Topic: Blame the tool or blame the person using it?
AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/10/10 08:36 PM

Mental health standards are in place for mental capacity. There only needs be one and it will do just fine.

Maybe the one used for police officers. That would be a good one. More strict than that would be better but it is a good starting point.

There are three separate tests and all of them are designed to fail ALL candidates to some degree. NOT ONE SINGLE POLICE OFFICER ALIVE EVER "PASSED" THE ONES USED IN LOS ANGELES WITH ANYTHING CONSIDERED PERFECT RESULTS! Of the police officers who passed this test a few criminal ones get through. There was a sting recently within the LAPD about two years ago. These are men who "passed" the exams.

The greatest flaw of your wish is that there is no way to accurately gauge someone with an Exam! I have been through counseling myself and it took two months for me to be diagnosed with PTSD. It took a little over a year and a half for me to learn to face, cope, and overcome that problem. I used to have bad Victimization and Hostility issues. I taker it I should be disqualified from gun ownership becasue I might snap? That is what you are saying right to my face so to speak. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE MENTAL EXAMS COPS GO THROUGH! I would be disqualified from service to the police because of that and I have issues with weak command structure and I also question authority. So by that one exam alone I am disqualified?

Thank you for finally answering my question but like I said To what standard are you trying to hold people to? If I really was a bad person and a danger to the community I would have a police record already. If I was a bad person I would victimize people. Instead I try to live a good life without physical conflict. I have never shot at anyone who has not shot at me first! So I should be denied a gun becasue some test designed to fail people intentionally rather than gauge their actual sanity levels?

Funny but seemingly normal people snap all the time! How about those who get into drugs and one day on a meth and alcohol induced binder they drive through a crowd of people for no reason like that record company president's son did here in Hollywood a few years back screaming "I am the Angel of Death?"

I find it odd you chose to live in a pro gun state. One that allows the ownership of Fully Automatic weaponry. California is very restrictive about fire arms.

What pisses me off more is that criminals get to carry AK-47s while we NORMAL (sane) people can't! That is a steaming load!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 06/10/10 08:57 PM

Mental health standards are in place for mental capacity. There only needs be one and it will do just fine.

Maybe the one used for police officers. That would be a good one. More strict than that would be better but it is a good starting point.

There are three separate tests and all of them are designed to fail ALL candidates to some degree. NOT ONE SINGLE POLICE OFFICER ALIVE EVER "PASSED" THE ONES USED IN LOS ANGELES WITH ANYTHING CONSIDERED PERFECT RESULTS! Of the police officers who passed this test a few criminal ones get through. There was a sting recently within the LAPD about two years ago. These are men who "passed" the exams.

The greatest flaw of your wish is that there is no way to accurately gauge someone with an Exam! I have been through counseling myself and it took two months for me to be diagnosed with PTSD. It took a little over a year and a half for me to learn to face, cope, and overcome that problem. I used to have bad Victimization and Hostility issues. I taker it I should be disqualified from gun ownership becasue I might snap? That is what you are saying right to my face so to speak. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE MENTAL EXAMS COPS GO THROUGH! I would be disqualified from service to the police because of that and I have issues with weak command structure and I also question authority. So by that one exam alone I am disqualified?

Thank you for finally answering my question but like I said To what standard are you trying to hold people to? If I really was a bad person and a danger to the community I would have a police record already. If I was a bad person I would victimize people. Instead I try to live a good life without physical conflict. I have never shot at anyone who has not shot at me first! So I should be denied a gun becasue some test designed to fail people intentionally rather than gauge their actual sanity levels?

Funny but seemingly normal people snap all the time! How about those who get into drugs and one day on a meth and alcohol induced binder they drive through a crowd of people for no reason like that record company president's son did here in Hollywood a few years back screaming "I am the Angel of Death?"

I find it odd you chose to live in a pro gun state. One that allows the ownership of Fully Automatic weaponry. California is very restrictive about fire arms.

What pisses me off more is that criminals get to carry AK-47s while we NORMAL (sane) people can't! That is a steaming load!

What's even worse is that psychopaths can become police or military members and kill/wound people (often getting away with it), yet the anti-gun ingornamuses think the "authorities" are more suitable to be armed. I say take the armaments away from the government thugs and give them to the people! smokin drinker

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:05 PM

Mental health standards are in place for mental capacity. There only needs be one and it will do just fine.

Maybe the one used for police officers. That would be a good one. More strict than that would be better but it is a good starting point.

There are three separate tests and all of them are designed to fail ALL candidates to some degree. NOT ONE SINGLE POLICE OFFICER ALIVE EVER "PASSED" THE ONES USED IN LOS ANGELES WITH ANYTHING CONSIDERED PERFECT RESULTS! Of the police officers who passed this test a few criminal ones get through. There was a sting recently within the LAPD about two years ago. These are men who "passed" the exams.

The greatest flaw of your wish is that there is no way to accurately gauge someone with an Exam! I have been through counseling myself and it took two months for me to be diagnosed with PTSD. It took a little over a year and a half for me to learn to face, cope, and overcome that problem. I used to have bad Victimization and Hostility issues. I taker it I should be disqualified from gun ownership becasue I might snap? That is what you are saying right to my face so to speak. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE MENTAL EXAMS COPS GO THROUGH! I would be disqualified from service to the police because of that and I have issues with weak command structure and I also question authority. So by that one exam alone I am disqualified?

Thank you for finally answering my question but like I said To what standard are you trying to hold people to? If I really was a bad person and a danger to the community I would have a police record already. If I was a bad person I would victimize people. Instead I try to live a good life without physical conflict. I have never shot at anyone who has not shot at me first! So I should be denied a gun becasue some test designed to fail people intentionally rather than gauge their actual sanity levels?

Funny but seemingly normal people snap all the time! How about those who get into drugs and one day on a meth and alcohol induced binder they drive through a crowd of people for no reason like that record company president's son did here in Hollywood a few years back screaming "I am the Angel of Death?"

I find it odd you chose to live in a pro gun state. One that allows the ownership of Fully Automatic weaponry. California is very restrictive about fire arms.

What pisses me off more is that criminals get to carry AK-47s while we NORMAL (sane) people can't! That is a steaming load!

The tests are not that difficult because we have police officers on the job.

I live here because I am not anti gun. I just want strict rules to who can have them.

Because I live here I get to see "legal" gun baffoonery at it's best.

That is why we need stricter rules.

Stricter rules are not going to completely stop idiots with guns but it may save at least one child or one mother, daughter, son, granson, etc...

no photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:12 PM
And WHAT RULES will you impose on the CRIMINALS ... ? They're not gonna worry about your 'rules' ... they don't follow 'rules' ... that's why they're called 'criminals' ...

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:33 PM
Criminals are going to be criminals but if they can't steal a gun and there is a shortage because people were more responsible with them, it may help some.

Also I believe if we change the archaic ideal that guns are the "answer" to everything, which is one of the problems this country has to begin with, we will see a change in people in general.

We will outgrow the need for them as we evolve.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:34 PM

Mental health standards are in place for mental capacity. There only needs be one and it will do just fine.

Maybe the one used for police officers. That would be a good one. More strict than that would be better but it is a good starting point.

There are three separate tests and all of them are designed to fail ALL candidates to some degree. NOT ONE SINGLE POLICE OFFICER ALIVE EVER "PASSED" THE ONES USED IN LOS ANGELES WITH ANYTHING CONSIDERED PERFECT RESULTS! Of the police officers who passed this test a few criminal ones get through. There was a sting recently within the LAPD about two years ago. These are men who "passed" the exams.

The greatest flaw of your wish is that there is no way to accurately gauge someone with an Exam! I have been through counseling myself and it took two months for me to be diagnosed with PTSD. It took a little over a year and a half for me to learn to face, cope, and overcome that problem. I used to have bad Victimization and Hostility issues. I taker it I should be disqualified from gun ownership becasue I might snap? That is what you are saying right to my face so to speak. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE MENTAL EXAMS COPS GO THROUGH! I would be disqualified from service to the police because of that and I have issues with weak command structure and I also question authority. So by that one exam alone I am disqualified?

Thank you for finally answering my question but like I said To what standard are you trying to hold people to? If I really was a bad person and a danger to the community I would have a police record already. If I was a bad person I would victimize people. Instead I try to live a good life without physical conflict. I have never shot at anyone who has not shot at me first! So I should be denied a gun becasue some test designed to fail people intentionally rather than gauge their actual sanity levels?

Funny but seemingly normal people snap all the time! How about those who get into drugs and one day on a meth and alcohol induced binder they drive through a crowd of people for no reason like that record company president's son did here in Hollywood a few years back screaming "I am the Angel of Death?"

I find it odd you chose to live in a pro gun state. One that allows the ownership of Fully Automatic weaponry. California is very restrictive about fire arms.

What pisses me off more is that criminals get to carry AK-47s while we NORMAL (sane) people can't! That is a steaming load!

The tests are not that difficult because we have police officers on the job.

I live here because I am not anti gun. I just want strict rules to who can have them.

Because I live here I get to see "legal" gun baffoonery at it's best.

That is why we need stricter rules.

Stricter rules are not going to completely stop idiots with guns but it may save at least one child or one mother, daughter, son, granson, etc...

Arizona also holds their officers to a different standard of conduct than LAPD. Apples and Oranges!

What constitutes legal gun buffoonery? I suppose you are going to say Civil War reenactors are buffoons? Most of the guns they carry are not replicas!

Try reading a gun called Hand Gun Stopping Power. It cites many cases of stupidity of Gun Owners. it also cites some odd factual cases like this one,

A man broke into a home of a single mother and was beating and raping the woman. Her five year old child (FOR REAL) got his mother's .25 caliber "Saturday Night Special" from her purse and proceeded to put all five rounds into the man killing him. This was an untrained five year old. He then repeatedly hit 0 on the telephone until the operator answered and she barely could understand the distraught kid. She sent police who found a five year old with an empty gun and a dead assailant in the living room where the man chased the kid and fell to the floor dead. His actions saved his mother's life becasue the man had stabbed her a few times. That was a fluke but a FIVE year old was smart enough to know his mother's life was in jeopardy and granted if he had to arm the weapon he would never have done it but it was armed and all he had to do was pull the trigger. He was the youngest child to have ever killed someone in self defense.

This one is a classic. Two room mates get into an argument and one gets a .45 ACP and shoots his room mate seven times. The shot man produced a .22 and put one bullet into the assailants head after he was shot seven times and killed the man with the first shot and took TWO BUSES to get to the hospital. Then there is this gem I seen in the news a while back.

There was a string of bank robberies in Northern California. Oddly the bank robbers responsible thought going into Oregon was a good idea. They tried to rob the one bank in Winston first and when they produced guns so did everyone in the bank. Two men faced at least ten people all armed and pointing guns at them. They gave up and their rein of terror ended. These were all retirees, and other locals all enjoying concealed carry! NO ONE WAS SHOT EITHER!

We already have PLENTY of rules. What we need is better enforcement. What we need is better education. Not more laws. Not more bureaucracy. So what is legal buffoonery? People Wanting to own machine guns? I would feel safer knowing I had one or my neighbor had one just in case something heavy went down. So here in California a criminal can wield an Automatic AK-47 while I have to have my hands tied behind my back on moral arguments and be limited to even being able to have a small caliber pistol for home defense? NO WAY! NOT IN THIS LIFE TIME OR ANY!

But then again you are under some impression making the rules more oppressive will solve what exactly? Job security for the police?

If our society was so perfect we would not even NEED the police!

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:36 PM

Mental health standards are in place for mental capacity. There only needs be one and it will do just fine.

Maybe the one used for police officers. That would be a good one. More strict than that would be better but it is a good starting point.

There are three separate tests and all of them are designed to fail ALL candidates to some degree. NOT ONE SINGLE POLICE OFFICER ALIVE EVER "PASSED" THE ONES USED IN LOS ANGELES WITH ANYTHING CONSIDERED PERFECT RESULTS! Of the police officers who passed this test a few criminal ones get through. There was a sting recently within the LAPD about two years ago. These are men who "passed" the exams.

The greatest flaw of your wish is that there is no way to accurately gauge someone with an Exam! I have been through counseling myself and it took two months for me to be diagnosed with PTSD. It took a little over a year and a half for me to learn to face, cope, and overcome that problem. I used to have bad Victimization and Hostility issues. I taker it I should be disqualified from gun ownership becasue I might snap? That is what you are saying right to my face so to speak. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE MENTAL EXAMS COPS GO THROUGH! I would be disqualified from service to the police because of that and I have issues with weak command structure and I also question authority. So by that one exam alone I am disqualified?

Thank you for finally answering my question but like I said To what standard are you trying to hold people to? If I really was a bad person and a danger to the community I would have a police record already. If I was a bad person I would victimize people. Instead I try to live a good life without physical conflict. I have never shot at anyone who has not shot at me first! So I should be denied a gun becasue some test designed to fail people intentionally rather than gauge their actual sanity levels?

Funny but seemingly normal people snap all the time! How about those who get into drugs and one day on a meth and alcohol induced binder they drive through a crowd of people for no reason like that record company president's son did here in Hollywood a few years back screaming "I am the Angel of Death?"

I find it odd you chose to live in a pro gun state. One that allows the ownership of Fully Automatic weaponry. California is very restrictive about fire arms.

What pisses me off more is that criminals get to carry AK-47s while we NORMAL (sane) people can't! That is a steaming load!

The tests are not that difficult because we have police officers on the job.

I live here because I am not anti gun. I just want strict rules to who can have them.

Because I live here I get to see "legal" gun baffoonery at it's best.

That is why we need stricter rules.

Stricter rules are not going to completely stop idiots with guns but it may save at least one child or one mother, daughter, son, granson, etc...

Arizona also holds their officers to a different standard of conduct than LAPD. Apples and Oranges!

What constitutes legal gun buffoonery? I suppose you are going to say Civil War reenactors are buffoons? Most of the guns they carry are not replicas!

Try reading a gun called Hand Gun Stopping Power. It cites many cases of stupidity of Gun Owners. it also cites some odd factual cases like this one,

A man broke into a home of a single mother and was beating and raping the woman. Her five year old child (FOR REAL) got his mother's .25 caliber "Saturday Night Special" from her purse and proceeded to put all five rounds into the man killing him. This was an untrained five year old. He then repeatedly hit 0 on the telephone until the operator answered and she barely could understand the distraught kid. She sent police who found a five year old with an empty gun and a dead assailant in the living room where the man chased the kid and fell to the floor dead. His actions saved his mother's life becasue the man had stabbed her a few times. That was a fluke but a FIVE year old was smart enough to know his mother's life was in jeopardy and granted if he had to arm the weapon he would never have done it but it was armed and all he had to do was pull the trigger. He was the youngest child to have ever killed someone in self defense.

This one is a classic. Two room mates get into an argument and one gets a .45 ACP and shoots his room mate seven times. The shot man produced a .22 and put one bullet into the assailants head after he was shot seven times and killed the man with the first shot and took TWO BUSES to get to the hospital. Then there is this gem I seen in the news a while back.

There was a string of bank robberies in Northern California. Oddly the bank robbers responsible thought going into Oregon was a good idea. They tried to rob the one bank in Winston first and when they produced guns so did everyone in the bank. Two men faced at least ten people all armed and pointing guns at them. They gave up and their rein of terror ended. These were all retirees, and other locals all enjoying concealed carry! NO ONE WAS SHOT EITHER!

We already have PLENTY of rules. What we need is better enforcement. What we need is better education. Not more laws. Not more bureaucracy. So what is legal buffoonery? People Wanting to own machine guns? I would feel safer knowing I had one or my neighbor had one just in case something heavy went down. So here in California a criminal can wield an Automatic AK-47 while I have to have my hands tied behind my back on moral arguments and be limited to even being able to have a small caliber pistol for home defense? NO WAY! NOT IN THIS LIFE TIME OR ANY!

But then again you are under some impression making the rules more oppressive will solve what exactly? Job security for the police?

If our society was so perfect we would not even NEED the police!

You just can't believe the crap from pro gun propaganda.

None of it is factual and none of shows all the "legal" gun loonies out there.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:40 PM
And noone seems to want to show how many gun accidents, manned and unmanned that happen in a year that hurt or kill someone either.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:42 PM
Trying to find the stats on how many legal gun owners commit gun crimes is almost impossible but I know it happens.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:44 PM
NRA has such a hold on the information out there on guns that it is frightening.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:55 PM

Trying to find the stats on how many legal gun owners commit gun crimes is almost impossible but I know it happens.

PURE UNADULTERATED MELARCHY! That information is out there. Oddly the legal vs illegal crime statistics have a VAST disparity. Given time I can find all of that information. And your comment about the NRA is unfounded and also opinion, not fact. Thank god the NRA exists! I wish the NAACP and ACLU would go away! At least ACORN is dead!

And again you will not define "Legal" Buffoonery?

Tisk Tisk! Bad form again!

So we should repress education and gun safety training like so many of you "Regulation" advocates have done already? You are aware that the topic of gun safety cannot even be discussed in classrooms here even in colleges?

I think the legal buffoonery going on is your haphazard quest to strangle weapon ownership under the color of your personal beliefs only. What you want makes no sense at all. It only confuses the problem, and issue more!

Again fear is not the answer and yet you seem to chose that path!

One more time and it is all in small words,

What is your definition of legal buffoonery? Gun shows? Target Shooting events? Reenactment? Militias? Branch Dividian's, Janet Reno and the BATF?


So far you are just disappointing me.

no photo
Thu 06/10/10 09:57 PM

Criminals are going to be criminals but if they can't steal a gun and there is a shortage because people were more responsible with them, it may help some.

Also I believe if we change the archaic ideal that guns are the "answer" to everything, which is one of the problems this country has to begin with, we will see a change in people in general.

We will outgrow the need for them as we evolve.

This claim isn't even close to being based in reality ... platitudes and little pink bunnies showering the world with flowers 'n carrots are no substitute for real-world solutions.

Kleisto's photo
Fri 06/11/10 05:05 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Fri 06/11/10 05:08 AM

If you show you hate America by being militant or are in a group who hate America you don't get the right.

Here's the thing on this, is it very much possible to be against the government as it stands now, and yet STILL love America. Just because you don't like the politicians and what they do, and do not do, does NOT mean, they hate the country.

To assume that they do is a big assumption to make. I'm one of these "anti-government" people you speak about. But do I hate America? Not at all, I hate who is RUNNING it. There's a difference. Remember, innocent till proven guilty.....

Kleisto's photo
Fri 06/11/10 05:10 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Fri 06/11/10 05:10 AM

Again I will say the same thing and I hope it gets understood this time.

I will be for people having guns if an extensive mental health exam is completed, they have no misdemeanors or felonies, they are not a part of a militant or anti government group and if they understand it is their responsibility to not get their weapons stolen and if they do, they do not get another one until the original is returned to them.

I cannot go for guns otherwise.

This is self explanatory.

Guess there's no sense debating you is there? If all you're gonna do is dodge any criticisms, what's the point?

Criticize all you want, no problem. It doesn't change my view and what I fight for.

That's fine, you have a view point and I get that. But at least try and answer the questions thrown at you. That you don't suggests you don't have much to back up your ideas besides the ideas themselves. I mean no offense in saying that mind you, but that's how it comes off.

You want to have an opinion, fine, but don't come with it if you aren't prepared or willing to defend it with something when questioned.

My opinion is self explanatory. Your question was answered in my post.

Do I have to repeat it again?

I understand your opinion, but I would like to hear a bit more then simply that, that's all I was saying. If you just repeat the same thing again and again to any responders, there's no debate then. You seem to be responding with a bit more now, but nevertheless.

Terminal1's photo
Fri 06/11/10 09:44 AM

all I can say is that I've owned guns for almost 50 years and have never used one to commit a crime. It must not be the gun that's the criminal...

Careful... you do not know what your weapon is doing while your back is turned.

It may very well be standing on a street corner this very moment eying the ladies walk by and flipping a quarter wearing cool shades.

no photo
Fri 06/11/10 09:46 AM

all I can say is that I've owned guns for almost 50 years and have never used one to commit a crime. It must not be the gun that's the criminal...

Careful... you do not know what your weapon is doing while your back is turned.

It may very well be standing on a street corner this very moment eying the ladies walk by and flipping a quarter wearing cool shades.

My weapon has always had a sincere hankerin' for them LadySmiths ... seemsayin' ...

willing2's photo
Fri 06/11/10 10:03 AM

all I can say is that I've owned guns for almost 50 years and have never used one to commit a crime. It must not be the gun that's the criminal...

Careful... you do not know what your weapon is doing while your back is turned.

It may very well be standing on a street corner this very moment eying the ladies walk by and flipping a quarter wearing cool shades.

My weapon has always had a sincere hankerin' for them LadySmiths ... seemsayin' ...

If ya' mate 'em, will they make just one or can you expect a whole litter of Derringers?

My pistol has a bag full of maxi-balls!drinker

franshade's photo
Fri 06/11/10 10:11 AM

Criminals are going to be criminals but if they can't steal a gun and there is a shortage because people were more responsible with them, it may help some.

Also I believe if we change the archaic ideal that guns are the "answer" to everything, which is one of the problems this country has to begin with, we will see a change in people in general.

We will outgrow the need for them as we evolve.

dragoness - but what you are not willing to acknowledge is that criminals (dumb and smart)criminals get their hands on guns, and not from law-abiding, responsible gun owners, but from other criminals and or while committing a crime... so following your logic you have just burdened the legal, responsible and educated person who has the right to bear arms and for what - a 'maybe' scenario'?

I would not be willing to take any mental test (for I think those that need constant reassurance have their own mental issues (jmo)), as bearing arms is a right not a privilege.

Terminal1's photo
Fri 06/11/10 10:26 AM

Criminals are going to be criminals but if they can't steal a gun and there is a shortage because people were more responsible with them, it may help some.

Also I believe if we change the archaic ideal that guns are the "answer" to everything, which is one of the problems this country has to begin with, we will see a change in people in general.

We will outgrow the need for them as we evolve.

I would not be willing to take any mental test (for I think those that need constant reassurance have their own mental issues (jmo)), as bearing arms is a right not a privilege.

I find it interesting that, though I do not need any weapons, it is a right yet I need my car for work/food/social/emerg. and yet it is only a privilege. Sorry, I am still a bit miffed I paid a $77 fine for not having my license on me and driving my sisters car (while she ate... she was hungry and I was eager to get home) with a bad sticker.

Only weapon I do have BTW is an old breakdown shotgun single shot 20 gauge that kicks harder than anything I have ever fired. Was handed down from my fathers father to my father when he was 8, and it passed to me when I was 12.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 06/11/10 11:04 AM

Criminals are going to be criminals but if they can't steal a gun and there is a shortage because people were more responsible with them, it may help some.

Also I believe if we change the archaic ideal that guns are the "answer" to everything, which is one of the problems this country has to begin with, we will see a change in people in general.

We will outgrow the need for them as we evolve.

I would not be willing to take any mental test (for I think those that need constant reassurance have their own mental issues (jmo)), as bearing arms is a right not a privilege.

I find it interesting that, though I do not need any weapons, it is a right yet I need my car for work/food/social/emerg. and yet it is only a privilege. Sorry, I am still a bit miffed I paid a $77 fine for not having my license on me and driving my sisters car (while she ate... she was hungry and I was eager to get home) with a bad sticker.

Only weapon I do have BTW is an old breakdown shotgun single shot 20 gauge that kicks harder than anything I have ever fired. Was handed down from my fathers father to my father when he was 8, and it passed to me when I was 12.

In a home invasion it is more than enough. Just be ready to use it if you ever have to bring it to bear on someone. the thing is that owning a gun is not a big thing. the weapon you have is a family heirloom and possibly worth some money to a collector. Personally I want to get into Black Powder hunting. One shot is all you get!