Topic: Prison camps for welfare recipients?
msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 01:40 PM

how outrageous,, you lived in a black COMMUNITY as a white person,, that is not a BLACK AMERICA

OH REALLY? So you make me out now to be an actor playing the part of a White man living in Black America. Sitting at the dinner tables of black friends of mine and working at Churches that were run by black ministers, partying among black friends of mine, having seen the best and worst of the community first hand among them does not count?

You are SO BUGIE! You must get altitude sickness riding that high horse you are on! I grew up in Inglewood in the 1970s so don't go bumping your gums like that to me! I am fighting back getting totally ebonic on your azz right now and believe me, I would make the moderators have fits with what I have to say ebonically to you!

You think I as well as many "White People" have no observation skills? You assume we all live in White bread neighborhoods leading "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyles? (EXPLATIVE!!!) You know NOTHING! Try having six (Black people do not take this wrong! I am not aiming this at you in general!) ghetto trash Ni(*****) getting up in your face when you are seven years old and having one of them in your face threatening to beat the crap out of "Your white ***) if I didn't give him my money. Worst was having the same Ni(*****) telling me they were going to come to my house and kill my family. It happened to me. FUQUE YOU IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! I heard a lot of "My cousins this" and "My cousins that". I also used to hear "WE BE GONNA FUQUE YOU WHITIES UP" a lot as a kid in MY neighborhood. That is why I used to call black people "WEBIES." "WE BE THIS" and "WE BE GONNA DO THAT!"

You are now just fronting me! What I got to be scared of people becasue they are black? THAT WAS WHAT I GREW UP IN!

I wish I could post a picture of me giving you the bird but the MODS would have my *** for that! Let us say you did a lot more than touch a nerve. You put on spiked soled boots made of steel and went off of a high dive and landed both feet first on it! Why do "WHITE" people gang up on blacks? For the exact same reasons black people do it to whites! And your mentality and your thinking does nothing to solve the problem. it is YOUR attitude that prevents us from progressing past what is here and now. It is people with your mentality that think we are still not doing enough to promote equality and allow overcompensation to happen and the effects of discrimination are reversed and not eliminated!


is it people like me who allow overcompensation, or is overcompensation a natural part of americas history?

discrimination has not been reversed as any statistics on PROGRESS will show,,,,

talking about ASSumptions,, so you were one of few white people in a black neighborhood and werent treated well and thats indicative of BLACK people? I wonder how much better blacks fared in white neighborhoods when they first integrated? so you have seen the best and worst,, and you see a significant difference between the best and the worst of WHITE people enough to make RACE an issue in your statements? interesting and enlightened of you

you grew up in a ghetto and so my pointing out that the ghetto type attitudes are not EXCLUSIVE or INDICATIVE of black peoples attitudes at large makes me BUGIE? get off it,, seriously

try having ADULTS accuse you of cheating on papers because your test scores were better than the other students, try having ADULTS accuse you of stealing when candy comes up missing at your job

we all have sob stories, and they are much more PREVALENT in the history of black folks, so before you go feeling like you have some party line to the black experience, think again,, your experiences were of a white male in a black community not as a black person in a WHITE majority america

you make this personal with the name calling, I dont assume anything about you except that you seem sad, isolated, and angry(at the wrong people)

you will notice that I have qualifying words like 'some' and 'many' because I recognize MY experiences arent indicative of EVERYONES experience.

lastly, I do not condone anyone GANGING up on anyone, that was my whole point,, the part that seems to upset you is that I DARE to point it out

trust this, I feel the same about a woman telling a man what its like being a man or what men think, I feel the same about a christian telling a muslim what its like to be muslim or what muslims believe,, and I speak up on those topics too

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 01:44 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 09/11/10 01:44 PM

how outrageous,, you lived in a black COMMUNITY as a white person,, that is not a BLACK AMERICA

OH REALLY? So you make me out now to be an actor playing the part of a White man living in Black America. Sitting at the dinner tables of black friends of mine and working at Churches that were run by black ministers, partying among black friends of mine, having seen the best and worst of the community first hand among them does not count?

You are SO BUGIE! You must get altitude sickness riding that high horse you are on! I grew up in Inglewood in the 1970s so don't go bumping your gums like that to me! I am fighting back getting totally ebonic on your azz right now and believe me, I would make the moderators have fits with what I have to say ebonically to you!

You think I as well as many "White People" have no observation skills? You assume we all live in White bread neighborhoods leading "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyles? (EXPLATIVE!!!) You know NOTHING! Try having six (Black people do not take this wrong! I am not aiming this at you in general!) ghetto trash Ni(*****) getting up in your face when you are seven years old and having one of them in your face threatening to beat the crap out of "Your white ***) if I didn't give him my money. Worst was having the same Ni(*****) telling me they were going to come to my house and kill my family. It happened to me. FUQUE YOU IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! I heard a lot of "My cousins this" and "My cousins that". I also used to hear "WE BE GONNA FUQUE YOU WHITIES UP" a lot as a kid in MY neighborhood. That is why I used to call black people "WEBIES." "WE BE THIS" and "WE BE GONNA DO THAT!"

You are now just fronting me! What I got to be scared of people becasue they are black? THAT WAS WHAT I GREW UP IN!

I wish I could post a picture of me giving you the bird but the MODS would have my *** for that! Let us say you did a lot more than touch a nerve. You put on spiked soled boots made of steel and went off of a high dive and landed both feet first on it! Why do "WHITE" people gang up on blacks? For the exact same reasons black people do it to whites! And your mentality and your thinking does nothing to solve the problem. it is YOUR attitude that prevents us from progressing past what is here and now. It is people with your mentality that think we are still not doing enough to promote equality and allow overcompensation to happen and the effects of discrimination are reversed and not eliminated!


Whoa!! go easy there Andy!! The mods here are prtetty biased and dont allow anyone except the leftists to expres their opinions in this kind of way.

not necessary, opinions are like buttholes and everyone has one,, I can hold with the best of them,,,but thanx

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sat 09/11/10 01:59 PM
You can hold your butt??:smile: too!

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:00 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sat 09/11/10 02:00 PM
ALL APPLE AND ORANGES! I seen a neighborhood or two go ghetto thanks to HUD and other organizations redistributing populations into good neighborhoods.

You sure seen to do a nice job tossing up a smoke screen. Being accused of stealing candy? I WAS ACCUSED OF GRAND THEFT, ARSON, Embezzlement and other things that could never be proved or attributed to me! Oh you got accused of stealing candy... PUHLEAZE! Pee Pee Ca ca! NO SUBSTANCE! I was accused of having my parents doing my homework in the sixth grade! I was accused of being possessed by Demons by my own father! Now I will admit this, I am no saint and have done my share of bad things BUT when you are accused of something more serious come back! Some of my "Ghetto friends" would take your remarks as an insult and act on them while I would just argue. So please, do not play me for stupid when I am the one walking among REAL dragons and living to tell about it!

Now let me make a presentation I hope you appreciate becasue you are so HIGH DENSITY!

My brother used to be a Security watch commander for a major aerospace firm back in the 1990s which I will not discuss here! Every singe time he had to discipline black security guards under his command they ALWAYS fell back on the race card. When fired they always came running with the NAACP trying to play the race card when it was the guards performance that got them fired. One of them was a Nappy headed Compton Ghetto Beyatch that tried to also accuse my brother of Sexual Harassment but he was smarter than them. EVERY single meeting he made sure to have his sergeant who was a BLACK WOMAN with him at every meeting as a witness. My brother dodged every single bullet shot at him becasue he covered his azz with documentation and witnesses! His complaint was that either the black officers were either really top notch or they were shiftless lazy trash who didn't deserve the job!

Don't blow smoke up my azz! You cannot compare your situation to mine in any way!

When you live real discrimination come tell us about it. I have friends who lived in Mississippi (and they are as black if not more black than yourself) and they were scared of the KKK. I also had black friends from Alabama,and several other Southern States and
they ALL Say the same thing,

AND I QUOTE, "most of these city nigg*** would get themselves killed if they shot their mouths off like they do in my home town!"

So having had such a BROAD group of people from diverse heritages to learn from I think I got a touch more knowledge and experience in this area. You are so desperate to come off as a people person where I made it clear from day one on this site I am Draconian! I don't trust anyone anymore and I sure am not buying this BS either!

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:07 PM
Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:07 PM
here is something for your "tolerant"

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:11 PM
Oh, but since its coming from Fox, it must not be true, right??

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:14 PM

ALL APPLE AND ORANGES! I seen a neighborhood or two go ghetto thanks to HUD and other organizations redistributing populations into good neighborhoods.

You sure seen to do a nice job tossing up a smoke screen. Being accused of stealing candy? I WAS ACCUSED OF GRAND THEFT, ARSON, Embezzlement and other things that could never be proved or attributed to me! Oh you got accused of stealing candy... PUHLEAZE! Pee Pee Ca ca! NO SUBSTANCE! I was accused of having my parents doing my homework in the sixth grade! I was accused of being possessed by Demons by my own father! Now I will admit this, I am no saint and have done my share of bad things BUT when you are accused of something more serious come back! Some of my "Ghetto friends" would take your remarks as an insult and act on them while I would just argue. So please, do not play me for stupid when I am the one walking among REAL dragons and living to tell about it!

Now let me make a presentation I hope you appreciate becasue you are so HIGH DENSITY!

My brother used to be a Security watch commander for a major aerospace firm back in the 1990s which I will not discuss here! Every singe time he had to discipline black security guards under his command they ALWAYS fell back on the race card. When fired they always came running with the NAACP trying to play the race card when it was the guards performance that got them fired. One of them was a Nappy headed Compton Ghetto Beyatch that tried to also accuse my brother of Sexual Harassment but he was smarter than them. EVERY single meeting he made sure to have his sergeant who was a BLACK WOMAN with him at every meeting as a witness. My brother dodged every single bullet shot at him becasue he covered his azz with documentation and witnesses! His complaint was that either the black officers were either really top notch or they were shiftless lazy trash who didn't deserve the job!

Don't blow smoke up my azz! You cannot compare your situation to mine in any way!

When you live real discrimination come tell us about it. I have friends who lived in Mississippi (and they are as black if not more black than yourself) and they were scared of the KKK. I also had black friends from Alabama,and several other Southern States and
they ALL Say the same thing,

AND I QUOTE, "most of these city nigg*** would get themselves killed if they shot their mouths off like they do in my home town!"

So having had such a BROAD group of people from diverse heritages to learn from I think I got a touch more knowledge and experience in this area. You are so desperate to come off as a people person where I made it clear from day one on this site I am Draconian! I don't trust anyone anymore and I sure am not buying this BS either!

oh, look in the mirror and stop the woah is me, my situation is more exclusive than yours argument

I agree on one thing

'Don't blow smoke up my azz! You cannot compare your situation to mine in any way!

EXACTLY the sentiment I was originally asserting when I made the statement that SOME white folks try to debate with BLACK folks what black folks feel or believe or do

ur experience is just that YOURS, a white male in situations that had black people it is NOT the same as being a black person in situationst hat involved white institutions, white authority, white majority rule,,,

its like saying because I have such BROAD experiences with white folks I can actually sit and argue with a white person about what white folks feel and do,, I am not now or EVER going to be more of an authority about being white in america or being male in america, than a white male is and a white male will never be more of an authority about being black in america than a black person in america will be,,,

to believe otherwise is both ignorant AND arrogant

being around doctors doesnt make one more knowledgable about being a doctor than a doctor is,,,,, and any argument a NURSE might make to argue they know more about being a doctor than one who has studied and been employed as a doctor as their career would be considered arrogant and ignorant just as the constant assertions by some people about their superior expertise of anothers experiences,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:16 PM

Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

was it racist for my history books to not have ONE example of a black historical figure before black history month?

was it racist for the networks to rarely EVER depict a black person with a healthy family or an education?

is there a white only month? no,,,students continue to learn about white historians during february..

is there a public BLACK only school? no

are there PRIVATELY held schools for just blacks, just boys, just catholics,,yes

straw man arguments to say the least

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:17 PM

Oh, but since its coming from Fox, it must not be true, right??

lol... i've seen a billboard out here, so that part is true

mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:22 PM

Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

was it racist for my history books to not have ONE example of a black historical figure before black history month?

was it racist for the networks to rarely EVER depict a black person with a healthy family or an education?

is there a white only month? no,,,students continue to learn about white historians during february..

is there a public BLACK only school? no

are there PRIVATELY held schools for just blacks, just boys, just catholics,,yes

straw man arguments to say the least

i'm suprised you mentioned Catholics... white chatholics are more biased than any other religion (cept muslim)...

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:24 PM

Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

was it racist for my history books to not have ONE example of a black historical figure before black history month?

was it racist for the networks to rarely EVER depict a black person with a healthy family or an education?

is there a white only month? no,,,students continue to learn about white historians during february..

is there a public BLACK only school? no

are there PRIVATELY held schools for just blacks, just boys, just catholics,,yes

straw man arguments to say the least

The history books only tell history. They are not supposed to single out a persons color.
Students SHOULD continue to learn everything they can during Feb. as it has nothing to do with race.

There is the "United Negro College Fund" but not a United Caucasion College Fund.

The strawman can be either color too

no photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:24 PM

Carl Paladino suggests using former state prisons as camps for those on welfare to learn how to find work.


Carl Paladino, a wealthy real estate developer and Republican candidate for New York governor, has suggested transforming former state prisons into voluntary work camps

Oh no! Work camps! That sounds so evil! Like a place that people would be forced to live in uncomfortable and unhealthy conditions, and forced to do awful forms of labor...

for people on welfare. Paladino said those who enrolled in his "Dignity Corps" would receive training in job hunting, "personal hygiene" and other skills typically lacking in people who "come from dysfunctional homes."

Woah, wait a second now....this is exactly what many of the poorest in our society need more than anything! Maybe not anyone on this site, but I've personally met hundreds of people on various kinds of assistance who need these kinds of services far more than they need money. There are places that offer these services, but some of them are understaffed and they are incentivised to bring in the poor and keep them on their rolls more than they are incentivised to help people.

Do Republicans really want to take us back to a time when the "poor went to poorhouses" and were "treated like chattel"?

Well? Do they? I admit that I don't know. I think I need more facts and less spin.

there's nothing wrong with an "efficiently run county dormitory"

When I've spoken to people who are getting government housing assitance - I've often wondered about this myself. Our housing assistance program is just so wasteful! I know people getting rediculously expensive apartments subsidized by the government - and they are not even good places to live. Property owners benefit, tax payers shoulder a wasteful burden, and the poor don't even have a decent safe and drug free place to live.

But dormitories? I mean - who are we going to trust to manage them? And are we centralizing too much government involvement/control?

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:25 PM

In my opinion it is funny to see simpy white folks talk about being discriminated against in a country that has been completely controlled by whites for whites the majority of the two hundred years it has been here.slaphead

Let some white folks take the kind of discrimination that has been dealt out to non whites by whites in this country and they would be ready to kill everyone.

White folks in this country have absolutely no understanding of what it is like to be a non white in this country and yet they speak up on it all the time, making themselves look foolish.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:26 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sat 09/11/10 02:27 PM

In my opinion it is funny to see simpy white folks talk about being discriminated against in a country that has been completely controlled by whites for whites the majority of the two hundred years it has been here.

Let some white folks take the kind of discrimination that has been dealt out to non whites by whites in this country and they would be ready to kill everyone.

White folks in this country have absolutely no understanding of what it is like to be a non white in this country and yet they speak up on it all the time, making themselves look foolish.

And you say the remark was aimed just at SOME white people?

How do you want your crow served msharmony!

You paraphrase so mean and yet here is Dragonesse's OWN WORDS!

So how and who do you wish to apologize to becasue your ignorance is really starting to show.

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:28 PM

Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

was it racist for my history books to not have ONE example of a black historical figure before black history month?

was it racist for the networks to rarely EVER depict a black person with a healthy family or an education?

is there a white only month? no,,,students continue to learn about white historians during february..

is there a public BLACK only school? no

are there PRIVATELY held schools for just blacks, just boys, just catholics,,yes

straw man arguments to say the least

i'm suprised you mentioned Catholics... white chatholics are more biased than any other religion (cept muslim)...

they also support each other and have privately held schools

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:31 PM
I really hope if the modes see this BS they call the right people on this! Dragoness and MSharmony! BOTH OF YOU ARE BAITING PEOPLE AND I AM CALLING YOU BOTH ON THAT RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!




mightymoe's photo
Sat 09/11/10 02:35 PM

Obama stopped us from going into depression, hopefully.

In my opinion it is funny to see simpy white folks talk about being discriminated against in a country that has been completely controlled by whites for whites the majority of the two hundred years it has been here.slaphead

Let some white folks take the kind of discrimination that has been dealt out to non whites by whites in this country and they would be ready to kill everyone.

White folks in this country have absolutely no understanding of what it is like to be a non white in this country and yet they speak up on it all the time, making themselves look foolish.

why do you even post your sillyness on here? your just as white as the rest of us "crackers" but you know about it than the rest of us? don't even start to tell me what i understand or don't understand, because you don't know. maybe you should try looking in the mirror next time you call someone foolish....

msharmony's photo
Sat 09/11/10 03:10 PM

Its racist that there is such a thing as "Black History Month" or that there are Black only colleges.

Or how about BET...'Black Entertainment Television'??

If there were "White Only" months or schools, the racist NAACP and the other haters would be screaming about it.

was it racist for my history books to not have ONE example of a black historical figure before black history month?

was it racist for the networks to rarely EVER depict a black person with a healthy family or an education?

is there a white only month? no,,,students continue to learn about white historians during february..

is there a public BLACK only school? no

are there PRIVATELY held schools for just blacks, just boys, just catholics,,yes

straw man arguments to say the least

The history books only tell history. They are not supposed to single out a persons color.
Students SHOULD continue to learn everything they can during Feb. as it has nothing to do with race.

There is the "United Negro College Fund" but not a United Caucasion College Fund.

The strawman can be either color too

just read some history for context, the HBCU were originally organized for those blacks who had been DISCRIMINATED against to have access to comptetitive education, when blacks WERENT PERMITTED at other colleges, there became a NEED for HBCU

HBCU still exists but not exclusively for black students,,,(thus the term HISTORICALLY BLACK, instead of just black)

no photo
Sat 09/11/10 03:39 PM

According to your party, Christianity and the Bible are evil and must be banned from society...

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh