Topic: Is intelligence a turn on?
afriQueen22's photo
Wed 12/12/12 04:30 PM
Edited by afriQueen22 on Wed 12/12/12 04:39 PM
How is "stupidity" a turn on?
I'm definately attracted to intelligence, maybe because I'm not so turned on by good looks. Stimulating conversation and a sense of humour are of utmost importance, even if not it's for anything more than those er, between activities conversations. Intelligence for me is not just about book smarts, life itself is a great teacher after all.
I'm always looking to discover and learn new things so I like surrounding myself who are just as open and willing to share gained knowledge.
A great mind is just as much of a turn on, if not more so, than a killer smile for me.

MariahsFantasy's photo
Wed 12/12/12 07:13 PM

How is "stupidity" a turn on?

I am not an expert in this but I say anything can be done especially things that never make sense.

no photo
Wed 12/12/12 07:34 PM

I can't imagine having the time to worry about it, most people don;t know what intelligence is

nearly all people posses an intelligence that exceeds the norm in some way - even those who may not express themselves well verbally

people who are not qualified to ***** the intelligence or mental capacity of others but do so anyway kinda get on my nerves

but not completely because we use our brains to understand by labeling and categorizing

and I understand that it's one of those nebulous concepts - I think in the context of this thread it is really more a matter of being on the same wave length and understanding each other with a similar intelligence or knowledge pattern

similar perception and information processing

Why don't you think people know what intelligence is? And why don't you think people would have time to worry about it?

People are not qualified to what the intelligence?

why do I need to explain?

I asked because I did not understand exactly what you were saying. It helps in threads like this. Obviously, you cannot be forced to explain, though.


I have not really had time to explain. I do not mean that people are not intelligent or capable of identifying intelligence. Intelligence is actually pretty complex tho. There many facets and different types. Though, for example, I may think you are intelligent, I am not qualified to make a formal technical judegement as to your IQ - most people aren't

doesn't mean that we do not have an innate understanding of intelligence, but usually (in my opinion) it is a reflection of how we understand intelligence based on our own perception, or possibly a reflection of our own strengths that we best relate to. So sometimes it is possible to think someone is not intelligent just because they are different than what we "expect " an intelligent person to be like, or difficult to understand (based on our own abilities and expereinces)

The best example I have is a student of mine several years ago. One day after he left my cubicle someone made a comment about him not being smart enough to be there....truth? He had a speech impediment. He had graduated HS at 15 or 16. He was a genius - literally - went onto med school or pharm school at about age 17. A speech impediment made him sound funny and people thought he was mentally disabled.

Sebass2020's photo
Thu 12/13/12 01:48 AM
Hmm, I guess it I more on the intelligent side of the fence - to be able to discuss the latest news in world, science, tech, and so much more is intriguing to me :D But I also understand the need to just be dumb and silly at times too. Being Poindexter 24/7 can be annoying at times.

Couverture's photo
Sun 01/06/13 09:12 PM
A turn on for me.

I love a woman that can hold her own in most conversations without dominating.

rocknroller67's photo
Sun 01/06/13 10:46 PM
Intelligence is definitely a turn on. Can't handle a woman that has a lower IQ than a bag of rocks!

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/06/13 11:31 PM

josie68's photo
Mon 01/07/13 02:39 AM

Are you more attracted to intelligent people? Or, do you find ditzyness a turn on?

huh How do you define "intelligent"?

I think different people define intelligence differently.

I like someone who is intelligent, but about what I want them to know, I am not interested in politics, news or studying.

I don't always talk correctly or about appropriate things, I have no interest in sounding good or speaking about things that will make me appear as if I actually know more than I do.

I dont like to talk about war or anything else that I cannot change.

I have had very little education (looking at it from an Americans side)

So am I probably not classed as intelligent to most.

But I can tell you more about farming, running a business, raising children, living in the bush, survival in the outback and any other topic that amuses me.

I am never bored nor boring, my friends would never class me as unintelligent, so what is the benchmark.

teebee79's photo
Mon 01/07/13 04:07 AM

Are you more attracted to intelligent people? Or, do you find ditzyness a turn on?

INTELLIGENCE!!! I looove a smart guy!! But beware...they can be just as much of an a$$ as the drop dead gorgeous average intelligence guy.

Lyndy1970's photo
Mon 01/07/13 09:25 AM
I prefer someone with the intelligence to hold a conversation about the every day things in life, current news, politics (when someone can get me to talk Politics), etc.

If I'm getting a blank stare because they don't understand something basic...yeah, I'm done.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Tue 01/08/13 04:59 AM

Are you more attracted to intelligent people? Or, do you find ditzyness a turn on?

I value open-mindedness more than intelligence. An intelligent person with a closed mind is just insufferable.

Onion2012's photo
Tue 01/08/13 05:48 AM
I like to meet intelligent people. But don't tolarate those who think he is the smarter than anyone.

Onion2012's photo
Tue 01/08/13 05:49 AM
I like to meet intelligent people. But don't tolarate those who think he is the smarter than everyone.

no photo
Tue 01/08/13 08:13 AM
intelligence is very atttractive to me.

no photo
Tue 01/08/13 08:20 AM
Edited by toxicpoizon on Tue 01/08/13 08:21 AM
Love an intelligent woman with varied interests. One who can talk about various subjects with ease.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 01/08/13 08:38 AM
Intelligence encompasses a lot...I'm quite philosophical so I would appreciate if she could keep up with that a bit more than the others. However, so as I've found, my age group is less than curious.

I just can't stand people that waste their ability to learn on drivel and the trivial...We are in possession of the most wonderful organ known to man, use it.

GreenEyes48's photo
Thu 01/10/13 04:11 AM
I enjoy being around "free" and non-conventional thinkers. (Versus someone who is a "mimic" or "copy-cat" and always quoting other people.)

Goofball73's photo
Thu 01/10/13 08:17 AM
I like a woman with wit, a creative mind, and not so book smart that common sense escapes her. However, I do not discriminate. I love me some slutty women too. :tongue: laugh

no photo
Thu 01/10/13 08:31 AM
Yeah, its a turn on as long as you're not hiding something...shades

no photo
Thu 01/10/13 08:33 AM

Yeah, its a turn on as long as you're not hiding something...shades

You could probably say that for anything that turns you on.