Topic: Welfare recipient drug tests are unconstitiutional :)
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/28/11 07:13 PM
It would be a waste of money, not worth what they are trying to 'save' by doing it.

The only applicable situation for a drug test is for a JOB. Assistance is not a job, its just aid to survive. Assistance that is job related, should have no problem drug testing those 'employees' in any place that the employer also tests their non assistance employees.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/28/11 07:17 PM

I respond to a few different people here:

Actually only one percent of welfare recipients have been found to be on drugs in theState of Florida.....

That must be a cultural difference between FL and CA.

Or maybe everyone just knows how to circumvent the tests. Like...many of my friends are committed weed smokers, and they have a cleansing routine they do before they take pee tests. No one ever seems to get caught.

In any case, I guarantee the % of california welfare recipients who smoke week is MUCH higher than 1%. Weed is very common and accepted out here.

Said from someone who obviously never needed the help, which is great for those who are like you.

It is still discriminatory to require that you be drug tested simply because you are poor or have a down turn in life.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You have no idea where I've been, and what I've done. Its precisely because of my experiences with poverty that I speak with authority on this topic.

No one will get drug tested 'because they are poor' - they might get drugs tested because they CHOOSE to participate in a government program.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

I personally knew illegal aliens who successfully scammed the welfare system. At the moment, I can't think of any mexicans that I knew. These were illegal eastern europeans.

BoredInAZ is right. Its not terribly hard to produce fake docs, and the overworked, careless people working at the welfare office fall for it.

what happened to not having to incriminate yourself (which is a basic right guaranteed by the constitution)

any law passed by any govt group should have to be followed by that govt group (i bet drug testing of any kind would disappear)

I would fully expect that a drug testing program would go hand-in-hand with a rehabilitation program. I would oppose a policy of pressing charges for drug use - that just clutters up our legal system with poor people who did no other wrong!

If they pass a law requiring drug testing as a prereq for welfare, guess what? Congress people would be following the same law! The day this law applies to a congressperson is the day they apply for welfare.

I think you could make a good argument that congresspeople should also be drug tested, though. Hell, we could make it so that every human being who receives money from the government in any way shape or form should be drug tested.

Shortly thereafter we might start voting for the sane decriminalization of the milder drugs.

Well, I guess I still have the advantage having been a welfare recipient who got herself off welfare and ended up working in the welfare office and know how many false IDs showed up. It is not a whole lot that do that. It is always funny to me also how there will be all these false claims of knowledge of this illegal activity without any action from the "knower" which then makes them an accessory to the

That said, you have a biased view because you ***-UME a lot.

That said, lets just drug test everyone over 18 all the time by your logic. Who cares how much it costs or if it is constitutional, right?slaphead

Weren't you the same one who wanted to tell people what they should eat too?

I guess human civil rights and freedoms are not a priority for some.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/28/11 07:19 PM

I respond to a few different people here:

Actually only one percent of welfare recipients have been found to be on drugs in theState of Florida.....

That must be a cultural difference between FL and CA.

Or maybe everyone just knows how to circumvent the tests. Like...many of my friends are committed weed smokers, and they have a cleansing routine they do before they take pee tests. No one ever seems to get caught.

In any case, I guarantee the % of california welfare recipients who smoke week is MUCH higher than 1%. Weed is very common and accepted out here.

Said from someone who obviously never needed the help, which is great for those who are like you.

It is still discriminatory to require that you be drug tested simply because you are poor or have a down turn in life.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You have no idea where I've been, and what I've done. Its precisely because of my experiences with poverty that I speak with authority on this topic.

No one will get drug tested 'because they are poor' - they might get drugs tested because they CHOOSE to participate in a government program.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

I personally knew illegal aliens who successfully scammed the welfare system. At the moment, I can't think of any mexicans that I knew. These were illegal eastern europeans.

BoredInAZ is right. Its not terribly hard to produce fake docs, and the overworked, careless people working at the welfare office fall for it.

what happened to not having to incriminate yourself (which is a basic right guaranteed by the constitution)

any law passed by any govt group should have to be followed by that govt group (i bet drug testing of any kind would disappear)

I would fully expect that a drug testing program would go hand-in-hand with a rehabilitation program. I would oppose a policy of pressing charges for drug use - that just clutters up our legal system with poor people who did no other wrong!

If they pass a law requiring drug testing as a prereq for welfare, guess what? Congress people would be following the same law! The day this law applies to a congressperson is the day they apply for welfare.

I think you could make a good argument that congresspeople should also be drug tested, though. Hell, we could make it so that every human being who receives money from the government in any way shape or form should be drug tested.

Shortly thereafter we might start voting for the sane decriminalization of the milder drugs.

Well, I guess I still have the advantage having been a welfare recipient who got herself off welfare and ended up working in the welfare office and know how many false IDs showed up. It is not a whole lot that do that. It is always funny to me also how there will be all these false claims of knowledge of this illegal activity without any action from the "knower" which then makes them an accessory to the

That said, you have a biased view because you ***-UME a lot.

That said, lets just drug test everyone over 18 all the time by your logic. Who cares how much it costs or if it is constitutional, right?slaphead

Weren't you the same one who wanted to tell people what they should eat too?

I guess human civil rights and freedoms are not a priority for some.

Whether we disagree or agree, I just want to give you props for working your way off of assistance

I personally know how hard it is to do,,,

Dragoness's photo
Fri 10/28/11 07:34 PM
MsHarmony, I do not state that to be congratulated for it, but thanks.

I state it because like most welfare recipients, I did not want to be on the program, I and my children barely survived on the program because it is not designed to make it easy for you, I know what it is like to be considered the lazy scourge of society when they are all wrong, I know what it is like to be abused because of this view too,

And on the flip side of that I know what it is like to work in the welfare office and deal with the government regulations and helping poor people with just their basic human needs.

So I know when I see people speaking "out of the side of their neck" so to speak.

Assuming so much that they abuse the already down trodden with their sordid projections.

It is sad that humans have to beat down those that they feel are inferior. Makes them appear really bad.

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:28 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:40 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

thats why they are called 'criminals

there are also criminals committing identity fraud for bank transactions, should we therefore drug test anyone who opens an account?

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:50 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

thats why they are called 'criminals

there are also criminals committing identity fraud for bank transactions, should we therefore drug test anyone who opens an account?

Be specific, all illegals care called criminals..............

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:52 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

thats why they are called 'criminals

there are also criminals committing identity fraud for bank transactions, should we therefore drug test anyone who opens an account?

Be specific, all illegals care called criminals..............

anyone who breaks a law is called 'criminal', it follows those entering the country AGAINST the law would fit in the category

Lpdon's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:57 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

thats why they are called 'criminals

there are also criminals committing identity fraud for bank transactions, should we therefore drug test anyone who opens an account?

Be specific, all illegals care called criminals..............

anyone who breaks a law is called 'criminal', it follows those entering the country AGAINST the law would fit in the category

They committed a crime entering this country illegally(makes them criminals), they are comitting a crime continuing to be here illegally, they are committing a crime using false identification to obtain employment and avade the law(which is multiple crimes) and the list goes on and on.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/28/11 09:10 PM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

thats why they are called 'criminals

there are also criminals committing identity fraud for bank transactions, should we therefore drug test anyone who opens an account?

Be specific, all illegals care called criminals..............

anyone who breaks a law is called 'criminal', it follows those entering the country AGAINST the law would fit in the category

They committed a crime entering this country illegally(makes them criminals), they are comitting a crime continuing to be here illegally, they are committing a crime using false identification to obtain employment and avade the law(which is multiple crimes) and the list goes on and on.

not that it matters, but not every illegal immigrant is illegal because of ENTERING illegally, many have become illegal by remaining beyond their approved time

no photo
Fri 10/28/11 09:19 PM
Lpdon wrote:

Its not true, there are a TON of illegals on welfare and ilegally claiming benefits.

Lpdon, I agree that its likely there are many illegals on welfare.

Just as people argue that drug testing would cost more money that it saves - there is a diminishing returns issue with spending money enforcing the laws.

The scammers take advantage of that.


It would be a waste of money, not worth what they are trying to 'save' by doing it.

"Wasting money" is a legitimate argument in my view - but we don't have any facts here, regarding how much it would cost, nor how much it would save.

But it saves more than money! By drug testing welfare recipients and offering them help, we help keep people's lives together.

The only applicable situation for a drug test is for a JOB.

I disagree with your opinion.


.. and know how many false IDs showed up.

laugh Really? You know how many fake IDs showed up? laugh
Or you know how many fake IDs that showed up which were identified as fake IDs. Are you claiming omniscience here?

The whole point of fake IDs is that you don't find out. Its a thriving business. I've known people who make a good bit of money in that business - they are successful at it.

It is always funny to me also how there will be all these false claims of knowledge of this illegal activity without any action from the "knower" which then makes them an accessory to the

Oh, I meet the legal definition of 'accessory' to many, many crimes. I pretty much only call the cops if there is a risk of someone being a victim of bodily harm.

If you got out of your bubble world, and brushed elbows with some criminals, you might see how ridiculous it is to make the claims you make wrt fake IDs and such.

That said, you have a biased view because you ***-UME a lot.

I've totally made assumptions - reasonable assumptions. But i'll bite: State some of the assumptions you think I have made! :wink:

Maybe we'll learn a bit here about reading comprehension.

no photo
Sat 10/29/11 09:32 PM

That said, you have a biased view because you ***-UME a lot.

I've totally made assumptions - reasonable assumptions. But i'll bite: State some of the assumptions you think I have made! :wink:

Or, wait... did you mean something other than 'assume' when you wrote '***-ume' ?

Cause I totally assumed you meant 'assume'. There is one of my completely reasonable assumptions.

But I'm still waiting to hear from you - do you think I assume a lot? In this thread? Based on what?

Quote me and state the assumptions you think I make.

Please. Let's do this.

Chazster's photo
Sun 10/30/11 08:58 AM

Who would have figured that assuming that if you are poor you are a druggie wouldn't fly? slaphead

I know they can't help themselves, they have such a prejudice way of thinking that they have to be prejudice all the damn time.

But I sure am glad to see the feds have some sense.

Failed logic again. Are you saying they assume everyone who tries to get a license is blind because they require an eye exam? No that is false.

Getting welfare is a privilege and if a stipulation of that is that you stay sober why is that unreasonable? Why should we spend tax dollars to help feed someones habit? So no its not unconstitutional. They can choose to not get government aid and not submit to the drug test. I think its funny that you think proving that you are not doing something illegal is unconstitutional.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:04 AM

Who would have figured that assuming that if you are poor you are a druggie wouldn't fly? slaphead

I know they can't help themselves, they have such a prejudice way of thinking that they have to be prejudice all the damn time.

But I sure am glad to see the feds have some sense.

Failed logic again. Are you saying they assume everyone who tries to get a license is blind because they require an eye exam? No that is false.

Getting welfare is a privilege and if a stipulation of that is that you stay sober why is that unreasonable? Why should we spend tax dollars to help feed someones habit? So no its not unconstitutional. They can choose to not get government aid and not submit to the drug test. I think its funny that you think proving that you are not doing something illegal is unconstitutional.

I wont make the constitution argument, but I would certainly consider it unjust to insist on drug testing for anyone that needs help , which is what welfare is. There is also plenty of corporate welfare,, which should also be considered a privilege, yet there is not a rush to insist ceos and monopoly owners undergo such testing to continue receiving those perks.

As I stated before, I think merely receiving some form of financial assistance should not be grounds to require a drug test (and would cost a fortune to implement). I do think where 'performance' is an issue, as in a job related assistance, drug testing is as reasonable as vision testing for the performance related privilege of driving a car.

Chazster's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:08 AM

Who would have figured that assuming that if you are poor you are a druggie wouldn't fly? slaphead

I know they can't help themselves, they have such a prejudice way of thinking that they have to be prejudice all the damn time.

But I sure am glad to see the feds have some sense.

Failed logic again. Are you saying they assume everyone who tries to get a license is blind because they require an eye exam? No that is false.

Getting welfare is a privilege and if a stipulation of that is that you stay sober why is that unreasonable? Why should we spend tax dollars to help feed someones habit? So no its not unconstitutional. They can choose to not get government aid and not submit to the drug test. I think its funny that you think proving that you are not doing something illegal is unconstitutional.

I wont make the constitution argument, but I would certainly consider it unjust to insist on drug testing for anyone that needs help , which is what welfare is. There is also plenty of corporate welfare,, which should also be considered a privilege, yet there is not a rush to insist ceos and monopoly owners undergo such testing to continue receiving those perks.

As I stated before, I think merely receiving some form of financial assistance should not be grounds to require a drug test (and would cost a fortune to implement). I do think where 'performance' is an issue, as in a job related assistance, drug testing is as reasonable as vision testing for the performance related privilege of driving a car.

You don't get it do you? Some people wouldn't need help if they were not feeding a drug habit. If they had to chose to eat or buy drugs I am sure in the end they would chose eating. By giving a druggie welfare money they are allowing them to do both and never change their situation. I think it pays for itself in the long run. You get the druggies out of the system or you get them off drugs which actually allows them to have a more successful working life and can eventually get them off the welfare system.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:15 AM

Who would have figured that assuming that if you are poor you are a druggie wouldn't fly? slaphead

I know they can't help themselves, they have such a prejudice way of thinking that they have to be prejudice all the damn time.

But I sure am glad to see the feds have some sense.

Failed logic again. Are you saying they assume everyone who tries to get a license is blind because they require an eye exam? No that is false.

Getting welfare is a privilege and if a stipulation of that is that you stay sober why is that unreasonable? Why should we spend tax dollars to help feed someones habit? So no its not unconstitutional. They can choose to not get government aid and not submit to the drug test. I think its funny that you think proving that you are not doing something illegal is unconstitutional.

I wont make the constitution argument, but I would certainly consider it unjust to insist on drug testing for anyone that needs help , which is what welfare is. There is also plenty of corporate welfare,, which should also be considered a privilege, yet there is not a rush to insist ceos and monopoly owners undergo such testing to continue receiving those perks.

As I stated before, I think merely receiving some form of financial assistance should not be grounds to require a drug test (and would cost a fortune to implement). I do think where 'performance' is an issue, as in a job related assistance, drug testing is as reasonable as vision testing for the performance related privilege of driving a car.

You don't get it do you? Some people wouldn't need help if they were not feeding a drug habit. If they had to chose to eat or buy drugs I am sure in the end they would chose eating. By giving a druggie welfare money they are allowing them to do both and never change their situation. I think it pays for itself in the long run. You get the druggies out of the system or you get them off drugs which actually allows them to have a more successful working life and can eventually get them off the welfare system.

In most states, recipients dont get MONEY without performing job related activities.

Someone on drugs is not going to be able to manage those requirements, and thus will be ineligible for assistance.

, so that lessens that concern, without having to throw more money at it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:18 AM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

Not sure when they changed that for I know for sure when I had to go for assistance after my divorce at that time they were on welfare if they were illegal.

You assumed they were illegal?

How could you know on sight?

The feds have had the same rules about no illegals getting assistance for a long time.

People have made assumptions based on profiling that they believed people were illegal when they were not which has caused a whole lotta false information to be spread.

Lots of victims out there of this false information living with all this hatred festering inside of themselves over false information.

It is sad.

To receive benefits from the government you have to provide proof of your citizenship and if you can't we used to refer you to a charity that might be able to help you, but you didn't get any benefits while waiting.

Hummm never said I assumed anything said there were many on welfare even though they were illegal. This may have changed since it has been 19 years ago that I had to apply.

The reason I said that was I did in fact ask the lady that did my paper work if in fact you had to be here legally in order to get welfare. For they asked the question if your here legally or not? My question to her was well I guess you have to ask that in order to receive welfare. Her words were no you don't have to in order to receive benefits. We have to ask it you don't even have to answer it.

I have known those that were here illegal but still received assistance. Even since I got help 19 years ago.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:22 AM
Actually, there really arent illegals collecting welfare illegally....all clients of social services remain required to verify citizenship and identity, which is cross-referenced through SSA for identity match and if a non-citizen legal immigration status checked through INS....The only illegals collecting benefits are collecting them for their legal children.

machug's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:22 AM

Hummm I'm sorry but before we think about drug testing the ones that are getting assistance, they should first take off all the ones that are illegal first!!

Most do not have a clue that those that are on welfare are not even asked if they are legal and the assistance is given. Even though they know at the time when they applied they are illegal it is not even considered if they are legal or not...

To me that is messed up yet the State wants to put it off on Employers and fine them for hiring illegals. The State gladly gives them assistance....whoa slaphead

I'm not saying they don't need it or deserve help but if they are going to drug test the ones that are legal then man up and change the rules that one must be legal in the first place to even receive assistance in the first place. JMO~~~~~~~

Actually this isn't true.

They are asked if they are citizens and required to show proof of it. If they do not meet these requirements they cannot get assistance.

Assuming that all recipients are druggies before they are even on the program is discriminatory and ridiculous.

True. They are not eligibile to receive cash assistance or food stamps if they do not have legal documentation to be here. It is verified through the Federal offices.

An FYI...the laws and bills are changing constantly...but there are core eligibility requirements for cash, food stamp and medical/medicare programs.

machug's photo
Sun 10/30/11 09:40 AM
I have seen the changes through the years and some have been good some have been ridiculous.
Clinton's Welfare Reform Act in 1998 changed things drastically.
There are time limits for adults receiving TANF, they also must comply with work requirements to be eligibile unless they meet a criteria for exemption. In most states, the children remain eligibile after the adult has timed out. If the adults do not comply with work requirements when being aided, their portion of cash aid is sanctioned.

As far as illegals, they are not eligibile to receive cash, food stamps and medical benefits without the required proof. They are able to receive some emergency medical coverage. Limited.

How do I know all this? I train regulations to new hires, have for past 20 years.

The system is far from perfect, and those that make the laws really have no clue to the real world. Just saying.