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Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get Destroyed
no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:42 AM

Well apparently everyone likes to take the credit for 9-111.

The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks has admitted his role in them, and 30 other plots in a hearing at Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon says.

"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation, from A to Z," said Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a partial transcript from a closed-door hearing.

He also claims he was tortured at Guantanamo Bay.

I don't know... It think these guys are just soldiers. I think they take orders from someone higher than Osama Bin Laden.

Al-Qaida was responsible. Everyone associated with the 911 attacks
was from Al-Qaida. Osama Bin Laden was the leader of Al-Qaida. There
was no one in the organization higher than Bin Laden and Bin Laden
did not take orders from anyone else apparently.

Okay let's assume that is true. Let's assume that there was no one at all working on the inside of our government. Let's assume these terrorists did this all completely on their own.

This means that what they said in that video about us being "stupid" and about the attack with planes being "so easy" is true. How incompetent are we that we did not heed the many warnings that just this kind of attack was going to happen. Then we just sit there for a whole hour between the first attack and the last plane and still we have not done anything to prevent this attack from continuing.

What else was going on that we were so pre-occupied that we let this happen? Was there really an attempt at an assassination and coup? If so who was behind the coup? Who would have taken over the country if Bush had been killed in that attempt?

Or are we as stupid and unprotected as Al-Qaeda said?

I don't think anyone has ever said we didn't srop the ball. We had intelligence at the end of Clinton's Presidency from the Mossad that a large scale attack by AQ was going to happen possibly a hijacking and we were even given the name of a couple potential attackers.

Not to mention the military should have had aircraft in the air at the first hint of a hijacking and the orders should have been shoot the plane down if it doesn't comply and that order wasn't given until 2 of the planes hit the towers.

Very interesting that Mossad Knew so much about it. The dancing Israei's who were filming the event to document it were Mossad also. They were celebrating. They were questioned and released. How did they know it was going to happen that day at that time? Why were they celebrating? These questions, have they been answered to your satisfaction?

I read somewhere that the fighters took too long to get there because they had been diverted somewhere over Canada on a training mission.

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:42 AM

That isn't the point. I'm not gonna just tell you everything you should know if you will just reject it anyway. You want the truth? Prove to me you can actually handle it first, or want to know it. Otherwise we'll just go in circles as is evidenced by this thread.

How can you expect others to change their minds when you are not willing to do the same?

Is it at all possible that maybe, just maybe, the overwhelming evidence disproving the conspiracy are correct?

No it's not, not in the least. I KNOW I am right. If you could prove me wrong I'd be open to it, but there isn't enough evidence to.

Yes no evidence other than physicists and structural engineers as well as people who were part of the investigations saying there was a terrorist attack. Hell even math itself is lying. In fact every time someone comes forward with evidence you just say they could be part of the conspiracy. Sorry but math doesn't lie.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 08:46 AM
Of course it was a terrorist attack. I don't think anyone will argue that. And of course there was a conspiracy. We had advanced warning that such a thing might happen. They had been planning it for years.

But the extent of exactly who was behind it, has not been made clear. Bin Laden and his cronies had been dreaming about such a thing for a long time, praying about it, praising God. Mossad had advanced knowledge of it to the extent that they had a film crew there to record the event....

Very strange.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 09:14 AM
It is possible that you are mistaken. There is no evidence of a
conspiracy at all but there is overwhelming evidence that it was an
Al-Qaida terrorist attack. Without factual evidence the conspiracy
theories are nothing more than a fantasy.
oops oops oops

so all you people that think that bin laden was a mastermind.you are saying that our nsa,fbi,cia and government are a bunch of bumbling idiots and that one man or a handful of men can mastermind and fool them all.

why do you waste yor time voting? or being part of anything? your basically saying that everybody at the nsa,fbi,cia are made up of idiots.

why do we waste our time building stealth fighter/bombers if we can be taken out handful of men obviously far smarter than anybody we have working for our government.

your saying that the terrorists are smarter than our nsa,fbi,cia all put together. wow!!!!!!!!!!

instead of posting here you should be in the top special forces and in your free time you could be competing in the special olympics

maybe get you junior spy kit out and im sure it should come with a magnifying glass and see if you can find the owl on the front of every dollar bill.

its a clue and i think it was hidden there by the terrorists

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 09:37 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 10:36 AM
For sure.

We are expected to believe that we can put a man on the moon, and be the most powerful country in the world and still be outsmarted by a few radical extremists praying to Allah.

What I want to know is why did Mossad know so much about the pending attack on American soil? Why did they have people here filming the event for documentation? Why were they celebrating? Why were they released? Why did Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties order the building pulled?

He is on tape doing so. If he had not been taped, he would have probably denied the whole thing. Haa ha His explanation (very lame) was that he meant that all fire fighters were to leave the building. Problem with that is that Silverstein's explanation, after two years of stonewalling, that "pull it" meant to withdraw the firefighters is a lie. There were no firefighters in the building for hours before the building's collapse.

Some defenders of the official 9/11 story say that the term "pull" is not demolition lingo for "bring down by controlled demolition". However, the same PBS video in which Silverstein makes his admission, contains the following exchange:

(unidentified construction worker): "Hello? Oh, we're getting ready to pull building six." Luis Mendes, NYC Dept of Design and Construction: "We had to be very careful how we demolished building six. We were worried about the building six coming down and then damaging the slurry walls, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area."

Now lets think about this.

How long does it take to prepare a building for demolition?

How far in advance would Larry Silverstein had to have known about this attack to have prepared building #7 for demolition?

How far in advance would Mossad have to have known about the date and time of the attack to have planted agents to film the event for documentation?

The building's collapse had all the hallmarks of controlled demolition.

Here is a great article about this and about Silverstein's explanation for his order to "pull" the building.


The only buildings that went down that day were the ones owned by Silverstein. He made billions of dollars on insurance, and Israel won by getting troops in the middle east. The U.S. government won by pushing through the Patriot act.

Who are the real terrorists?

We know that the term 'pull it' means to bring the building down by means of explosives because in the same documentary a cleanup worker (in December 2001) refers to the demolition of WTC Building 6 when he says, "...we're getting ready to pull the building six." The term is industry jargon for planned demolition.

Who are the real terrorists?

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 10:34 AM
And how credible is the State Department in Debunking anything?

The State Department, as part of its pathetic efforts to debunk 9/11 research, has posted the response from Silverstein's spokesperson Dara McQuillan on its website.

Bear in mind that the State Department said that China's organ trade was a conspiracy theory even though the State Department itself put out a report on how China harvests organs from executed prisoners on a different area of its website.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 10:43 AM
In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building's collapse alone resulted in a profit of about $500 million.

How concerned should we be therefore that Silverstein Properties bought the lease from MetLife for Chicago's Sears Tower in March 2004?

"Any building that was not owned by Silverstein Properties strangely remained upright.

Photo and video evidence of the collapse shows classic indications of a controlled demolition. The standard 'crimp' in the center-left top of the building and the subsequent 'squibs' of smoke as it collapses clearly represent explosive demolition.

Even Dan Rather, commenting on the collapse for CBS News said that the collapse was, "reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down.”

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 10:46 AM

I think there is sufficient evidence to prove that an internet troll is present.

"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

Seldom is there a more emotion invoking topic than 9/11. An endless supply of undocumented and unverifiable obnoxious claims with science, fact, or reason having no mitigating effect would indicate that the poster is not trying to make legitimate points. He/she is just looking for a venue to insult others.

more than one troll?

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 10:52 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 10:57 AM
And who investigated 9-11?


That's the same people who gathered up people in New Orleans and then took them to a stadium and then would not let them leave, would not bring them food or water and would not let relief vehicles come into the city with food and water. People died in that stadium.

Fema is the same people who purposely knocked out communication towers in New Orleans so that police and fire workers could not communicate. After the towers were fixed, local law enforcement workers had to guard the communication tower with guns to keep FEMA from doing it again.
This was on the Internet and on the news!

FEMA-- The group who went around in New Orleans confiscating guns from law abiding citizen who needed them to protect their property.

THAT'S WHO INVESTIGATED 9-11 and kept everyone else out.

That is who you trust? Good luck with that.

FEMA -- nearby counties in the disaster torn area around New Orleans put up guards with guns to KEEP FEMA OUT OF THEIR COUNTY after hearing what they were doing.

Was FEMA there to help? Or were they there to enforce some kind of martial law? If they were helping, why did the local law have to guard their communication towers, and why did they nearby counties put up guards to keep them out?

Sure, trust FEMA if you want. I don't.

actionlynx's photo
Fri 08/05/11 10:56 AM
Can I ask a question here? Was there any wreckage of the plane that hit the Pentagon?

This is video footage broadcast on 9-11-2001. Look closely. There are close-up shots of the rubble...


...and that looks like a piece of turbine sitting among the concrete. Why would a missile or bomb have something like that?

This is live broadcast video of from 9-11-2001. Bombs and missiles typically do not create such thick heavy smoke. Petroleum products do. It even shows a side-by-side view of the Pentagon and the Twin Towers. Both have the thick, heavy, black smoke. Most building fires I have seen do not create smoke like this. I once watched a furniture store burn, and it was the only building I saw in person to have such smoke in such a confined space.


Another live broadcast video footage of the second plane hitting the WTC (including all commercials, and beginning at 8:30 am). Near the end of the clip, you can see the jet engines hanging underneath the wings as the plane approaches the towers. Unlike some Truther claims, there is no third underhang under the fuselage. And it definitely is not a missile or a smaller aircraft, and it was caught on live TV from helicopter and building cameras.


Will any of this convince you? Probably not. I've already read a number of Truther claims, and watched a number of their videos. Quiet honestly, they never give references or qualifications for their information. It is all unsubstantiated theory, testimony for non-verifiable experts, and a bunch of altered videos. How is anyone supposed to believe these people when they refuse to give people a means to verify their credibility?

You know, people made similar claims about FDR and Pearl Harbor. No matter what, the Japanese made their own decision regardless of anything FDR might do. Even if he suspected what might happen, FDR had pushed for a larger Navy for 20 years before becoming President. The reason was simple: any war brought to the U.S. would require a large scale naval effort. And look what happened? Even the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto suspected the Japanese has made a big mistake. Pearl Harbor spurred one of the largest expansions of the Navy in U.S. history, with an increasing focus on aircraft carriers. If not for that naval expansion, the war in the Pacific would have been forfeit, and a good chance the west coast would belong to Japan. If the U.S. Navy had been built up prior to Pearl Harbor, then Japan might never have attacked, preferring to let the U.S. sit out the war.

Same thing with terrorism. We've needed to precautions against it for 20 years prior to 9/11. We never did. It became a wake-up call that spurred change. Not all of it is ideal. Some of it needs to be undone, in fact. But after all the hijackings, and the bombings at the Olympics, Oklahoma City, and WTC, we did exactly jacksh@t to improve our internal security against terrorism. The reason? The population always became indignant about invasion of privacy, no matter how small or necessary. A big shake up was needed, one that stirred the will of the masses. As much as it that was necessary, it does not mean that anyone in our government held all the cards and played all the hands.

What's the cover up? The government dropped the ball at numerous levels. Maybe on some levels, it was secretly intentional to gain leeway to improve internal security. Not on all levels. And 9/11 was certainly not masterminded by our own government just to achieve this end or any other. Everyone was calling for the heads of those responsible. The government couldn't sit idle. They knew it would take a long time to get Bin Laden. The population needed something to distract them, to buy the necessary time to get Bin Laden....and so it was proposed to take down Saddam Hussein, as should have been done 10 years earlier. Invading Iraq had a number of advantages: a regional base for operations, oil supply, a presence might cow Iran a bit, it would eliminate a dictator from power....one known to have used chemical weapons in the past, etc. So, going into Iraq had no legitimate reason, but it was a very attractive option in the war on terror - primarily because it took the focus of the hunt for Bin Laden.

The cover up is that after the first WTC bombing, they lacked enough evidence to pursue anti-terrorist measures. The government needed more so they could be given a mandate to improve internal security. That evidence might then sway public opinion, especially if the same people were involved. So, it became a waiting game....waiting for the next strike. They never expected the form it would take. It was too incredulous. No one had done it before. Any relevant information had to be something meant to throw them off. But eventually, 9/11 led to a secondary cover up because the government did not want to admit they lacked legitimate reasons for going into Iraq....but it was a necessary evil in order to bring justice for the 9/11 attacks. The government had little choice: Americans were howling for Bin Laden's head on a spike.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:04 AM

There are a lot of stupid bogus conspiracy theories about 9-11 that I don't buy either.

That does nothing to give credibility to the official story though. Its unrelated.

It is not a question who's story is true. Probably a lot of it is bull crap.

Debunking a few crazy conspiracy theories (which could have been props or disinformation campaigns anyway)does not mean that the official story should be believed.

There is no way to control the Internet except to put so much junk out there that it confuses everybody. That is called disinformation. Alex Jones is a disinformation agent. There are many others.

A plane crashed in Fountain Colorado in a small one block radius park in the middle of a residential area. Wind sheer brought it strait down into a dive. No houses were hit. I saw the wreckage. It was in so many tiny pieces, you could not make out much of anything.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:05 AM

And who investigated 9-11?

There are a lot of accusations by "truthers" that the 9/11 Commission investigation was "half-assed" or that it was "compromised" based on speculations alone. As I understand it, the Commission was in charge of putting together a narrative encompassing all the investigations that started on September 11th, 2001 and carried out by a variety of agencies. What are these agencies?

-FBI - 7000+ agents
-CIA -

who else? what's the estimate number of people doing the investigation alone?

13th April 2008, 09:38 PM
Here is a partial list of those who responded to and/or investigated the events:

1,500 people who worked the flight 93 crash scene
40,000 people who worked the piles at Ground Zero
55 FBI Evidence Response Teams at Fresh Kills in New York
7,000+ FBI Agents
8,000+ people who worked the scene at the Pentagon
ACE Bermuda Insurance
AEMC Construction
AIG Insurance
Air Traffic Control System Command Center in Washington
Alexandria VA Fire & Rescue
Allianz Global Risks
American Airlines
American Concrete Institute
American Institute of Steel Construction
American Red Cross
Applied Biosystems Inc.
Applied Research Associates
Arlington County Emergency Medical Services
Arlington County Fire Department
Arlington County Sheriff's Department
Arlington VA Police Department
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Armed Forces Institute of Technology Federal Advisory Committee
Atlantic Heydt Inc.
Berlin Fire Department
Big Apple Wrecking
Blanford & Co.
Bode Technology Group
Bovis Inc.
Building and Construction Trades Council
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
C-130H crew in D.C. & Shanksville
Cal Berkeley Engineering Dept.
California Incident Management Team
Carter Burgess Engineering
Celera Genomics
Centers for Disease Control
Central City Fire Department
Central Intelligence Agency
Cleveland Airport control tower
Columbia University Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Congressional Joint Intelligence Committee
Consolidated Edison Company
Construction Technologies Laboratory
Controlled Demolitions Inc.
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat
Counterterrorism and Security Group
CTL Engineering
D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co. Inc.
DeSimone Consulting Engineers
Dewhurst MacFarlane &Partners
DiSalvo Ericson Engineering
District of Columbia Fire & Rescue
DOD Honor Guard, Pentagon
D'Onofrio Construction
E-4B National Airborne Operations Center crews
Edwards and Kelcey Engineering
Engineering Systems, Inc.
Environmental protection Agency
Exponent Failure Analysis Associates
EYP Mission CriticalFacilities
Fairfax County Fire & Rescue
Falcon 20 crew in PA
Family members who received calls from victims on the planes
FBI Evidence Recovery Teams
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Insurance Co.
FEMA 68-Person Urban Search and Rescue Teams: Arizona Task Force 1, California Task Force 1, California Task Force 3, California Task Force 7, Colorado Task Force 1, Fairfax Task Force 1, Florida Task Force 1, Florida Task Force 2, Maryland Task Force 1, Massachusetts Task Force 1, Metro Dade/Miami, Nebraska Task Force 1, New Mexico Task Force 1, New York Task Force 1, Pennsylvania Task Force 1, Tennessee Task Force 1, Texas Task Force 1, Utah Task Force 1, Virginia Task Force 1, Virginia Task Force 2, Washington Task Force 1
FEMA Disaster Field Office
FEMA Emergency Response Team
FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Incident Support Team-Advanced 3
Fire Department of New York
Fort Myer Fire Department
French Urban Search & Rescue Task Force
Friedens Volunteer Fire Department
Gateway Demolition
Gene Code Forensics
Georgia Tech Engineering Dept.
Gilsanz Murray Steficek LLP
GMAC Financing
Goldstein Associates Consulting Engineers
Guy Nordenson Associates
HAKS Engineers
Hampton-Clarke Inc.
HHS National Medical Response Team
HLW International Engineering
Hooversville Rescue Squad.
Hooversville Volunteer Fire Department
Hoy Structural Services
Hughes Associates, Inc
Hugo Neu Schnitzer East
hundreds of ironworkers, some of whom built the WTC
Hundreds of New York City Police Department Detectives
Industrial Risk Insurers
Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems
International Association of Fire Chiefs
International Union of Operating Engineers Locals 14 & 15
J.R. Harris & Company
Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority
Karl Koch Steel Consulting Inc.
KCE Structural Engineers
Koch Skanska
Koutsoubis, Alonso Associates
Laboratory Corp. of America
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Leslie E. Robertson Associates
LIRo Engineering
Listie Volunteer Fire Company
Lockwood Consulting
M.G. McLaren Engineering
Masonry Society
Mazzocchi Wrecking Inc.
Metal Management Northeast
Metropolitan Airport Authority Fire Unit
Miami-Dade Urban Search & Rescue
Military District of Washington Search & Rescue Team
Montgomery County Fire & Rescue
Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers
Murray Engineering
Myriad Genetic Laboratories Inc.
National Center for Biotechnology Informatics
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
National Council of Structural Engineers Associations
National Disaster Medical System
National Emergency Numbering Association
National Fire Protection Association
National Guard in D.C., New York, and Pennsylvania
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
National Institutes of Health Human Genome Research Institute
National Law Enforcement and Security Institute
National Military Command Center
National Reconnaissance Office
National Response Center
National Science Foundation Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems
National Security Agency
National Transportation Safety Board
National Wrecking
Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center
New Jersey State Police
New York City Department of Buildings WTC Task Force
New York City Department of Design and Construction
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
New York City Office of Emergency Management
New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
New York City Police Department Aviation Unit
New York City Police Department Emergency Services Unit
New York Daily News
New York Flight Control Center
New York Newsday
New York Port Authority Construction Board
New York Port Authority Police
New York State Emergency Management Office
New York State Police Forensic Services
New York Times
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Northeast Air Defense Sector Commanders and crew
Numerous bomb-sniffing dogs
Numerous Forensic Anthropologists
Numerous Forensic Dentists
Numerous Forensic Pathologists
Numerous Forensic Radiologists
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Office of Emergency Preparedness
Office of Strategic Services
Orchid Cellmark
Parsons Brinckerhoff Engineering
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services
Pennsylvania Region 13 Metropolitan Medical Response Group
Pennsylvania State Funeral Directors Association
Pennsylvania State Police
Pentagon Defense Protective Service
Pentagon Helicopter Crash Response Team
Pentagon Medical Staff
Pentagon Renovation Team
Phillips & Jordan, Inc.
Port of New York and New Jersey Authority
Pro-Safety Services
Public Entity Risk Institute
Purdue University Engineering Dept.
Robert Silman Associates Structural Engineers
Rolf Jensen & Associates, Inc
Rosenwasser/Grossman Consulting Engineers
Royal SunAlliance/Royal Indemnity
SACE Prime Power Assessment Teams
SACE Structural Safety Engineers and Debris Planning and Response Teams
Salvation Army Disaster Services
several EPA Hazmat Teams
several FBI Hazmat Teams
several Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Teams
several Federal Disaster Mortuary (DMORT) Teams
Severud Associates Consulting Engineers
Shanksville Volunteer Fire Company
Silverstein Properties
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Engineers
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Skilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire
Society of Fire Protection Engineers
Somerset Ambulance Association
Somerset County Coroner's Office
Somerset County Emergency Management Agency
Somerset Volunteer Fire Department
St. Paul/Travelers Insurance
State of Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Stoystown Volunteer Fire Company
Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (SEI/ASCE)
Structural Engineers Association of New York
Superstructures Engineering
Swiss Re America Insurance
Telephone operators who took calls from passengers in the hijacked planes
Teng & Associates
Thornton-Tomasetti Group, Inc.
TIG Insurance
Tokio Marine & Fire
Transportation Safety Administration
Tully Construction
Twin City Fire Insurance
Tylk Gustafson Reckers Wilson Andrews Engineering
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Underwriters Laboratories
Union Wrecking
United Airlines
United States Air National Guard
United States Fire Administration
United States Secret Service
United Steelworkers of America
University of Sheffield Fire Engineering Research
US Army Reserves of Virginia Beach Fairfax County and Montgomery County
US Army’s Communications-Electronics Command
US Department of Defense
US Department of Justice
US Department of State
Virginia Beach Fire Department
Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Virginia State Police
Vollmer Associates Engineers
Washington Post
Weeks Marine
Weidlinger Associates
Weiskopf & Pickworth Engineering
Westmoreland County Emergency Management Agency
Whitney Contracting
Willis Group Holdings
WJE Structural Engineers
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
World Trade Center security staff
XL Insurance
Yonkers Contracting
York International
Zurich Financial
Zurich Re Risk Engineering

For more detail, see here (http://wtc7lies.googlepages.com/listofresponders&investigators).

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:15 AM
That's bull crap. Everyone wants to think they were involved in investigating in an official capacity, but that is simply not true.

Some of those you listed are not official investigators. In fact most of them are not. Who was really in charge?

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:24 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 08/05/11 11:24 AM

That's bull crap. Everyone wants to think they were involved in investigating in an official capacity, but that is simply not true.

Some of those you listed are not official investigators. In fact most of them are not. Who was really in charge?

they had a role in some way, no matter how small... out of all those companies, all those people looking at figures, facts, information, comparisons, evidence and estimates N E V E R found any credible evidence of a plot?

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:29 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 11:37 AM

That's bull crap. Everyone wants to think they were involved in investigating in an official capacity, but that is simply not true.

Some of those you listed are not official investigators. In fact most of them are not. Who was really in charge?

they had a role in some way, no matter how small... out of all those companies, all those people looking at figures, facts, information, comparisons, evidence and estimates N E V E R found any credible evidence of a plot?

laugh laugh laugh

Larry Silverstein. Follow the money. 500 million.

Mossad agents laughing and dancing not suspicious enough for you?
Them saying they were there to document the event not suspicious enough for you?

All buildings owned by Silverstein not enough to cause suspicion?

Witnesses said they heard explosions not suspicious enough for you?
All these 'investigators' and no one, not one person found anything to be suspicious about?

How incompetent is that?

Larry Silverstein caught on tape ordering to pull building #7 not PROOF ENOUGH FOR YOU?

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:35 AM
O.J. Simpson got away with murder too.

But in the end.... he got justice.

What goes around always comes around... eventually.

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:36 AM

That's bull crap. Everyone wants to think they were involved in investigating in an official capacity, but that is simply not true.

Some of those you listed are not official investigators. In fact most of them are not. Who was really in charge?

ok you win, all those people who investigated are in on it

do you want your pat on the back now

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:39 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 08/05/11 11:40 AM

That's bull crap. Everyone wants to think they were involved in investigating in an official capacity, but that is simply not true.

Some of those you listed are not official investigators. In fact most of them are not. Who was really in charge?

ok you win, all those people who investigated are in on it

do you want your pat on the back now

I never said they were in on it.

I am just saying that they have not found the truth yet....

and if they have... they have not had the courage to report it.

I can see why. Anyone who speaks the truth gets attacked by crazy people.

or turns up dead... the victim of an unexplained death or suicide.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/05/11 12:03 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 08/05/11 12:03 PM

Larry Silverstein. Follow the money. 500 million.

i don't know what this means, i'll just leave it alone...

Mossad agents laughing and dancing not suspicious enough for you?
Them saying they were there to document the event not suspicious enough for you?

not everything they post on the jewish hate sites is true, i have never heard of these dancing mossad people...

All buildings owned by Silverstein not enough to cause suspicion?

muslims hate jews? they have targeting the WTC for years before this

Witnesses said they heard explosions not suspicious enough for you?
All these 'investigators' and no one, not one person found anything to be suspicious about?

this has been explained 2 or three times on the topic alone, and out of thousands of clean up workers NOT ONE found any type of bomb making materials? no wires, no chemicals, no pieces of a bomb, nothing. go figure, huh...

How incompetent is that?

Larry Silverstein caught on tape ordering to pull building #7 not PROOF ENOUGH FOR YOU?

Again, this has been answered 4 time on here, you just don't comprehend the answer...

Chazster's photo
Fri 08/05/11 12:17 PM

Of course it was a terrorist attack. I don't think anyone will argue that. And of course there was a conspiracy. We had advanced warning that such a thing might happen. They had been planning it for years.

But the extent of exactly who was behind it, has not been made clear. Bin Laden and his cronies had been dreaming about such a thing for a long time, praying about it, praising God. Mossad had advanced knowledge of it to the extent that they had a film crew there to record the event....

Very strange.

But some people are arguing that on this very thread lol. Some are claiming an inside job.

I would agree that they might have known something in advance. Maybe not exactly how or when it would happen but that they wanted to do it. I would think the government was over confident in their ability to prevent it and didn't take the necessary precautions and then acted slowly after events unfolded.

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