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Topic: do you worry to much about your weight?be honest
Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:12 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:15 PM

Yeah i take the cinnamon pills everydaybigsmile I do study what is best for me. Only drug i take is insulin. Other then that I do it all on my own. And in the summer I kayak, surf, Bodyboard. HElps that I live on the beach. And i got dogs that I know needs to be exercised everyday. So it keeps me going. Now my sons are trying to keep up with their old momma! and i love it
wow you sound like you have a lot of knwledge on health and exercise thats awesome:))) my mom is a diabetic so thats why i looked up alot for her in the past too:) glad you doing the right stuff cheers my friend hugsssss:)

Simonedemidova's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:18 PM
easier said than done pal, i take diet pills and jog everyday or i get to be the lonely one at the bar

no photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:24 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

That's great, but I still wasn't looking for advice. :)

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:27 PM

easier said than done pal, i take diet pills and jog everyday or i get to be the lonely one at the bar
well theres certain foods that help you lose weight more then others and not sure on diet pills unless they are natural :))) grapfruit helps alot a muti vit give you energy and amino acids help break down fat:) have a great night cheers

Mayhem_J's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:39 PM
You get most of your daily recomended dose of vitamins through the foods you eat everyday. As long as you eat your veggies theres no real need to take a multi. Im not saying you shouldnt. I do. I take one everyday. But its not needed.

andrewzooms's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:42 PM
Chocolate makes my clothes shrink!

Dragoness's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:49 PM
Andrew that is funnylaugh

Artgirl, love the new pic!!flowerforyou

If you read my profile I let it be known that I am not thin and not worried about it. He had best like bigger women or not even bother with me. Cause I will never live with a man who runs me down about my body again.

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:50 PM

You get most of your daily recomended dose of vitamins through the foods you eat everyday. As long as you eat your veggies theres no real need to take a multi. Im not saying you shouldnt. I do. I take one everyday. But its not needed.
well 80% or more don't get thier daily vitamins you may think they do but you would have to eat almost perfect lol and i sure don't cheers

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:52 PM

Andrew that is funnylaugh

Artgirl, love the new pic!!flowerforyou

If you read my profile I let it be known that I am not thin and not worried about it. He had best like bigger women or not even bother with me. Cause I will never live with a man who runs me down about my body again.
now thats the way to be stick to your guns:))))) cheers

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:53 PM
I'm somewhat concerned about my weight. I feel good on how I look now, but I feel I can tone some areas of my body. Do I want to be skinny? No. I don't want to lose some great areas of my body. bigsmile

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:54 PM

Chocolate makes my clothes shrink!
lolllllll i see what you saying it makes a person heavy and clothes smaller lol first i thought u washed your clothes in a chocalete cleaner lollllllllllllll

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:56 PM

I'm somewhat concerned about my weight. I feel good on how I look now, but I feel I can tone some areas of my body. Do I want to be skinny? No. I don't want to lose some great areas of my body. bigsmile
see alot of ladys feel the same way but i bet if a guy looked at your body he would say wowwwwww your beautiful and mean it:))))))) hugssssss my friend

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 11/15/10 09:59 PM

Andrew that is funnylaugh

Artgirl, love the new pic!!flowerforyou

If you read my profile I let it be known that I am not thin and not worried about it. He had best like bigger women or not even bother with me. Cause I will never live with a man who runs me down about my body again.

Thank you beauty flowerforyou

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 11/15/10 10:01 PM

I'm somewhat concerned about my weight. I feel good on how I look now, but I feel I can tone some areas of my body. Do I want to be skinny? No. I don't want to lose some great areas of my body. bigsmile
see alot of ladys feel the same way but i bet if a guy looked at your body he would say wowwwwww your beautiful and mean it:))))))) hugssssss my friend

It's whatever makes us happy and feel good on the inside. *Shrugs* And hugs to you too, my friend.

no photo
Mon 11/15/10 10:01 PM


i have lost over 100 lbs in the last 3 years...........

still a little chubby............but i feel good.....like myself!!!

and can still eat a man under the table!!!!

...you name the table.

Weight is overrated when it comes to looks, but underrated when it comes to health problems. Let's face it: Americans are fat and lazy, and our kids are fat and lazy, and we're dying earlier, we're getting diabetes and heart problems and strokes, and then we send our food to foreign lands and their people get obese (China, who has seen more Westernized food expansion like McDonalds, has skyrocketing obesity rates).

If you're going to loose weight, don't do it because you want to look good in a bikini or you want to impress somebody, do it for yourself. Personally, 2 years ago I hit my max weight of 210 lbs (I'm 5'8"). I felt like crap all day and my self-confidence was at an all time low, so I lost the weight for nobody but myself. But, honestly I love women with a little extra padding.

Cheer_up's photo
Mon 11/15/10 10:33 PM


i have lost over 100 lbs in the last 3 years...........

still a little chubby............but i feel good.....like myself!!!

and can still eat a man under the table!!!!

...you name the table.

Weight is overrated when it comes to looks, but underrated when it comes to health problems. Let's face it: Americans are fat and lazy, and our kids are fat and lazy, and we're dying earlier, we're getting diabetes and heart problems and strokes, and then we send our food to foreign lands and their people get obese (China, who has seen more Westernized food expansion like McDonalds, has skyrocketing obesity rates).

If you're going to loose weight, don't do it because you want to look good in a bikini or you want to impress somebody, do it for yourself. Personally, 2 years ago I hit my max weight of 210 lbs (I'm 5'8"). I felt like crap all day and my self-confidence was at an all time low, so I lost the weight for nobody but myself. But, honestly I love women with a little extra padding.
i aggree with you 100% your right if its for health reasons then i understand but some are healthy and just a little chubby not much and they panic lollll but again another guy here says same thing he likes a woman with a little extra padding :)) cheers dude awesome comment you gave have a great night

tanyaann's photo
Tue 11/16/10 05:48 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

That's great, but I still wasn't looking for advice. :)

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you are always sanding against the grain. laugh

no photo
Tue 11/16/10 06:37 PM


and can still eat a man under the table!!!!

ummmm....that dont sound right.......................bigsmile :heart:
rofl LMAOooooO

Cheer_up's photo
Tue 11/16/10 06:45 PM

I exercise and try to eat healthy for myself, but I'm never going to be a skinny girl. I'm ok with that.
well i can tell you something the metabolism of a person slows down on age but then again theres a secrect if you want to do exercise don't do it 1 time in a day for 1 or 2 hours do it for 5 mins several diff times in the day cause you will burn 10 times more then 1 long work out as your body burns off fat after u work out for the next 1/2 hour as long as you excert yourself for them 5-10 min several times a day n you won't be as tired either n your metabolism will grow better n better really fast:) this is for your health if you like the healthy facts :) hugss my friend n you look good too

I wasn't looking for advice. But, thanks.
oh its ok i use to studie tons on health years ago and know alot about good foods for the body its just me lolllllll i guess i like giving advice its not you :) hugsss

That's great, but I still wasn't looking for advice. :)

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you are always sanding against the grain. laugh
rofl :laughing: shocked what :banana: :banana: indifferent pitchfork pitchfork rofl rofl

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