Topic: can anybody prove to me a GOD?? | |
I do not see the reason why atheists are hell bent on trying to disprove God. Are they trying to justify the reason they feel that way? Reason i spend hours in here trying to reveal God to people is out of love. Cause i know the consequence of denying the lord, i want to try to help them by revealing God to them before it's to late. So on my side of the battle there is a positive outcome, what does an atheist gain by trying to convert others to view it the same as them? Well, I don't see 'atheists trying to disprove God' in these threads, and most atheists here seem to know this can't be done. I also can't disprove the existence of his noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster. What I do see is atheists (myself included) who are 'hell bent', if you will, on tearing down weak arguments for God. I can see how a theist might perceive that as 'trying to disprove' God, but to me its a very different thing. As for why - the reasons may vary with the individual and with the argument being discusses. As I posted earlier in this thread - I see the application of critical thinking skills to be a kind of moral issue. If we don't, we become tools of evil - whether its the evil of our own rationalized desires, or the evil of a particular manipulator (politician, corporation, religious leader...). Also, as many anti-religionists have tried to explain (perhaps confrontationally....) in other threads - many of us see religions themselves as significant causes of harm in our world. I don't see 'believing in a God' as being tied directly to 'harms caused by religion', but others do. |
sorry, but punishment teaches about REAL life, about negative actions and negative consequences
adults will not be met in the real world with a 'solution' when they break laws, or a 'solution' when they dont follow the rules of their job. They suffer real and negative consequences (like jail or unemployment.) PArt of a parents job is to TEACH children, not just sit and smile with them singing kum ba ya. Life will be hard,, they need the coping skills to deal with that reality by learning what that reality is with their parents guidance. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 12:31 PM
Well let me get a little more detailed........ If your child looked you straight in the eye and screamed at the top of there lungs to your face that you were not there dad, then stormed off. And continued to do as such every time you tried to either create a relation with that child or have that child do something. This is a very interesting analogy. On a personal level, I might eventually become hurt and offended by all emotion/intent behind the screaming and storming - but would God? The more giving and loving side of me might realize that it doesn't matter whether I have a relation with that child, or whether I can directly influence that child's behavior - what matters is whether the child has good relations with others, and chooses good behaviors for him/herself. Of course the analogy breaks down in several places. |
I do not see the reason why atheists are hell bent on trying to disprove God. Are they trying to justify the reason they feel that way? Reason i spend hours in here trying to reveal God to people is out of love. Cause i know the consequence of denying the lord, i want to try to help them by revealing God to them before it's to late. So on my side of the battle there is a positive outcome, what does an atheist gain by trying to convert others to view it the same as them? Well, I don't see 'atheists trying to disprove God' in these threads, and most atheists here seem to know this can't be done. I also can't disprove the existence of his noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster. What I do see is atheists (myself included) who are 'hell bent', if you will, on tearing down weak arguments for God. I can see how a theist might perceive that as 'trying to disprove' God, but to me its a very different thing. As for why - the reasons may vary with the individual and with the argument being discusses. As I posted earlier in this thread - I see the application of critical thinking skills to be a kind of moral issue. If we don't, we become tools of evil - whether its the evil of our own rationalized desires, or the evil of a particular manipulator (politician, corporation, religious leader...). Also, as many anti-religionists have tried to explain (perhaps confrontationally....) in other threads - many of us see religions themselves as significant causes of harm in our world. I don't see 'believing in a God' as being tied directly to 'harms caused by religion', but others do. What harm comes from following God. With a society following God you would have.... 1. No stealing 2. No murdering 3. No raping 4. No lieing 5. And many more sinful things in the world And you would be left with 1. Everyone loving everyone deeply 2. Everyone helping each other out in times of need 3. Basically boils down to everyone loving everyone. Also people that follow God are not to be discriminative as in treat none believers any different then they do anyone else. Helping someone wouldn't matter if they believed in God, a false God, or no God at all. We help ALL. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 12:49 PM
Well let me get a little more detailed........ If your child looked you straight in the eye and screamed at the top of there lungs to your face that you were not there dad, then stormed off. And continued to do as such every time you tried to either create a relation with that child or have that child do something. Again, how would punishment solve this probelm? If the child is that convinced that you can't be their dad, or feels that you're behavior has been so bad that they would prefer to disown you, then why punish the child. Perhaps it's time to look in the mirror and see if you can see the monster the child sees. Then instead of punishing the child you could EXPLAIN to the child why their view of use is MISTAKEN. Translating this to the Biblical picture of God, then this God would need to converse with me personally and explain to me why my problems with the Bible are WRONG. Until that happens, for this God to PUNISH ME for HIS ineptitude would be insane, thus proving my original conclusion was right on the money all along. Trying to turn this into a "mortal-parent" scenario just won't work, because a mortal parents should be able to EXPLAIN away any MISUNDERSTANDINGS. And if they can't, then this is their own FAILINGS. But God isn't supposed to have these kinds of human FAILINGS. So God would have NO EXCUSE for not being able to correctly EXPLAIN himself. Mortal parents can hide behind that excuse, (even though I personally feel it's a pathetic excuse even for them), but for a God to hide behind that excuse can't work at all. You can't have a God punishing people for not believing that it was responsible for some insane bigoted book. And simultaneously claim that this same God is both infinitely wise, and benevolent. These just aren't compatible ideas. |
Well let me get a little more detailed........ If your child looked you straight in the eye and screamed at the top of there lungs to your face that you were not there dad, then stormed off. And continued to do as such every time you tried to either create a relation with that child or have that child do something. This is a very interesting analogy. On a personal level, I might eventually become hurt and offended by all emotion/intent behind the screaming and storming - but would God? The more giving and loving side of me might realize that it doesn't matter whether I have a relation with that child, or whether I can directly influence that child's behavior - what matters is whether the child has good relations with others, and chooses good behaviors for him/herself. Of course the analogy breaks down in several places. Yes hurts God every day to have his children denying him, not listening, and so on. Is why God with be so wrathful in the end of times. Even regardless of these things his children do to him "no listen to his word, deny him, and so on" God still loves them/us and provides for them what they need "food, water, and so on" That is true love right there i don't care who you are. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 12:40 PM
What harm comes from following God. With a society following God you would have.... 1. No stealing 2. No murdering .... All of your post follows from your idea of God, and your idea of what God expects from you. There are many who believe in God who also believe they are called to murder in his name. Believe in God does not, by itself, bring us closer to the utopia you describe. If your God existed, and if you God communicated directly communicated with everyone in clear, undeniable, unambiguous, loud terms - maybe your God could bring the world closer to this utopia. As it is (assuming your God exists), many people who think they believe in your God, and who think they are serving him - are actually serving human masters who have distorted your Gods teachings. Edit: Saying "if He existed" and "your God" was not intended as a slight. "If" was intended as showing the conditions under which something might be true, and 'your god' was intended to emphasize that not everyone who believes in God believes in your concept of God, his teachings, his expecations of us. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 12:40 PM
Well let me get a little more detailed........ If your child looked you straight in the eye and screamed at the top of there lungs to your face that you were not there dad, then stormed off. And continued to do as such every time you tried to either create a relation with that child or have that child do something. Again, how would punishment solve this probelm? If the child is that convinced that you can't be their dad, or feels that you're behavior has been so bad that they would prefer to disown you, then why punish the child. Perhaps it's time to look in the mirror and see if you can see the monster the child sees. Then instead of punishing the child you could EXPLAIN to the child why their view of use is MISTAKEN. Translating this to the Biblical picture of God, then this God would need to converse with me personally and explain to me why my problems with the Bible are WRONG. Until that happens, for this God to PUNISH ME for HIS ineptitude would be insane, thus proving my original conclusion was right on the money all along. Trying to turn this into a "mortal-parent" scenario just won't work, because a mortal parents should be able to EXPLAIN away any MISUNDERSTANDINGS. And if they can't, then this is their own FAILINGS. But God isn't supposed to have these kinds of human FAILINGS. So God would have NO EXCUSE for not being able to correctly EXPLAIN himself. Mortal parents can hide behind that excuse, (even though I personally feel it's a pathetic excuse even for them), but for a God to hide behind that excuse can't work at all. You can't have a God punishing people for not believing that it was responsible for some insane bigoted book. And simultaneously claim that this same God is both infinitely wise, and benevolent. These just aren't compatible ideas. Not going to heaven isn't exactly a punishment. Heaven isn't an automatically granted thing. Heaven is a reward. And after our lives on earth there is only one place to go "heaven, or cease to exist". It's not being punished for not doing as we're suppose to. It's just not being rewarded the gift of heaven for doing as we are. |
What harm comes from following God. With a society following God you would have.... 1. No stealing 2. No murdering .... All of your post follows from your idea of God, and your idea of what God expects from you. There are many who believe in God who also believe they are called to murder in his name. Believe in God does not, by itself, bring us closer to the utopia you describe. If your God existed, and if you God communicated directly communicated with everyone in clear, undeniable, unambiguous, loud terms - maybe your God could bring the world closer to this utopia. As it is (assuming your God exists), many people who think they believe in your God, and who think they are serving him - are actually serving human masters who have distorted your Gods teachings. Edit: Saying "if He existed" and "your God" was not intended as a slight. "If" was intended as showing the conditions under which something might be true, and 'your god' was intended to emphasize that not everyone who believes in God believes in your concept of God, his teachings, his expecations of us. Yes this is what Satan is good at...... manipulation. God would never have anyone kill anyone, for the simple fact God tells us not to murder. And no my posts don't come from "my" idea of God. It comes from the only tool we have to understanding and knowing our great father, the holy bible. |
Yes hurts God every day to have his children denying him, not listening, and so on. Is why God with be so wrathful in the end of times. Even regardless of these things his children do to him "no listen to his word, deny him, and so on" God still loves them/us and provides for them what they need "food, water, and so on" That is true love right there i don't care who you are. In my experience, the more mature a person is, the less they take things personally. The more they understand themself and others, the less offense they take to things. To more they love themself, the less inclined they are to wrath under any circumstance. If there was a God, and if that God even had human emotions at all, I don't see why people would conceive of him as having petty and spiteful tendencies. I also don't see why people would think of a being that created all of time and space as having human-recognizable emotions. |
To those who desire you now have a key to understanding. Correct the time of the Death of our Pascal Lamb and you will know much as to the later days. A thousand years are as a day.....Let them hear!!! Are you claiming to know when then end will be? Nice try to trap! No! No man knows the day or hour....but the general time has been told to us. and that generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled. People do not know there own language. Christ was speaking of a time and a generation during this(that/this)time of those events. (not meaning now but this/that time spoken of). Use a Strong's. Another one people mess up..."There will be earthquakes in divers places." Looking in the Strong's you will find the word means. (KJ, old English, 1611 remember!). DIVERS = different, modern word DIVERSE. NOT THAT THERE WILL BE EARTH QUAKES WHERE PEOPLE GO DIVING. The word "DURST" people will read in their mind meaning "DID NOT." But the word meanS "BOLDLY" Ask people what the ten commandments were written upon (on....not on up high). They will commonly say stone tablets......have them read the sripture saying what they were written upon over and over until they stop reading it tablets and see it says "TABLES" Tables are a smooth large flat surface......not coffee table, dinnette table, or bedside tables.....and size varies too. Tablets are TABLE-TTES, LIKE CIGER-ETTES ARE SMALL CIGAR LIKE. TABLETS WERE SMALL PEICES OF JEWELRY ON BRACLETS OR CHAINS. (NO shouting because of all caps, but for the purpose of commanding attention.) This is why people looking for errors find them, due to their lack of understanding that being said. But with seeking the correct meaning right or wrong....they will find a greater truth than those claiming to be scholars. I tried to prove all things. I tried to prove all things wrong, but could not but found a greater truth.....finding meat and no longer milk.....finding solid longer just the shiney things. I do not claim to have knowledge....but I see many with less than I...even those held esteemed in my town to have knowledge.....they do error for the same reasons as those who do not believe. I stay away from those fanatics. It is those types who killed the prophets and Christ. For those who desire....use a Strong's to find the use of words that clear up much confusion of understanding the true. If those claiming God are grossly in error of understanding....those of non belief are of a lesser offence to God than they. This is antichrist that worked from the beginning which drove out the apostles of Christ. In the end times it will be Christians who will thinking they do Gods will, that will kill Gods people! Hear! and read with understanding. Come out of her teaching and believe the Gospel of Christ and no longer those of men. I restrain (not soon enough) at this point. Peace! It wasn't a trap... I understand more than you think I do. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 12:57 PM
Yes this is what Satan is good at...... manipulation. God would never have anyone kill anyone, for the simple fact God tells us not to murder. And no my posts don't come from "my" idea of God. It comes from the only tool we have to understanding and knowing our great father, the holy bible. Cowboy, I absolutely respect and appreciate a fellow human who thinks that "God would never have us kill anyone". I see you as a believer who might be counter-acting some of the harm done by other believers - those who think its okay to kill in the name of their god. My purpose in this most recent exchange was to answer your question about 'why some atheist [argue against the existence of God]' I'm stifling my inclination to debate tangential topics. But the fact is: there are others out there, who say they accept Jesus as their Savior and who say they see the Bible as the Word of God, and who are (or appear to me to be) just as sincere as you are - who do think the bible endorses killing people under certain circumstances. This is a key point in answering your question. If all theists truly behaved as 'good people', many of us anti-religionists might be less motivated to argue against the existence of a god. Many of us not only see 'belief in God' as factually unsubstantiated - we also see it as a contributing factor to the prevalence of evil in the world. |
Yes this is what Satan is good at...... manipulation. God would never have anyone kill anyone, for the simple fact God tells us not to murder. And no my posts don't come from "my" idea of God. It comes from the only tool we have to understanding and knowing our great father, the holy bible. Cowboy, I absolutely respect and appreciate a fellow human who thinks that "God would never have us kill anyone". I see you as a believer who might be counter-acting some of the harm done by other believers - those who think its okay to kill in the name of their god. My purpose in this most recent exchange was to answer your question about 'why some atheist [argue against the existence of God]' I'm stifling my inclination to debate tangential topics. But the fact is: there are others out there, who say they accept Jesus as their Savior and who say they see the Bible as the Word of God, and who are (or appear to me to be) just as sincere as you are - who do think the bible endorses killing people under certain circumstances. This is a key point in answering your question. If all theists truly behaved as 'good people', many of us anti-religionists might be less motivated to argue against the existence of a god. Many of us not only see 'belief in God' as factually unsubstantiated - we also see it as a contributing factor to the prevalence of evil in the world. but all anti religionists arent good people,,,,that is part of the beauty(in my eyes) of accepting God, that we imperfect humans should have his love and be welcomed with open arms(so to speak). religious and non religious are all just human and all will err,, because they are human,,not because they choose or dont choose religion or God. |
Yes hurts God every day to have his children denying him, not listening, and so on. Is why God with be so wrathful in the end of times. Well, if this God wasn't so lame and playing hide-and-seek all the time then maybe he could avoid all the pain (both for him and his childern). It's crystal clear to me that these Abrahamic religions aren't about any "God" at all. They are entirely about MEN who use and abuse religion to try to ram THEIR OPINIONS down the throats of others in the name of God. ![]() Because remember, your entire claim that I'm rejecting God, is based entirely on the fact that I reject a BOOK! On the contary I don't reject God at all. I have worship God everyday as the Moon Goddess, and the Sun God. Therefore, you can't truly say that I'm rejecting "God" at all. I'm not even an atheist. Yet, you had previously demanded that I am an atheist, if I refuse to believe in the BIBLE. So all you're doing is selling a BOOK. You're nothing more than a book salesman who has absolutely no concept or understanding of "God" at all. In fact, you probably also reject Judaism and Islam as having "Misunderstood" God, and by your interpretation of things that makes them Athesits TOO, because from what you've been spewing here, any misunderstanding is the same as rejection. ![]() You can't seem to comprehend why this scenario can't possibly be true. That's a limitation of your ability to think clearly, no one else's Not going to heaven isn't exactly a punishment. Heaven isn't an automatically granted thing. Heaven is a reward. And after our lives on earth there is only one place to go "heaven, or cease to exist". It's not being punished for not doing as we're suppose to. It's just not being rewarded the gift of heaven for doing as we are. Now you're trying to evade the whole idea punishiment. But let's face it, the Biblical story demands that people be punished for their sins. In fact, that's whole basis behind the Crucifixion. Jesus supposedly took your "Punishment" for you. So it's still all about a God who feels a need to see someone punished. So it's sill a sick story as far as I'm concerned. Also, if there is some sort of grand reward to be had for "God's Children", and they miss out on that reward simply due to a misunderstanding. Then this God could be FAR from being fair, just, or righteous in any sense of those words. I'm sure that you're reply will most likely be the mainstream jibberish, that the Bible is the RULE BOOK for how to obtain this PRIZE! But once again, that rule book is extremely controversial and unclear. It's given rise to at least four MAJOR religions, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism, and all of those have a myriad of different sects and interpreations of these tales. So the idea that ANY of their books or religions leaders hold any genuine knowledge from any supreme being is truly laughable. It's crystal clear that NONE OF THEM have a friggin clue. They are all lost sheep. The Eastern Mystics, Wiccans, and Pagans no doubt have a far better understanding of our creator and a far closer relationship with Her. These Abrahamic religions are a disaster, even for the people who participate in them. |
but all anti religionists arent good people And, correspondingly, if all atheists demonstrated extremely high standards of moral conducts, the some religionists might be less concerned about what people believe. What is your point, exactly? I have the impression that you are making a counter-argument of some sort, but I don't see one. Maybe this is a continuation of previous conversations you've had on here, with me and with others. In the past, you didn't seem to be willing to admit that religiousity directly contributes to the propagation of evil in our world. not because they choose or dont choose religion or God.
I disagree. People who reject religion and also reject moral teachings might exhibit immoral behavior because they rejected both religion and the moral teachings of religion. People who accept religion and have embraced teachings that lead to immoral behavior might exhibit immoral behavior because they have embraced those teachings. Examples? I know some agnostic anarchists who think its just perfectly fine to steal. Their ideological identification influences their behavior. I have seriously known some Christians who think (or so they say) that its okay to imprison and punish people for 'being gay'. Systemized ethics influences the ethical behavior of the people who identify with the ideology/religion. |
Yes hurts God every day to have his children denying him, not listening, and so on. Is why God with be so wrathful in the end of times. Well, if this God wasn't so lame and playing hide-and-seek all the time then maybe he could avoid all the pain (both for him and his childern). It's crystal clear to me that these Abrahamic religions aren't about any "God" at all. They are entirely about MEN who use and abuse religion to try to ram THEIR OPINIONS down the throats of others in the name of God. ![]() Because remember, your entire claim that I'm rejecting God, is based entirely on the fact that I reject a BOOK! On the contary I don't reject God at all. I have worship God everyday as the Moon Goddess, and the Sun God. Therefore, you can't truly say that I'm rejecting "God" at all. I'm not even an atheist. Yet, you had previously demanded that I am an atheist, if I refuse to believe in the BIBLE. So all you're doing is selling a BOOK. You're nothing more than a book salesman who has absolutely no concept or understanding of "God" at all. In fact, you probably also reject Judaism and Islam as having "Misunderstood" God, and by your interpretation of things that makes them Athesits TOO, because from what you've been spewing here, any misunderstanding is the same as rejection. ![]() You can't seem to comprehend why this scenario can't possibly be true. That's a limitation of your ability to think clearly, no one else's Not going to heaven isn't exactly a punishment. Heaven isn't an automatically granted thing. Heaven is a reward. And after our lives on earth there is only one place to go "heaven, or cease to exist". It's not being punished for not doing as we're suppose to. It's just not being rewarded the gift of heaven for doing as we are. Now you're trying to evade the whole idea punishiment. But let's face it, the Biblical story demands that people be punished for their sins. In fact, that's whole basis behind the Crucifixion. Jesus supposedly took your "Punishment" for you. So it's still all about a God who feels a need to see someone punished. So it's sill a sick story as far as I'm concerned. Also, if there is some sort of grand reward to be had for "God's Children", and they miss out on that reward simply due to a misunderstanding. Then this God could be FAR from being fair, just, or righteous in any sense of those words. I'm sure that you're reply will most likely be the mainstream jibberish, that the Bible is the RULE BOOK for how to obtain this PRIZE! But once again, that rule book is extremely controversial and unclear. It's given rise to at least four MAJOR religions, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism, and all of those have a myriad of different sects and interpreations of these tales. So the idea that ANY of their books or religions leaders hold any genuine knowledge from any supreme being is truly laughable. It's crystal clear that NONE OF THEM have a friggin clue. They are all lost sheep. The Eastern Mystics, Wiccans, and Pagans no doubt have a far better understanding of our creator and a far closer relationship with Her. These Abrahamic religions are a disaster, even for the people who participate in them. the ten commandments are clear to me,,,I do not believe God cares nearly as much about 'misunderstandings' as purposeful defiance and disrespect,,,, and my life has not been a disaster |
This is a key point in answering your question. If all theists truly behaved as 'good people', many of us anti-religionists might be less motivated to argue against the existence of a god. Many of us not only see 'belief in God' as factually unsubstantiated - we also see it as a contributing factor to the prevalence of evil in the world. Truly, and I'm certainly not going to join up with religous people who are peaching bigotry agains same-gender love, or who are using religion to denounce the scientific observation and evidence for evolution, etc. I see these religions as often being highly hypocrytical and bigoted. Like Mahatma Ghandi said, "I like your Christ, it's your Christians I don't think very highly of". I'm completely convinced that if the man named Jesus that had been described in the Bible actually did exist and hold the views the gospels attribute to him, then he most certainly wouldn't condone or support the religion that pretends to "follow" him. They don't follow him at all. On the contrary, they use and abuse him to spread bigotry and ignorance in HIS NAME. Christianity is the most shameful religion ever devised by mankind IMHO. It makes a mockery of the very man it's supposedly designed to worship. If you want to become the Anti-Christ, just support Christianity. That's my feelings, as I'm sure everyone is well-aware of by now. ![]() |
Yes hurts God every day to have his children denying him, not listening, and so on. Is why God with be so wrathful in the end of times. Well, if this God wasn't so lame and playing hide-and-seek all the time then maybe he could avoid all the pain (both for him and his childern). Had to take a moment to let you know that wins. |
Edited by
Sat 06/05/10 01:31 PM
but all anti religionists arent good people And, correspondingly, if all atheists demonstrated extremely high standards of moral conducts, the some religionists might be less concerned about what people believe. What is your point, exactly? I have the impression that you are making a counter-argument of some sort, but I don't see one. Maybe this is a continuation of previous conversations you've had on here, with me and with others. In the past, you didn't seem to be willing to admit that religiousity directly contributes to the propagation of evil in our world. not because they choose or dont choose religion or God.
I disagree. People who reject religion and also reject moral teachings might exhibit immoral behavior because they rejected both religion and the moral teachings of religion. People who accept religion and have embraced teachings that lead to immoral behavior might exhibit immoral behavior because they have embraced those teachings. Examples? I know some agnostic anarchists who think its just perfectly fine to steal. Their ideological identification influences their behavior. I have seriously known some Christians who think (or so they say) that its okay to imprison and punish people for 'being gay'. Systemized ethics influences the ethical behavior of the people who identify with the ideology/religion. What is your point, exactly? I have the impression that you are making a counter-argument of some sort, but I don't see one. my point was,,why do the religious have to be held to a standard of 'perfect' goodness( that is to say EVERY ONE of them must be doing good at all times),,,,that is not a standard attainable by most humans regardless of their faiths and beliefs and you are making my point actually,,,when u post 'if all atheists demonstrated extremely high standards of moral conducts, the some religionists might be less concerned about what people believe. in fact, SOME religious arent really concerned with what people believe,,,,,(myself included), other than as a topic for discussion or debate the opposition to faith because it is 'organized' still holds little validity for me,, if I share beliefs with a large number of people with whom I wish to associate and encourage and support, so what? if people within those groups,, nitpick away to find things to support 'bad' behavior or ideals,,,,those people are certainly in the MINORITY where my religion is concerned and although I feel it is sad they choose that type of existence, I do not feel that I or anyone else in the group is responsible for or capable of making some 'borg' type situation where everyone in the group does the EXACT same things or lives the EXACT same ways the individual characters of others will impact what they choose to absorb and how they use it,,, it comes from the individual and not the tool or resource of their choice |
the ten commandments are clear to me,,,I do not believe God cares nearly as much about 'misunderstandings' as purposeful defiance and disrespect,,,, and my life has not been a disaster The ten commandments are an extremely small part of the whole religion. Other than the first four (which are basically just saying "WORSHIP ME! WORSHIP ME!") most religions, and even atheists, will most likely agree with most of the rest because they're just common sense. Although, things like "Honor thy mother and father" may well depend on precisely how honorable a person's parents actually are. Some of those commandments are a bit presumputious about certain things (like the presumption that you have parents who are worthy of honoring to begin with). Some childern don't! Some childern are born to some pretty sick and demented people. So even the Ten Commandments don't make good sense in ALL cases. Everything is relative. Maybe we should be worshiping Einstein. ![]() |