Topic: can anybody prove to me a GOD?? | |
As a child, the Lord was the star of the bible for me. His ability to guide(like my parents did us), his ability to love(like my parents did us), and his willingness to sacrifice for my good(like my parents did). The Lords life was one that I respected and chose to try and emulate. His words, (loving God, loving your neighbor as yourself, and doing to others as you want done). It was my PARENTS who taught me valuable lessons and church and the bible re inforced those lessons and explained their purpose even further. I believe this is true of a lot of Christians. Jesus is their superstar, maingly because he denounced all the unholy garbarge from the Torah, and instead he taught the principles and morals of Buddhism. This is what Christains LOVE about Jesus! They actually love Buddhism! That's utlimately what they find attractive in Jesus. Jesus denounced the old ways of the Torah, and this is precisely what makes him so lovable. Yet, the actual "Christian RELIGION", in other words, the NEW TESTAMENT itself, attempts to use Jesus as an excuse to prop up the very religon that Jesus himself preached against. That's the true irony of Christianity. If you could pluck Jesus out of the Bible and actually toss away all of the things that Jesus himself did not personally stand for (which would include all of Paul's writings in the New Testament. Then what you'd end up with is Buddhism. Specially Mahayana Buddism and the concept of a Bodhisattva. Not Zen Buddhism which a far more modern and almost "atheistic" version of Buddhism. The old Mahayana Buddhism that Jesus taught was far more "spiritual" in its underlying philosophy. But that's what people love who love Jesus. They actually love Mahayana Buddhism and just don't realize that this is what they find so attractive in the stories of Jesus. Jesus was a Bodhisattva. Look into that concept and you'll see. Here are some definitions of a Bodhisattva - Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others - An enlightened person or being; one who is on the road to perfect knowledge; specifically, one who foregoes personal nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment - Buddhist deity who has renounced Buddhahood in order to work for the salvation of all beings. - From two Sanskrit words meaning "wisdom or enlightenment" and "being", bodhisattva is a term applied in Buddhism to a seeker who reaches for enlightenment not only for himself or herself but also, and perhaps especially, for all "sentient" beings. ... - In Mahayana Buddhism, a potential Buddah who postpones his nirvana to stay on earth to help mankind achieve enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhism was at its peak in India precisely during the time when Jesus lived. Moreoever, it was the standard practice of their Buddhist temples to only admit student monks who were willing to vow to become bodhisattvas upon their enlightenment. The stories of Jesus describe precisely the actions and teachings that a Bodhisattva would have exhibited. And the teachings that have been attributed to Jesus were precisely in line with Mahayana Buddhism and completely out of touch with the teachings of the Torah or the so-called God of Abraham. Jesus was a Mahayana Buddhist, you can be sure of that. This is precisely what makes him so loveable! |
What makes Jesus lovable was his love for the Father and for us, his sacrifice for us, and his devotion to something bigger than himself or the flesh,,,
I doubt Buddha could touch that,,,although his teachings were also relevant and positive,, |
Edited by
Sun 06/06/10 12:23 PM
Look around you, look in your back yard, down the street, or where ever you are. Then tell me you need proof if their is a God. Consider all your defining moments you had, or will have, in your life. Did not many of your decision define who you are? All by accident? I think not. The question I have, "Who do you Trust". Can you really trust what the Bible says about God and all His children? The past reflects that the Bible, and what it has to say, to have been proven accuracy. Even when it alludes to science, or predicts the future. Did the writers of the Bible know what they were writing about? Yes, because of the impact the Bible has had on society as a whole. In God Name, and With His Love, I pray you find the Cross. Don't miss the Cross
What makes Jesus lovable was his love for the Father and for us, his sacrifice for us, and his devotion to something bigger than himself or the flesh,,, I doubt Buddha could touch that,,,although his teachings were also relevant and positive,, Buddha and Jesus aren't in competition with each other. In fact, Jesus was a Buddha. Siddhartha Gutama was neither the first, nor the last Buddha, he was merely one of many Buddhas. So if you're thinking of Buddha as being a particular individual then you've got the whole concept all wrong. |
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Look around you, look in your back yard, down the street, or where ever you are. Then tell me you need proof if their is a God. Consider all your defining moments you had, or will have, in your life. Did not many of your decision define who you are? All by accident? I think not. The question I have, "Who do you Trust". Can you really trust what the Bible says about God and all His children? The past reflects that the Bible, and what it has to say, to have been proven accuracy. Even when it alludes to science, or predicts the future. Did the writers of the Bible know what they were writing about? Yes, because of the impact the Bible has had on society as a whole. In God Name, and With His Love, I pray you find the Cross. Don't miss the Cross Find the cross? What am I supposed to do with it after I find it? Nail Jesus to it to pay for my sins? I don't think so! Nope, I reject having Jesus nailed to a pole to pay for my sins. If that's the price to be "saved" then the price is too high. I cannot condone such violence on my behalf. If this religion is true as you describe it, then I have no choice but to perish, and choose not to have every lasting life. Besides, why would I want to live for eternity with a bunch of people who are willing to nail Jesus to a pole to save their own butts? What a disgusting crowd! I wouldn't want to be around them, much less live with them for eternity. No way, if that's the kind of people who are going to be in heaven, then I'll gladly choose to perish. In fact, I demand it. And ironically your God would be totally powerless to do anything less than what I demand. According to your religion your God must grant my request because I refuse to grant his. ![]() Good luck in your heaven! I definitely won't be there. I can assure you of that! |
Huh. Same ole, Same ole..Huh? Shalom....Miles
Huh. Same ole, Same ole..Huh? Shalom....Miles ![]() ![]() |
Huh. Same ole, Same ole..Huh? Shalom....Miles Yep, the Christians are still trying to get everyone to condone nailing Jesus to a pole to pay for their sins. Some things never change. ![]() The only thing I can figure is that they feel so guilty about having condoned this themselves that they are trying to get everyone else to condone it too so they don't need to feel so guilty about it. I can't give my consent. Sorry. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious.
Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. also nicely put |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. Absolutely. I agree completely. This is why it's totally wrong to be going around asking other people to "find the cross" or whatever. Contrary to what many people may think, I actually believe in "god" myself. I just don't believe in various mythologies, especially ones that came out of the Middle East like the stories of Zeus and Yahweh and other blood thirsty gods. I prefer to think of God in terms of the Moon Goddess of Wicca, or in terms of the High Priestess in Tarot, or in terms of the pixie legends. Or even in terms of a higher spiritual self as in pantheism. All of these are quite beautiful visions of "god" that don't require blood sacrifices or bigotry. They also need no "proof" because, as you say, they already exist in my mind and that gives them manifestation in pure thought. I bring God to life, just as She has brought me to life, in much the same way actually. When my body perishes my essence will return to Her. There's simply nowhere else for me to go. ![]() It's a truly beautiful religion that is fitting for truly beautiful people. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 06/06/10 02:55 PM
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you By saying that there is only one true god is saying that all other religions don't exist. As far as I'm concerned, that's like saying the white Christian race is the only race that should rule. Aknotin made Ra the one true god when he rule Egypt. That decision caused many social problems. The next Pharaoh returned the religion to normal, and therefore fixed most of the social problems. Humans need to have their choice in belief systems. Weather you think their belief or religion is wrong or not. If you look at people who believe in 'God' as they were told, they are lost when it come to belief or faith. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. And you can't forget about walking a frozen sea. ![]() |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. And you can't forget about walking a frozen sea. ![]() Total wizard, that jew |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. Seriously? You anger yourself and think your religion is idiotic? Think about your first sentence, and then look at the entire paragraph. |
I can only look at this from a psychological perspective because I'm not religious. Only you can prove a god exists to you. If you believe in one, it exists, but in your own mind. The reason i say 'in your own mind' is because everyone has their own view of what God is. yes everyone has there own view of what God is. But in reality God is but one thing, one being. Just because someone thinks a chicken is a God does NOT meen that chicken is God, that's what is called a false God. There is only one true God, and only ever will be one true God. Only YOU can find the true God, James 4:8 - Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded Mathew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you What angers me is when people openly mock someone else's belief in what God is, but is totally blind to the idiocy of their own religion. Try looking at your religion from someone elses view. You worship a jew/carpenter that was nailed to a cross, and some how came back to life (much like a zombie) and performed magic all over the land... one trick that was his greatest was helping the drinkers by turning water into wine. Seriously? You anger yourself and think your religion is idiotic? Think about your first sentence, and then look at the entire paragraph. Lol, i have no religion buddy... it's all laughable too me. I see the real world as it is, i don't need a phase of ghosts and spirits behind it :) |
Edited by
Sun 06/06/10 03:20 PM
I believe in God, my faith is not lost. IF I disrespect someone concerning their 'religious' beliefs or lack of , I hope they will bring it to my attention. You will hardly ever see me ATTACK or initiate some belittling of someone for not believing as I do, although you will see me quite often RESPOND to those who do.
This forum is here to discuss religion but yet those on both sides continue to just BELITTLE others for not believing the same thing they do. I respect everyones right to believe what they will, I dont consider them stupid, or lost, or any thing less than I am for their belief. The only difference I see, when it comes to religion, is that some will seek and never find, some will seek and find but deny, and some will refuse to even seek. Those are all personal choices, I begrudge noone theirs ..... |