Topic: ways to impress women
krupa's photo
Sat 07/23/11 06:07 PM

Apparently, if you try to talk a woman into doing your friend a solid and having sex with them, she'll follow you to the ends of the Earth.

rofl surprised what?????

um no. geez is this ever WHACK

Unless you are married to Vanilla Ice Or Kid Rock...I hereby forbid you from ever using the word "whack" again. I go through this same conversation with my Dad over the word "Bling"

You are too damned white....stop it.....I only say it cause I lov ya.

Jack0fHearts87's photo
Sat 07/23/11 06:42 PM

Women go for arrogant scumbags with big personality disorders. Think I am wrong? Ask any woman about her ex.

And then promptly ask them what made those individuals an "ex." I can guarantee you it wasn't for buying her flowers.

indianadave4's photo
Sat 07/23/11 08:08 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Sat 07/23/11 08:16 PM


Women go for arrogant scumbags with big personality disorders. Think I am wrong? Ask any woman about her ex. I know cause I am one of them. My Achillies heel is that I am actually a good man beneath the arrogance.....That is what always screwed me.

Of course, this only is my opinion. Overall, I feel there are three types of men:

1. Nice guys. His mother taught him that to attract a woman you have to:
a. Open the door for her
b. Hold her coat
c. Never argue with her
d. Always be polite
e. Etc...
These are desirable once "one is in a relationship with a woman" but they do not teach a man how to draw her attention. I'll get heat for this but it seems the average nice guy doesn't really understand how a woman's mind works and ends up boring her.

2. Jerks and bad boys. These types have a personality disorder that happens to create circumstances that women like. They are uncontrollable, exciting, a challenge and always manipulating and triggering a woman's emotions.

3. Enlightened nice guy. Probably what most women are looking for but can't find. He is the basic nice guy with no intent on using a woman and then dumping her to the curb for a new "side of beef". This man understands how a woman's emotions can be directed and channeled to draw her towards himself if he desires a relationship. Once a woman finds one of these they can't get enough of him. He knows this but is mature enough not to take advantage of her. Chivalry does still exist.

Guess which one the Jerks and Bad Boys resent the most?


no photo
Sat 07/23/11 08:22 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Sat 07/23/11 08:24 PM

Apparently, if you try to talk a woman into doing your friend a solid and having sex with them, she'll follow you to the ends of the Earth.

rofl surprised what?????

um no. geez is this ever WHACK

Unless you are married to Vanilla Ice Or Kid Rock...I hereby forbid you from ever using the word "whack" again. I go through this same conversation with my Dad over the word "Bling"

You are too damned white....stop it.....I only say it cause I lov ya.

but I can't help being white

Ima nerd of suburbia

an episcopal curchian

raised at the jersy shorian

and whack is just how we white kids with computers say itflowerforyou

nObOdys_wiFe_JM's photo
Sun 07/24/11 07:44 AM

Women go for arrogant scumbags with big personality disorders. Think I am wrong? Ask any woman about her ex.

And then promptly ask them what made those individuals an "ex." I can guarantee you it wasn't for buying her flowers.

Scumbags are more appealing bwahahaha!!!!rofl rofl

kre8karma's photo
Sun 07/24/11 12:08 PM
And most guys go for empty-headed women with pretty faces and big racks, but won't always admit it once they become their "ex". Whereas women might say that their ex's are arrogant scumbags for two reasons I can think of---1) it takes away the sting of a relationship that doesn't work out or 2) they actually were or at least behaved that way towards the end of the relationship.

Before the screaming starts, that is just my opinion as a reaction to a pretty big generalization.....all due respect, Krupa, I know you aren't completely off-base,just isn't universally true.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:30 PM

Are you claiming to truly know my mind? How sexist!

I'm sorry, but how is making an assumption of your personality and preference based on statements you've made and likely elements from your profile sexist?

JackOfHearts87, Hi, There's been a lot of sexism going on in these threads recently, it seems. I just wish it would die down. How does anyone expect to find a life partner if this sexism nonsense is going on? It doesn't make sense. lol :)

no photo
Fri 08/05/11 11:39 PM
Edited by Troublebug on Fri 08/05/11 11:40 PM

A collection of thoughts:

1. Good personal character and common sense

2. Selfconfident but not arrogent

3. A positive attitude

4. Has a job

5. Good hygene

6. Can hold a reasonable conversation and make her laugh: occasionally even at herself

7. Has a sensual side but not not a slave to his hormones

8. Likes to be with family and friends

Good Answer Dave.

nObOdys_wiFe_JM's photo
Sat 08/06/11 01:00 AM
Excuse me!!! You might think that being HONEST --> "None of that crap works on women. " FYI, it may not be a majority win BUT there is STILL SOME over all NOT in order to get laid!!! And why most of the women go for arrogant scumbags with big personality disorders guys? Cause they're honest not PRETENDERS and ASSUMING!!!

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:17 PM

Are you claiming to truly know my mind? How sexist!

I'm sorry, but how is making an assumption of your personality and preference based on statements you've made and likely elements from your profile sexist?

JackOfHearts87, Hi, There's been a lot of sexism going on in these threads recently, it seems. I just wish it would die down. How does anyone expect to find a life partner if this sexism nonsense is going on? It doesn't make sense. lol :)

That's so whack! There has been alot of sexism, only it has perverted itself to the point of flying into a self-righteous indignation over anything one could get offended over if taken out of context, when the thread is obviously satire ( did you think I consider wearing a cape or inventing AIDS to be a turn-on for women?) Nobody's wife, I do dig your take on honesty, that's why I have to be serious and break it down with brutal honesty once in a while. Any woman who took offence at this thread achieved nothing more than mental masturbation. I may have an odd sense of humor, but at least I get jokes. Here's a way to impress men ladies-don't take yourself too seriously, nobody finds it impressive unless they share your passion for psychological self-gratification. Cheers!

Simonedemidova's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:20 PM
Playing guitar usually helps and Piercing blue eyes....
but if you cant provide that, then a good sense of whitty humor on the fly usually does wonders for a man.

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:35 PM

Playing guitar usually helps and Piercing blue eyes....
but if you cant provide that, then a good sense of whitty humor on the fly usually does wonders for a man.

Well let me set my martin down here while I read the funnies with my blue eyes.

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:42 PM

Apparently, if you try to talk a woman into doing your friend a solid and having sex with them, she'll follow you to the ends of the Earth.

rofl surprised what?????

um no. geez is this ever WHACK

Unfortunately, this one had an element of truth however. While I wouldn't suggest this tactic, unless she let's you have sex with her friends too ( believe it or not open relationships do exist), despite this, when I was 17 I tried this tactic on a girl who followed me around despite me not wanting her and she still followed me like a puppy dog, but what I regret most is that I had sex with a woman I really wasn't interested in. Unfortunately this wasn't the last time I acted like a slut, 21-26 was a period of meaningless one-night stand's with the only real relationship being a f-buddy, but to appreciate this you would have to understand I had a critically broken heart because I loved a woman too much, and whilst I wasn't available emotionally, I still had physical needs. 7 years later I've healed and grown, but representing myself as a romantic to someone I have no real desire of their affections isn't who I want to be. If I meet a woman who intrigues my mind and body, I'm very capable of putting her on a pedestal despite the knowledge I gained during my sluttiness that if a woman doesn't think she can get you it drives her crazy, but men unfortunately are subject to the same laws of nature. Sucks all the way around, but what can you do?

Eddieray92's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:58 PM
Edited by Eddieray92 on Wed 08/10/11 11:59 PM

Wear a shirt that is just FULL of holes that you've had since high school? What says "commitment" more than your loyalty to that shirt?

Heheh, I actually do that with my jeans...

Now this girl knows what time it is that's y she's not wastin her time online , instead shes out there and getting herself some dudes

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 07:35 PM

I can truly say that women don't really give nice guys the time of day though. I can be nice and get treated like dirt. It's only when I behave like less than a gentleman, that women appreciate any kindness I offer.

I think I can promise you that your perception of nice and the typical womans perception of nice are askew.

I think I can totally guarantee that klc is 100% correct and stating her case in language that is far too kind

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 07:39 PM

I can truly say that women don't really give nice guys the time of day though. I can be nice and get treated like dirt. It's only when I behave like less than a gentleman, that women appreciate any kindness I offer.

I think I can promise you that your perception of nice and the typical womans perception of nice are askew.
enlighten me.
I just think the stereotypical nice guy is a pushover who would never stand up to a woman. People ,for the most part, don't respect that. I don't let anyone walk all over me, but if you ask any of my friends, women included, they'll tell you I have a heart of gold. However, me and my friends thinking I'm a nice guy doesn't mean anything. The term nice guy is just a term used to limit men to the definition set by women, and I will have no part in that.

this makes u sound as tho u have a lot of hostility toward women

you are a pretty big red flag all the way around, bud

and your honesty sounds a little like the disguised bragging of a man who really does not see females as people

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 07:42 PM

It takes all types, no two people are the same. What may be one woman's "style" may not be another's. Taking this into account, there cannot be correct statements made for the general populace such as "all women prefer [blank]." I have known dominant women, I have known submissive women. Women who truly prefer jack-a**es and women who prefer someone chivalrous. This is why it's so important to actually listen, even if it's not face to face.

That, and it doesn't help to know the type you're looking for. If you're a guy looking for a women who is more caring, then don't waste time on girls who want you to treat them like crap.
You have a right to your own view of humanity, however simplistic. I just think it applies to the real world. It's not that I don't listen, it's just that I realize few women are even honest with themselves about what they really want. I want a caring person, I just don't want to feel suffocated. Most women probably feel the same way. The problem is thinking that someone is either a jack*** or chivalrous. There are many magnificent shades of grey in between.

and you have talked to "most women" to find out what they think?

BettyB's photo
Thu 08/11/11 07:47 PM

Hmm.. I can appreciate sarcasm and satire, but I find that simply listening works wonders.

Now if only I could do something about my damnable memory :/
Women aren't known for always saying what they think. Human beings for that matter seem to be hung up on being politically correct.

Men arent known for saying anything about their thoughts. I dont think folks are 'hung up' on pc. I think they just dont want to offend people. Praps that is not always useful, however.

I would much rather be "offended " than trying to always be a mind reader. Also if I did something wrong I wish they would just tell me rather than the childless little silent treatment. Which to me is not very fair. .

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 10:07 PM

It takes all types, no two people are the same. What may be one woman's "style" may not be another's. Taking this into account, there cannot be correct statements made for the general populace such as "all women prefer [blank]." I have known dominant women, I have known submissive women. Women who truly prefer jack-a**es and women who prefer someone chivalrous. This is why it's so important to actually listen, even if it's not face to face.

That, and it doesn't help to know the type you're looking for. If you're a guy looking for a women who is more caring, then don't waste time on girls who want you to treat them like crap.
You have a right to your own view of humanity, however simplistic. I just think it applies to the real world. It's not that I don't listen, it's just that I realize few women are even honest with themselves about what they really want. I want a caring person, I just don't want to feel suffocated. Most women probably feel the same way. The problem is thinking that someone is either a jack*** or chivalrous. There are many magnificent shades of grey in between.

and you have talked to "most women" to find out what they think?

My research consisted originally of polling all the women at a keg party. I asked,"which would you prefer, a nice guy or an *******?" All the women except one said *******. I've asked female friends since then, and aside from speculations about the male anatomy based on men's behavior, they also said they wanted a man who would not suffocate them and never stand up to them in an argument. There's only been 6 women in my life I would ever consider settling down with and they would all have said nice guy because they didn't buy into the nice guy stereotypes (one of them was the lone nice guy afficianado at that same previously mentioned keg party.) Sarah, the groovy keg party princess, broke it down for me. She suggested that the reason most said *** was not only because of their age (it was a college party and most of the women were between 18 and 20), but because they were shallow as well. I really am a sweetheart when dealing with friends ( due to stereotypes I'll refrain from calling myself a nice guy) by personality, and women who respond to my usual disposition are the keepers, however, the one's who want an *** are in luck, because I'm really gifted in that department as well.

kre8karma's photo
Thu 08/11/11 10:25 PM
offtopic tsk, tsk, tsk, what has HAPPENED to this thread? much for my attempts to escape my humdrum day and have a laugh....SO serious :cry: Let me see if I can make one last vain attempt to steer us all back on course---
Ways to Impress Women
Hit on the waiter during your date. Yes, I said "Waiter"

If you are driving, drive really fast

Offer to take the garbage out (hey! How did that sneak in here?)

Insist that the Hokey Pokey IS what it is all about

Before you meet, ask her to describe herself so you can compare her physically to your ex. Describe to her how she (er) stacks up

Insist that the first date be at your house, because you're an honorable gentleman and to H-e-doublehockeystix to any woman who doesn't trust you enough to believe that!

But I'm not bitter................tongue2