Topic: see i have an issue
Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:37 AM

I'll add here that I have a sister and 2 ole friends from high school who are lesbians...I have at least a dozen gay friends (is a lot for Utah) and they are all wonderful people.

I think those who make fun of gay people, put them down, call them evil, sinners, and make derogatory remarks about their life style choices are just bullies!!! Their lives are so F u cked up that they can't deal with their own issues so they take it out on other people. Gays make a good target for a coward!!!

jmho indifferent

so whats your point?

Did I studder? Was I speaking too softly? Not able to keep up? Try to stay with me here as long as ya can...

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:39 AM

oh and poor job...why did god and satan play their game with him...really that was bad
it was like lets fu(k with him to test his faith...but why did god have to test the faith of someone he blessed?huh

he was bored, arguing with the devil... i think they had a 20 dollar bet on it

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:40 AM

I'll add here that I have a sister and 2 ole friends from high school who are lesbians...I have at least a dozen gay friends (is a lot for Utah) and they are all wonderful people.

I think those who make fun of gay people, put them down, call them evil, sinners, and make derogatory remarks about their life style choices are just bullies!!! Their lives are so F u cked up that they can't deal with their own issues so they take it out on other people. Gays make a good target for a coward!!!

jmho indifferent

so whats your point?

Did I studder? Was I speaking too softly? Not able to keep up? Try to stay with me here as long as ya can...

ok, i'll sure try

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:41 AM
Edited by d24 on Sat 08/07/10 12:42 AM

I'll add here that I have a sister and 2 ole friends from high school who are lesbians...I have at least a dozen gay friends (is a lot for Utah) and they are all wonderful people.

I think those who make fun of gay people, put them down, call them evil, sinners, and make derogatory remarks about their life style choices are just bullies!!! Their lives are so F u cked up that they can't deal with their own issues so they take it out on other people. Gays make a good target for a coward!!!

jmho indifferent

so whats your point?

Did I studder? Was I speaking too softly? Not able to keep up? Try to stay with me here as long as ya can...

ok, i'll sure try laugh


msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:43 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

It is sin God does not like, but he gives us all ability and will to turn away from it

as to Jesus, as I posted before, the bible does not include anything explicitly quoted by Jesus pertaining to homosexuality nor incest nor beastiality, and in fact didnt speak in the bible about sex at all , accept as it pertained to adultery,,

RKISIT's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:44 AM
if god is the almighty then satan shouldn't exist...think about it he can create a universe but not get rid of a pain in the ***,lucifer.....yeah i'll send him to a place called...hmmm hell,meaning clueless people thought volcanoes are hell

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:44 AM

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:45 AM


it truly conquers souls, doesnt it?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:45 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:48 AM


it truly conquers souls, doesnt it?
I sold my soul to the devil! So I would not no?

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:50 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

i think that is in the old testament, before jesus.
not sure tho.
but if a am going to sin, i would rather eat the shrimp and lobster.

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:51 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

i think that is in the old testament, before jesus.
not sure tho.
but if a am going to sin, i would rather eat the shrimp and lobster.
Lobster Bisk!!laugh

RKISIT's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:53 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.
i'm sorry he taught i'm the messiah so follow me for i am the way

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:54 AM
what about pork? isn't that a sin food too? cause i sure loves my bacons.

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:54 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 08/07/10 12:58 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

those were laws for the jews who were considered chosen people, the old testament is a history of jewish cultural and traditional law with some of Gods commandments as well

when Jesus came he made it clear that ALL people are Gods people worthy of hearing about Gods love and of having Gods forgiveness and he also did speak directly to the notion of 'unclean foods'

'Matthew 15:17-20 (ESV) Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”

he did not correct the ideals of 'sexual immorality' , although he didnt explicitly define what that type of sin involves(except it is something seperate from adultery which is also mentioned seperately)

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:55 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.
i'm sorry he taught i'm the messiah so follow me for i am the way
Now thats a Contradiction!

d24's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:57 AM

what about pork? isn't that a sin food too? cause i sure loves my bacons.
Have you tried the pulled pork I heard it is BLISSlaugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:57 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

i think that is in the old testament, before jesus.
not sure tho.
but if a am going to sin, i would rather eat the shrimp and lobster.

Yeah, that 'old testament' - 'new testament' thing has proven to be really convenient for some to justify their choices and actions. The book just makes it soooooo easy....

Personally I'm a vegetarian so I wouldn't eat either, or anything that had a face once. Was a time I really enjoyed lobster with lots of butter!!!

Which brings me to a question...since I am not gay, don't eat shellfish, don't even kill spiders and really strive to be as good a person as I can, does that mean I'M going to heaven???

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:57 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.

those were laws for the jews who were considered chosen people, the old testament is a history of jewish cultural and traditional law with some of Gods commandments as well

when Jesus came he made it clear that ALL people are Gods people worthy of hearing about Gods love and of having Gods forgiveness and he also did speak directly to the notion of 'unclean foods'

'Matthew 15:17-20 (ESV) Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is expelled? But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.”

he neither corrected nor upheld the ideals of 'sexual immorality' as he did the ideals of unclean food (or hands,,lol)

looks to me he's saying it don't matter what you eat, just don't talk while eating.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 08/07/10 12:58 AM

from a bi female

I believe in christ as my lord and savior, but that is more than just a script or a quote to recite which saves you

by believing in him, I have to believe in what he taught and I have to be always trying to live by the example he set and the words he preached as well as the laws instructed by his Father and Mine

I love analogies so here is the closest I can come,,,

If I understand and have knowledge of the police and their authority, that doesnt keep me out of jail, its only RESPECTING that authority that does that

I think its similar with not only accepting Jesus and the authority of his word and the biblical word but respecting and adhering to it

isn't that a contradiction?

is what a contradiction?

god does not like gays
so a gay asks for his forgivness....
maybe if they ask jesus, he never really said anything about gays.
does jesus like gay people?

Didn't Jesus 'hang' out with the poor outcasts and teach 'he who is without sin cast the first stone'.
Jesus didn't judge anyone, he only taught love, forgiveness and acceptance. His message got twisted by the fanatics, twisted right into Christianity. THAT has served us soooo well! (sarcasm)

Isn't there a scripture that talks of eating shell fish as being an abomination?? YES..I haven't read or owned a bible for over 25 years so the exact scripture escapes me. I could find it if anyone cares...but then, oh wait..NO, WE CAN'T DO THAT... then those who eat shellfish would have to come out as sinners..right down there with the homo's.
i'm sorry he taught i'm the messiah so follow me for i am the way
which he meant i am the way to heaven,his dad god was a judge,satan is the prosecuter and jesus is the defense attorney