Topic: There Was a Warm Breeze | |
relocated his gahoonies. He then went to the doctor for another prescription of.........
viagra hoping that would help the poor little guy, but the doctor was a douche bag and only gave the bear some...
pamphlets on abstinence. So he used them to
wipe his butt with when he ran outta toilet paper. In the mean time he thought it would be fun to...
return them to the doctors office so he set out to find
all the supplies need to climb Mt. Everest. So he went to an Outdoor Adventure store to get some climbing gear and fishing stuff, but as he was picking stuff out he saw...
a bear trap. Thinking the clerk wanted to turn him into a rug he
ripped off his head and shiit down his neck, and the a bald lady walked in and
maced him with her pepper spray and threw some granny candies at him till the police showed up. As soon as...
asked where she could find a nice rug since she was attending a party that evening and didn't want to show up bald. The bear then
high tailed it out of there, he was scared and ran out in tears and suddenly he felt a pounding in his chest, and he started to morph into a
transformer. He couldn't believe his own power. He went walking down the street and came across a mighty beast, luckily the Power Rangers were already attacking so he decided to...
have sexual intercourse with that cute little power ranger chick in pink, as he cupped her face in his hands to bring her up for a romantic foreplay kiss she suddenly and obnoxiously
bit him on the nose and said,"bad, bad, naughty transformer bear. I think I will have to
wet herself being like one of those dolls that pees when you tip it over, anyways, he got disgusted and threw her at the monster, hitting it in the eye and making it run away wimpering.
"Don't let it get away!" The black power ranger yelled, or was it the yellow one? The bear decided more than one power ranger in the world was a waste of rangers and wanted to get more in touch with his spiritual side so he meditated and went into.... |
... a happy little where unicorns fart rainbows, and it's always 72 and sunny. But this was different. A storm was rolling in, and it started raining cats and dogs who could communicate telepathically with each other. It was some strange language that sounded a little bit like...
a garbage disposal being used, it was too much noise for the bear to deal with. He ran and ran till he came to a delicious looking gingerbread house...
... littered with broken down cars in the yard. There was a No Trespassing sign with bullet holes in it attached to a half burnt fence post. It took several moments to for this new environment to soak in when all of the sudden...
he noticed an itsy bitsy spider crawling up the water spout. 'That must be a way in,' the bear thought, so he attempted to climb the house, but was lucky to miss all the hidden land mines in the yard. Unfortunately the old hag that lived there heard all the explosions, grabbed her gun and...
... accidently shot herself in the foot! As she tumbled to the floor, the itsy bittsy spider bit her on the other foot!
"Owwww!, this must be hell!" she screamed. At this moment, the bear made his way inside. I gotta admit, seeing a granny down with a moo moo is a scary sight to see, but the bear... |