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Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/29/10 10:59 AM

I worry about my weight for health reasons! I don't obsess over it, but I eat healthier than I use to and I work out regularly. Lost 35 lbs this year and feel great.
well see thats ok to worry about your weight if you have health reasons i hope you feeling better now :)))))) hugsss

thanks cheer & hugss back to ya! I feel great and if I keep up the good work there its likely that I will prevent diabetes. I am insulin resistant which generally leads to diabetes. It's extremely hard to lose weight because your body is producing insulin constantly & telling your cells to store fat. Eventually, the insulin producing cells wear out and you lack the ability to make insulin = diabetes!

My glucose/insulin ratio has dropped considerably over the last year. Liver function has returned to normal & my cholesterol/triglyceride levels are nearly normal so I feel WONDERFUL. I do water cardio twice a week, yoga every Thursday, walk my dogs 3-4 days a week and ride horses trying to maintain an hour a day of exercise.

Since I started the regular exercise routine I have really started feeling well & good about myself! I also use to take a serotonin supplement for depression and I am no longer in need of it. YAY
I am happier and healthier than I have ever been in life!!! I focus on getting healthier instead of what my actual weight is on a scale though and workout because it makes me feel good not because I wanna lose weight. Don't get wrong I wanna lose some more of it, but its too depressing to focus on the numbers and well, fun, when I just focus on me!
well thats fantastic your doing better hope you get to the spot where you feel 100% better and your right forget numbers if your feeling great and your health is better by what the doctors say then that awesome hope your weekend was great cheers my friend:)

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/29/10 11:08 AM

I know I need to lose weight....I'm 5'11" and 210lbs and have always been around 185lbs. I'm going on a diet for myself and no one else. The better I feel the better I live. I see some remarkable and inspiring stories here and you all should be proud happy
well thanks my friend for your comment and your right people should always feel proud and happy thats why i made this topic not to hurt anyones feelings in anyway but to feel happy and secure with 1s self and if people don't accept people for what they look like as long as the person is in good health then they should well you don't look overweight to much my friend but if you doig diet for health thats great cheers and thanks :thumbsup:

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/29/10 11:13 AM

We were not all blessed to look like Barbie dolls.Or even close,but if we had been.What good would that be. This way we have choices,preferences and the awesome ability to look deeper into who we really are.
What a shame when that has been lost along the way.

i aggree 100% inner beauty of a person is more to me then the outer beauty of a person and now adays theres just so much awesome snacks out there that if even people wanted to lose for health reasons they make it hard on there thanks for your comment cheers

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/29/10 11:20 AM

Aint nothing wrong with a plush gal.

A woman who b*tches about her weight is waaaay more of a turn off than the weight it's self.

I seriously dated a pair of big girls (they were best friends and we were all cool with it) It was one of the most fun times in my entire carreer as a slut. Neither one was exceptionally attractive (still decent looking)...but, damn if they just didnt have really happy attitudes and THAT was awesome!

......sigh......I sure do miss being smothered by 4 big boobs...good times!
well i understand what you mean if they worry about thier weight and and ask and ask can be a bit of a turn off but if its due to health reasons i would stand by the lady 100% and you also right guys love ladys with a bit of weight to hold on too or as you say........... lol smothered by big boobs cheers buddy have a good 1

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 11/29/10 01:34 PM
Yes, but I don't go on about it to anyone. It's my own thing, and that's what it will remain.

unsure's photo
Tue 11/30/10 01:33 AM
Some women lose weight for themselves, not for men. I lost 125 pounds due to the cancer diet and then I gained 30 pounds back. I have just started dieting about 2 months ago and I have lost 25 pounds again and I still am not finished.
I am changing my lifestyle and I am feeling better about me. I don't have a boyfriend and I actually don't want one. My focus right now is on me and getting my health back and not worrying about men.
So I say, IF you woman want to diet and live a healthy lifestyle...MORE POWER TO YOU!!!!

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/30/10 01:38 AM
anyone worried about their weight should Sexcersize glasses smokin

BellaV's photo
Tue 11/30/10 04:37 AM

I think that everyone worries about their weight at some point in their lives. When I got with my now fiancee, I was at my highest weight to date. And he stayed with me.

He gets stressed alot, ( he is trying to get his gaming company up and going). The times that I really think about my weight and I get so down is when we don't make love for a long time. Then I use the weight issue as an excuse for him not wanting to be with me. Then I accept the fact that we could very well be living as roommates instead of as a couple. there are ALOT of times that I don't let him see me naked, because I know that fat is NOT sexy.

flowerforyou I know exactly how you are feeling. I was with my ex for 10 years and it felt more like roommates. I blamed my weight. Then came seperate bedrooms. Lives seperate. etc etc. I had to be happy again. For my kids and myself. My sanity. Got divorced and I was so happy. I hope u find ur happiness again, with or without him!:heart:

carold's photo
Tue 11/30/10 05:26 AM

Some women lose weight for themselves, not for men. I lost 125 pounds due to the cancer diet and then I gained 30 pounds back. I have just started dieting about 2 months ago and I have lost 25 pounds again and I still am not finished.
I am changing my lifestyle and I am feeling better about me. I don't have a boyfriend and I actually don't want one. My focus right now is on me and getting my health back and not worrying about men.
So I say, IF you woman want to diet and live a healthy lifestyle...MORE POWER TO YOU!!!!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

fireflysgirl's photo
Tue 11/30/10 08:00 AM

anyone worried about their weight should Sexcersize glasses smokin

haha jt-if we all sexercized daily we wouldn't have to worry about our weight, right? laugh

carold's photo
Tue 11/30/10 08:10 AM
laugh laugh laugh :wink:

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/30/10 09:43 AM

anyone worried about their weight should Sexcersize glasses smokin

haha jt-if we all sexercized daily we wouldn't have to worry about our weight, right? laugh

Hahahah that theory does work now to find a partner lmao .......................

Last time I had one that regular I dropped 15lbs in a month ohhhhhhhhhhhhh those were the days............drool :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thorb's photo
Tue 11/30/10 10:07 AM
don't worry as much as just momiter ....

your weight fluxuation is a good indication of your health and your health is the most important thing in your life.

so I watch its changes regularly

READY4FUNN's photo
Tue 11/30/10 10:13 AM


i have lost over 100 lbs in the last 3 years...........

still a little chubby............but i feel good.....like myself!!!

and can still eat a man under the table!!!!

ummmm....that dont sound right.......................bigsmile :heart: lol,, seeing is beliveing. under, on top beside where ever u choise..lol gud 4 u girl just do it 4 u and not us pig nose men..lol

no photo
Tue 11/30/10 01:56 PM

anyone worried about their weight should Sexcersize glasses smokin

haha jt-if we all sexercized daily we wouldn't have to worry about our weight, right? laugh

UMM we also wouldn;t need this website as much laugh :wink:

burgundybry's photo
Tue 11/30/10 01:57 PM
What?? Me worry??bigsmile

Jtevans's photo
Tue 11/30/10 10:08 PM

anyone worried about their weight should Sexcersize glasses smokin

haha jt-if we all sexercized daily we wouldn't have to worry about our weight, right? laugh

righto glasses

fireflysgirl's photo
Tue 11/30/10 10:23 PM
Funny I've lost 15 lbs since I got rid of the ex, he musta been doing it wrong laugh I better stick with the gym bigsmile

no photo
Wed 12/01/10 01:11 AM

Funny I've lost 15 lbs since I got rid of the ex, he musta been doing it wrong laugh I better stick with the gym bigsmile


Beachfarmer's photo
Wed 12/01/10 01:54 AM

Funny I've lost 15 lbs since I got rid of the ex, he musta been doing it wrong laugh I better stick with the gym bigsmile

Hahahahaha PRICELESS!:thumbsup:

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