Topic: conservatives on This Message Board
GG2's photo
Sun 02/13/11 07:18 PM
Lol bail bonds! Oh well I'm sure there were plenty who actually used the money constructively. Bush admin still dropped the ball on that one.

no photo
Sun 02/13/11 07:27 PM
Condoms To Go? They actually have a shop like that?

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/13/11 10:37 PM

There's a simple fix for that. Don't live beyond your means. Take ANY job that's offered. Join the migrants in the fields. Hell you're all bitching about them being here, go do their work then. Why have I never had a problem finding employment? Is it because I show up, make a good impression and take an interest in what I do? I've been laid off twice since I started working at 18. Twice. That's because the companies closed down. Yes I drew the unemployment my companies paid into, but I never asked for an extension like the whiners are doing now. I wasn't even unemployed long those 2 times. I showed interest at job interviews, didn't ask about benefits, and made a good impression on my job. How hard can it be?

how deserving you are,,,,,,

Why thank you. I know I am.


msharmony's photo
Sun 02/13/11 10:39 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

No, EVERYONE That wants to work CANNOT, because not everyone has the qualifications for EVERY job opening and EVERY job opening is still only enough for 20 percent of those out of work,,that means the other 80 percent CANT WORK(not for pay)

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/13/11 10:40 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 02/13/11 10:43 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 02/13/11 10:47 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 02/13/11 10:49 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, but (almost) everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/13/11 10:52 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 02/13/11 10:53 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

InvictusV's photo
Mon 02/14/11 04:44 AM
I think the moral of this story is that the safety net created to help those that are legitimately looking for work and can't find it can easily be overwhelmed in times like these.

When unemployment is 5% and economic times are good most people don't care about who gets what and if they are scamming the system or not. Once you get into a mess like we are, out comes the microscope and everything gets examined much more closely.

I live an an area that hitched its horse to the housing boom. People left good jobs to become realtors. People mortgaged their homes to buy another with the prospect of flipping it to make a nice profit in a short amount of time. I remember the sales pitches on TV that were saying that ocean front houses and condos will never lose their value because everyone wants to live next to the beach.. HaHa..

We are all the victims of a system that encourages people to fund their spending through growing debt. It will always be a system that is unsustainable and will always create bubbles and busts.

Without getting away from debt fueled consumption things are never going to change or get any better.

GG2's photo
Mon 02/14/11 08:57 AM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

Oh well you have your thoughts and I have mine. If I feel deserving its because I am. After busting my butt since 18, taking initiative and learning, yes I AM deserving.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/14/11 11:26 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/14/11 11:32 AM

I think the moral of this story is that the safety net created to help those that are legitimately looking for work and can't find it can easily be overwhelmed in times like these.

When unemployment is 5% and economic times are good most people don't care about who gets what and if they are scamming the system or not. Once you get into a mess like we are, out comes the microscope and everything gets examined much more closely.

I live an an area that hitched its horse to the housing boom. People left good jobs to become realtors. People mortgaged their homes to buy another with the prospect of flipping it to make a nice profit in a short amount of time. I remember the sales pitches on TV that were saying that ocean front houses and condos will never lose their value because everyone wants to live next to the beach.. HaHa..

We are all the victims of a system that encourages people to fund their spending through growing debt. It will always be a system that is unsustainable and will always create bubbles and busts.

Without getting away from debt fueled consumption things are never going to change or get any better.

I agree it is a part of the culture, a reason I have NEVER used a credit card but its still sad that people who 'work' still have to struggle and be at the mercy of someone elses bottom line

and so many of us fall for the pro corp propoganda

I never hear anyone demanding of a company 'they should just HIRE who ever WANTS the job"

yet citizens are constantly told they should just 'take whatever job is offered(at whatever ridiculous rate too...)"

its sad, really

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/14/11 11:28 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/14/11 11:30 AM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

Oh well you have your thoughts and I have mine. If I feel deserving its because I am. After busting my butt since 18, taking initiative and learning, yes I AM deserving.

and I feel EXACTLY the same way, IN fact I think everyone who tries is deserving but not all are FORTUNATE, even when they are trying

I am deserving because I try hard, even AFTER I lost my job and couldnt find another for a year and a half, those other EIGHTEEN that I worked and educated myself while paying taxes to this country make me as deserving a citizen as anyone else, and now that I have been through this unbelievable downturn in employment, I understand that I happen to also be FORTUNATE because millions of equally deserving people still are not employed,,


Bestinshow's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:11 PM
Personaly I cant understand how any thinking person can be conservative especialy in american in 2011. Conservatism is a dead dinasaur and belongs in the Creation Museum in Kentucky. If a person stands back and looks objectivly at the wasted american landscape one cant help but notice that its conservatism that has created this lousy state of affairs. Americans were dumb enough to listen to the steady stream of propaganda, do I need to list it all here? When you turn on the news and see food prices rise wages stagnant millions without healthcare or jobs just remember we were dumb enough to vote for Bush twice.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:15 PM
I didnt vote Bush, but Im learning that every President will have flaws and can only 'accomplish' what the rest of government works with them to do,,,,

too much division and one upmanship in our government

united we stand, divided we fall, and our government and its reflection of our culture/values is a great example of constant division

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:26 PM

I didnt vote Bush, but Im learning that every President will have flaws and can only 'accomplish' what the rest of government works with them to do,,,,

too much division and one upmanship in our government

united we stand, divided we fall, and our government and its reflection of our culture/values is a great example of constant division
We dont realy have a government. That was hijacked by the global elites awhile back. To me all the government seems to be is the legal foundation for wealthy to maintain its strangle hold on human progress. Obama has been corrupted if he ever was one of us he is no longer. No its not because he is black or because some say he is not a US citizen it is because he betrayed the common americans. Illegal wars continue to bankrupt the country. The war criminals continue to do speaking tours, Wages continue to drop in regards to inflation, the list goes on and on. Same game differant players. Its a pitty Ron Paul is a libertarien he is realy the only one who speaks on the real important issues that are bankrupting this country. I better quit goofing off here for now I will be single if I dont get moveing on this valantines thing. Have a great day and happy Valentines to all.

InvictusV's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:35 PM

Personaly I cant understand how any thinking person can be conservative especialy in american in 2011. Conservatism is a dead dinasaur and belongs in the Creation Museum in Kentucky. If a person stands back and looks objectivly at the wasted american landscape one cant help but notice that its conservatism that has created this lousy state of affairs. Americans were dumb enough to listen to the steady stream of propaganda, do I need to list it all here? When you turn on the news and see food prices rise wages stagnant millions without healthcare or jobs just remember we were dumb enough to vote for Bush twice.

You have never seen true conservatism. I can guarantee if we ever get a real conservative President that follows the Austrian School style of economics, this country will succeed.

It is leftists that demand more regulation. Leftists then demand more in taxes to fuel their entitlement programs. Leftist policy is the real albatross around our necks. Government is not meant to interfere in every aspect of our lives and regulate everything they can through their central planning policy. It has been a total failure EVERYWHERE.

Spain, Greece, Portugal.. all run by socialist governments.. ALL FAILURES, ON THE BRINK OF COLLAPSE!!!!

Just look at who FOUGHT AGAINST reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and then tell me it is conservatives fault the sham of a housing market collapsed..

Your post is so far from the truth that I don't even think Uncle Joe Stalin would have been comfortable typing it.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:52 PM
the labels kill me,,, more divisiveness

anyhow, Switzerland seems to continue to do well even WITH insurance regulations and financing

I think BALANCE has always and will always be the answer,, not too far right or left(whatever those are,,lol) but in the MIDDLE

Switzerland also enforces their immigration laws much better and are much stricter about who is allowed to reside there

Their median income is 64000 to our 50,000(before taxes)

They take care of their environment and their people,,,

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:56 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

Let's assume that it's true that "most people can't 'invest' the capital required to be self employed". Every person owns his labor and can sell it for whatever price he wants, even free. A person just trying to get into a career path has the opportunity to volunteer, do work pro bono/without salary, and so forth to build up a resume. All this costs is time and effort. After doing this, one will not only have a valuable skill set, he will have an employment record and a better resume. All without any help from the government whatsoever.

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/14/11 02:59 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/14/11 03:05 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

Let's assume that it's true that "most people can't 'invest' the capital required to be self employed". Every person owns his labor and can sell it for whatever price he wants, even free. A person just trying to get into a career path has the opportunity to volunteer, do work pro bono/without salary, and so forth to build up a resume. All this costs is time and effort. After doing this, one will not only have a valuable skill set, he will have an employment record and a better resume. All without any help from the government whatsoever.

accept while building this 'skill set' bills will still be needing to be paid, and time not 'employed' is seen as another strike against potential employees nowadays

although I can definitely appreciate the intrinsic value of obtaining UNPAID experience (I have been attending college, which increases my skills) , the reality that people still need MONEY to provide for basics and that employers still have far too many applicants than they have jobs, means that certain services and assistance will be needed and should be available for people who are trying to be 'productive'

I will be paying student loans until I die because I have taken whatever opportunities I had to further my education and , by extension, be more productive

my tax money IS the government, they are an inseperable entity in my eyes, and when I need to dip into MY money during emergencies and setbacks I think others have a gall to complain about it as if it came from their personal stash and I have paid nothing into it myself

telling people to just take 'any job' is like telling a woman to accept 'any offer' of marriage

employers and employees have a MUTUAL relationship and they need to be a fit for each other,,

no photo
Mon 02/14/11 03:15 PM
Just look at who FOUGHT AGAINST reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and then tell me it is conservatives fault the sham of a housing market collapsed..
I DID look at that. Senator McCain's "reform" bill went down to a bi-partisan defeat in a Republican controlled Congress. Everybody thought it was a crappy bill. I won't bother you with a source or a link. You'll just have to take my word for it.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 02/14/11 03:36 PM

I wish americans (whatever label is imposed upon their beliefs) would understand ECONOMY AND MATH

EVEN IF EVERY JOB OPENING WERE FILLED, people would be left with no job as there is nearly a six to one ratio of those seeking work and work which is available

add to that that those who apply to a job generally have skill sets in the range of THAT JOBS duties so they are less likely to be hired if they have no history in that field

so , yes, even when people apply to mcdonalds, the most likely to be hired are those who are just out of school or who have already worked in fast food

I guess people havent heard of the term 'overqualified', because so many people still seem to think its as easy as just 'getting' a job as opposed to 'qualifying' and 'competing' for a position which you have the skills and/or experience to fulfill

Its a sickening attitude to me that thinks people are without work strictly out of laziness or less of a desire to work than others,,,

We know what "overqualified" is. I applied for jobs which they told me I was overqualified for. Didn't stop me from going to the interview. Anyone who truly wants to work can. That's all there is to it. I'm sorry my attitude sickens you. But you must realize that with EOE you would stand a better chance of landing a state or fedxeral job before myself, even if I had more experience. That's why you can say what you're saying. Not being racist here msharmony, just being honest.

perhaps not racist , but honest isnt always accurate either, someones honest 'opinion' is often not backed up by FACTS

and most people are woefully underinformed about EOE and AA and thats why they ASSUME that its about discrimination instead of about FIGHTING discrimination

with EOE, I wouldnt stand a better chance at a job you were more 'QUALIFED' for because employers get to define what QUALIFICATIONS are important to them and hire accordingly

but they CANT use race or gender to determine such qualification

I say this because I grew up in an EOE home (my mother was an EEO Officer) and made very aware of what those things are and arent and because I STUDIED a little economy in high school which explained that the economy was not and is not set up for EVERYONE to be able to work

It's true that not everyone can be employed at once by someone else's company, everyone can be employed. Those who are unemployable by a company for some reason can be self-employed, a free lancer/contractor, etc. (granted there is a VERY small part of the population that is simply unemployable for some reason or another)

thats true, but even that usually takes some INVESTMENT which most dont have

I have ideas for inventions, I need to invest in the research and development(need money)

I have a book, I need to get someone to publish it (need money or to 'know' people)

I am administrative/clerical and have been out of 'work' for a year and a half,, worked since I was 18, TWENTY YEARS(because Im not lazy) and this has been the worst dry spell I could ever imagine

just irks me to hear people fortunate enough to find an employer putting others down for not finding work(as if they arent trying)

or how my minority status gives me some privilege (PUH LEASE)

I just found a position with someone(thank God), A YEAR AND A HALF

people should count their blessings and stop fooling themself into thinking its all about how deserving they are of them

Let's assume that it's true that "most people can't 'invest' the capital required to be self employed". Every person owns his labor and can sell it for whatever price he wants, even free. A person just trying to get into a career path has the opportunity to volunteer, do work pro bono/without salary, and so forth to build up a resume. All this costs is time and effort. After doing this, one will not only have a valuable skill set, he will have an employment record and a better resume. All without any help from the government whatsoever.

accept while building this 'skill set' bills will still be needing to be paid, and time not 'employed' is seen as another strike against potential employees nowadays

although I can definitely appreciate the intrinsic value of obtaining UNPAID experience (I have been attending college, which increases my skills) , the reality that people still need MONEY to provide for basics and that employers still have far too many applicants than they have jobs, means that certain services and assistance will be needed and should be available for people who are trying to be 'productive'

I will be paying student loans until I die because I have taken whatever opportunities I had to further my education and , by extension, be more productive

my tax money IS the government, they are an inseperable entity in my eyes, and when I need to dip into MY money during emergencies and setbacks I think others have a gall to complain about it as if it came from their personal stash and I have paid nothing into it myself

telling people to just take 'any job' is like telling a woman to accept 'any offer' of marriage

employers and employees have a MUTUAL relationship and they need to be a fit for each other,,

Paying the bills is a somewhat different issue. Once upon a time, people took 2-3 part time jobs to do that. The student loan thing is a big problem, I agree. It's treated differently than other debt for no good reason-another example of what Bastiat explained in his "Broken Window" allegory. Had there been no meddling in the economy for the past 110+ years, these problems wouldn't exist. (You wouldn't even have to worry about taxes, because that law wouldn't have been passed back in 1913)

I disagree with your analogy of taking any job to accepting any spouse. If you seriously want a job, you have to get experience somehow. The days when an overpriced degree guaranteed one a job are gone now. Now, you must either offer skills an employers demand, self-employ, or live in your local church's poor house. It might not be fun, but it's better than nothing. (don't count on welfare checks coming in indefinitely, btw-at the current rate, the government will default on its loans or go even further into debt, making everyone's situation worse yet)