turkey and swizz on rye, plzzz..laugh offtopic

Now for my reasoning in posting this.

When I first joined many moons ago I use to see people who I thought were maybe drifting off topic or joking when I didn't think they should (according to my world) or making points about things that I thought were offencive. I made my rules in my mind of how this thing worked and how I would get to know others. I thought I knew how to get to know people, but as time went on I started to see the madness in looking at this through my eyes. When I did see mingle through my eyes I would get arrrggg-ed (still do till I catch myself) at some of the not so much topics, but the way people came in and out of them. It took me a long time till I started seeing mingle as a big living room and while someone is having a say so with someone else others come and go throughout the room on their way to doing something different from what I am, but did want to take the time to drop by. In my living room when this happens some times the topic actually does change for a moment or may head in another direction till all of a sudden someone says "what is it we were talking about" and it gets right back on track. Also in my own living room it's nice if someone is getting a little intense to have someone crack a joke. Doesn't have to be a funny one (in my case rarely are), but just enough to shift gears up a little.

Off topic to me means a deliberate derailing and not so much someone stopping in to say hi or even add a twist. For example, look at what I just posted and see how it is really a part of the topic itself. Reactions on here and how people make them happen and react to them is very much on topic. By seeing different sides to the same person allows us to see deeper into who they really are and if we really are compatible with them. Doesn't have to be an answer on how we look at something, in fact I sometimes learn more about them by their mannerisms. For example again, I like a serious person but even more when that person can crack out with this sideways joke to lighten the mood. To me that says tons.

We are on the internet, but even on here it is easy to see someones personality when you are here a while and if that person writes from different angles or is more of a straight line. And I would say that we all change on mingle after a few months or years as to the way we let our hair down. These are the things I am attracted to at least as I interact, or should I say mingle. I find myself looking at when they joined and gauge that along with their comments.

just some thoughts while on the topic

I could just hug you {{{{mg}}}} this is so cool the way you illustrate it... I never thought of Mingle like this... and it actually helps me to see the bigger picture...

let me ask you this though... what if I threw a dinner party and one particular guest showed up knowing they weren't welcome at the table because we aren't on friendly terms... and then after crashing the party they stand in the middle of the room drawing attention to themselves while they berate me as their hostess... at this point I would ask them to please leave because they are not only disrespecting me, their behavior is offending my other guests who actually like me... but instead… they turn to me and say, "hell no I won't go… so take that!"… what should I do then?

The interesting thing about this is everyone has their own line of tolerance. It would be very hard for me to draw that line for someone else. Doing what I do, I run in to a lot of show boaters. Sometimes it's wisest to have them leave and sometimes it's more beneficial to let them show their own butt. If I'm confident in my postion sometimes it does more to let them run out of gas. On the other hand I do believe there are cases where you should keep harmony breakers away from your own personal harmony orbits.

I do think that it is all about learning and growing though and if they are doing this because they need help that's what I would get them if I could.

Yes, you're right, it is all about learning and growing... and being confident in our position, that really helps a lot... biggrin

I've been tinkering with writing for a while (my "harmonics of Life"). It's mostly for me to reflect on. One of the chapters is called "orbits of aquaintances". It's basically how we let some closer and keep some more at a distance and why. It has to do with how I deal with things now, but also how and maybe why I dealt with people and my closeness or distance from them in the past. I have discovered that many times I have dealt with people out of my own hasty emotions and not with a thoughtful method. The thoughtful way of course thinking of a bigger picture than me and my own protective system. One thing that I have learned on mingle is about my own reactive character and it has actually helped me make more tempered comments. I'm less "coming out blazing" than I think I was.

no photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:40 AM

So if while reading this I got hungry for a bologna sandwich and mentioned it on here, would that be off topic?

Hang on, got to go make the sandwich.

offtopic Mg, I don't have a problem with people going offtopic I do it myself all the time,oops offtopic and it's the diverse opinions that rule the conversations and makes them fun.bigsmile What I do find strange is if people never post on the original topic, but instead break into the middle of threads and spin the conversation onto completely different topics. Once in a while is okay, but I find this kind of "chronic" behavior to be rude and uncalled for when people can just as easily create their own threads to play on. Thank goodness one of the mods recently explained what is allowed and what is not, so now I have a better understanding about why things have been done the way they are here on the boards. I like to have fun too, but on my own time, not on others. oops all this talking has really made me hungry... I hope you have a sandwich for me too... but I'll take turkey and swizz on rye, plzzz..laugh offtopic

Now for my reasoning in posting this.

When I first joined many moons ago I use to see people who I thought were maybe drifting off topic or joking when I didn't think they should (according to my world) or making points about things that I thought were offencive. I made my rules in my mind of how this thing worked and how I would get to know others. I thought I knew how to get to know people, but as time went on I started to see the madness in looking at this through my eyes. When I did see mingle through my eyes I would get arrrggg-ed (still do till I catch myself) at some of the not so much topics, but the way people came in and out of them. It took me a long time till I started seeing mingle as a big living room and while someone is having a say so with someone else others come and go throughout the room on their way to doing something different from what I am, but did want to take the time to drop by. In my living room when this happens some times the topic actually does change for a moment or may head in another direction till all of a sudden someone says "what is it we were talking about" and it gets right back on track. Also in my own living room it's nice if someone is getting a little intense to have someone crack a joke. Doesn't have to be a funny one (in my case rarely are), but just enough to shift gears up a little.

Off topic to me means a deliberate derailing and not so much someone stopping in to say hi or even add a twist. For example, look at what I just posted and see how it is really a part of the topic itself. Reactions on here and how people make them happen and react to them is very much on topic. By seeing different sides to the same person allows us to see deeper into who they really are and if we really are compatible with them. Doesn't have to be an answer on how we look at something, in fact I sometimes learn more about them by their mannerisms. For example again, I like a serious person but even more when that person can crack out with this sideways joke to lighten the mood. To me that says tons.

We are on the internet, but even on here it is easy to see someones personality when you are here a while and if that person writes from different angles or is more of a straight line. And I would say that we all change on mingle after a few months or years as to the way we let our hair down. These are the things I am attracted to at least as I interact, or should I say mingle. I find myself looking at when they joined and gauge that along with their comments.

just some thoughts while on the topic

I could just hug you {{{{mg}}}} this is so cool the way you illustrate it... I never thought of Mingle like this... and it actually helps me to see the bigger picture...

let me ask you this though... what if I threw a dinner party and one particular guest showed up knowing they weren't welcome at the table because we aren't on friendly terms... and then after crashing the party they stand in the middle of the room drawing attention to themselves while they berate me as their hostess... at this point I would ask them to please leave because they are not only disrespecting me, their behavior is offending my other guests who actually like me... but instead… they turn to me and say, "hell no I won't go… so take that!"… what should I do then?

The interesting thing about this is everyone has their own line of tolerance. It would be very hard for me to draw that line for someone else. Doing what I do, I run in to a lot of show boaters. Sometimes it's wisest to have them leave and sometimes it's more beneficial to let them show their own butt. If I'm confident in my postion sometimes it does more to let them run out of gas. On the other hand I do believe there are cases where you should keep harmony breakers away from your own personal harmony orbits.

I do think that it is all about learning and growing though and if they are doing this because they need help that's what I would get them if I could.

Yes, you're right, it is all about learning and growing... and being confident in our position, that really helps a lot... biggrin

I've been tinkering with writing for a while (my "harmonics of Life"). It's mostly for me to reflect on. One of the chapters is called "orbits of aquaintances". It's basically how we let some closer and keep some more at a distance and why. It has to do with how I deal with things now, but also how and maybe why I dealt with people and my closeness or distance from them in the past. I have discovered that many times I have dealt with people out of my own hasty emotions and not with a thoughtful method. The thoughtful way of course thinking of a bigger picture than me and my own protective system. One thing that I have learned on mingle is about my own reactive character and it has actually helped me make more tempered comments. I'm less "coming out blazing" than I think I was.

I think it's really awesome, mg, that we can grow and change the way we do here on Mingle, by trial and error, especially when we're the new kid on the block, and we don't really know if we'll be accepted. Then at times it can almost feel like we go through an initiation phase too, to see if we have staying power... and your idea sounds really fascinating, I like the image that "orbits of acquaintances" conjures up in my imagination... it seems that it would take considerable time to reflect and document the specific reasons why you like some and not others, but imagine the stories you could tell... I know for me, I cherish the opportunity to learn how to become more mature in my interactions with the good people here, who, after all these months of talking, squabbling, sharing, and caring, really feel like my extended family, and I actually miss people when we don't get to socialize...

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