Topic: What is wrong with being Gay?
navygirl's photo
Thu 11/03/11 09:02 PM
Edited by navygirl on Thu 11/03/11 09:24 PM

nope, because those types of decisions can change,,,

we should continue to encourage men and women to commit to each other for the sake of our community and each new generation of children that comes out of such unions,,,

'for the sake of our community.'
like it's in great condition or something.
i'm pretty sure that those against homosexual sex use 'god' as their main reason.
you're just trying not to bring it up.
why would you deny someone the right to get married just because you don't like what they're doing in bed?
if you don't like it,
then don't do it.
the end.
don't stand in the way of their happiness.
[although considering you're bi,
i'm sure you'd like it.
your god just won't let you.

marriage is not a 'right' , rights dont carry pre requisites,,

why do people insist upon being 'married' if not doing so doesnt stop them from being together the way they want to

there are no laws against homosexual relationships, there is just no legal support and encouragement of homosexual SEX

A lot of gay couples have children, and property and legal marriage has a lot of legal benefits for couples. Insurance, inheritance, responsibility etc.

yes, here is where i have big problem with them, if they are not be attrected to the opposite sex then, they don't have the right to want what comes from two opposite sex (which is children) if they can not produce for themself, then they should live without it....

Well, shouldn't that be the same for hetrosexual couples too? If they can't have children the natural way; they should not be able to adopt either. Fair is fair.

pls always take time to read a post, before you type...

I read the post and you think gays don't have the right to have children as they can't have them naturally. I was just pointing out that some hetrosexual couples can't conceive naturally. In both cases; they would have to adopt as neither can have the children naturally. So, if a gay couple is denyed that right then so should the hetrosexual couple. Do you get it or should I draw you a picture? laugh

navygirl's photo
Thu 11/03/11 09:39 PM

they (the animals) are just following an instinctive urge to put there willie in something. they have no one to teach about procreation like we have, with our parents, schools, what we see on TV. they just are following a preset condition that tells them to hump something.

so by this, you are saying that heterosexuality is something that is learned? this makes no sense.

Kylie, heterosexuality is a natural human instinct , there to keep the species alive

however, the mechanics do need to be learned, and many people who are sexual still have no clue of how the mechanics really work or they wouldnt differentiate sexual satisfaction by gender,,, but thats another topic,,
Not always.

For some, it comes natural, for others a bit of learning and practice is needed.

It depends on how strong your instincts are I guess. And maybe how much television you watch. LOL

homosexuality is a deviation from that natural instinct,,,

Not in my opinion. It has to do with how you developed in the womb.

I say that people are born that way and you call it a theory that has not be proven. Yet you make statements that are only your opinion as if you think you know the facts.

I agree that people indeed are born that way. I have never had a natural instinct to nuture anyone or have a child to keep the species alive. So, where the heck is my instinct? Hmm, maybe I am missing a gene or two. laugh

joy4gud's photo
Thu 11/03/11 10:31 PM

might be less Strife and War if we kept out of the PERSONAL Business of other People!

I wish we could. But the law often is made to do just that, get INVOLVED with their personal business and promote and encourage and legally sanction it.

People should learn when they are poking their nose where is does not belong though.

If no one is being hurt, what two consenting adults do and who they love and want to live with is nobody's business.

we all are poking our nose here, b'cos it is not your business either... You not gay.

So what? Don't poke your nose into business that does not concern you... that would be what people do in privacy or what sex they prefer. It does not hurt you.

And stop watching all that gay porn. laugh laugh

yeh... Same goes to you too..flowerforyou

I live and let live. I don't tell people who they should love or have sex with. You are the one doing that.flowerforyou flowerforyou

why worry for them? they can speak for themself, are they not adults?

msharmony's photo
Thu 11/03/11 10:46 PM

they (the animals) are just following an instinctive urge to put there willie in something. they have no one to teach about procreation like we have, with our parents, schools, what we see on TV. they just are following a preset condition that tells them to hump something.

so by this, you are saying that heterosexuality is something that is learned? this makes no sense.

Kylie, heterosexuality is a natural human instinct , there to keep the species alive

however, the mechanics do need to be learned, and many people who are sexual still have no clue of how the mechanics really work or they wouldnt differentiate sexual satisfaction by gender,,, but thats another topic,,
Not always.

For some, it comes natural, for others a bit of learning and practice is needed.

It depends on how strong your instincts are I guess. And maybe how much television you watch. LOL

homosexuality is a deviation from that natural instinct,,,

Not in my opinion. It has to do with how you developed in the womb.

I say that people are born that way and you call it a theory that has not be proven. Yet you make statements that are only your opinion as if you think you know the facts.

I agree that people indeed are born that way. I have never had a natural instinct to nuture anyone or have a child to keep the species alive. So, where the heck is my instinct? Hmm, maybe I am missing a gene or two. laugh

I do believe selfishness is the natural instinct (look after self), and that nurturing is actually learned,,

no photo
Thu 11/03/11 10:55 PM

might be less Strife and War if we kept out of the PERSONAL Business of other People!

I wish we could. But the law often is made to do just that, get INVOLVED with their personal business and promote and encourage and legally sanction it.

People should learn when they are poking their nose where is does not belong though.

If no one is being hurt, what two consenting adults do and who they love and want to live with is nobody's business.

we all are poking our nose here, b'cos it is not your business either... You not gay.

So what? Don't poke your nose into business that does not concern you... that would be what people do in privacy or what sex they prefer. It does not hurt you.

And stop watching all that gay porn. laugh laugh

yeh... Same goes to you too..flowerforyou

I live and let live. I don't tell people who they should love or have sex with. You are the one doing that.flowerforyou flowerforyou

why worry for them? they can speak for themself, are they not adults?

Because they are a minority and I will not stand by and have them abused by people. I have compassion for them having been made to feel like outcasts by people who don't understand.

Just because someone is different from you, do you think they should be outcast from society? What about race? Are you racially prejudice too?

joy4gud's photo
Thu 11/03/11 10:59 PM

nope, because those types of decisions can change,,,

we should continue to encourage men and women to commit to each other for the sake of our community and each new generation of children that comes out of such unions,,,

'for the sake of our community.'
like it's in great condition or something.
i'm pretty sure that those against homosexual sex use 'god' as their main reason.
you're just trying not to bring it up.
why would you deny someone the right to get married just because you don't like what they're doing in bed?
if you don't like it,
then don't do it.
the end.
don't stand in the way of their happiness.
[although considering you're bi,
i'm sure you'd like it.
your god just won't let you.

marriage is not a 'right' , rights dont carry pre requisites,,

why do people insist upon being 'married' if not doing so doesnt stop them from being together the way they want to

there are no laws against homosexual relationships, there is just no legal support and encouragement of homosexual SEX

A lot of gay couples have children, and property and legal marriage has a lot of legal benefits for couples. Insurance, inheritance, responsibility etc.

yes, here is where i have big problem with them, if they are not be attrected to the opposite sex then, they don't have the right to want what comes from two opposite sex (which is children) if they can not produce for themself, then they should live without it....

Well, shouldn't that be the same for hetrosexual couples too? If they can't have children the natural way; they should not be able to adopt either. Fair is fair.

pls always take time to read a post, before you type...

I read the post and you think gays don't have the right to have children as they can't have them naturally. I was just pointing out that some hetrosexual couples can't conceive naturally. In both cases; they would have to adopt as neither can have the children naturally. So, if a gay couple is denyed that right then so should the hetrosexual couple. Do you get it or should I draw you a picture? laugh

i said, if they are not be "ATTRECTED TO THE OPPOSITE SEX" then, they don't have the right to want what comes from two opposite sex (which is children) if they can not produce for themself, then they should live without it...
hetrosexual can always have what comes out of thier hetrosexual.
homosexuals are different,
why whould they want what comes out of what they don't want?

no photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:01 AM

they (the animals) are just following an instinctive urge to put there willie in something. they have no one to teach about procreation like we have, with our parents, schools, what we see on TV. they just are following a preset condition that tells them to hump something.

so by this, you are saying that heterosexuality is something that is learned? this makes no sense.

Kylie, heterosexuality is a natural human instinct , there to keep the species alive

however, the mechanics do need to be learned, and many people who are sexual still have no clue of how the mechanics really work or they wouldnt differentiate sexual satisfaction by gender,,, but thats another topic,,

homosexuality is a deviation from that natural instinct,,,

OH MY! GODD GRIEF! Do you actually belief this?
You obviously have noone that you know and love that is homosexual. Or know of someone who feels trapped in the wrong gendered body (transgender).
If you did you view might change.
And just to add my two cents on the related family members getting married and having sex. The whole reason that was frowned upon was because of the genetic mutations that appeared in closely related people.

gay31's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:04 AM
what are you talking about? have you ever seen any gay claiming for children? crap rant

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:09 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 11/04/11 12:10 AM

they (the animals) are just following an instinctive urge to put there willie in something. they have no one to teach about procreation like we have, with our parents, schools, what we see on TV. they just are following a preset condition that tells them to hump something.

so by this, you are saying that heterosexuality is something that is learned? this makes no sense.

Kylie, heterosexuality is a natural human instinct , there to keep the species alive

however, the mechanics do need to be learned, and many people who are sexual still have no clue of how the mechanics really work or they wouldnt differentiate sexual satisfaction by gender,,, but thats another topic,,

homosexuality is a deviation from that natural instinct,,,

OH MY! GODD GRIEF! Do you actually belief this?
You obviously have noone that you know and love that is homosexual. Or know of someone who feels trapped in the wrong gendered body (transgender).
If you did you view might change.
And just to add my two cents on the related family members getting married and having sex. The whole reason that was frowned upon was because of the genetic mutations that appeared in closely related people.

I do believe it, as much as I believe some people have biological and genetic deviations which cause them to hear voices, and as I said, two of my loved ones are homosexual and another, who has passed, heard voices.

I understand the caution about genetic mutations, they are some of the same cautions people have about HIV, but they shouldnt still hold if we are truly going for 'equality'. After all, any loving couple who has 'responsible' sex has not to worry about disease or mutations.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:10 AM

what are you talking about? have you ever seen any gay claiming for children? crap rant

I know many gay people who have actually PARENTED children even, imagine that, considering it isnt who they 'are' and all.

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:15 AM

Are you actually saying that homosexuals should'nt have children because they come out of a vagina.

Thats just ignorance.

I thought you were smarter than that.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:20 AM


Are you actually saying that homosexuals should'nt have children because they come out of a vagina.

Thats just ignorance.

I thought you were smarter than that.

men arent the only ones who can be homosexual,, I didnt read the statement as being gender based,,,

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:32 AM

I thought the proper term for women was lesbian.

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:33 AM


I thought the proper term for women was lesbian.

its all subjective,, but technically

homosexual doesnt refer to either gender specifically, just to attraction

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 11/04/11 12:34 AM

choctruflle1's photo
Fri 11/04/11 01:05 AM
Edited by choctruflle1 on Fri 11/04/11 01:13 AM
A-men Sister. Although I am a believer I respect what you say. Gay is not a bad habit. Gambling, overeating, lying, being obtuse on purpose are bad habits. Jesus said, with loving kindness have I drawn thee. I am drawn to his light and have been for 40 years. If God wanted me straight as much time as I spend praying and talking and exercising faith, he would have done it long ago. If he does make me straight would you go out with me? That's the other issue. They say they want you straight, but I have seen how "Church folks treat men who have been changed. They whisper behind their backs, send messages to women they want to date sabotaging their chances for happiness. They want you not to be down low but when you live up high; they criticize you and call you an abomination. No, I have an answer for that hope and call that is within me. The young lady who made that statement about gay being a bad habit, has a right to her opinion and we have the right to talk about the realities of our existence. PEACE....

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/04/11 01:08 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 11/04/11 01:10 AM

A-men Sister. Although I am a believer I respect what you say. Gay is not a bad habit. Gambling, overeating, lying, being obtuse on purpose are bad habits. Jesus said, with lovingkindness ahve I drawn thee. I am drwan to his light and have been for 40 years. If God wanted me straight as much time as I spend praying and talking and exercising faith, he would have done it long ago.

God isnt working on our schedule, or by our methods, he works on his ownflowerforyou

reminds me of a joke:

A religious man is on top of a roof during a great flood. A man comes by in a boat and says "get in, get in!" The religous man replies, " no I have faith in God, he will grant me a miracle."

Later the water is up to his waist and another boat comes by and the guy tells him to get in again. He responds that he has faith in god and god will give him a miracle. With the water at about chest high, another boat comes to rescue him, but he turns down the offer again cause "God will grant him a miracle."

With the water at chin high, a helicopter throws down a ladder and they tell him to get in, mumbling with the water in his mouth, he again turns down the request for help for the faith of God. He arrives at the gates of heaven with broken faith and says to Peter, I thought God would grand me a miracle and I have been let down." St. Peter chuckles and responds, "I don't know what you're complaining about, we sent you three boats and a helicopter."

sometimes people wait on God to do the work he provides them with the resources to do for themself

choctruflle1's photo
Fri 11/04/11 01:22 AM

A-men Sister. Although I am a believer I respect what you say. Gay is not a bad habit. Gambling, overeating, lying, being obtuse on purpose are bad habits. Jesus said, with loving kindness have I drawn thee. I am drawn to his light and have been for 40 years. If God wanted me straight as much time as I spend praying and talking and exercising faith, he would have done it long ago. If he does make me straight would you go out with me? That's the other issue. They say they want you straight, but I have seen how "Church folks treat men who have been changed. They whisper behind their backs, send messages to women they want to date sabotaging their chances for happiness. They want you not to be down low but when you live up high; they criticize you and call you an abomination. No, I have an answer for that hope and call that is within me. The young lady who made that statement about gay being a bad habit, has a right to her opinion and we have the right to talk about the realities of our existence. PEACE....

no photo
Fri 11/04/11 01:36 AM

A-men Sister. Although I am a believer I respect what you say. Gay is not a bad habit. Gambling, overeating, lying, being obtuse on purpose are bad habits. Jesus said, with lovingkindness ahve I drawn thee. I am drwan to his light and have been for 40 years. If God wanted me straight as much time as I spend praying and talking and exercising faith, he would have done it long ago.

God isnt working on our schedule, or by our methods, he works on his ownflowerforyou

reminds me of a joke:

A religious man is on top of a roof during a great flood. A man comes by in a boat and says "get in, get in!" The religous man replies, " no I have faith in God, he will grant me a miracle."

Later the water is up to his waist and another boat comes by and the guy tells him to get in again. He responds that he has faith in god and god will give him a miracle. With the water at about chest high, another boat comes to rescue him, but he turns down the offer again cause "God will grant him a miracle."

With the water at chin high, a helicopter throws down a ladder and they tell him to get in, mumbling with the water in his mouth, he again turns down the request for help for the faith of God. He arrives at the gates of heaven with broken faith and says to Peter, I thought God would grand me a miracle and I have been let down." St. Peter chuckles and responds, "I don't know what you're complaining about, we sent you three boats and a helicopter."

sometimes people wait on God to do the work he provides them with the resources to do for themself

What a bunch of B.S.
People are who they are. Get over it.

joy4gud's photo
Fri 11/04/11 01:50 AM


Are you actually saying that homosexuals should'nt have children because they come out of a vagina.

Thats just ignorance.

I thought you were smarter than that.

hey. hey. don't push it around, they said they came out differently, so they don't need what is different...