Topic: Blame the tool or blame the person using it?
AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:06 PM
So far all the arguments for gun control are the same stale arguments used since the 1970s.

Now John, let me just say that the Founding Fathers were thinking way in advance. They were having problems with Alcohol abuse for a long time. Even way back then. Where do you think the term "Demon Rum" came from? That term was around since America was a colony! Being armed is the only proof we have against tyranny. Japan never really invaded us during WWII becasue they were scared of us gun toting civilians. (ANYONE WISHING TO REFUTE THIS HAD BETTER LOOK IT UP!) If China thought for one second they could over run us militarily they would. Us being armed like we are prevents them from thinking too seriously about pulling a Tibet on us!

Also nations like Switzerland require ALL citizens to be armed. One out of ten Swiss homes has a full blown machine gun in their house and I am not talking about assault weapons! I am talking belt fed .30 caliber full on death machines. There is a reason Switzerland has so little crime. NO ONE WANTS TO RISK HAVING AN ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD OF PISSED OFF PEOPLE WITH GUNS COMING AFTER THEM! ALL Swiss citizens are trained for national defense. All citizens are required to train to that end as well.

Now for the whole Psychological Exam. ALL of the tests in this area are subject to speculation. Crazy nut cases get past these tests all the time. the psyche test to become a police officer here in LA is made to fail EVERYONE for a reason! If I remember the statistic only about 1/4 of all applicants pass the psyche exam at all. Even I can snooker my way past a lot of these so called examinations. Worst is a person can be sane and rational one day and go completely over the bridge the next day with no provocation. Psychological evaluation is not very effective. there is no practical way of implementing said requirements either. First of all standards have to be drawn up and NO ONE can agree on what the standard test of sanity is! I have seen Mr. Normal turn into the Monster from Hell becasue his girlfriend broke up with him. Hell, if you made every soldier in the armed forces take a psyche test we would have no soldiers.

Msharmony, the fact that shows like the Boondocks exist shows the extent and level of how backwards and devolved humans really are. First and foremost let me just say I was not a racist but I did become one thanks to the prejudices of the Negro being forced upon me. Back in my "Ignorant" phase I called blacks "Weebies" and NOT Ni@@ers. It was becasue it was always some mouthy ghetto trash breaking his neck off in my face telling me how "I'm gonna get my cousins and 'We be' gonna get you. On top of that even today I even cut across some mouthy Hispanic with an attitude as well and they hate whites just as much as anyone else. I learned that all men (and women) must be accounted for their personal actions and not to allow myself to use "blanket thinking" to assume all people of any racial demographic are bad, evil, or less than me. It was black friends of mine who helped pull me out of that quandary of being a racist. I learned to be one and I learned to not be one later. I refuse to allow anyone to paint over the problem we face as a nation and also am sick and tired of people trying to cover up history. This isn't China. Vaudville had a racist history. Back in the 1950s Black Rock and Roll was still looked down upon yet even in the face of such adversity a number of blacks have achieved greatness but all of that is wasted when blacks still act like Ghetto trash! And we have to accept this behavior because of us being "culturally insensitive." Sorry but I will not look the other way when a problem like this exists within our culture. Racism sucks but likewise turning a blind eye to it is ignorance.

Now for that argument about "thinking your way through any problem." Someone has been watching FAR too much Dr. Who! First and foremost try talking to someone who made their mind up they are going to kill you. If I were out to kill someone I sure in the hell would not negotiate with them. If I want someone dead that person will die somehow be it a gun or by knife. If I can think like that what makes anyone think that others do not share those thoughts? On top of that try negotiating with a hungry bear or mountain lion. Try negotiating with someone who lives by criminal intent. You have yet to come across the real dragons in our society!

Now dragoness, I dare you to call a armed man who is pointing a gun at you an idiot to his face. The 'rational' law abiding person with a gun should give you NO cause to have any concern. They are not out shooting at people or rob them or commit any number of crimes. If I was out to get you, are you faster on your feet than the bullets (or arrows) I would be sending at you? There is no thinking about the advantages a gun has. IT IS AN ADVANTAGE whether you can appreciate that or not. A criminal with a gun does not have to be smart. All they have to do is start shooting. Besides, I have a genius level IQ and I also own guns. So what does that make me? A smarter idiot?

Watch your comments becasue that last post is an insinuation. I don't need to think long about the advantages a gun offers me. At least I can warn a bear off with a gun without having to shoot it and bears are smart enough to know that you have the capacity to kill it instead of it killing me that maybe Mr. Cuddles should leave me alone and move on for his food. Bear chow doesn't fight back. I do! In a close up confrontation I would rather use a knife anyways. I can appreciate the psychology of making my opponent scream as I take my time punishing them painfully before I send them to God! I can do more harm with a knife than I can with a gun anyways! I would never pull a gun if someone is right up on me. I do not want to get disarmed and have it used on me instead. If someone broke into my house? BANG BANG THEY ARE DEAD, PUT A BULLET IN THEIR HEAD! Then again I am not out to hurt anyone who is not out to hurt me so no one has anything to fear as long as they do not try to victimize me.

Again the answer isn't in ignorance or prohibition. The answer is education and coming down on criminals a lot harder than we have in the past! Instead we reward people for doing all the wrong things and punish the good people wrongly. I dare you to convince me that if someone broke into your house and they had a gun you could talk your way out of it. I knew someone who tried that and she got beaten and raped in the course of her robbery and to add insult to injury they cut her face up good. You talk a good show but in all reality it is just fantasy! Go ahead and keep believing what you believe in. One day reality will bite you! And then you will cry her about how victimized you were like so many others who cannot learn to protect themselves. I suppose you are going to say you carry mace? Little tip, I know people who intentionally expose themselves to it to get a resistance to it and you can develop a resistance to mace! Also is a little thing I call "Back-splash."

I have friends who are in self defense classes and I shown an instructor first hand the failures of mace like getting my hand on the nozzle before he could fire it. Worst is when I grabbed his face with the hand that got maced. He was thanking God it was a "Dummy" can for training becasue when we discharged a real live can into my hand and I put it near his face he got blurry vision from it and it was hard for him to breath. If I was someone of ill intent and someone attempted to mace me and I blocked the shot with my hand all I have to do is just put a hand whetted with mace into his or her face and that person is done.

No weapon is fool proof. Unless the gun is in your hand it is worthless. But having one is like a condom. When the time comes you are so glad you had one!

I have said it before and I will say it again, Until the heart and mind of man changes and we rise above self interest and greed we still have to be careful of those who get ahead on the backs of others. AS long as people commit crime we need to be able to protect ourselves. A gun is Deterrent force and it should be stressed in training that a gun is a weapon of last resort.

Then again people will always do stupid things for stupid reasons!

I am tired of this whole "everything can be solved with diplomacy" crap. What do you do when diplomacy breaks down?

Para Bellum!:banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork

I will never give up my guns and I will shoot anyone trying to force them from me and I will take theirs and use their own weapons against them! I will die on my feet fighting to be free rather than live on my knees for ANYONE! Then again I doubt many of the "liberally conscious" can appreciate the fact that you have to fight to protect your freedom and not only with words!

If anything WORDS are for losers! Actions are taken by winners!

You can't get through life just talking!

Also there is no perfect answer to anything! The thing is many of the answers I see coming from the "Liberally minded" are all based on fear and ignorance!


s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:07 PM
i blame the eroscillator

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:07 PM

saying that guns kill people is like saying pencils make spelling errors :wink:

My God that is simple wisdom I can appreciate!!!:banana:

franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:10 PM

But it doesn't say we can't say who can and who can't have them. I say we limit it to only those who deserve the privilege of a gun.

EVERYONE who is legally able to own and use a firearm has the RIGHT to own a firearm.

It is a RIGHT - it is NOT a 'privilege'. A Drivers License is a privilege and is revocable. RIGHTS are NOT revocable.

I will continue to fight for more restrictions on who can have guns and so will all those who are like me and know that it is a privilege and not a right.

And all of us who know better will be right there to oppose you ...

There will be more of me than the others. Because we have to get smarter than the need for guns.

shockedyikes, this does not apply to me, cuz I done there be pretty dog gone smart! shocked:wink:

Agree we all have to get smarter, but that has nothing to do with our right to bear arms.
Those that oppose should not bear arms.
Those that agree and chose to can bear arms.

We will become more enlightened than the need to have a gun for protection as we grow and evolve. Our psyche will out grow the archaic ideal of guns give us power one day.

Until then we need to keep the restriction as tight as possible to eliminate those legal gun users who abuse the privilege.

respect your opinion but don't agree, but we have gone through this before waving

Personally, I am so tired of the restrictions being placed on us, we can't do this, can't do that, the complacency of many allowing things to continue, and the loss of my personal choices and the intrusion of the government. We have grown and have evolved, this is a never ending process which like life involves/affects us all, not just some. For those that are against - exercise your opportunity to chose and chose not to carry, but don't take it upon yourself to chose for me waving

Ever notice how the majority of the abuse is not from the responsible gun owners?

Also keep in mind it is my right as per Constitution, if you'd like to rewrite that Amendment, there are a few others I'd like revised as well biggrin

franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:10 PM

saying that guns kill people is like saying pencils make spelling errors :wink:

My God that is simple wisdom I can appreciate!!!:banana:

:wink: :thumbsup:

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:11 PM

But it doesn't say we can't say who can and who can't have them. I say we limit it to only those who deserve the privilege of a gun.

Again you lack the understanding Gun Ownership is a RIGHT not a privilege. A driver's license is a privilege.

CONCEALED CARRY is a privilege!

What there isn't enough of is education!

Weapons safety should be taught in High School!

Not keep people blissfully ignorant about weapon handling. Just because someone chooses not to own a gun they should still know HOW to handle a gun.

People still have no idea what a "safety" is on a gun.

That is like the idiots who assume Cruise Control is an Autopilot on their car!

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:20 PM
Again, I will say if a person can pass an extensive mental health exam, has no misdemeanors or felonies, is not a member of a militant group or anti government group and knows that if the gun is stolen they can't have any more until their gun is found and they can have it back.

I can go for guns in that instance.

I will continue to fight for the restrictions to become more intensive because I see too many abusive legal gun owners.

franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:26 PM

Again, I will say if a person can pass an extensive mental health exam, has no misdemeanors or felonies, is not a member of a militant group or anti government group and knows that if the gun is stolen they can't have any more until their gun is found and they can have it back.

I can go for guns in that instance.

I will continue to fight for the restrictions to become more intensive because I see too many abusive legal gun owners.

then it's a good thing you are not in control, nor I for that matter, for I'd have a test of 2 for those that oppose the right to bear arms :wink:

I will continue to fight for my rights :thumbsup:

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:31 PM
There is no gun debate at this time as far as I can tell and none in the foreseeable future. The fact is that we have plenty of heart string pullers out there so the republicans will simply shelf the controversy until they need something that doesn't cost anything to stir up the emotions of the citizensonce more.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:31 PM

When people have done things to me, I didn't have a gun and I won at least half of the time if not more so a gun is not needed to protect yourself.

What we need to protect ourselves is a brain.

A brain outweighs everything as a weapon.

Some idiot with a gun is no match for a person who can out think and outsmart them.

We should be more worried about a smart criminal than one who thinks a gun gives them an advantage.
I AM worried about a SMART criminal and I have a gun waiting for him..

franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:34 PM

I AM worried about a SMART criminal and I have a gun waiting for him..

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:39 PM

I AM worried about a SMART criminal and I have a gun waiting for him..
thank you, thank you very much flowerforyou

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:52 PM

When people have done things to me, I didn't have a gun and I won at least half of the time if not more so a gun is not needed to protect yourself.

What we need to protect ourselves is a brain.

A brain outweighs everything as a weapon.

Some idiot with a gun is no match for a person who can out think and outsmart them.

We should be more worried about a smart criminal than one who thinks a gun gives them an advantage.
I AM worried about a SMART criminal and I have a gun waiting for him..

Your gun will do you no good against a smart criminal. You won't see it coming.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:57 PM

When people have done things to me, I didn't have a gun and I won at least half of the time if not more so a gun is not needed to protect yourself.

What we need to protect ourselves is a brain.

A brain outweighs everything as a weapon.

Some idiot with a gun is no match for a person who can out think and outsmart them.

We should be more worried about a smart criminal than one who thinks a gun gives them an advantage.
I AM worried about a SMART criminal and I have a gun waiting for him..

Your gun will do you no good against a smart criminal. You won't see it coming.
you may be right about that. a smart one won't break into an occupied house..

franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:58 PM

Your gun will do you no good against a smart criminal. You won't see it coming.
you may be right about that. a smart one won't break into an occupied house..

my opinion, most criminals think themselves to be smart, that is until they are caught :wink: or their plan backfires :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:05 PM

Your gun will do you no good against a smart criminal. You won't see it coming.
you may be right about that. a smart one won't break into an occupied house..

my opinion, most criminals think themselves to be smart, that is until they are caught :wink: or their plan backfires :thumbsup:


franshade's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:06 PM

Your gun will do you no good against a smart criminal. You won't see it coming.
you may be right about that. a smart one won't break into an occupied house..

my opinion, most criminals think themselves to be smart, that is until they are caught :wink: or their plan backfires :thumbsup:


thank you, thank you very much :wink:

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:27 PM
I'm so torn on the gun issue... a part of me says if a law abiding citizen wants a gun they should have a gun. The other side just strait up hates guns... any violence or any of the devices used for violence.

My biggest concern is the 'accidents' blowing off their siblings head. I don't understand that part. I grew up with guns, was shooting rabbits and gophers when I was 6 years old. We had loaded guns all over the house. A rifle in every corner and a handgun on every table..
and never touched them. We just had respect for them so I agree on the education the same time I hated killing the easter bunny.

Andy, as far as what they do in Switzerland...I wouldn't want to be forced to own a gun anymore than you would want to be forced not to have one. It would unconstitutional to force me.

Another one of those issues the country will always be divided on.

willing2's photo
Tue 06/08/10 07:44 PM

I'm so torn on the gun issue... a part of me says if a law abiding citizen wants a gun they should have a gun. The other side just strait up hates guns... any violence or any of the devices used for violence.

My biggest concern is the 'accidents' blowing off their siblings head. I don't understand that part. I grew up with guns, was shooting rabbits and gophers when I was 6 years old. We had loaded guns all over the house. A rifle in every corner and a handgun on every table..
and never touched them. We just had respect for them so I agree on the education the same time I hated killing the easter bunny.

Andy, as far as what they do in Switzerland...I wouldn't want to be forced to own a gun anymore than you would want to be forced not to have one. It would unconstitutional to force me.

Another one of those issues the country will always be divided on.

That's what the Anti-Americans play on.

They believe everyone should pay the consequences for a couple of dumbassses who don't secure their firearms and don't teach their kids to respect them.

no photo
Tue 06/08/10 08:01 PM

I'm so torn on the gun issue... a part of me says if a law abiding citizen wants a gun they should have a gun. The other side just strait up hates guns... any violence or any of the devices used for violence.

My biggest concern is the 'accidents' blowing off their siblings head. I don't understand that part. I grew up with guns, was shooting rabbits and gophers when I was 6 years old. We had loaded guns all over the house. A rifle in every corner and a handgun on every table..
and never touched them. We just had respect for them so I agree on the education the same time I hated killing the easter bunny.

Andy, as far as what they do in Switzerland...I wouldn't want to be forced to own a gun anymore than you would want to be forced not to have one. It would unconstitutional to force me.

Another one of those issues the country will always be divided on.

Y'know, we're really not that far apart on this whole issue. Like you, I don't want people who SHOULDN'T own a gun (e.g., known felons) owning weapons that can legitimately be owned by NON-felons for self-defense. Like you, I believe that people SHOULD have the RIGHT to protect and defend themselves from criminals. Again, like you, I have no desire to see children injured by guns. That's where PARENTAL RESPONSIBLITY comes in. Kids need to be EDUCATED about guns exactly the same way they're educated about anything else. It is incumbent upon anyone who decides to accept the RESPONSIBLITY that comes with firearms ownership to carry out their responsibilities with their children's education about the proper use of firearms.

Just as it's MY RIGHT to OWN a firearm, it's YOUR RIGHT to NOT own one if that's what you choose. And, just as it would be unconstitutional to 'force' ownership on you (I'm not quite sure how that would be enforced), you have the right to remain unarmed. In return, I'd appreciate your support of MY RIGHT to OWN firearms responsibly as GUARANTEED under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Remember, if you need help and there's no cops around, your only other hope is an ARMED CITIZEN.