Topic: How Old Is too Old
miko1960's photo
Fri 09/07/12 12:44 PM
I am no longer able to perform certain physical activities such as running or strenuous exercise due to previous injuries I sustained while playing sports and also when I had been in the Marine Corps and had broken my wrist in three places, however I am quite the night owl, always have been, and I really love to go out dancing, in all other aspects with the exception of my injuries I still have a lot of stamina for a man my age, most of my male friends of the the same age bracket are unable to keep up with me.

navygirl's photo
Fri 09/07/12 01:18 PM

I am no longer able to perform certain physical activities such as running or strenuous exercise due to previous injuries I sustained while playing sports and also when I had been in the Marine Corps and had broken my wrist in three places, however I am quite the night owl, always have been, and I really love to go out dancing, in all other aspects with the exception of my injuries I still have a lot of stamina for a man my age, most of my male friends of the the same age bracket are unable to keep up with me.

Actually with me; most of my male friends in their 30s and 40s can't keep up with me; so not surprising men my age can't. That sucks about the broken wrist. I have never broken a bone ever and although I have had lots of bumps and bruises in the military. I actually fell off my bike at a good clip recently but fortunately I bounce well and just had some scrapes and bruises. Then a few days ago; a trailer fell off its blocks and one of the corners hit my shoulder but other than being sore; it doesn't seem to bad as I was weight lifting this morning.

no photo
Fri 09/07/12 01:42 PM
I've always had a 5-7 years either side rule but I recently went on a date with someone 20 years old and although he didn't look his age, his attitude/mannerisms highlighted our age gap so I'm back to sticking with my 'rule'.

navygirl's photo
Fri 09/07/12 03:15 PM

I've always had a 5-7 years either side rule but I recently went on a date with someone 20 years old and although he didn't look his age, his attitude/mannerisms highlighted our age gap so I'm back to sticking with my 'rule'.

Yeah; it does show through immediately doesn't it. Me; I am also just not attracted to younger guys. There is something very sexy about a man with a few lines on his face; and I love the salt and pepper hair. That's what attracts me; not the boyish/babyface looks.

no photo
Fri 09/07/12 03:25 PM
Older than .......ME!!!!

sorry but....

I'm old enough!!!

no photo
Sat 09/08/12 04:48 AM

I've always had a 5-7 years either side rule but I recently went on a date with someone 20 years old and although he didn't look his age, his attitude/mannerisms highlighted our age gap so I'm back to sticking with my 'rule'.

Yeah; it does show through immediately doesn't it. Me; I am also just not attracted to younger guys. There is something very sexy about a man with a few lines on his face; and I love the salt and pepper hair. That's what attracts me; not the boyish/babyface looks.

Yeah, it did show through immediately. It also didn't help when I tried to visualise a 63yr old man playing football with my 6yr old.

I won't totally rule out guys significantly older or younger as I do believe that it depends on the person but my preference will always be for someone closer to my own age.

Mystique42's photo
Sat 09/08/12 06:28 AM
I have dated a guy older than me, and I actually cared for him very much. Age is just a number.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/08/12 08:52 AM
You know what the irony is that men my age say they want a younger woman because the guy is so active. Now; I can tell you from my experience with guys my age; there are certainly different perspectives of what active actually is. I think of active as physically active, very sexually active, as well as socially active. When I have dated these so called active men; they can barely walk down to the corner store of as I said previously can't stay up much past 10. My last camping trip; I stayed up until 6:00 am. I wonder how many guys can keep up to that? or a long hike? a long bike ride? camping in a tent? or row a boat accross a lake? The guys my age discount me because of my age yet its them that can't keep up to me. laugh

no photo
Sat 09/08/12 08:59 AM
Whenever I tell an older man that we're too far apart in age to date, he tells me "baby, age is just a number! I look much younger, so it's ok." 9 times out of 10, they actually look older.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/08/12 09:45 AM

Yep, people who say 'age is just a number' are speaking for themselves.

...unless they mean it to correct those who dont feel that way. Then they are being intolerant of different preferences.

Hopefully they just mean 'age is just a number' me''

LOL navy. Ive seen that too. Lots of bragging instead of elaborating on simple topics. As if its bragworthy. "I date 20yrs my senior and theyre always hot...I date 20yrs my junior and theyre always hot. Look at me be all active with my pudgy gut/bottom" haha. Thanks for the tips. haha.

Isn't that the truth? Honestly; I would rather a guy be up front and admit that he isn't that active rather than out and out lie. I will stay active myself but he certainly doesn't have to keep up to my fitness level. I have been with guys that sleep in while I go to my basement and workout. I don't expect them to workout with me if that isn't their thing.

Yeah; I have seen with all them the pudgy gut but unlike men who would dismiss a woman for not having a perfect body; I would accept them just as they are.

hopscotch1234's photo
Sat 09/08/12 10:26 AM

I recently dated a 21 yr old and I am 50. Neither one of us intended for it to happen, but it did. I fell hard. it was great. then something changed. Seems like someone may have helped her change her mind. Hard to get over. It would be easier to settle for someone but I couldn't be happy without love so I remain single. I am not sure why I have such an attraction to younger girls. They seem so less poluted. Less hangups. Purer love. I am young for my age and I think that helps.

Do you think someone actually helped her change her mind? Could it be she may have been questioning the relationship and maybe asked her friends what they thought? Maybe; her friends were looking out for her best interest. There could have been the concern that you may develop health issues as you age, or maybe she wanted marriage and kids with a dad that wouldn't be thought of us a grandfather. Or maybe they thought you were just using her for sex. I am not trying to be mean but rather I am taking a more logical approach. As for hangups with older women; let me tell you its not just the women that have hangups as I have met my share of bitter divorced men. I think we can kid ourselves all we want about being young for our age but that doesn't make us younger which I think is the reason older people are attracted to a younger person. They think that younger person will keep them young. Personally; I would rather be with someone that can age gracefully and stay active rather than date someone far younger but however to each his/her own. We have one life and we need to live it the way we see fit.

this was not really a relationship. I was about five days. On day three things changed for a little bit and she told me her mom had told her no. we talked. things were good. then all of a sudden it was a no go again. That is fine but I had developed feelings. It took both of us to get where we were at and neither one had intended it. it jus happened. all is fine. Then she would give me no answers, wouldn't talk to me or give me any explanation. just left me out hanging. That is what was and is so hard to deal with. My neighbor gal, my age, married a guy that is three years older than her dad. I asked her the other day if she would change it. She said absolutly not. The funeral home curator that buried may brother while this was going on said her parents had a larger age spread than that and were very happy in their marriage. I know sometimes age spread relationships work very well. it is up to the participants. But I don't know what happened to mine so it is unresolved in my mind and that is a very thing for me.

burgundybry's photo
Sat 09/08/12 11:17 AM
In response to the OP's topic...evidentially 54 isindifferent

boonedoggy61's photo
Sat 09/08/12 11:34 AM
It must be around my age..... cause I don't get dates anymore....

tears tears

Theron89's photo
Sat 09/08/12 12:24 PM
Hard to say really, some 30 yo's have the maturity of someone in grade school, in a relationship we are all just as old as our life experience demands us to be. Some people do not ever have the need to grow as a human they just stay in their niche. I don't think age/race should have anything to do with it. If the person you fall for never leaves you doing anything but smiling the only thing that should matter is when your going out to see them next.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/08/12 12:59 PM

I recently dated a 21 yr old and I am 50. Neither one of us intended for it to happen, but it did. I fell hard. it was great. then something changed. Seems like someone may have helped her change her mind. Hard to get over. It would be easier to settle for someone but I couldn't be happy without love so I remain single. I am not sure why I have such an attraction to younger girls. They seem so less poluted. Less hangups. Purer love. I am young for my age and I think that helps.

Do you think someone actually helped her change her mind? Could it be she may have been questioning the relationship and maybe asked her friends what they thought? Maybe; her friends were looking out for her best interest. There could have been the concern that you may develop health issues as you age, or maybe she wanted marriage and kids with a dad that wouldn't be thought of us a grandfather. Or maybe they thought you were just using her for sex. I am not trying to be mean but rather I am taking a more logical approach. As for hangups with older women; let me tell you its not just the women that have hangups as I have met my share of bitter divorced men. I think we can kid ourselves all we want about being young for our age but that doesn't make us younger which I think is the reason older people are attracted to a younger person. They think that younger person will keep them young. Personally; I would rather be with someone that can age gracefully and stay active rather than date someone far younger but however to each his/her own. We have one life and we need to live it the way we see fit.

this was not really a relationship. I was about five days. On day three things changed for a little bit and she told me her mom had told her no. we talked. things were good. then all of a sudden it was a no go again. That is fine but I had developed feelings. It took both of us to get where we were at and neither one had intended it. it jus happened. all is fine. Then she would give me no answers, wouldn't talk to me or give me any explanation. just left me out hanging. That is what was and is so hard to deal with. My neighbor gal, my age, married a guy that is three years older than her dad. I asked her the other day if she would change it. She said absolutly not. The funeral home curator that buried may brother while this was going on said her parents had a larger age spread than that and were very happy in their marriage. I know sometimes age spread relationships work very well. it is up to the participants. But I don't know what happened to mine so it is unresolved in my mind and that is a very thing for me.

Doesn't that tell you something about the mindset of this young girl? If she can't make her own mind without mom's influence; then it sounds like she is very immature. You are better off with out her personally. I have no doubt the odd relationship regarding age gap does work but its not the norm. I am in good health for my age but as we age; the health risks run higher. So what happens when my health fails with a younger man. Does he give up his life just to be a care giver for me? Or does he just toss me in a home? These things run through my mind. How about if he wants kids but I can't give him kids? Or that fact that you may not have the energy to care for the child? Or worse yet; you die and leave that young person alone to be a single parent? As we age; most of us are prepared for death and really don't fear it. How do you explain this to a younger person that has 30 years more than you to live. I would also wonder if that younger person truly is going to be faithful to me as goodness knows a younger woman that is beautiful and has the perfect body is going to turn his head faster than I can. What if he is just using me for sex; or a chance to clean out my bank account? I think of all the sceanarios like this and it turns me right off on the idea of dating someone way younger than me.

hopscotch1234's photo
Sat 09/08/12 04:30 PM

I recently dated a 21 yr old and I am 50. Neither one of us intended for it to happen, but it did. I fell hard. it was great. then something changed. Seems like someone may have helped her change her mind. Hard to get over. It would be easier to settle for someone but I couldn't be happy without love so I remain single. I am not sure why I have such an attraction to younger girls. They seem so less poluted. Less hangups. Purer love. I am young for my age and I think that helps.

Do you think someone actually helped her change her mind? Could it be she may have been questioning the relationship and maybe asked her friends what they thought? Maybe; her friends were looking out for her best interest. There could have been the concern that you may develop health issues as you age, or maybe she wanted marriage and kids with a dad that wouldn't be thought of us a grandfather. Or maybe they thought you were just using her for sex. I am not trying to be mean but rather I am taking a more logical approach. As for hangups with older women; let me tell you its not just the women that have hangups as I have met my share of bitter divorced men. I think we can kid ourselves all we want about being young for our age but that doesn't make us younger which I think is the reason older people are attracted to a younger person. They think that younger person will keep them young. Personally; I would rather be with someone that can age gracefully and stay active rather than date someone far younger but however to each his/her own. We have one life and we need to live it the way we see fit.

this was not really a relationship. I was about five days. On day three things changed for a little bit and she told me her mom had told her no. we talked. things were good. then all of a sudden it was a no go again. That is fine but I had developed feelings. It took both of us to get where we were at and neither one had intended it. it jus happened. all is fine. Then she would give me no answers, wouldn't talk to me or give me any explanation. just left me out hanging. That is what was and is so hard to deal with. My neighbor gal, my age, married a guy that is three years older than her dad. I asked her the other day if she would change it. She said absolutly not. The funeral home curator that buried may brother while this was going on said her parents had a larger age spread than that and were very happy in their marriage. I know sometimes age spread relationships work very well. it is up to the participants. But I don't know what happened to mine so it is unresolved in my mind and that is a very thing for me.

Doesn't that tell you something about the mindset of this young girl? If she can't make her own mind without mom's influence; then it sounds like she is very immature. You are better off with out her personally. I have no doubt the odd relationship regarding age gap does work but its not the norm. I am in good health for my age but as we age; the health risks run higher. So what happens when my health fails with a younger man. Does he give up his life just to be a care giver for me? Or does he just toss me in a home? These things run through my mind. How about if he wants kids but I can't give him kids? Or that fact that you may not have the energy to care for the child? Or worse yet; you die and leave that young person alone to be a single parent? As we age; most of us are prepared for death and really don't fear it. How do you explain this to a younger person that has 30 years more than you to live. I would also wonder if that younger person truly is going to be faithful to me as goodness knows a younger woman that is beautiful and has the perfect body is going to turn his head faster than I can. What if he is just using me for sex; or a chance to clean out my bank account? I think of all the sceanarios like this and it turns me right off on the idea of dating someone way younger than me.
I completely understand. I have known plenty of side sex going on even in same age old couples so that wouldn't be of anymore concern to me in age spread couples. I have know many younger people to die before their older counterparts. The fear of a partner dying would also then be reason to never get involved with military personnel. I had a shipboard friend that once told me his same age wife and him could never get their sex drives on the same page. first he wanted it and not her then vice versa. I think anything and every problem can be overcome with a team of two working together. I feel it is all about the heart and the trust. If I was truly in love with someone who was truly in love with me I don't think together there would be a thing on the face of this earth that could stop us from accomplishing what ever we wanted.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/08/12 04:48 PM

I recently dated a 21 yr old and I am 50. Neither one of us intended for it to happen, but it did. I fell hard. it was great. then something changed. Seems like someone may have helped her change her mind. Hard to get over. It would be easier to settle for someone but I couldn't be happy without love so I remain single. I am not sure why I have such an attraction to younger girls. They seem so less poluted. Less hangups. Purer love. I am young for my age and I think that helps.

Do you think someone actually helped her change her mind? Could it be she may have been questioning the relationship and maybe asked her friends what they thought? Maybe; her friends were looking out for her best interest. There could have been the concern that you may develop health issues as you age, or maybe she wanted marriage and kids with a dad that wouldn't be thought of us a grandfather. Or maybe they thought you were just using her for sex. I am not trying to be mean but rather I am taking a more logical approach. As for hangups with older women; let me tell you its not just the women that have hangups as I have met my share of bitter divorced men. I think we can kid ourselves all we want about being young for our age but that doesn't make us younger which I think is the reason older people are attracted to a younger person. They think that younger person will keep them young. Personally; I would rather be with someone that can age gracefully and stay active rather than date someone far younger but however to each his/her own. We have one life and we need to live it the way we see fit.

this was not really a relationship. I was about five days. On day three things changed for a little bit and she told me her mom had told her no. we talked. things were good. then all of a sudden it was a no go again. That is fine but I had developed feelings. It took both of us to get where we were at and neither one had intended it. it jus happened. all is fine. Then she would give me no answers, wouldn't talk to me or give me any explanation. just left me out hanging. That is what was and is so hard to deal with. My neighbor gal, my age, married a guy that is three years older than her dad. I asked her the other day if she would change it. She said absolutly not. The funeral home curator that buried may brother while this was going on said her parents had a larger age spread than that and were very happy in their marriage. I know sometimes age spread relationships work very well. it is up to the participants. But I don't know what happened to mine so it is unresolved in my mind and that is a very thing for me.

Doesn't that tell you something about the mindset of this young girl? If she can't make her own mind without mom's influence; then it sounds like she is very immature. You are better off with out her personally. I have no doubt the odd relationship regarding age gap does work but its not the norm. I am in good health for my age but as we age; the health risks run higher. So what happens when my health fails with a younger man. Does he give up his life just to be a care giver for me? Or does he just toss me in a home? These things run through my mind. How about if he wants kids but I can't give him kids? Or that fact that you may not have the energy to care for the child? Or worse yet; you die and leave that young person alone to be a single parent? As we age; most of us are prepared for death and really don't fear it. How do you explain this to a younger person that has 30 years more than you to live. I would also wonder if that younger person truly is going to be faithful to me as goodness knows a younger woman that is beautiful and has the perfect body is going to turn his head faster than I can. What if he is just using me for sex; or a chance to clean out my bank account? I think of all the sceanarios like this and it turns me right off on the idea of dating someone way younger than me.
I completely understand. I have known plenty of side sex going on even in same age old couples so that wouldn't be of anymore concern to me in age spread couples. I have know many younger people to die before their older counterparts. The fear of a partner dying would also then be reason to never get involved with military personnel. I had a shipboard friend that once told me his same age wife and him could never get their sex drives on the same page. first he wanted it and not her then vice versa. I think anything and every problem can be overcome with a team of two working together. I feel it is all about the heart and the trust. If I was truly in love with someone who was truly in love with me I don't think together there would be a thing on the face of this earth that could stop us from accomplishing what ever we wanted.

I understand what you are saying. I just think a younger person may have some underlying motives for dating an older person. Me, if I were to ever date a younger man; I would not let him have access to my bank account, any assets, and if we lived together I would have him sign a pre-naup. The old saying is there is no fool like an old fool. I am just wary of what they really want from me. Seen way to many elderly people get scammed from younger people. Incidentially; these people that got scammed were very much in love with the younger person; even married for 3 to 4 years before they cleaned out their bank account. I would say just be cautious with these younger folk.

no photo
Sat 09/08/12 04:51 PM

I just dated a 21 year old and things were very very nice until someone talked to her and changed her mind. Broke my heart. I think often it would be easier to date someone my own age but they just don't give me any sparks inside. I like the outlook of younger girls better. Not as much baggage. But it can be a difficult road to trave.

interesting comment

I have dated much younger men also - so it can go both ways as far as both men and women dating younger

it has been important for me to examine why it is I am with a person - I think it's OK to date younger if you are accepting them as an adult equal

but if a much younger partner is not behaving as an adult equal - let them go - my thought - because there has to be compatability and equal (or close to equal) maturity levels - irrespective of age

no photo
Sun 09/09/12 03:46 AM

Hard to say really, some 30 yo's have the maturity of someone in grade school, in a relationship we are all just as old as our life experience demands us to be. Some people do not ever have the need to grow as a human they just stay in their niche. I don't think age/race should have anything to do with it. If the person you fall for never leaves you doing anything but smiling the only thing that should matter is when your going out to see them next.

^^This (but would extend the age range).

If the person is compatible and makes me happy/keeps me smiling, his age will be irrelevant.

I just hope that if such a person were to cross my path, I’d give him a chance and have the guts to see where things lead regardless of how old he is.

navygirl's photo
Sun 09/09/12 11:35 AM

Hard to say really, some 30 yo's have the maturity of someone in grade school, in a relationship we are all just as old as our life experience demands us to be. Some people do not ever have the need to grow as a human they just stay in their niche. I don't think age/race should have anything to do with it. If the person you fall for never leaves you doing anything but smiling the only thing that should matter is when your going out to see them next.

^^This (but would extend the age range).

If the person is compatible and makes me happy/keeps me smiling, his age will be irrelevant.

I just hope that if such a person were to cross my path, I’d give him a chance and have the guts to see where things lead regardless of how old he is.

I wish I could belive that age is not a factor. I have to go with my own experiences with younger men and found they always had an ulterior motive to use me for something. I can't believe that a young handsome man would be interested in an unattractive 52 year old woman like me when there are hot looking women with perfect bodies their own age out there. They usually see the chance for a place to live, or that I have money. They also think I will teach them about sex or that because I am so unattractive that no man will have sex with me so I will be greatful for him offering to sleep with me. Again; I speak from my own experiences and I have learned to follow my gut instincts when meeting a younger man. My instincts have been 100% spot on about everything that has happened in my life. I have learned to trust my instincts as they have saved me from a lot of grief.