Topic: A very unfortunate matter concerning a Mingle2 moderator | |
He does have an equally sick brother named Kevin Willis who has been jailed for the same type of crimes...
Edited by
Tue 05/15/12 10:31 AM
What is interesting is that people will say "Homosexuals didn't choose to be that way! They can't change!!!!!", but they somehow think that pedophiles can. If you can't choose / change your sexual orientation, why do you think pedophiles can? Prison for life or execution, their choice. It very well may be true that pedophilia is wired into those peoples brains (much like homosexuality) and can't be changed, but is a life jail sentence or execution the answer? We live in a society that leans more towards rejuvenation rather than punishment, so how would either of those punishments be either fair or productive (in the sense of fixing the root of the problem). Sure, locking them up or legally killing them will keep them away from kids, but is it right to punish somebody for something that may be beyond their control? Besides, the upkeep of prisoners isn't cheap and have you seen our national debt lately? Wouldn't a more fit solution be neutering? It's fast, easy, cheap and possibly effective while leaving those people capable of being a productive part of society. Mind you...I'm not a trained psychologist...but it's been my understanding that most pedophiles & sexual offenders were in fact, molested as children themselves. Of course, this does not give them an "excuse" for their behavior...but I did find it interesting that his brother is also a sexual predator (still researching Kevin Willis & don't have all the facts...yet). Sounds like this issue is "All In The Family"... And I'm not so sure that neutering is a viable option. Our brains are our largest sexual organ...whether "normal" or twisted & diseased. I, myself have dated several men in wheelchairs who were...for lack of a better term..."neutered" by paralysis...& they still had the same sexual desires regardless of whether their genitalia function or not. Just food for thought... |
Edited by
Tue 05/15/12 10:09 AM
MsHarmony, no, I don't think child molesters/predators EVER change because if they are out in society the object of there desire/temptation is always there. He may have said that he didn't want a woman with any children because the temptation would have been too strong and he would have been caught again. He joined this site shortly after his release from jail the second time (2002-07). He joined just before me if I am correct. I respectfully disagree. I think EVERYONE can change, regardless of the labels society gives them I dont even know if he changed, but I still see it as a positive that he made any attempt to avoid children. Pedophiles don't change. There is no cure for it. Statistics prove this. statistics can only show a tendency , a correlation, they cant prove anything unless they come back with 100% of results... are you saying there was an unbiased study done in which ALL the participants involved continued to reoffend for a life time? I'm saying that they never change and, yes, I have read quite a bit about it and have seen the statistics of their high recidivism rates. |
Well said, Phuque.
His brother was no class act either - burglary, child porn, a tunnel and cave dug under his residence, stolen women's and girls' underwear. now thats spooky no doubt something happened to them as children terrible cycle,,,,,, |
MsHarmony, no, I don't think child molesters/predators EVER change because if they are out in society the object of there desire/temptation is always there. He may have said that he didn't want a woman with any children because the temptation would have been too strong and he would have been caught again. He joined this site shortly after his release from jail the second time (2002-07). He joined just before me if I am correct. I respectfully disagree. I think EVERYONE can change, regardless of the labels society gives them I dont even know if he changed, but I still see it as a positive that he made any attempt to avoid children. Pedophiles don't change. There is no cure for it. Statistics prove this. statistics can only show a tendency , a correlation, they cant prove anything unless they come back with 100% of results... are you saying there was an unbiased study done in which ALL the participants involved continued to reoffend for a life time? I'm saying that they never change and, yes, I have read quite a bit about it and have seen the statistics of their high recidivism rates. but even 'high' recidivism (unless its one hundred percent) doesnt prove they never have,will, or can change |
What is interesting is that people will say "Homosexuals didn't choose to be that way! They can't change!!!!!", but they somehow think that pedophiles can. If you can't choose / change your sexual orientation, why do you think pedophiles can? Prison for life or execution, their choice. It very well may be true that pedophilia is wired into those peoples brains (much like homosexuality) and can't be changed, but is a life jail sentence or execution the answer? We live in a society that leans more towards rejuvenation rather than punishment, so how would either of those punishments be either fair or productive (in the sense of fixing the root of the problem). Sure, locking them up or legally killing them will keep them away from kids, but is it right to punish somebody for something that may be beyond their control? Besides, the upkeep of prisoners isn't cheap and have you seen our national debt lately? Wouldn't a more fit solution be neutering? It's fast, easy, cheap and possibly effective while leaving those people capable of being a productive part of society. Mind you...I'm not a trained psychologist...but it's been my understanding that most pedophiles & sexual offenders were in fact, molested as children themselves. Of course, this does not give them an "excuse" for their behavior...but I did find it interesting that his brother is also a sexual predator (still researching Kevin Willis & don't have all the facts...yet). Sounds like this issue is "All In The Family"... And I'm not so sure that neutering is a viable option. Our brains are our largest sexual organ...whether "normal" or twisted & diseased. I, myself have dated several men in wheelchairs who were...for lack of a better term..."neutered" by paralysis...& they still had the same sexual desires regardless of whether their genitalia function or not. Just food for thought... people worry too much about whats in other peoples minds, , it affects noone else unless or until it is ACTED upon we dont need to legislate and put controls on peoples minds, we need to discourage their 'actions' |
First off...The "man" you know as LEX...did not exist! Look again at the 56 yr old balding guy in the vacumn store and say to yoursef...that is KEITH LAWRENCE WILLIS, convicted Pediphile!
Now, no one OWES him the benefit of the doubt. 1. There is no doubt 2. He is the one that has to PROVE to society he is safe to children He failed miserably at least twice that we know of. He deserves no credit for being emphatic about wanting a woman with NO children. We do not know what that means. He wanted YOUNG girls. We do know this. That could be a ruse to get a woman with children. Or, he could just be afraid his profile would turn up and and put that there for his own benefit later if arrested. Now, here is an interesting thing I found out. There was a certain woman/girl on here (I guess I can't say her user name) But, to some of you who were on here when it was JSH when I was, you may recall..Lex's GF. Something interesting I noticed when reading some of her posts. Lex made a post wishing her a happy 24th birthday on 5/24/08. 24! ...later, on 1/12/08 on a thread entitled "what do you think of JSH" This girl posted this: "About 9 years ago, I met a man online (through a different site) and fell in love with him. Later, we lost touch for a few years. JSH enabled me to find my love again, so I am eternally grateful to this site. Also, the forums are interesting and many of the people on here are extremely friendly. " and Lex's responce: "Thanks, hun, that was sweet! " Now let's do some math. 24-9= 15 This man's release was on the condition that he stay registered as a sex offender so the public can be safe from him. He took it upon himself to secretly troll the internet for 7 years under an alias, deying his terms of release and making a joke of the purpose of the sex offender registery. It has been proven he cannot control his sick urges and desires. So, NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! Keith Willis does not deserve "CREDIT" or any "BENEFIT OF DOUBT" from anyone! He OWES society the assurance our children are safe from him! If he can't do that he belongs IN JAIL! Think of the children he scarred for LIFE! Think of other children that need to be protected from HIM! He is SCUM! I know some are having a hard time grasping that the LEX we thought we knew really never existed at all. But, he didn't. There is no LEX! Now, we have all been duped, hurt and scarred by this. We feel a horrible sense of mistrust. Mingle has been harmed. This place I have so much love for (Met my sweet Peccy Poo here) So many friends I love and do not want to alienate by my views on this. But, my hurt and worry goes to the children....the victims and potential victims. I am glad we have all had a chance to voice our opinions here, though. This is they way it should be. This is just ONE BIG learning experience for us all. Mingle is making things safer on their part. Plain old common sense will fill the gap. If something seems ODD, it most likely is!!! Most of us can look back now and see some very ODD things! Everyone, be careful ![]() |
Msharmony, can you provide any sources that state pedophiles do change, since that's what you seem to be arguing in favor of?
I remember lots of things he said.
1. the woman I'm looking for doesn't exsist. 2. women always try to change me, I just want to be me. 3. women on dating sites live too far away. I don't think he was really into women, but just wanted a peaceful life. |
Msharmony, can you provide any sources that state pedophiles do change, since that's what you seem to be arguing in favor of? |
I remember lots of things he said. 1. the woman I'm looking for doesn't exsist. 2. women always try to change me, I just want to be me. 3. women on dating sites live too far away. I don't think he was really into women, but just wanted a peaceful life. that was what I thought as a possibility too, by his statements and written avoidance of certain situations,,,, |
. We are dealing with it in the ways that we know how to deal with it.
Please my friends, quit telling people what they should think, and feel, in this situation. ![]() We are all individuals here, and adults, who can choose however we choose to feel, and think whatever we want to think, about all of this. ![]() I am not dealing with this well, at all. ![]() Yeah, im a big girl, but my heart is truely broken. ![]() Lex and I loved each other, (as friends), and whenever I had any questions or concerns, he was my "go to" man, and he always helped me. ![]() Im sorry I cant join the "crucify him" band wagon. My way of dealing with this, is MY way of dealing with it, and im entitled to that, as we all are, here. ![]() And MY way, of dealing with this, is... Lots of prayers, for the innocent children, and for a healing for all of my Mingle family.....and time. He will swiftly receive justice, if he ends up doing any amount of time, behind bars. ![]() They dont like baby-killers, and child molesters, in there. ![]() |
What is interesting is that people will say "Homosexuals didn't choose to be that way! They can't change!!!!!", but they somehow think that pedophiles can. If you can't choose / change your sexual orientation, why do you think pedophiles can? Prison for life or execution, their choice. It very well may be true that pedophilia is wired into those peoples brains (much like homosexuality) and can't be changed, but is a life jail sentence or execution the answer? We live in a society that leans more towards rejuvenation rather than punishment, so how would either of those punishments be either fair or productive (in the sense of fixing the root of the problem). Sure, locking them up or legally killing them will keep them away from kids, but is it right to punish somebody for something that may be beyond their control? Besides, the upkeep of prisoners isn't cheap and have you seen our national debt lately? Wouldn't a more fit solution be neutering? It's fast, easy, cheap and possibly effective while leaving those people capable of being a productive part of society. Mind you...I'm not a trained psychologist...but it's been my understanding that most pedophiles & sexual offenders were in fact, molested as children themselves. Of course, this does not give them an "excuse" for their behavior...but I did find it interesting that his brother is also a sexual predator (still researching Kevin Willis & don't have all the facts...yet). Sounds like this issue is "All In The Family"... And I'm not so sure that neutering is a viable option. Our brains are our largest sexual organ...whether "normal" or twisted & diseased. I, myself have dated several men in wheelchairs who were...for lack of a better term..."neutered" by paralysis...& they still had the same sexual desires regardless of whether their genitalia function or not. Just food for thought... We may never know exactly what drives people to become that way, but one possibility may be that they were abused as kids. Seeing as his brother is the same way, maybe it could be genetic???? Yes, it's still not an excuse for the things that they do to other people, but where is the justice in taking somebodies life over something that they may have no control over? Well, the paralyzed guys may still have sexual desires, but if they can't act upon them, it's sorta a moot point. For instance, how many of us wouldn't have minded pushing somebody off of a tall building at one time or another, but we didn't. There's a BIG difference between having thoughts and acting upon them. |
What is interesting is that people will say "Homosexuals didn't choose to be that way! They can't change!!!!!", but they somehow think that pedophiles can. If you can't choose / change your sexual orientation, why do you think pedophiles can? Prison for life or execution, their choice. It very well may be true that pedophilia is wired into those peoples brains (much like homosexuality) and can't be changed, but is a life jail sentence or execution the answer? We live in a society that leans more towards rejuvenation rather than punishment, so how would either of those punishments be either fair or productive (in the sense of fixing the root of the problem). Sure, locking them up or legally killing them will keep them away from kids, but is it right to punish somebody for something that may be beyond their control? Besides, the upkeep of prisoners isn't cheap and have you seen our national debt lately? Wouldn't a more fit solution be neutering? It's fast, easy, cheap and possibly effective while leaving those people capable of being a productive part of society. Mind you...I'm not a trained psychologist...but it's been my understanding that most pedophiles & sexual offenders were in fact, molested as children themselves. Of course, this does not give them an "excuse" for their behavior...but I did find it interesting that his brother is also a sexual predator (still researching Kevin Willis & don't have all the facts...yet). Sounds like this issue is "All In The Family"... And I'm not so sure that neutering is a viable option. Our brains are our largest sexual organ...whether "normal" or twisted & diseased. I, myself have dated several men in wheelchairs who were...for lack of a better term..."neutered" by paralysis...& they still had the same sexual desires regardless of whether their genitalia function or not. Just food for thought... We may never know exactly what drives people to become that way, but one possibility may be that they were abused as kids. Seeing as his brother is the same way, maybe it could be genetic???? Yes, it's still not an excuse for the things that they do to other people, but where is the justice in taking somebodies life over something that they may have no control over? Well, the paralyzed guys may still have sexual desires, but if they can't act upon them, it's sorta a moot point. For instance, how many of us wouldn't have minded pushing somebody off of a tall building at one time or another, but we didn't. There's a BIG difference between having thoughts and acting upon them. |
I remember lots of things he said. 1. the woman I'm looking for doesn't exsist. 2. women always try to change me, I just want to be me. 3. women on dating sites live too far away. I don't think he was really into women, but just wanted a peaceful life. that was what I thought as a possibility too, by his statements and written avoidance of certain situations,,,, There was no way he'd actually advertise that he liked children...Good greif...he was convicted and put away you REALLY think he's changed? He wanted a peaceful life he could continue doing what he has always done. |
Oh wow. I'm not really sure what happened, but skimming over some of the thread I'm assuming that lex was actually a sexual predator?
And I just got done watching the film "Trust", before I signed on here. Too weird... What a scumbag. |
Msharmony, can you provide any sources that state pedophiles do change, since that's what you seem to be arguing in favor of? If you can summarize or provide pertinent information from that site, it would be quite helpful. Probably the most deeply entrenched belief about sex offenders is that they are "incurable"...... What is the evidence that sex offenders are incurable? There has been only one published survey of treatment programs that suggested that treatment is ineffective (Furby, Weinrott et al., 1989), although the authors of this review paper cautioned that they had included treatment methods which are now considered obsolete. In contrast, a more recent paper found that nine out of ten studies reviewing 87 programs showed treatment was effective (McGrath [1994] cited in Schwartz & Cellini, 1995). Perhaps the most interesting trend in the research literature comes from a recent meta-analysis of 12 treatment studies involving 1,313 sex offenders: 19% of treated sex offenders relapsed, compared to 27% of untreated sex offenders (Hall, 1995). Even more interesting is the finding that cognitive-behavioural (p[is less than].0005) and hormonal treatments (p[is less than].00005) were significantly more effective than behavioural treatments, but not significantly different from each other. It would appear from the literature that not only are the majority of sex offenders treatable, but there is more than one way to treat them effectively. From tessla |