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Topic: Early Victories For Republicans!
no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:25 PM
and guess what.
poverty rates lowered while clinton was in office.
is it clicking yet.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:28 PM

You think poverty rates have gone down since Obama took office? surprised

how do you expect him to fix this nation.

I have lots of solutions.

Deport all the illegals in jail and prisons to the countries they came from.
Put caps on Government employees.Most government jobs would be capped at $90,000 a year.
You drive a Government car you pay for your own fuel.Hotels would be capped at $80.00 a night.No services like massages and spas under the tax payer dime.
Sell Nasa to private companies.
Put a hold on buying new military hardware such as ships and airplanes for two years.
Have a flat tax rate for everyone.
No bottled water for Government employees.Bring your own.
Stop funding for abortions overseas.
Stop wasteful spending on stupid projects like studying prostitutes overseas.
Add more people to combat Medicare fraud.

How is that for beginners?

i agree with everything except NASA... i feel we should beef it up more, and let them do what they need to do... one of the few "honest" organizations left in the government.

HONEST? REALLY? Virgin did for a FRACTION of the cost what would have taken more than the money Virgin spent going sub orbital JUST TO GET PAST COMMITTEE! Please don't be fooled, NASA is a huge waste of money! The space program was better off under the USAF and NAVY!

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:31 PM

You think poverty rates have gone down since Obama took office? surprised

how do you expect him to fix this nation.

I have lots of solutions.

Deport all the illegals in jail and prisons to the countries they came from.
Put caps on Government employees.Most government jobs would be capped at $90,000 a year.
You drive a Government car you pay for your own fuel.Hotels would be capped at $80.00 a night.No services like massages and spas under the tax payer dime.
Sell Nasa to private companies.
Put a hold on buying new military hardware such as ships and airplanes for two years.
Have a flat tax rate for everyone.
No bottled water for Government employees.Bring your own.
Stop funding for abortions overseas.
Stop wasteful spending on stupid projects like studying prostitutes overseas.
Add more people to combat Medicare fraud.

How is that for beginners?

i agree with everything except NASA... i feel we should beef it up more, and let them do what they need to do... one of the few "honest" organizations left in the government.

HONEST? REALLY? Virgin did for a FRACTION of the cost what would have taken more than the money Virgin spent going sub orbital JUST TO GET PAST COMMITTEE! Please don't be fooled, NASA is a huge waste of money! The space program was better off under the USAF and NAVY!

when did virgin put someone on the moon? when did virgin land a satellite on an asteroid? All virgin did was what nasa has been doing since the 50's... not even a close comparison...

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:31 PM

and guess what.
poverty rates lowered while clinton was in office.
is it clicking yet.

Clinton did a huge amount of damage while all this Prosperity was going on thanks to Bush Sr.. He sold us (our industry and patent data base) out to China, Deregulated lending, and did some other awful stuff to us while in office not to mention his affairs with Monica Lewinsky created a scandal in the office America did not need.

Clinton did the damage but it took years for it to manifest itself. yeah it is so easy to bash Bush when you cannot see what the heck these Democratic candidates do when they get in office. The damage always shows later...

chickayoshi's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:32 PM
I'm fascinated in seeing how things will turn out for the next 2 years. Unfortunately, I'm not big on politics so I will need a big 101 on what politics is all about.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:34 PM

You think poverty rates have gone down since Obama took office? surprised

how do you expect him to fix this nation.

I have lots of solutions.

Deport all the illegals in jail and prisons to the countries they came from.
Put caps on Government employees.Most government jobs would be capped at $90,000 a year.
You drive a Government car you pay for your own fuel.Hotels would be capped at $80.00 a night.No services like massages and spas under the tax payer dime.
Sell Nasa to private companies.
Put a hold on buying new military hardware such as ships and airplanes for two years.
Have a flat tax rate for everyone.
No bottled water for Government employees.Bring your own.
Stop funding for abortions overseas.
Stop wasteful spending on stupid projects like studying prostitutes overseas.
Add more people to combat Medicare fraud.

How is that for beginners?

i agree with everything except NASA... i feel we should beef it up more, and let them do what they need to do... one of the few "honest" organizations left in the government.

HONEST? REALLY? Virgin did for a FRACTION of the cost what would have taken more than the money Virgin spent going sub orbital JUST TO GET PAST COMMITTEE! Please don't be fooled, NASA is a huge waste of money! The space program was better off under the USAF and NAVY!

when did virgin put someone on the moon? when did virgin land a satellite on an asteroid? All virgin did was what nasa has been doing since the 50's... not even a close comparison...

Virgin did more with less than our whole space program has done put together. Burt Rutan has plans in the works. A civilian space craft is more than a novelty! Given time and money Virgin will make a lunar launch for tourism! Hopefully NASA doesn't screw that up!

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:34 PM
Yay! It look's like Dina "Taxus" Titus D-NV has just lost to Joe Heck R-NV! :banana:

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:35 PM

Yay! It look's like Dina "Taxus" Titus D-NV has just lost to Joe Heck R-NV! :banana:

And they are in the most liberal part of the state!

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:36 PM
i would love to sit down.
face to face.
and listen to allll you guys have to say.
you know how america is in debt.
well on his last year,
mr. bush stated that the nation's economy had been going down for the past ten years.
wasn't he in office for eight of those.
clinton for two.
so the damage clinton did in those two years was sooooooooo bad he couldn't fix it in eight.
makes perfect sense.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:40 PM
Republican Jon Runyan just won one of the New Jersey House races!

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:40 PM

You think poverty rates have gone down since Obama took office? surprised

how do you expect him to fix this nation.

I have lots of solutions.

Deport all the illegals in jail and prisons to the countries they came from.
Put caps on Government employees.Most government jobs would be capped at $90,000 a year.
You drive a Government car you pay for your own fuel.Hotels would be capped at $80.00 a night.No services like massages and spas under the tax payer dime.
Sell Nasa to private companies.
Put a hold on buying new military hardware such as ships and airplanes for two years.
Have a flat tax rate for everyone.
No bottled water for Government employees.Bring your own.
Stop funding for abortions overseas.
Stop wasteful spending on stupid projects like studying prostitutes overseas.
Add more people to combat Medicare fraud.

How is that for beginners?

i agree with everything except NASA... i feel we should beef it up more, and let them do what they need to do... one of the few "honest" organizations left in the government.

HONEST? REALLY? Virgin did for a FRACTION of the cost what would have taken more than the money Virgin spent going sub orbital JUST TO GET PAST COMMITTEE! Please don't be fooled, NASA is a huge waste of money! The space program was better off under the USAF and NAVY!

when did virgin put someone on the moon? when did virgin land a satellite on an asteroid? All virgin did was what nasa has been doing since the 50's... not even a close comparison...

Virgin did more with less than our whole space program has done put together. Burt Rutan has plans in the works. A civilian space craft is more than a novelty! Given time and money Virgin will make a lunar launch for tourism! Hopefully NASA doesn't screw that up!

lol..virgin hasn't done squat...i'm suprised that anyone would think that they have, let alone you...but thats ok, obama has pretty much wiped nasa out anyway...

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:46 PM

i would love to sit down.
face to face.
and listen to allll you guys have to say.
you know how america is in debt.
well on his last year,
mr. bush stated that the nation's economy had been going down for the past ten years.
wasn't he in office for eight of those.
clinton for two.
so the damage clinton did in those two years was sooooooooo bad he couldn't fix it in eight.
makes perfect sense.

I remember Bush inheriting Clintons recession and turning it around.I also remember the record stock market high under Bush.Bush dealt with a record stock market drop during the 9/11 attacks and turned it around.Unemployment was low,people were not losing jobs and homes in record numbers.

I firmly believe if Bush was put back into office right now this economy would getting better by leaps and bounds.

Obama just isn't a guy you can trust and like as a business man.He wants to raise taxes by record numbers,his outrageous debt has lowered the dollar making everything more expensive to buy for a business,he is pushing this mandatory health care bill which will cost companies thousands of dollars per employee per month,cap and tax will make energy very expensive,and on and on and on.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:47 PM
My God California and Washington are turning red!I must be dreaming.

Chazster's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:48 PM

You think poverty rates have gone down since Obama took office? surprised

how do you expect him to fix this nation.

I have lots of solutions.

Deport all the illegals in jail and prisons to the countries they came from.
Put caps on Government employees.Most government jobs would be capped at $90,000 a year.
You drive a Government car you pay for your own fuel.Hotels would be capped at $80.00 a night.No services like massages and spas under the tax payer dime.
Sell Nasa to private companies.
Put a hold on buying new military hardware such as ships and airplanes for two years.
Have a flat tax rate for everyone.
No bottled water for Government employees.Bring your own.
Stop funding for abortions overseas.
Stop wasteful spending on stupid projects like studying prostitutes overseas.
Add more people to combat Medicare fraud.

How is that for beginners?

Wonder where they would stay if they were stuck say in NYC? Some cities hotels are not cheap but w/e.
No military hardware for 2 years? Yea lets just lay off every person in the def industry in the US. Hey Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell, tons of contractors, and other companies.. your jobs are gone for 2 years. Sorry.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:51 PM
so there was a stock market high.
how much did you make off of it.
unemployment was low.
poverty was higher than when clinton was in office.
and people had houses.
which they later found out they obviously couldn't pay off.
i still don't see how it doesn't click.

Chazster's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:52 PM

i would love to sit down.
face to face.
and listen to allll you guys have to say.
you know how america is in debt.
well on his last year,
mr. bush stated that the nation's economy had been going down for the past ten years.
wasn't he in office for eight of those.
clinton for two.
so the damage clinton did in those two years was sooooooooo bad he couldn't fix it in eight.
makes perfect sense.

I remember Bush inheriting Clintons recession and turning it around.I also remember the record stock market high under Bush.Bush dealt with a record stock market drop during the 9/11 attacks and turned it around.Unemployment was low,people were not losing jobs and homes in record numbers.

I firmly believe if Bush was put back into office right now this economy would getting better by leaps and bounds.

Obama just isn't a guy you can trust and like as a business man.He wants to raise taxes by record numbers,his outrageous debt has lowered the dollar making everything more expensive to buy for a business,he is pushing this mandatory health care bill which will cost companies thousands of dollars per employee per month,cap and tax will make energy very expensive,and on and on and on.

To look on the bright side, I live in Japan. I came here in Feb. and the dollar to yen exchange rate has changed about 15-20% in my favor. It isn't all bad for all americans. When you consider the ones not living at home and not paying US taxes XD.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:52 PM

i would love to sit down.
face to face.
and listen to allll you guys have to say.
you know how america is in debt.
well on his last year,
mr. bush stated that the nation's economy had been going down for the past ten years.
wasn't he in office for eight of those.
clinton for two.
so the damage clinton did in those two years was sooooooooo bad he couldn't fix it in eight.
makes perfect sense.

I remember Bush inheriting Clintons recession and turning it around.I also remember the record stock market high under Bush.Bush dealt with a record stock market drop during the 9/11 attacks and turned it around.Unemployment was low,people were not losing jobs and homes in record numbers.

I firmly believe if Bush was put back into office right now this economy would getting better by leaps and bounds.

Obama just isn't a guy you can trust and like as a business man.He wants to raise taxes by record numbers,his outrageous debt has lowered the dollar making everything more expensive to buy for a business,he is pushing this mandatory health care bill which will cost companies thousands of dollars per employee per month,cap and tax will make energy very expensive,and on and on and on.

I remember 6.00 dollar gas prices, more and more jobs being lost, lowest dow in modern history, retail prices still going up... gas was .85 cents a gallon when clinton was in office...

galendgirl's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:54 PM
Regardless of your personal level of the "thrill of victory or agony of defeat" in these election outcomes, there is a really important criteria for your part in a political discussion...

Did you vote?

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:55 PM
i did.

Chazster's photo
Tue 11/02/10 08:56 PM

so there was a stock market high.
how much did you make off of it.
unemployment was low.
poverty was higher than when clinton was in office.
and people had houses.
which they later found out they obviously couldn't pay off.
i still don't see how it doesn't click.

Wait a second. Are you trying to say people buying houses they couldn't afford was somehow the president's fault? That is laughable. Lets learn a new word today. Personal Responsibility. Can you say it? I knew you could.

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