Topic: A very unfortunate matter concerning a Mingle2 moderator | |
First off..thank you Charles. Couldn't be easy but, ya did the right thing.
Secondly, I personally don't fault Mingle or any of the Imperial High Command. A chameleon slipped in and is now gone. Can't unscrew this one. You guys are a stand up crew in my book. What's done is done......let's move on people. Ps......,I don't want the moderator job. |
Yep...just watched the news clip & read the report...unbelievable!
Ditto on that. Makes me sick
Edited by
Mon 05/14/12 06:11 PM
am i missing something? i understood the article was about him failing to register an alias name. he was convicted and was required to register (which he did), then he used an alias (which he failed to register). was he still committing sex crimes or was he picked up for failing to register an alias? The article says he did NOT register at all since he got out of prison in 2005. Lets hope he didn't get his hands on any more kids during that time. But really, who knows. |
Edited by
Mon 05/14/12 06:14 PM
am i missing something? i understood the article was about him failing to register an alias name. he was convicted and was required to register (which he did), then he used an alias (which he failed to register). was he still committing sex crimes or was he picked up for failing to register an alias? There have been no accusations of him still committing the crimes, to my knowledge. He did molest three girls in 199_ (not sure on the year). He had pictures of tortured, raped and murdered children. His brother is also a pedophile and in 2002, the apartment they shared was full of toys and dolls for kids, including 100 barbie dolls (used to lure in kids). The article above says 5000 pictures, but the police complaint was for tens of thousands of pictures. His brother wrote a letter to "Chuck" (nobody knows who that is) stating that Pedophilia should be legal, so that pedophiles don't have to kill their victims. He's a dangerous person and he belong behind bars. |
am i missing something? i understood the article was about him failing to register an alias name. he was convicted and was required to register (which he did), then he used an alias (which he failed to register). was he still committing sex crimes or was he picked up for failing to register an alias? The article says he did NOT register at all since he got out of prison in 2005. Lets hope he didn't get his hands on any more kids during that time. But really, who knows. That's right, he lied about his living situation, he used an alias that afforded him free rein on dating sites (no one could check the alias LEX FONTEYNE) because that is not the name on registration on sex offender. Rap sheets in Indiana and Illinois for child molestation. Conviction in 2002 for over 5,000 pics and vids of child rape, torture and some possible murder victims in those pics and vids, some infants.Lets just HOPE he didn't do anything in those many YEARS using an alias...hope... What don't you get? |
It is ironic.
All you know of someone, is what they tell you. The internet promotes persona's. Now the internet taketh away. Just like that. And you wonder what all that was in between. Was it a real person? Because I got the feeling, this was his life. I wish I could learn whatever the lesson is. Maybe tomorrow. |
It just highlights the need to be extremely cautious out there on the interwerb. Predators have no conscience and will say and do anything to blend in with mainstream to go about un-noticed whilst feeding their disturbed minds. Be very careful people...please!!
Glad to see Mingle is handling this appropriately.
Background checks are okay, but sometimes they can cause more problems because people will view them as a safety net. They are useful, but they are not fool proof. A big wake up call for all of us. Up until this year I had not met anyone here who turned out to be someone completely different than how they presented themselves here. But, with this incident I can now say I know 2. Still, most of the people I have met through this site have been genuinely good people. |
All I can say is........
WOW....what a wake up call!!!!! |
Just be glad I am crazier than what you think I am. It is the normal people you gotta watch out for.
Why would anyone be shocked? This is the internet FFS. Be whatever you want to be... All you need is a computer and access to the internet.
Why would anyone be shocked? This is the internet FFS. Be whatever you want to be... All you need is a computer and access to the internet. Unfortunately people do lie. Does that mean we should assume everyone lies? Of course not. |
This saddens me Me too. It's bringing tears to my eyes. I've known "Lex" for years on here. Me four and am shocked at the turn of events..... |
Why would anyone be shocked? This is the internet FFS. Be whatever you want to be... All you need is a computer and access to the internet. Unfortunately people do lie. Does that mean we should assume everyone lies? Of course not. Blah blah blah It means caveat emptor. It means there is good reason why many people stopped using these sites. It means this is the perfect medium for sociopaths. It means you, and every other honest person, needs to be really careful who you trust. |
am i missing something? i understood the article was about him failing to register an alias name. he was convicted and was required to register (which he did), then he used an alias (which he failed to register). was he still committing sex crimes or was he picked up for failing to register an alias? The article says he did NOT register at all since he got out of prison in 2005. Lets hope he didn't get his hands on any more kids during that time. But really, who knows. That's right, he lied about his living situation, he used an alias that afforded him free rein on dating sites (no one could check the alias LEX FONTEYNE) because that is not the name on registration on sex offender. Rap sheets in Indiana and Illinois for child molestation. Conviction in 2002 for over 5,000 pics and vids of child rape, torture and some possible murder victims in those pics and vids, some infants.Lets just HOPE he didn't do anything in those many YEARS using an alias...hope... What don't you get? There have been no accusations of him still committing the crimes, to my knowledge. He did molest three girls in 199_ (not sure on the year). He had pictures of tortured, raped and murdered children. His brother is also a pedophile and in 2002, the apartment they shared was full of toys and dolls for kids, including 100 barbie dolls (used to lure in kids). The article above says 5000 pictures, but the police complaint was for tens of thousands of pictures. His brother wrote a letter to "Chuck" (nobody knows who that is) stating that Pedophilia should be legal, so that pedophiles don't have to kill their victims. He's a dangerous person and he belong behind bars. that's what i didn't get. did the police tie the man and the alias together, or was it the news team? IMHOIF he had stopped and was trying to live a productive life, he should be given that opportunity (highly supervised) (parole boards review cases and allow the release of inmates that they find can be useful members of society. unless he just served his sentence out fully and the state had no choice but to release him) the people in charge of his supervision should have found this issue years ago and handled it accordingly on here he was always very opposed to meeting women with children. could that have been a front he was using to get women with children to want to "change" his mind, i don't know |
Well thank you for letting us all know ,my self i didn't really know him that well i saw him in the forums few times, but its just really sad and so sick, when things like that happen and a shock on this site since i known the site i never heard of any crap like that , cause i know this site has been respectful and friendly to all from what i seen, must of been more of a shock to all you moderators or people that knew him or thought they knew him just plain sick ,i am so glad you going to check background more of people now before they work for this site, but i also glad he is not here no more to hurt people and lie to them ,i also commend the site and the people involved for dealing with this matter in a respectful fast way and letting us all know ,thank you Charles for making it a safer place here and that there will be better scans of moderators cheers
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I am sorry for Lexie... he was one of the smart ones. I appreciate that his conduct around little girls has required a lot of improvement. I don't condone killing and torturing baby girls.
He WAS though, spirited and smart on this site. I think there is such a thing as rehabilitation into the community. We can't really convict or condemn a man on his past mistakes if he has not re-sinned or re-entered his old sinful ways. It is the promise of the correctional system, that some people learn their lesson behind the bars. Lex seemed like a learned, smart feller, he was rather well-spoken in the written word. He made the mistake of not disclosing his identity of LexFountaine to authorities. I can believe, while I have no evidence, that this was his private refuge. He may not have created this alias and kept it secret to plan to commit some crimes, or a crime; he may have needed some refuge, a sort of identity in which he was not a convict, a condemned man. It is this identity that brought the best out of him, and he enjoyed it, even possibly without ill will or sinful or terrifyingly cruel thoughts. I am sorry he had to go. I, for one, don't condemn him. I do believe in the occassional success of the correctional system. I chalk up his reluctance to offer this alias of his for the authorities' knowledge to his wanting to reform and keep on the straight and narrow. I am not saying this as fact, as I hardly had a few exchanges with him, but it is possible. Of course the possibility exists that he was harbouring sinister thoughts, and he was slowly working his way into committing more crimes agains female humanity. I don't know. I can't tell. I am unable to decide, but I hold the opinion that we must not condemnt him until such time that we have evidence that he again had started to torture and rape after his release from prison. It is true that his basic sexual urges never changed. No gay man will turn straight at 45, and no straight man will turn gay after 45. No sexual sadist will become a sexual giver-lover, and no sexual giver-lover will turn into a sexual sadist all of a sudden. These tendencies are terribly unfortunate for both society, and the criminal; it is devastating to the families of the victims, and for the victims, it is hell. I hold, nevertheless, that jail and living standards there for fifteen years will make a man think twice before he commits the same crime again, and chances are he will never again. All I am saying is that he had been punished for his old sinning, or criminal activites. We must not assume that he has done any of that since his release seven years ago, we most not condemn him automatically, we must give him the benefit of doubt. |
Why would anyone be shocked? This is the internet FFS. Be whatever you want to be... All you need is a computer and access to the internet. Unfortunately people do lie. Does that mean we should assume everyone lies? Of course not. Blah blah blah It means caveat emptor. It means there is good reason why many people stopped using these sites. It means this is the perfect medium for sociopaths. It means you, and every other honest person, needs to be really careful who you trust. Fortunately certain people did stop using this site for the most part. Perhaps some were sociopaths? |
It seems some of you would rather make excuses then acknowledge that you can be completely fooled. It's a scary thought, ain't it? Well... Time for me to disappear again.