Topic: see i have an issue
CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:43 PM

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.

Not Jesus there, that's Paul again, trying to bring Christians back to Judaism, try again.

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

And how is that trying to bring anyone to Judaism?

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:47 PM

You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Yes Jesus did. But if you'll nottice the verse i quoted was from the new testament/new covenant.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:53 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Mon 08/09/10 12:55 PM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.


imply [ɪmˈplaɪ]
vb -plies, -plying, -plied (tr; may take a clause as object)
1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest what are you implying by that remark?
2. (Philosophy / Logic) to suggest or involve as a necessary consequence
3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to enable (a conclusion) to be inferred
4. Obsolete to entangle or enfold
[from Old French emplier, from Latin implicāre to involve; see implicate]

Yes it states God gave them up unto....
doesn't say anything about the devil there...
but i agree with the rest, that sounds a lot like "don't do it"...

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

How you live weather it is sinful or less sin, that shows who you are following after/worshipping. In the same meaning, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Someone could go to church EVERY sunday like a saint. But on Saturday he was robbing a bank. Just because he says he's following God, does not mean he truely is. While he was in church he was worshipping/following God's will. But while he was robbing the bank he was worshipping/following Satan's will.

Little example of what i was trying to say with your comment on the devil being there.

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

So in other words, God and Satan are a tag team --

God - "Dang those people, can't they bow to me? I know I'll open their minds and hearts to Satan. We'll just see if they can beat this. -- Hey Satan, temp these people and do your best"

Satan - "Hey, I have my hand full - you're up there shouting all the orders -'tempt him, tempt her, tempt them' - and down here trying to figure why I all I get is the guts and you get the friggen glory. - Just for that, I'm gonna make them homosexuals - Yea that's it, limit reproduction, make them all hate you for a change."
"Hey God - gotta a bunch of homo's down here revolting, how do you like it?...."

:banana: pitchfork

Satan - Dear God, did you know this was gonna happen? Did you know all those homo's were gonna form their own churchs, splinter some sects, and find our what those old scriptures "really meant" and worship you anyway? Hey do I get a bonus for bringing in the sheep?"

God - NO - I planned it this way, becasue somebody had to figure out the true of spripture, so check (mate)."

Satan - silently thinking (next round of temptations 'transgenders')

laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:56 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 08/09/10 12:56 PM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.


imply [ɪmˈplaɪ]
vb -plies, -plying, -plied (tr; may take a clause as object)
1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest what are you implying by that remark?
2. (Philosophy / Logic) to suggest or involve as a necessary consequence
3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to enable (a conclusion) to be inferred
4. Obsolete to entangle or enfold
[from Old French emplier, from Latin implicāre to involve; see implicate]

Yes it states God gave them up unto....
doesn't say anything about the devil there...
but i agree with the rest, that sounds a lot like "don't do it"...

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

How you live weather it is sinful or less sin, that shows who you are following after/worshipping. In the same meaning, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Someone could go to church EVERY sunday like a saint. But on Saturday he was robbing a bank. Just because he says he's following God, does not mean he truely is. While he was in church he was worshipping/following God's will. But while he was robbing the bank he was worshipping/following Satan's will.

Little example of what i was trying to say with your comment on the devil being there.

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

So in other words, God and Satan are a tag team --

God - "Dang those people, can't they bow to me? I know I'll open their minds and hearts to Satan. We'll just see if they can beat this. -- Hey Satan, temp these people and do your best"

Satan - "Hey, I have my hand full - you're up there shouting all the orders -'tempt him, tempt her, tempt them' - and down here trying to figure why I all I get is the guts and you get the friggen glory. - Just for that, I'm gonna make them homosexuals - Yea that's it, limit reproduction, make them all hate you for a change."
"Hey God - gotta a bunch of homo's down here revolting, how do you like it?...."

:banana: pitchfork

Satan - Dear God, did you know this was gonna happen? Did you know all those homo's were gonna form their own churchs, splinter some sects, and find our what those "really meant" and worship you anyway? Hey do I get a bonus for bringing in the sheep?"

God - NO - I planned it this way, becasue somebody had to figure out the true of spripture, so check (mate)."

Satan - silently thinking (next round of temptations 'transgenders')

laugh laugh

sometimes god does seem bored...ask job

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:57 PM

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.

Not Jesus there, that's Paul again, trying to bring Christians back to Judaism, try again.

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

And how is that trying to bring anyone to Judaism?

Saul/Paul wasn't a disciple. Actually he came along about thirty years after Jesus' death. Saul/Paul was hired by the Sanhedrin to track down Christians, and bring them to their executions. In my opinion he found this job too daunting, bringing them in one by one, and tried a new method to destroy the religion.

Now supposedly, Saul/Paul had a "vision from God" and changed his ways, but judging from the "rules" that Saul/Paul laid down for the Christians to follow, all he did was bring them back to a loose association with the Old Testament. His rules against procreation were an obvious ploy to help destroy the fledgling religion, so it couldn't be passed down in a generational style (like the Shakers of old, which no longer exist because they didn't procreate). This is especially true when at the time there were no bibles, and mainly the religion was passed through oral tradition. To me, it's obvious that Paul sought to put himself in charge of this "new religion" so he didn't have to be subject to the Sanhedrin, and could have the powers they enjoyed. He had to suffer some to do it, but so does anyone when taking on a deception of that scale.

In Saul/Paul's defense, he did a very good job of destroying the message Jesus spoke, and with the help of Constintine and King James in later years, the perversion we see now as the "Christian Church" is not even close to the message Jesus laid out in the bible.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:59 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Mon 08/09/10 01:01 PM

And I have NO IDEA what you're talking about with the snakes.

Actually a reference to a few pages back. Didn't feel like pasting a whole long series of quotes. But God did curse the snakes, that's in Genesis.

Oh, and I've read the damn book several times, but I'm not arrogant enough to subtext it with verse and number in my memory. If you don't know your book well enough to know what I'm talking about, then I suggest you don't know it well enough to discuss it logically.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 01:05 PM

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.

Not Jesus there, that's Paul again, trying to bring Christians back to Judaism, try again.

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

And how is that trying to bring anyone to Judaism?

Saul/Paul wasn't a disciple. Actually he came along about thirty years after Jesus' death. Saul/Paul was hired by the Sanhedrin to track down Christians, and bring them to their executions. In my opinion he found this job too daunting, bringing them in one by one, and tried a new method to destroy the religion.

Now supposedly, Saul/Paul had a "vision from God" and changed his ways, but judging from the "rules" that Saul/Paul laid down for the Christians to follow, all he did was bring them back to a loose association with the Old Testament. His rules against procreation were an obvious ploy to help destroy the fledgling religion, so it couldn't be passed down in a generational style (like the Shakers of old, which no longer exist because they didn't procreate). This is especially true when at the time there were no bibles, and mainly the religion was passed through oral tradition. To me, it's obvious that Paul sought to put himself in charge of this "new religion" so he didn't have to be subject to the Sanhedrin, and could have the powers they enjoyed. He had to suffer some to do it, but so does anyone when taking on a deception of that scale.

In Saul/Paul's defense, he did a very good job of destroying the message Jesus spoke, and with the help of Constintine and King James in later years, the perversion we see now as the "Christian Church" is not even close to the message Jesus laid out in the bible.

First off, a disciple doesn't have to be someone who literally walked next to Jesus. Christians are disciples.

a. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
b. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
2. often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
3. Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ

Notice the 1st definition both A and B.

Disciples are just basically warriors for Christ. It is the ones who stand up for Jesus and God, those who spread his word, and so on. A disciple DOES NOT have to be one who walked with Jesus himself. Yes the ones that did were refered to as disciples, but that is not the only way to be one.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 01:07 PM

And I have NO IDEA what you're talking about with the snakes.

Actually a reference to a few pages back. Didn't feel like pasting a whole long series of quotes. But God did curse the snakes, that's in Genesis.

Oh, and I've read the damn book several times, but I'm not arrogant enough to subtext it with verse and number in my memory. If you don't know your book well enough to know what I'm talking about, then I suggest you don't know it well enough to discuss it logically.

Yes i knew this, but snakes were not in subject to what we were talking about here. Was sort of off topic.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 01:10 PM

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

First off, a disciple doesn't have to be someone who literally walked next to Jesus. Christians are disciples.

a. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
b. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
2. often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
3. Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ

Notice the 1st definition both A and B.

Disciples are just basically warriors for Christ. It is the ones who stand up for Jesus and God, those who spread his word, and so on. A disciple DOES NOT have to be one who walked with Jesus himself. Yes the ones that did were refered to as disciples, but that is not the only way to be one.

So when exactly was Saul/Paul taught by Jesus? He overheard an apostle when? Try again.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/09/10 02:00 PM

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

First off, a disciple doesn't have to be someone who literally walked next to Jesus. Christians are disciples.

a. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
b. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
2. often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
3. Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ

Notice the 1st definition both A and B.

Disciples are just basically warriors for Christ. It is the ones who stand up for Jesus and God, those who spread his word, and so on. A disciple DOES NOT have to be one who walked with Jesus himself. Yes the ones that did were refered to as disciples, but that is not the only way to be one.

So when exactly was Saul/Paul taught by Jesus? He overheard an apostle when? Try again.

I think Paul spent time with God in the desert,, what transpired over that period of time, beyond the inspired word of God in the New testament, is a mystery

for those who try to follow the bible, God would be the word and Jesus was the word in the flesh so that indirectly , time spent with God, learning the word, would also be time spent learning what Jesus represented,,

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 03:02 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Mon 08/09/10 03:04 PM

The disciples of Jesus were taught by Jesus. So what they teach is what Jesus teaches.

First off, a disciple doesn't have to be someone who literally walked next to Jesus. Christians are disciples.

a. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
b. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
2. often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
3. Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ

Notice the 1st definition both A and B.

Disciples are just basically warriors for Christ. It is the ones who stand up for Jesus and God, those who spread his word, and so on. A disciple DOES NOT have to be one who walked with Jesus himself. Yes the ones that did were refered to as disciples, but that is not the only way to be one.

So when exactly was Saul/Paul taught by Jesus? He overheard an apostle when? Try again.

I think Paul spent time with God in the desert,, what transpired over that period of time, beyond the inspired word of God in the New testament, is a mystery

for those who try to follow the bible, God would be the word and Jesus was the word in the flesh so that indirectly , time spent with God, learning the word, would also be time spent learning what Jesus represented,,

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Actually John 1.1 works well too "In the begining was the word and the word was with god."


Gen 1.3 and darkness was upon the face of the earth and the spirit of god moved across the waters.

This is the verse that shows god's true nature is darkness or evil, which is interchangeable in the bible. Light had to be created, so god's light (or goodness also interchangeable) is actually a lie or fiction, a creation meant to distract from his true nature. Here's another one for you. Lucifer, when translated from Latin, means "he who brings light." So when god created his arch enemy, he created the one who brought light. One might say it could be translated as "he who lit the way."

Terms that are also interchangeable temple and church. Actually there were no "churches" in those days, just temples. So when Jesus condemned the temples, he was condemning all organized structures that built themselves up instead of god's word.

Basically, the bible as written today, is far removed from the actually intent that Jesus probably spoke. It was rewritten by kings, who wanted their subjects to be loyal and faithful servants not prone to revolt. Even the reward in heaven, as spoken in the Revelations, is to be a servant again. The best a man can do is be a servant. So when reading the bible one has to take the content of the message, not the literal meaning. The intent of the actual authors (Constantine/ James of England) is shown moreso than the intent of the original apostles and even Jesus himself.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 03:05 PM
Oh and we are way offtopic

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 08/09/10 03:31 PM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Mon 08/09/10 03:34 PM

You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

I don't think you understand prophecy and fulfillment concerning the bibles.The Old testament did not become null and void when Jesus came.Since Jesus died for all of the people and their future sins it was no longer valid to do things like burn animals to cleanse sins because their sins was already cleansed through Jesus's death.God told the world that because his son died for us it is no longer necessary to do many of the old testament traditions.

The only thing Jesus did concerning the Old testament is clarify,fulfill,and to preach from it.You must understand that a great deal of the Old testament deals with the traditions the Jewish people practiced.Many of these traditions were made up by man for man.

Jesus spoke for over 3 years to millions of people.Of course we do not have a record for everything Jesus said but we know that Jesus did not have conflicts with what God did in the past,what he is doing now,and what he is doing in the future.Many people say why didn't Jesus speak about homosexuality?I'm sure he did but I think it's stupid and pointless to ask Jesus when he was alive what he thought about homosexuality because we all know the answer.It would be like asking him about murder,adultery,and robbery.

Even it we take out the bible verse of the destruction of Somon and Gorromah,and the bible verse that says it is a abomination you still have many many facts you can't ignore.

The bible says a man and women will be marriage and the two will become one flesh.Two women can not become one flesh and the only way two men can become one flesh is by sodomy.Sodomy is strictly forbidden and talked about many times in the bible.

The bible says "Go out and reproduce".Two men and two women can not reproduce.

Every reference in the bible concerning love and marriage is between a man and a woman.Nothing at all said about two men and two women being in love.

Your history on who Jesus accepted and Paul is very inacurrate.Jesus would accept anyone who believed in what he had to say including Gentiles.If you had the slightest idea of biblical knowledge you would know Jesus's 12 disciples were Jews.(Acts 11:1-21; 12:24; 14:1; etc.)

Acts 13:47 "The Lord has commanded us, saying, I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth"

Acts 18:6 "Henceforth, I (Paul) will go unto the Gentiles"

Rom. 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

Rom. 15:16 "I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles"

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 04:00 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Mon 08/09/10 04:02 PM

You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

I don't think you understand prophecy and fulfillment concerning the bibles.The Old testament did not become null and void when Jesus came.Since Jesus died for all of the people and their future sins it was no longer valid to do things like burn animals to cleanse sins because their sins was already cleansed through Jesus's death.God told the world that because his son died for us it is no longer necessary to do many of the old testament traditions.

The only thing Jesus did concerning the Old testament is clarify,fulfill,and to preach from it.You must understand that a great deal of the Old testament deals with the traditions the Jewish people practiced.Many of these traditions were made up by man for man.

Jesus spoke for over 3 years to millions of people.Of course we do not have a record for everything Jesus said but we know that Jesus did not have conflicts with what God did in the past,what he is doing now,and what he is doing in the future.Many people say why didn't Jesus speak about homosexuality?I'm sure he did but I think it's stupid and pointless to ask Jesus when he was alive what he thought about homosexuality because we all know the answer.It would be like asking him about murder,adultery,and robbery.

Even it we take out the bible verse of the destruction of Somon and Gorromah,and the bible verse that says it is a abomination you still have many many facts you can't ignore.

The bible says a man and women will be marriage and the two will become one flesh.Two women can not become one flesh and the only way two men can become one flesh is by sodomy.Sodomy is strictly forbidden and talked about many times in the bible.

The bible says "Go out and reproduce".Two men and two women can not reproduce.

Every reference in the bible concerning love and marriage is between a man and a woman.Nothing at all said about two men and two women being in love.

Your history on who Jesus accepted and Paul is very inacurrate.Jesus would accept anyone who believed in what he had to say including Gentiles.If you had the slightest idea of biblical knowledge you would know Jesus's 12 disciples were Jews.(Acts 11:1-21; 12:24; 14:1; etc.)

Acts 13:47 "The Lord has commanded us, saying, I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth"

Acts 18:6 "Henceforth, I (Paul) will go unto the Gentiles"

Rom. 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

Rom. 15:16 "I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles"

No, I don't think you understand the new covenant. Jesus actually broke with Jewish tradition at the last supper.

Luke 22:19-20 Then he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying, "This is my body given for you; Do this in remembrance of me (my word). He did the same with the cup after supper, and said "This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you."

John 13:34-35 I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another as I have loved you. It is by your love for one another that everyone will recognise you as my disciples.

Luke 24:44 Then he told them, "This is what I meant when I said, while I was still with you that everything written about me in the Laws of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms was destined to be fulfilled.

The hatred poured from the church pulpit is also talked about.

Luke 20 46-47 Beware of the scribes who like to walk about in long robes and love to be greeted respectfully in the market squares, to take the front seats in the synagogues and places of honour at banquets, who devour the property of widows, and for show offer long prayers. The more severe will be the sentence they receive.

Luke 21:8 Take care not to be deceived, because many will come using my name and saying "I am the one" and "the time is near at hand."

In my opinion the latter verse refers to Paul/Saul directly, because he spoke of both those things. The verses you referred to all came after Jesus death, and have nothing to do with his actual message. The former, well we see those preachers getting caught in gay love affairs all the time.

I can't believe I was forced to actually quote verse to someone claiming to know god's word.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 08/09/10 05:31 PM

You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

I don't think you understand prophecy and fulfillment concerning the bibles.The Old testament did not become null and void when Jesus came.Since Jesus died for all of the people and their future sins it was no longer valid to do things like burn animals to cleanse sins because their sins was already cleansed through Jesus's death.God told the world that because his son died for us it is no longer necessary to do many of the old testament traditions.

The only thing Jesus did concerning the Old testament is clarify,fulfill,and to preach from it.You must understand that a great deal of the Old testament deals with the traditions the Jewish people practiced.Many of these traditions were made up by man for man.

Jesus spoke for over 3 years to millions of people.Of course we do not have a record for everything Jesus said but we know that Jesus did not have conflicts with what God did in the past,what he is doing now,and what he is doing in the future.Many people say why didn't Jesus speak about homosexuality?I'm sure he did but I think it's stupid and pointless to ask Jesus when he was alive what he thought about homosexuality because we all know the answer.It would be like asking him about murder,adultery,and robbery.

Even it we take out the bible verse of the destruction of Somon and Gorromah,and the bible verse that says it is a abomination you still have many many facts you can't ignore.

The bible says a man and women will be marriage and the two will become one flesh.Two women can not become one flesh and the only way two men can become one flesh is by sodomy.Sodomy is strictly forbidden and talked about many times in the bible.

The bible says "Go out and reproduce".Two men and two women can not reproduce.

Every reference in the bible concerning love and marriage is between a man and a woman.Nothing at all said about two men and two women being in love.

Your history on who Jesus accepted and Paul is very inacurrate.Jesus would accept anyone who believed in what he had to say including Gentiles.If you had the slightest idea of biblical knowledge you would know Jesus's 12 disciples were Jews.(Acts 11:1-21; 12:24; 14:1; etc.)

Acts 13:47 "The Lord has commanded us, saying, I have set you to be a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth"

Acts 18:6 "Henceforth, I (Paul) will go unto the Gentiles"

Rom. 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

Rom. 15:16 "I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles"

No, I don't think you understand the new covenant. Jesus actually broke with Jewish tradition at the last supper.

Luke 22:19-20 Then he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying, "This is my body given for you; Do this in remembrance of me (my word). He did the same with the cup after supper, and said "This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you."

John 13:34-35 I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another as I have loved you. It is by your love for one another that everyone will recognise you as my disciples.

Luke 24:44 Then he told them, "This is what I meant when I said, while I was still with you that everything written about me in the Laws of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms was destined to be fulfilled.

The hatred poured from the church pulpit is also talked about.

Luke 20 46-47 Beware of the scribes who like to walk about in long robes and love to be greeted respectfully in the market squares, to take the front seats in the synagogues and places of honour at banquets, who devour the property of widows, and for show offer long prayers. The more severe will be the sentence they receive.

Luke 21:8 Take care not to be deceived, because many will come using my name and saying "I am the one" and "the time is near at hand."

In my opinion the latter verse refers to Paul/Saul directly, because he spoke of both those things. The verses you referred to all came after Jesus death, and have nothing to do with his actual message. The former, well we see those preachers getting caught in gay love affairs all the time.

I can't believe I was forced to actually quote verse to someone claiming to know god's word.

The more I debate you the more I wonder where this conversation is going.I'm also wondering what you are trying to get at because I have no idea.

Jesus's last supper did not break Jewish tradation.

The phrase "breaking of bread" is a Jewish statement that was used throughout Israel before the time of Jesus. The breaking of bread is mentioned for instance in the records we have of the Essenes. These zealots held community meals where bread was prayed over by a spiritual leader. Afterward he would break it and each person would receive their share. This spiritual meal may or may not include drinking wine, but understanding here that drinking wine with meals was a common practice not that it added anything spiritual to the event. Breaking of bread was nothing more then eating a meal together.

Jesus giving a new commandment is not against Gods will and there is nothing wrong with Jesus adding as much as he wants to the Old testament.Jesus was not taking away or changing the Old testament.He was only adding to it.

Where you are getting "Hatred from the pulpit" by those verses is puzzling?Those bible verses are talking about people who you should stay away from.If you would read the bible there is thousands of verses about the kind of people you should stay away from.Nothing new here.

Why you keep bringing up this Paul issue I have no idea.Everything written about Jesus was written after he died.So I really don't see why it matters if John or Paul or the others who wrote about him after his death make a difference.

Concerning this love between gay preachers.Once again we see how much damage two gay men can cause the church.Gay priest ignoring God's word,disobeying God's word,and lying about God's word so they can be unrepentant homosexuals is the reason why the Catholic church has nearly been destroyed and bankrupt.Had these homosexual priests been kicked out of the church like they should have we wouldn't have had this problem now.Instead you have idiot Christians knowing they were practicing homosexuals but let them stay instead.You reap what you sow.I expect in the near future these other churches who have openly homosexual priests to suffer the same fate.Their churches will not survive and will be in ruins.

RoamingOrator's photo
Tue 08/10/10 10:04 AM

The more I debate you the more I wonder where this conversation is going.I'm also wondering what you are trying to get at because I have no idea.

Jesus's last supper did not break Jewish tradation.

The phrase "breaking of bread" is a Jewish statement that was used throughout Israel before the time of Jesus. The breaking of bread is mentioned for instance in the records we have of the Essenes. These zealots held community meals where bread was prayed over by a spiritual leader. Afterward he would break it and each person would receive their share. This spiritual meal may or may not include drinking wine, but understanding here that drinking wine with meals was a common practice not that it added anything spiritual to the event. Breaking of bread was nothing more then eating a meal together.

Jesus giving a new commandment is not against Gods will and there is nothing wrong with Jesus adding as much as he wants to the Old testament.Jesus was not taking away or changing the Old testament.He was only adding to it.

Where you are getting "Hatred from the pulpit" by those verses is puzzling?Those bible verses are talking about people who you should stay away from.If you would read the bible there is thousands of verses about the kind of people you should stay away from.Nothing new here.

Why you keep bringing up this Paul issue I have no idea.Everything written about Jesus was written after he died.So I really don't see why it matters if John or Paul or the others who wrote about him after his death make a difference.

Concerning this love between gay preachers.Once again we see how much damage two gay men can cause the church.Gay priest ignoring God's word,disobeying God's word,and lying about God's word so they can be unrepentant homosexuals is the reason why the Catholic church has nearly been destroyed and bankrupt.Had these homosexual priests been kicked out of the church like they should have we wouldn't have had this problem now.Instead you have idiot Christians knowing they were practicing homosexuals but let them stay instead.You reap what you sow.I expect in the near future these other churches who have openly homosexual priests to suffer the same fate.Their churches will not survive and will be in ruins.

Wow, you must attend a strange church. Now I'll start by saying I wasn't referring to catholic priests when I was talking about gay affairs, I was referring to people like Haggart, or Fallwell with his prostitutes, charlatans wearing priests garments for sure.

But you say that Jesus just added to the old law, so I must ask, what do you all do at your church? I understand that there can't be any teenagers there because:

Lev. 21:18-21 for whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or anything superfluous, or a man that is broken-footed, or broken handed, or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or be scabbed, or hath his stones broken; no man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.

So no one of any deformity can approach the alter of the church according to the old law. I'm sure you banish anyone with tattoos or piercings, even of the ears:

Lev. 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you, I am the lord.

I guess doctors and pharmaceuticals are out of the question:

Lev. 19:31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits. Neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them; I am the lord.

What do you do with all the dead children? I'm assuming the local police must attend also:

Lev 20:9 For everyone that curses his mother and father shall surely be put to death; his blood shall be upon him.

The cleansing rules for redeeming from sin, are way too many to list. So are the scapegoats on Rosh Hashanah, none of these are practiced in a Christian church. The thousand step law of the Sabbath (you know sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday) seems to not exist. So where exactly does the old law apply? Please enlighten us or am I to assume you only use the old law when you want, and leave it aside when you don't. So, if you can leave aside some of god's (Mosaic) laws, it must be concluded that you can set aside all of god's (Mosaic) laws. Which is, by logical extension, the definition of the new covenant.

Might try listening a little closer in church next time.

Now, the reason I bring up Paul is because he is considered the "founder of the church." However, as I said, he is the definition of:

Luke 21:8 Take care not to be deceived, because many will come using my name and saying "I am the one" and "the time is near at hand."

He claimed to be sent by god (I am the one) always spoke of "the time is near at hand" and was directly responsible for taking the teachings of Jesus back around to the ways of Judaism. Which means all the things written by Paul (which is pretty much everything from Romans to Thessalonians) has no application to the Christian faith.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 08/10/10 10:26 AM
Just a bunch of unnecessarily negative interpretations.

If one purposely interprets the bible in a negative way then the
negativity is primarily coming from within themselves.

The bible is vague enough that it can always be interpreted in a
positive light but you must choose to do so.

For example all the stuff about blemishes not being permitted
can be interpreted as meaning simply "try to make things about
your philosophy or religion as beautiful as possible"

likewise don't follow wizards - "beware of shamans"

don't cut or defile the living or dead means just that - has
nothing to do with artwork or medicine...

don't curse your mom and dad - (put do death spiritually for the
ugliness in your heart) know the usual stuff.

show a little creativity lest it become tiresome...


but above all else be positive - good - nice - kind




Abracadabra's photo
Tue 08/10/10 03:05 PM

He claimed to be sent by god (I am the one) always spoke of "the time is near at hand" and was directly responsible for taking the teachings of Jesus back around to the ways of Judaism. Which means all the things written by Paul (which is pretty much everything from Romans to Thessalonians) has no application to the Christian faith.


So true.

Most of the New Testament contains the writings of Paul which are in blatant contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Paul is the one who dredges up all the nasty crap from the Old Testament and shoves it into the New Testament in Jesus' name.

This is why much of what the so-called "Christians" stand for, didn't even come from Jesus at all, but rather it came from Paul. They worship the blather of Paul, not the teachings of Jesus.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/10/10 03:10 PM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

and with accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior means following what he has instructed. Not just believing Jesus is the son of God or whatever, you have to practice what you preach if you want to use that expression. You can't go around on Sunday praising God till you turn blue in the face, but yet Saturday you were partying, screwing around with multiple people, drinking, and so on. That would then make your Sunday in vein, how could you really ask true heartedly for forgiveness if you don't truely seek it? How can you truely seek the forgiveness when your actions speak differently. Always remember actions speak louder then words.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 08/10/10 03:12 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Tue 08/10/10 03:13 PM

He claimed to be sent by god (I am the one) always spoke of "the time is near at hand" and was directly responsible for taking the teachings of Jesus back around to the ways of Judaism. Which means all the things written by Paul (which is pretty much everything from Romans to Thessalonians) has no application to the Christian faith.


So true.

Most of the New Testament contains the writings of Paul which are in blatant contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Paul is the one who dredges up all the nasty crap from the Old Testament and shoves it into the New Testament in Jesus' name.

This is why much of what the so-called "Christians" stand for, didn't even come from Jesus at all, but rather it came from Paul. They worship the blather of Paul, not the teachings of Jesus.

The new testament is Jesus my friend. Is his life story and his teachings. Weather it came from someone else or directly from Jesus, the new testament is Jesus on paper. Remember the word was with God and the word became flesh......... the new testament is that word.