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luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 01:38 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 09/04/11 01:53 PM

can you argue your position without refering to scripture

I was just gonna share my story and go but............

This is really sad.sad2

I sure as heck havent missed anything, not coming to THIS forum.whoa

All, MOST (not ALL) of you want to do, is argue about God, instead of singing praises to him, and lifting him up.:angel:

Do you honestly think, hes liking all the fighting you people are doing here, in his name, instead of praising him?noway

But, I guess THIS FORUM, is for people like you, who enjoy that kind of thing!huh

Do you people do this in church too?surprised I sure hope not!scared

"Forgive them father, for they know not, what they do", or they just really love to argue, in your name. But of course, they do know that God forgives all, so hey, what have they got to lose, huh? Except my respect, and we both know they give a hoot about respect, or they wouldnt be constantly arguing, about the most glorious thing ever, You, God!shocked

Actually, to be totally honest, MOST (not All) of you, should be ashamed of your foul conduct, under a section called "Religion Chat".brokenheart

Everyone told me it was like this here, and now I see that they were right. They said, "if you wanna fight, go to the "Religion Forums!!".:thumbsup:

SAD! I guess you guys are into Holy Wars here, like the rest of the world.:cry:

Im thrilled, that I dont fit in here! Praise Jesus!:angel:

Well then...............I can tell where I'm not wanted then I guess......
YOU were one of the exceptions.flowerforyou

But I still dont understand, where you got the notion, that I thought God was only in a church?what

Well the whole basis of Christianity in part is that there is but the one path to God, aka the church and Bible path, and all other paths are simply false. So since you would seem to believe that now, that would go along with it at least in my opinion. No offense intended of course.

where is that the basis for christianity,, so can christianity not exist in places where there is no church? Buildings and books arent a path, they are a resource.

Well ok let's put it this way, a good bit of the basis of it, is that without using it you can't know God. That's just a wee bit limiting.
Ummmmmmmmm hello,

please tell me where I stated that?

I'm not saying you did personally, but part of the belief system is centered on it. You can't really separate it. If one rejects the Bible for example, you are rejecting God's word and by extension God with it in the eyes of some.
Oh ok, NOW its NOT TO ME personally. Well then why are you PREACHING THIS to ME, if its not meant for ME personally.

I already stated, that if I had questions, I would consult a minister, or a priest, and not a forum on Mingle for religious guidance.

I DONT reject the bible, or think God IS ONLY IN CHURCH, or REJECT Gods word, or believe ANY of the things, that you have stated to ME, that were ASSUMPTIONS of what YOU THINK "I" believe, and never stated! I never stated ANY of that, because I DONT believe ANY of that!

Quit trying to put words in my mouth people! And create statements, "I" didnt make!

Now your funny too!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/04/11 01:54 PM

So what is your path? Coming here and fighting about it?

Fighting about it?

What's to fight about?

Everyone thinks it's great that you have turned your life around! drinker

If you yourself are 'fighting' for something MORE than that, then that's your war. :wink:
Ohhhhhhhhhhh puuuuuuuuuuuuuulease.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You were the one who started all the negativity, in a completely joyous moment of testimony. Reread this thread brother!flowerforyou

Now it's my turn to say "Oh please".

I did look back over the thread. I don't see anywhere where I had stated negative things in reply to YOUR POSTS.

However, I can see where you yourself may have judged something to be "negative" from you point of view.

For example in my very first post I asked:

Makes me wonder how your life would have been transformed differently had you been issued the Bhagavadgita instead of the Bible? Or some other spiritual doctrine.

That may have sounded 'negative' to you but I am very sincere and curious as to how people who were desperate to change their life for the better may have viewed this in terms of other spiritual beliefs.

That's a valid question. One that I'm sure you yourself could not answer.

Clearly people in other cultures attribute their spiritual inspiration to their graven images of gods and goddesses. Jesus is really not unique in this role.

In fact, I have just finished a course on Greek Mythology and it's amazing how serious the ancient Greeks were concerning Apollo (basically their version of a 'savior') and clearly a "Son of God".

For the Greeks Apollo could indeed intervene in their lives and affairs and turn things around for them as well. In fact, there were many Greek accounts of people who had been powerfully transformed by their belief in Apollo. It's really no different from the modern Christian version of Jesus.

I have no doubt that you were indeed spiritually transformed.

I don't question that at all. I personally have spiritual beliefs myself, so I have no problem with spiritual transformations and spiritual awakenings.

You attribute your spiritual awakening to Jesus. But clearly people in other cultures also have spiritual awakenings and do not attribute their spiritual enlightenment to Jesus or Christianity. Instead, they have a totally different view of spirit and the primal source of all life.

It doesn't need to be turned into a specific form of exclusive religious bigotry.


Now you may say that this claim that Christianity is a form of exclusive religious bigotry is a "negative view" on my part. However, I respond to that by suggesting that you simply look around and see how this religion is used for precisely that purpose by many people.

It is no secret that all of the Abrahamic religions are based on a concept of a jealous God. They all stem from a religion that begin with "Thou shalt have no other gods before me for I am a jealous God"

So that's built-in to all the Abrahamic religions and is not my negativity, but is indeed the negativity of those doctrines themselves. And it is unfortunately used in a very negative way by many of those religions (especially Christianity) to renounce and degrade everyone who refuses to support the religion as being a person who has rejected or rebelled against the "jealous God".

So this negativity and religious bigotry is built-into this religion from the very first Commandment handed down by Moses.

That's just a fact.

I wish it weren't true. I wish these religions hadn't been based on jealous religious bigotry. But unfortunately my wishes can't change the truth of the matter. They are, and that's truly a shame.


It also amazes me that Apollo was not based on such religious bigotry and jealousy. It's a shame that we didn't keep the Greek religious beliefs. They would have been far less hostile toward "non-believers". The fact that the Greeks were eventually converted to Christianity is a very sad thing indeed, IMHO.

We would have been far better off with Apollo. flowerforyou

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/04/11 02:01 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sun 09/04/11 02:03 PM

can you argue your position without refering to scripture

I was just gonna share my story and go but............

This is really sad.sad2

I sure as heck havent missed anything, not coming to THIS forum.whoa

All, MOST (not ALL) of you want to do, is argue about God, instead of singing praises to him, and lifting him up.:angel:

Do you honestly think, hes liking all the fighting you people are doing here, in his name, instead of praising him?noway

But, I guess THIS FORUM, is for people like you, who enjoy that kind of thing!huh

Do you people do this in church too?surprised I sure hope not!scared

"Forgive them father, for they know not, what they do", or they just really love to argue, in your name. But of course, they do know that God forgives all, so hey, what have they got to lose, huh? Except my respect, and we both know they give a hoot about respect, or they wouldnt be constantly arguing, about the most glorious thing ever, You, God!shocked

Actually, to be totally honest, MOST (not All) of you, should be ashamed of your foul conduct, under a section called "Religion Chat".brokenheart

Everyone told me it was like this here, and now I see that they were right. They said, "if you wanna fight, go to the "Religion Forums!!".:thumbsup:

SAD! I guess you guys are into Holy Wars here, like the rest of the world.:cry:

Im thrilled, that I dont fit in here! Praise Jesus!:angel:

Well then...............I can tell where I'm not wanted then I guess......
YOU were one of the exceptions.flowerforyou

But I still dont understand, where you got the notion, that I thought God was only in a church?what

Well the whole basis of Christianity in part is that there is but the one path to God, aka the church and Bible path, and all other paths are simply false. So since you would seem to believe that now, that would go along with it at least in my opinion. No offense intended of course.

where is that the basis for christianity,, so can christianity not exist in places where there is no church? Buildings and books arent a path, they are a resource.

Well ok let's put it this way, a good bit of the basis of it, is that without using it you can't know God. That's just a wee bit limiting.
Ummmmmmmmm hello,

please tell me where I stated that?

I'm not saying you did personally, but part of the belief system is centered on it. You can't really separate it. If one rejects the Bible for example, you are rejecting God's word and by extension God with it in the eyes of some.
Oh ok, NOW its NOT TO ME personally. Well then why are you PREACHING THIS to ME, if its not meant for ME personally.

I already stated, that if I had questions, I would consult a minister, or a priest, and not a forum on Mingle for religious guidance.

I DONT reject the bible, or think God IS ONLY IN CHURCH, or REJECT Gods word, or believe ANY of the things, that you have stated to ME, that were ASSUMPTIONS of what YOU THINK "I" believe, and never stated! I never stated ANY of that, because I DONT believe ANY of that!

I am saying what I am simply so that you may keep your mind open to other possibilities that exist that's all. I only do it out of care, please understand that. How you may take what I say is up to you, and there's no pressure whether or not you believe it, but my heart is in the right place.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/04/11 02:07 PM
ID say the negativity came when putting her on the defensive with questions like this pertaining to her feelings and her interpretation of HER experience


Either YOU saved yourself by desperately turning to Jesus and asking to BE SAVED, or Jesus miraculously reached out and 'saved' you out of the blue as some sort of miracle.

Can you make up your mind?

Which was it?


So what exactly was the "miracle" here?

That you quit using drugs?

Is that supposed to be the "miracle" that Jesus offers?

I thought the "miracle" was a gift of everlasting life?

I thought that was supposed to be the "miracle" of being saved?

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 02:31 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 09/04/11 02:36 PM
Makes me wonder how your life would have been transformed differently had you been issued the Bhagavadgita instead of the Bible? Or some other spiritual doctrine.

That may have sounded 'negative' to you but I am very sincere and curious as to how people who were desperate to change their life for the better may have viewed this in terms of other spiritual beliefs.

There you go ASSUMING again. I did not think that was negative AT ALL, why would I?

Now you may say that this claim that Christianity is a form of exclusive religious bigotry is a "negative view" on my part. However, I respond to that by suggesting that you simply look around and see how this religion is used for precisely that purpose by many people.

Now what the heck did that have to do with my testimony? Thats everyone else, NOT ME, so why were you, and ARE YOU STILL, preaching to me about WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO? What does that have to do with MY beliefs, OR MY TESTIMONY?. Your so darn paranoid about ALL THOSE PEOPLE, that its all you can talk about! Not to mention, you keep trying to lump me in with them all!whoa

Oh, and can you mention my drug addiction, ONE MORE TIME, I dont think they heard it in Canada!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I have no doubt that you were indeed spiritually transformed.

Hey, now thats one of few things, you've talked about here, that actually IS about ME!:thumbsup:

So that's built-in to all the Abrahamic religions and is not my negativity, but is indeed the negativity of those doctrines themselves. And it is unfortunately used in a very negative way by many of those religions (especially Christianity) to renounce and degrade everyone who refuses to support the religion as being a person who has rejected or rebelled against the "jealous God".

OOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKK, now we're talkin about the Abrahamic religions, which STILL, has nothing to do with my testimony, or to do with ME, and is STILL also about OTHER PEOPLE! And you just KEEP REPOSTING IT, AGAIN, AND AGAIN!frustrated

This is boring now! yawn

I cant take another 100 words, about THE WHOLE WORD, AND HOW THEY ALL ACT, which is NOTHING I WOULD EVER THINK OF DOING, or CONDONE in ANY way any of THEIR actions, which makes it pointless to discuss, but for the sake of an arguement! And I have never stated, that I believe in, or support, any of it, that you have mentioned.what

You are the one FIGHTING with YOURSELF dear brother, OR YOUR FIGHTING WITH WHAT THE REST OF THE WORLD THINKS. But I do understand why your doing it. Because you can post here about all of the people IN THE WORLD, THEIR beliefs, THEIR wars, THEIR religion, but you cant change the world!tears

Besides, I gotta go, because im beginning to do EXACTLY what you guys do here, and I detest.... arguing in the name of God!scared

Its been real, its been fun, and it really hasent been fun, but it was good for a good laugh!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

God bless you all!waving

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 02:48 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 09/04/11 02:49 PM

ID say the negativity came when putting her on the defensive with questions like this pertaining to her feelings and her interpretation of HER experience


Either YOU saved yourself by desperately turning to Jesus and asking to BE SAVED, or Jesus miraculously reached out and 'saved' you out of the blue as some sort of miracle.

Can you make up your mind?

Which was it?


So what exactly was the "miracle" here?

That you quit using drugs?

Is that supposed to be the "miracle" that Jesus offers?

I thought the "miracle" was a gift of everlasting life?

I thought that was supposed to be the "miracle" of being saved?

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story
THANK YOU!flowerforyou

At least SHE gets it!:thumbsup:

YOU dont even REMEMBER the things you said to me,(and you claimed to have re-read) that she stated here, that "yes" put me on the defensive!


And so much for UPLIFTING after all that negativity!

I also LOVED how you mentioned DRUGS in EVERY POST, like I should be ashamed, or something, or im lesser than, because of it. GOD forgave me, and doesnt tell me about it EVERYDAY! So why do YOU feel the need to keep MENTIONING IT, and MENTIONING IT!whoa I believe you judged me from the minute I mentioned, I was formally a drug addict!

I certainly didnt think I was going to be attacked here, but as Msharmony has clearly shown, I was. Thank you sister!flowerforyou

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/04/11 02:59 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sun 09/04/11 02:59 PM

ID say the negativity came when putting her on the defensive with questions like this pertaining to her feelings and her interpretation of HER experience


Either YOU saved yourself by desperately turning to Jesus and asking to BE SAVED, or Jesus miraculously reached out and 'saved' you out of the blue as some sort of miracle.

Can you make up your mind?

Which was it?


So what exactly was the "miracle" here?

That you quit using drugs?

Is that supposed to be the "miracle" that Jesus offers?

I thought the "miracle" was a gift of everlasting life?

I thought that was supposed to be the "miracle" of being saved?

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story
THANK YOU!flowerforyou

At least SHE gets it!:thumbsup:

YOU dont even REMEMBER the things you said to me,(and you claimed to have re-read) that she stated here, that "yes" put me on the defensive!


And so much for UPLIFTING after all that negativity!

I also LOVED how you mentioned DRUGS in EVERY POST, like I should be ashamed, or something, or im lesser than, because of it. GOD forgave me, and doesnt tell me about it EVERYDAY! So why do YOU feel the need to keep MENTIONING IT, and MENTIONING IT!whoa I believe you judged me from the minute I mentioned, I was formally a drug addict!

I certainly didnt think I was going to be attacked here, but as Msharmony has clearly shown, I was. Thank you sister!flowerforyou

That much I will agree with, some of the comments here have been a bit out of line. I have no doubt that God was present there with you through this, we just differ in that I see God as one where all paths eventually lead back to the source regardless of anything.

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 03:04 PM

ID say the negativity came when putting her on the defensive with questions like this pertaining to her feelings and her interpretation of HER experience


Either YOU saved yourself by desperately turning to Jesus and asking to BE SAVED, or Jesus miraculously reached out and 'saved' you out of the blue as some sort of miracle.

Can you make up your mind?

Which was it?


So what exactly was the "miracle" here?

That you quit using drugs?

Is that supposed to be the "miracle" that Jesus offers?

I thought the "miracle" was a gift of everlasting life?

I thought that was supposed to be the "miracle" of being saved?

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story
THANK YOU!flowerforyou

At least SHE gets it!:thumbsup:

YOU dont even REMEMBER the things you said to me,(and you claimed to have re-read) that she stated here, that "yes" put me on the defensive!


And so much for UPLIFTING after all that negativity!

I also LOVED how you mentioned DRUGS in EVERY POST, like I should be ashamed, or something, or im lesser than, because of it. GOD forgave me, and doesnt tell me about it EVERYDAY! So why do YOU feel the need to keep MENTIONING IT, and MENTIONING IT!whoa I believe you judged me from the minute I mentioned, I was formally a drug addict!

I certainly didnt think I was going to be attacked here, but as Msharmony has clearly shown, I was. Thank you sister!flowerforyou

That much I will agree with, some of the comments here have been a bit out of line. I have no doubt that God was present there with you through this, we just differ in that I see God as one where all paths eventually lead back to the source regardless of anything.
THANK YOU!flowerforyou

wux's photo
Sun 09/04/11 03:09 PM

This is the first time I have ever posted in this section.

I have been on Mingle for 4 years, and post in the "General", or "Chit Chat" forums, but today I have a wonderful testimony to share with you all, that just happened to me!

I am a Christian, got saved while I was in jail, came out saved, quit using drugs, and became a Christian, got rebabtised, and started to attend bible study, and service every Sunday. I have been free of drugs for 4 years now. Praise Jesus!

I recently moved, and I dont own a car, I ride my bike everywhere. I have not been able, so far, to locate a church in my new area, that was close enough to ride to.

Today I was writing an email to a friend of mine on Mingle, and he had asked me about my being saved, so I dedicated the entire letter to telling him about how it all came about.

While in jail, my bunkee(who was a crack addict, and prostitute) and I deceided on day, we wanted to be saved. So we took our jailhouse issued bible in our hands, layed on the cement cell floor (because, even in the little reading of the bible I had done at that point in church, I remembered reading a verse that something something to the effect of, "as low as you can get, is as humble as you can be to Jesus")held hands, and asked to be forgiven all of our sins, and to be saved. We than started to attend church, every Sunday in jail, which was held in a classroom. This story goes on and on, but I want to get to what I came here to share.

Right in the middle of writing this email to my friend,(I started to cry, because I have missed not going to church to praise the lord), and suddenly there was a knock at my door. We NEVER have visitors, ever. I am single with no children. As I opened the door, there stood 2 young girls, with bibles in their hands, and asked to share some scripture with me. This has NEVER happened to me before, EVER! I immediately raised my hands to the lord, and praised him, and told the ladies, that I was just writing an email to my friend at Mingle, about Jesus,(which is also something ive NEVER done)and was crying because I had not yet found a church in my area, and missed worship!

They both giggled, and I said,"God sent you to me, just now, this is a miracle", and we all praised the lord. They gave me the address to their church, and told me if it was too far to ride my bike, they would happily pick me up, every Sunday, and also gave me their phone numbers.

Stories like this are too glorious not to share, so I hope you welcome it, and me, to the "Religious Forums".

God bless you all!

Luv2roknroll, Roberta flowerforyou

Go, Girl!! Rah, rah, rah!!

I am one of the biggest atheists, religion bashers, and makers of fun of hte bible, but your story is beautiful, impressive.

The whole new testament was worth to have happened to produce your testimonial.


luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 03:19 PM

This is the first time I have ever posted in this section.

I have been on Mingle for 4 years, and post in the "General", or "Chit Chat" forums, but today I have a wonderful testimony to share with you all, that just happened to me!

I am a Christian, got saved while I was in jail, came out saved, quit using drugs, and became a Christian, got rebabtised, and started to attend bible study, and service every Sunday. I have been free of drugs for 4 years now. Praise Jesus!

I recently moved, and I dont own a car, I ride my bike everywhere. I have not been able, so far, to locate a church in my new area, that was close enough to ride to.

Today I was writing an email to a friend of mine on Mingle, and he had asked me about my being saved, so I dedicated the entire letter to telling him about how it all came about.

While in jail, my bunkee(who was a crack addict, and prostitute) and I deceided on day, we wanted to be saved. So we took our jailhouse issued bible in our hands, layed on the cement cell floor (because, even in the little reading of the bible I had done at that point in church, I remembered reading a verse that something something to the effect of, "as low as you can get, is as humble as you can be to Jesus")held hands, and asked to be forgiven all of our sins, and to be saved. We than started to attend church, every Sunday in jail, which was held in a classroom. This story goes on and on, but I want to get to what I came here to share.

Right in the middle of writing this email to my friend,(I started to cry, because I have missed not going to church to praise the lord), and suddenly there was a knock at my door. We NEVER have visitors, ever. I am single with no children. As I opened the door, there stood 2 young girls, with bibles in their hands, and asked to share some scripture with me. This has NEVER happened to me before, EVER! I immediately raised my hands to the lord, and praised him, and told the ladies, that I was just writing an email to my friend at Mingle, about Jesus,(which is also something ive NEVER done)and was crying because I had not yet found a church in my area, and missed worship!

They both giggled, and I said,"God sent you to me, just now, this is a miracle", and we all praised the lord. They gave me the address to their church, and told me if it was too far to ride my bike, they would happily pick me up, every Sunday, and also gave me their phone numbers.

Stories like this are too glorious not to share, so I hope you welcome it, and me, to the "Religious Forums".

God bless you all!

Luv2roknroll, Roberta flowerforyou

Go, Girl!! Rah, rah, rah!!

I am one of the biggest atheists, religion bashers, and makers of fun of hte bible, but your story is beautiful, impressive.

The whole new testament was worth to have happened to produce your testimonial.

Thank you brother!flowerforyou

Testimony IS glorious!:angel: smitten

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/04/11 03:41 PM

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story

I was actually asking for more information.

Was she "saved" by a demigod who "saved" her out of the blue?

Or did she appeal to the demigod with a request to "be saved"?

Those are legitimate questions that should be easy to answer and clarify. And there are indeed quite profound consequences to these different situations.

If the demigod saved her out of the blue, then this doesn't support the orthodox Christian stance that people must call upon Jesus to repent their sins and ask for forgiveness.

On the other hand, if she did call upon Jesus in an act of desperation to "be saved" from her desperate situation, then this opens up a whole psychological perspective that suggests that she may have been 'psychologically saved' by any number of historical spiritual archetypes and that she had simply chose Jesus as the one to appeal to because this is the culture she had been raised in.

Not only that, but she even mentioned that she had been issued a prison bible which also suggests that these ideas were being currently brought to her attention via this religious propaganda literature.

So I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what may have brought about this particular event of salvation. After all if I'm ever in a desperate situation like she describes it might be nice to know whether I should just wait to be saved by the demigod or whether I need to call upon the deity to save me.

People shouldn't be offended by this if they have natural spontaneous answers to these questions.


Moreover, this particular testimony has very little applicability to my life. I am neither in jail, nor am I addicted to drugs.

I don't currently have a desperate situation that I feel a need to be 'saved' from.

So whilst it may be inspirational to people who are in jail and addicted to drugs, I don't see where it would have much value to anyone else.

A person would need to be in some sort of desperate situation before they would even have need to be 'saved' from it in the first place.

no photo
Sun 09/04/11 05:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/04/11 05:24 PM

Praise God I'm drug free and have been all my life!!:banana:

drinker Also alcohol free.

smokin Cigarette free too.

And thank God, I've never been in Jail.

But I have experienced a few miracles in my life too. My life was saved from death twice. I'm quite sure they were real miracles too.

I think I have guardian angels.


Synchronicity happens. Those people knocked on your door ... right time right place... this is a good sign.

no photo
Sun 09/04/11 05:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 09/04/11 05:27 PM
Abra, much as I love you, sometimes you do get out of line in your crusade against Christianity.

In this case, you are out of line. People who know you and have read your posts know that yours is a war and a crusade against the dogma of Christianity.

That is no reason to take your personal battle out on a person who just wanted to share a positive personal experience.

I believe in "God" and in miracles. I know you do to. How we interpret these things is very personal. Don't attack the messenger.

metalwing's photo
Sun 09/04/11 05:40 PM

Way to go!

Good for you!flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/04/11 05:50 PM

Abra, much as I love you, sometimes you do get out of line in your crusade against Christianity.

In this case, you are out of line. People who know you and have read your posts know that yours is a war and a crusade against the dogma of Christianity.

That is no reason to take your personal battle out on a person who just wanted to share a positive personal experience.

I believe in "God" and in miracles. I know you do to. How we interpret these things is very personal. Don't attack the messenger.

I guess you're right.

I think that if I had never been a Christian I wouldn't have such a vehement hatred for the religion today. I guess I react to it kind of like an x-smoker reacts to cigarette smoke.

I hate it precisely because it defiles Jesus.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 09/04/11 05:52 PM
I respect you for sharing a personal testimony on Mingle, knowing that the bashers would come out of the woodwork - life is full of precious miracles, large and small, and those who refuse to appreciate the beauty in each one (dogma or not) are missing something fine! I'm glad you are enjoying your own miracles, Roberta - be blessed!

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 09/04/11 06:00 PM
I really liked how you used the word 'crusade' and 'Christianity' in the same sentence.:smile:

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 07:20 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 09/04/11 08:13 PM

Praise God I'm drug free and have been all my life!!:banana:

drinker Also alcohol free.

smokin Cigarette free too.

And thank God, I've never been in Jail.

But I have experienced a few miracles in my life too. My life was saved from death twice. I'm quite sure they were real miracles too.

I think I have guardian angels.


Synchronicity happens. Those people knocked on your door ... right time right place... this is a good sign.

Abra, much as I love you, sometimes you do get out of line in your crusade against Christianity.

In this case, you are out of line. People who know you and have read your posts know that yours is a war and a crusade against the dogma of Christianity.

That is no reason to take your personal battle out on a person who just wanted to share a positive personal experience.

I believe in "God" and in miracles. I know you do to. How we interpret these things is very personal. Don't attack the messenger.

Thank you sisterflowerforyou I still have chills, and cant stop smiling about it! Praise Jesus!flowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 07:56 PM

but as I stated before, I think this type of offensive(meaning calling upon others to DEFEND their stand or opinion) , and often condescending style of discussion rarely serves to uplift

which I Think was the purpose of her sharing her story

I was actually asking for more information.

Was she "saved" by a demigod who "saved" her out of the blue?

Or did she appeal to the demigod with a request to "be saved"?

Those are legitimate questions that should be easy to answer and clarify. And there are indeed quite profound consequences to these different situations.

If the demigod saved her out of the blue, then this doesn't support the orthodox Christian stance that people must call upon Jesus to repent their sins and ask for forgiveness.

On the other hand, if she did call upon Jesus in an act of desperation to "be saved" from her desperate situation, then this opens up a whole psychological perspective that suggests that she may have been 'psychologically saved' by any number of historical spiritual archetypes and that she had simply chose Jesus as the one to appeal to because this is the culture she had been raised in.

Not only that, but she even mentioned that she had been issued a prison bible which also suggests that these ideas were being currently brought to her attention via this religious propaganda literature.

So I'm just trying to get to the bottom of what may have brought about this particular event of salvation. After all if I'm ever in a desperate situation like she describes it might be nice to know whether I should just wait to be saved by the demigod or whether I need to call upon the deity to save me.

People shouldn't be offended by this if they have natural spontaneous answers to these questions.


Moreover, this particular testimony has very little applicability to my life. I am neither in jail, nor am I addicted to drugs.

I don't currently have a desperate situation that I feel a need to be 'saved' from.

So whilst it may be inspirational to people who are in jail and addicted to drugs, I don't see where it would have much value to anyone else.

A person would need to be in some sort of desperate situation before they would even have need to be 'saved' from it in the first place.

Ooooooooooo look, he is changing his ways though.

He mentioned jail, and said "addicted to drugs" TWICE in this ONE post!

On the other hand, if she did call upon Jesus in an act of desperation to "be saved" from her desperate situation, then this opens up a whole psychological perspective that suggests that she may have been 'psychologically saved' by any number of historical spiritual archetypes and that she had simply chose Jesus as the one to appeal to because this is the culture she had been raised in.

And now, my situation, could effect religion completely, and he is merely a scientist of God, and im his lab rat. And to the quote above this, wrong again, wrong, and wrong. Sorry! YOur batting a 1000 today sport!:thumbsup:

I called upon Jesus, "yes' once AGAIN, I will say, THERE WAS NO ACT OF DESPERATION INVOLOVED!(maybe if I type it bigger, it will sink in THIS time, probably not from my past experience with you today).whoa

I was saved by JESUS, not "'psychologically saved' by any number of historical spiritual archetypes".whoa

And I DID NOT simply choose Jesus, as the one to appeal to because this is the culture I had been raised in. I was raised with no religion, and never believed in God, or higher power, or cared about religion at all, till that day in my cell...and I hate to burst your DRUGGIE bubble, but I was not on DRUGS in jail, or DESPERATE. I actually found it to be somewhat of a vacation, and met lots of nice people. I was drug free, so emotionally I felt great, and was fed, and had no responsibilities. It wasent a punishment for me at all, really. My bunkee, and I used to get in trouble, for laughing too loud in our cell.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh Does that sound desperate to you? Maybe desperate for her to not make me laugh so hard!tongue2

Let me also say,that I could of VERY easily got out of jail,and gone right back to drugs full time, and tossed out my bible, but I didnt!Why? Because the experience was so profound, it changed my life, and my way of thinking about everything completely! I felt like a different person. God renewed my spirit, and I was truely BORN AGAIN! Praise Jesus!(you should try saying that Abra, it feels really good, and I havent heard you say it once).flowerforyou

Side Note: I have recieved several emails today, telling me to ignore you, because this is all you do, dispute, and argue. But im no longer arguing with you, im laughing at you now, and actually feel sorry for you and this emotional crusade your fighting with THE WORLD,(it must be very taxing on you) and will be praying for you, so no worries my friends!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

God bless Abra and all!flowerforyou

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 09/04/11 07:57 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Sun 09/04/11 07:59 PM


Way to go!

Good for you!flowerforyou
Thank you brother!flowerforyou

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