Topic: Blame the tool or blame the person using it? | |
Trying to find the stats on how many legal gun owners commit gun crimes is almost impossible but I know it happens. PURE UNADULTERATED MELARCHY! That information is out there. Oddly the legal vs illegal crime statistics have a VAST disparity. Given time I can find all of that information. And your comment about the NRA is unfounded and also opinion, not fact. Thank god the NRA exists! I wish the NAACP and ACLU would go away! At least ACORN is dead! And again you will not define "Legal" Buffoonery? Tisk Tisk! Bad form again! So we should repress education and gun safety training like so many of you "Regulation" advocates have done already? You are aware that the topic of gun safety cannot even be discussed in classrooms here even in colleges? I think the legal buffoonery going on is your haphazard quest to strangle weapon ownership under the color of your personal beliefs only. What you want makes no sense at all. It only confuses the problem, and issue more! Again fear is not the answer and yet you seem to chose that path! One more time and it is all in small words, What is your definition of legal buffoonery? Gun shows? Target Shooting events? Reenactment? Militias? Branch Dividian's, Janet Reno and the BATF? OH PLEASE! I AM SO EAGER TO HEAR YOUR ANSWER! So far you are just disappointing me. We have a common ground, disappointment in each other. Show me the stats that I asked for since you know where they are and noone else can find them I need the legal gun owner gun crimes committed in this country per year. I need the yearly times that a gun manned or unmanned goes off and hurt or kills someone. I need the stats of how many children hurt or kill others when they get ahold of a legal gun owners gun. I need to know how many firearms are stolen each year that end up involved in a crime later. Can you help a disappointed and frustrated person out? I bet not. Legal gun owner baffoonery is when a legal gun owner brandishes a gun to impose their will onto others, when a drunk individual gets their gun and acts a fool with it, when a legal gun owner brandishes his weapon to impose road rage on someone, when a legal gun owner usually drunk, lets their children play with a gun because it is a good learning experience for them, etc... the list goes on and on Mental health exams are needed, restrictions on any crime is needed, restrictions for militant or anti government involvement is needed and restrictions for stolen and lost weapons are needed. Once that happens we will have done all we can until people outgrow the false need of guns. There's no need to limit any-government or militant groups. The second ammendment is designed to protect these groups, because they knew psychopaths like Bush and Obama need to be reigned in by threat of force on occasion. (you have apparently forgotten your reading assignment-"More Guns, Less Crime", by John Lott) Your assignment is like taking me back to 5th grade, I am way past that in intelligence. Yes anti government groups need to be gunless. There are better ways to get a point across than with a gun. We are not in the old west anymore. Perhaps not, but consider this. If those people who are anti-government, meaning they are the ones willing to fight back against the powers that be if they needed to do so, if they have no guns, what's gonna happen when they're faced with these people at their doors making demands of them? Don't think it won't happen either. The whole reason the government wants to get us to give up our guns, is so that when the time comes where they start coming for us, we won't have anything to protect ourselves with, and will be left defenseless when faced with armed people. Must always ask yourself, when the government is pushing something so heavily, what do they stand to gain? That's what it comes down to in the end. They never push for something unless there is something in it for them, in the form of control. Consider this even an arsenal isn't going to help you if the government wants you. No amount of fire power you can personally own can stop the government from taking what it wants to take. If you believe otherwise you are fooling yourself. The government doesn't care if you have a gun or not. It is the citizens like me who do not like the archaic and dangerous weaponry hanging around in the hands of lunatics that legally have the right to have them. I understand what you mean about the government having such power to take whatever they want. Really they've been doing that for years, in part to the apathy of many of us in this country, but I digress. That being said, I do think they very much do care whether we have guns or not. They wouldn't be pushing for gun control if they didn't. The reason for it is simple: we are more of a threat to them when we are armed and willing to shoot, then if we're unarmed. It's just like with criminals, they're less likely to attack an armed populace then one that is not armed since there's more risk involved. Again the government doesn't care if you have guns or not. Whatever you have will be like an ant bite to what they have. It is people and organizations like me who push for gun control. Ah, but.......who creates the fear in the first place? Who puts all these images in our heads of shootings at schools, and of gun violence on the street, etc etc etc. The media does that of course, they create the fear in us in a lot of these instances. And just who runs the media? Those in power do, the entire mainstream media was long since bought and paid for by those that run this place. Anything that is put out there, has a reason for it, same goes for anything they choose to hide or outright lie about. But anyway the point of it is, sure maybe the people end up pushing for gun control, but more because of the fear instilled in us by the media propaganda. It's a simple method they use, problem, reaction, solution. They create the problem, we react to it, and then they provide the solution that fit with their agenda. It's been going on for years and years. |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to.
Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to. Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. Another correlation/causation fallacy. Why am I not surprised? |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to. Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. Another correlation/causation fallacy. Why am I not surprised? Not even. So sorry. |
Legal gun owner baffoonery is when a legal gun owner brandishes a gun to impose their will onto others, when a drunk individual gets their gun and acts a fool with it, when a legal gun owner brandishes his weapon to impose road rage on someone, when a legal gun owner usually drunk, lets their children play with a gun because it is a good learning experience for them, etc... the list goes on and on You are living in such a fantasy! Does the thought ever occur to you that these are criminal acts and the police are required to act? That is WHY we have laws in the first place. By what you say it becomes more and more clear you just want to take guns away under ambiguous reasons to make YOU feel safer. Also look up something called the National Crime Statistics Bureau .gov. They have lots and lots of statistics to play with. And the buffoonery you mention is committed by such a tremendous minority! And now you want to make it seem like all of us are like that? That is how you sound. Now that I have seen what you cite as buffoonery us responsible gun owners call ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS conduct. I have had azzholes take shots at targets I just set up from the other range slot. The people I was with disarmed them and held them at gun point until the sheriffs arrived. I am not all freaked out some preppy azzhole with a Rem. 7mm magnum was passing lead right past me. He got arrested for shooting at a target with a man down range and reckless endangerment of my life. He was facing several armed people all pointing all kinds of ordinance at them. So were people from the range right next to us. There is a certain solidarity among gun owners you do not understand because we all know what guns do and prevent them from doing that in an unintended fashion. Hell, in my groups we do not allow alcohol of any kind while we are target shooting. We get to drinking afterwords when the guns are put away! And you dare to treat us like we are all irresponsible? |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to. Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. Another correlation/causation fallacy. Why am I not surprised? Not even. So sorry. Actually it is. I've even given you plenty of reading about it. You just choose to ignore reality and live in your own fantasy. |
You are living in such a fantasy! Does the thought ever occur to you that these are criminal acts and the police are required to act? That is WHY we have laws in the first place. By what you say it becomes more and more clear you just want to take guns away under ambiguous reasons to make YOU feel safer. Also look up something called the National Crime Statistics Bureau .gov. They have lots and lots of statistics to play with. And the buffoonery you mention is committed by such a tremendous minority! And now you want to make it seem like all of us are like that? That is how you sound. Now that I have seen what you cite as buffoonery us responsible gun owners call ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS conduct. I have had azzholes take shots at targets I just set up from the other range slot. The people I was with disarmed them and held them at gun point until the sheriffs arrived. I am not all freaked out some preppy azzhole with a Rem. 7mm magnum was passing lead right past me. He got arrested for shooting at a target with a man down range and reckless endangerment of my life. He was facing several armed people all pointing all kinds of ordinance at them. So were people from the range right next to us. There is a certain solidarity among gun owners you do not understand because we all know what guns do and prevent them from doing that in an unintended fashion. Hell, in my groups we do not allow alcohol of any kind while we are target shooting. We get to drinking afterwords when the guns are put away! And you dare to treat us like we are all irresponsible? National Crime Statistics Bureau .gov. Aren't they owned by the NRA? |
Again, since some people apparently missed it, here is John Stossel's 20/20 report explaining why gun control doesn't work. |
Legal gun owner baffoonery is when a legal gun owner brandishes a gun to impose their will onto others, when a drunk individual gets their gun and acts a fool with it, when a legal gun owner brandishes his weapon to impose road rage on someone, when a legal gun owner usually drunk, lets their children play with a gun because it is a good learning experience for them, etc... the list goes on and on You are living in such a fantasy! Does the thought ever occur to you that these are criminal acts and the police are required to act? That is WHY we have laws in the first place. By what you say it becomes more and more clear you just want to take guns away under ambiguous reasons to make YOU feel safer. Also look up something called the National Crime Statistics Bureau .gov. They have lots and lots of statistics to play with. And the buffoonery you mention is committed by such a tremendous minority! And now you want to make it seem like all of us are like that? That is how you sound. Now that I have seen what you cite as buffoonery us responsible gun owners call ILLEGAL AND DANGEROUS conduct. I have had azzholes take shots at targets I just set up from the other range slot. The people I was with disarmed them and held them at gun point until the sheriffs arrived. I am not all freaked out some preppy azzhole with a Rem. 7mm magnum was passing lead right past me. He got arrested for shooting at a target with a man down range and reckless endangerment of my life. He was facing several armed people all pointing all kinds of ordinance at them. So were people from the range right next to us. There is a certain solidarity among gun owners you do not understand because we all know what guns do and prevent them from doing that in an unintended fashion. Hell, in my groups we do not allow alcohol of any kind while we are target shooting. We get to drinking afterwords when the guns are put away! And you dare to treat us like we are all irresponsible? If there is one irresponsible gun owner out there, it constitutes a life possibly lost for no good reason. Life is more important than any gun. Guns take more lives than they save. That is the problem. |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to. Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. Another correlation/causation fallacy. Why am I not surprised? Not even. So sorry. Actually it is. I've even given you plenty of reading about it. You just choose to ignore reality and live in your own fantasy. I will not dum down for you. I already told you the reading you want me to do is under my intelligence level. I suggest getting off the NRA tit. |
Sorry for delay, had a birthday dinner to go to. Now who puts those images in our heads? The gun crazies make the news and put it into our heads. I can remember vividly seeing the bloody result of gun violence. I have seen gun violence not on the media. To blame the media is not a valid issue unless not covering it enough is the problem you speak of. Another correlation/causation fallacy. Why am I not surprised? Not even. So sorry. Actually it is. I've even given you plenty of reading about it. You just choose to ignore reality and live in your own fantasy. I will not dum down for you. I already told you the reading you want me to do is under my intelligence level. I suggest getting off the NRA tit. I don't like the NRA. I prefer the GOA, as far as groups go. You think John Lott and John Stossel are "below your intelligence level"? puhleeeeeeze! You couldn't hold a candle to them! |
my friends, it's clear that our friend dragoness cannot back up her faulty assertions or put up a decent debate, so I'll be leaving you for now. I'll check back later.
my friends, it's clear that our friend dragoness cannot back up her faulty assertions or put up a decent debate, so I'll be leaving you for now. I'll check back later. Thats funny. And definitely untrue as usual. |
I need the legal gun owner gun crimes committed in this country per year.
I need the yearly times that a gun manned or unmanned goes off and hurt or kills someone. I need the stats of how many children hurt or kill others when they get ahold of a legal gun owners gun. I need to know how many firearms are stolen each year that end up involved in a crime later. |
my friends, it's clear that our friend dragoness cannot back up her faulty assertions or put up a decent debate, so I'll be leaving you for now. I'll check back later. Thats funny. And definitely untrue as usual. Poor losers like yourself are so cute with your tantrums. |
I need the legal gun owner gun crimes committed in this country per year. I need the yearly times that a gun manned or unmanned goes off and hurt or kills someone. I need the stats of how many children hurt or kill others when they get ahold of a legal gun owners gun. I need to know how many firearms are stolen each year that end up involved in a crime later. If you don't know them already, what are you doing debating this? As I've long held, your reasoning is almost entirely ad hoc, and fundamentally flawed. |
I need the legal gun owner gun crimes committed in this country per year. I need the yearly times that a gun manned or unmanned goes off and hurt or kills someone. I need the stats of how many children hurt or kill others when they get ahold of a legal gun owners gun. I need to know how many firearms are stolen each year that end up involved in a crime later. You need a clue and realization that you are now engaging in hostile and vicious attacks on us! Heavenlyboy34, do not get pulled into Dragoness's poor abilities to face up to her idealism for what they are. You will get in trouble. She has a difficult time answering simple questions and not devolving into fallacy and baiting. She is entitled to her opinions but she "assumes" she is so right and this whole "one life lost is one too many" thinking. It is clear she calls us "Unintelligent" because she refuses to see the other side and see the evidence presented to her. It is clear she wants "Us" to do her homework for her since she cannot seem to look up the site I mentioned. I guess something about it being a .gov suddenly she wants us to believe it is biased and wrong even though she is also a Die Hard Obama supporter and to her 'nothing he does is wrong.' Dragoness, your Piety is Legendary. So how is the air up there? Time for you to stop looking down your nose at us. Do your own homework! You have hijacked this thread and continue to bait people. You threatened me on this thread and now you are clearly baiting another member. Now you want to know how many legal guns are stolen and used in crimes? How about those sold through the black market too? What the hell does it matter when a gun is stolen and used in a crime? it is a criminal using the weapon in the first place and it is stolen to be used for crime. Cops get guns stolen from them as well. Do you intend to punish them as well or do they get a pass from your little "regulation" scheme? Everything you have mentioned has been through the Supreme Court several times and these measures keep loosing for a reason! They violate current LAWS and the Constitution! Come up with an answer that does not violate the law and constitution and that makes sense and more people may listen to you. So are you going to get all angry even more and call me 'unenlightened' too? |