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Topic: Early Victories For Republicans!
damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:01 PM
My problem with Rand Paul is that he does not think there is a drug problem in the state, and also non violent crimes should not be punishable.

We have enough crazy meth heads running around this state, we dont need more.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:03 PM

The Democraps are getting stomped right now!Obama must be in tears.

The only House Democrat that Obama campaigned heavily for in this past week just lost.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:12 PM
We just got the Senate Seats in ND, SD and Jansas. It's Democrats 45 to Republicans 38 with 15 still at stake.

Republ;icans are winning in the house also. 79-34! :banana:

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:12 PM
The American people are speaking! It's about time, dammit!

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:15 PM

The American people are speaking! It's about time, dammit!

The people spoke earlier this year and the dems didn't listen then....CAN YA HEAR US NOW???laugh

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:19 PM
Fox news just projected that Republicans won control of the House! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:23 PM
I'm happy about this victory as well. Now they damn well better do something to turn the country around. We don't need more sell outs in DC.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:24 PM

I'm happy about this victory as well. Now they damn well better do something to turn the country around. We don't need more sell outs in DC.

They will need a Super Majority in the House to accomplish anything, otherwise Obama and the Senate will screw them over and prevent them from making progress.

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:30 PM
This is true. I was referring more to some of these new faces not getting corrupted by the lobbyists and bribery that are so prevalent in DC. It takes an individual with strong convictions to resist the influences they will face.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:35 PM
In a victory of historic proportions, Republicans will win the U.S. House of Representatives with a net gain of about 60 seats, Fox News projects.

The gains would exceed those made during the Republican wave of 1994, when the party picked up 54 House seats. In House races from Florida to Virginia to Indiana, voters were sending a rebuke to the Democratic Party by electing Republicans over Democratic incumbents.

The power shift means House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, portrayed as somewhat of a political bogeyman by GOP candidates throughout the campaign, will lose her post and likely be succeeded by Minority Leader John Boehner.

Republicans were also off to a strong start on the Senate side, picking up three Senate seats from Democrats and holding down a number of others -- giving no ground as they look for big gains Tuesday night.

The latest victory came in North Dakota, where Republican John Hoeven beat Tracy Potter for the seat held by outgoing Democratic Sen. Byron Dorgan. In Arkansas, GOP Rep. John Boozman earlier trounced Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, denying her a third term in Congress. Lincoln's vote for the president's health care overhaul was considered a turning point for the senator's popularity.

Republicans also won open Senate seats in Florida, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. Former Sen. Dan Coats in Indiana scored the first GOP Senate pick-up of the night, beating Democratic Rep. Brad Ellsworth for the seat left by retiring Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh. The other open seats were already held by Republicans, so those GOP wins do not change the balance of power.

In the dramatic three-way race for an open Senate seat in Florida, Tea Party-backed Republican Marco Rubio beat his two opponents. He was running against Gov. Charlie Crist, who left the GOP to run as an independent, and Democrat Kendrick Meek.

Democrats have scored three key victories for open seats. In West Virginia, Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin beat John Raese despite an aggressive campaign by the Republican to portray Manchin as a buddy to Washington Democrats. In Delaware, Chris Coons beat Tea Party-backed Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell; in Connecticut, popular Attorney General Dick Blumenthal beat professional wrestling mogul Linda McMahon. All those open seats were previously held by longtime Democratic lawmakers. The Delaware seat used to be held by Vice President Biden, the Connecticut seat held by Chris Dodd and the West Virginia seat held by the late Robert Byrd.

In Kansas, Republican Jerry Moran won the seat held by Sam Brownback, a Republican who won his race for governor against Tom Holland. In Ohio, Republican Rob Portman, an ex-congressman and former White House budget director, has beaten Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher. In Kentucky, Tea Party-backed Rand Paul beat state Attorney General Jack Conway after a bitter contest that delved into Paul's religion and made for some tense debates. Paul, who is leading 56-44 percent in early returns, won despite a last-minute visit by former President Bill Clinton for Conway.

Republican Kelly Ayote will succeed GOP Sen. Judd Gregg in New Hampshire, and Republican Rep. Roy Blunt will succeed GOP Sen. Kit Bond in Missouri.

Republicans needed just 39 pickups to win the House; they still would need 10 pickups to seize a majority in the Senate.So far, Republican candidates have officially won 86 seats in the House, while Democrats have won 46.

Among the victories, Republican Dan Webster defeated outspoken liberal Rep. Alan Grayson in Florida's 8th District. Republican Sandra Adams picked up a Democratic seat in Florida's 24th District; Republican Robert Hurt did the same in Virginia's 5th, defeating Rep. Tom Perriello who boldly campaigned with the president. Republican Larry Bucshon picked up Ellsworth's Democratic seat in Indiana, where Democratic Rep. Baron Hill was also defeated by a wide margin.

On the other side, Democrat John Carney picked up the Republican House seat in Delaware formerly held by Rep. Mike Castle, who ran unsuccessfully for Senate.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stayed optimistic throughout, touting the party's get-out-the-vote effort at a Democratic event in Washington, D.C., Tuesday night.

"We have taken the country in a new direction. We are not going back to the failed policies of the past," she said.



no photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:38 PM

This is true. I was referring more to some of these new faces not getting corrupted by the lobbyists and bribery that are so prevalent in DC. It takes an individual with strong convictions to resist the influences they will face.

this is hilarious.

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:40 PM

This is true. I was referring more to some of these new faces not getting corrupted by the lobbyists and bribery that are so prevalent in DC. It takes an individual with strong convictions to resist the influences they will face.

this is hilarious.

Is it? I find humor in damn near anything. Frequently laugh at myself. Somehow I find it less than funny that men and women we elect into office to represent our views seem to forget who they work for after spending some time in our nation's capital.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:43 PM
i find it funny that you're hoping people will not be influenced by lobbyists.
that will nevvvvvvvvver happen.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:43 PM
Vitter just won!

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:49 PM

i find it funny that you're hoping people will not be influenced by lobbyists.
that will nevvvvvvvvver happen.

Would you sell yourself out if the price was right?

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:50 PM
which is why i shall be president some day.

AlphaRebel's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:54 PM

which is why i shall be president some day.

I see. So you're saying your morals are beyond reproach, but no one else can hope to attain that level of integrity?

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:56 PM
when in the world did i say that.

alookat101's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:56 PM
Thanks to all of the people in Delaware that voted for the Democratic Party this time around. They may only have some of the answers which may help our country out of this mess which is better then not having any answer's at all....

BL4766's photo
Tue 11/02/10 06:56 PM

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