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Topic: Can mary save?
CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 10:13 AM

You're just being weird now Funches.

The lord THY God, the lord YOUR God.

Both the luck verses have Jesus specifically saying he is God, he is OUR God. And I've already showed in the past where it was the LORD God that made mankind eg., Jesus. He is the ONLY Lord God.

sorry Cowboy...read Luke 4:9

then sign the surrender papers

Yes, I can't help it you don't listen. That's not my problem lol.

Luke 4:9
9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence

Jesus is our God, his father is his God. Jesus has been given authority over us.

Matthew 28:18
18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

This power/authority has been given to him by HIS God, the Father. That is why Jesus NEVER refers to his father as our God, or your God. Always HIS God.

But they are ONE God. Again, the word "god" is not denoted to a species. It is a title. That is why even though there are two, there is but one God. God the father has the say in the end IF they were ever to disagree on something, wouldn't happen, but yeah IF that were to have ever happened, the Father would have the last say in it.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 10:34 AM

Luke 4:9
9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence

now explain what is taking place in that passage

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 10:40 AM

Luke 4:9
9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence

now explain what is taking place in that passage

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

Again, after again, after again, after again, Jesus is the son of God. And he is God. The word "God" is not denoted to a single being, it is not a name, it is a title.

Jesus is OUR God eg., Do not tempt the Lord THY/YOUR God.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 10:55 AM
Edited by funches on Mon 12/17/12 10:58 AM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 11:42 AM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

And no in luke 4:9 he never claimed to be God, there was no need. Taking things out of context again and comparing oranges with apples Funches lol. Please I ask for the sake of the discussion, stay on track.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 11:47 AM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 11:57 AM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father lol. He was talking about the father's angels when he said "will give his angels charge...".

Who else could he have even been possibly talking about? lol

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:12 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:15 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:20 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:26 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:30 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

Cowboy...it's a simple yes or no question

is The Father also The Father of Satan?

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

TBRich's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:30 PM
Here is another clue for you all: the walrus was Paul

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:36 PM
Edited by funches on Mon 12/17/12 12:39 PM

Here is another clue for you all: the walrus was Paul

and the talking *** in the story of Balaam was God

wow...why can't the word *** be shown?..isn't the word *** in the bible

but anyway...in the story of Balaam ..God made a complete *** out of himself

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:38 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

Cowboy...it's a simple yes or no question

is The Father also The Father of Satan?

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

Colossians 1

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

And we know when it says "for by HIM" it was in reference to Jesus. Because in verse 19, it says it pleased the FATHER that in HIM. And then in 20, it speaks of the blood of HIS cross. So it's understood to be talking about Jesus.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:41 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

Cowboy...it's a simple yes or no question

is The Father also The Father of Satan?

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

Colossians 1

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

And we know when it says "for by HIM" it was in reference to Jesus. Because in verse 19, it says it pleased the FATHER that in HIM. And then in 20, it speaks of the blood of HIS cross. So it's understood to be talking about Jesus.

Does not say specifically Satan, but it sums it up with "by him all things were created, things in Heaven and in Earth."

Satan was once in Heaven at the time of creation. So therefore he would be included in that all things in Heaven.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:44 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

Cowboy...it's a simple yes or no question

is The Father also The Father of Satan?

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

Colossians 1

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

so who is the "him"...who is the Father of Satan?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:47 PM

Someone was asking Jesus if he was the son of God... thought it was pretty clear.

and it's also pretty clear that in the passage luke 4:9... Jesus never claim that he was God

ok...so now let's move on to "lesson two" which is Luke 4:10

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

ok...now Cowboy...who is the "he" being referred to in this passage that Satan indicated would help save Jesus from harm if he jumped from the pinnacle of the temple?

The Father's Angels.

no Cowboy try and stay focus...the "he" would not be the angels...Luke 4:10 states that "he" will give his angels charge ....

so again Cowboy who is the "he" Satan is referring to

.... Uh, the Father

is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What are you talking about Funches?

Luke 4:10
For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you:

He shall give.. The Father shall give HIS angels charge over you.... Not Satan's angels. Please elaborate on what you're talking about.

Cowboy...stay focus now....is the Father also Satan's Father?

??? What does that got to do with anything?

None of this discussion was even heading in that direction nor do any scripture even roughly mention that he is or isn't..... please elaborate.

Cowboy...it's a simple yes or no question

is The Father also The Father of Satan?

it's these Perry Mason moments that makes it all worthwhile

Colossians 1

16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

so who is the "him"...who is the Father of Satan?

If you wouldn't edit the posts, it explains that at the bottom of the post.

Jesus is "him". The one that bared the cross for us all.

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:47 PM

Does not say specifically Satan, but it sums it up with "by him all things were created, things in Heaven and in Earth."

Satan was once in Heaven at the time of creation. So therefore he would be included in that all things in Heaven.

Cowboy...who is the Father of Satan? ...

so funny how you try to dodge the question

what's the next trick...you're going to play like you already answered it

no photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:48 PM
Edited by funches on Mon 12/17/12 12:59 PM

Jesus is "him". The one that bared the cross for us all.

wow...never thought I could get a follower of Jesus to point to "him" as being Satan's Father

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