Topic: can anybody prove to me a GOD?? | |
no idea..i still believe in the wind , yet i have never seen it-hmmm ![]() Even if it were PROVEN that no such thing exist, you would still have those running amok shouting about how the test that proved him non existent was skewed. Religion is only still around because it is a multi-billion dollar business. Why do you think that almost daily the news has one or two stories in it about some preacher toppling their church financially by embezzling money, going to prostitutes, molesting children, committing adultery? Fact is, I know several ex priests in Maryland who renounced god simply because the fables that make up the christian religion were too hard for the rational mind to swallow. I'm not only picking on christianity, but those are the only ones I know. But I am sure this verbiage will be picked apart piece by piece. Tell me then, when I gave concrete proof about no afterlife when I died on the operating table, you religion believers skipped over that. You asked for proof, I gave it to you, yet no response. Typical. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. You have a point. Therefore by your own reasoning God is a theory. Worse God is a theory that has been built by thousands of individuals building structure upon an unproven premise submitted by successive generations of other individuals 'guessing' at 'reality'. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. You have a point. Therefore by your own reasoning God is a theory. Worse God is a theory that has been built by thousands of individuals building structure upon an unproven premise submitted by successive generations of other individuals 'guessing' at 'reality'. how is God then a theory? The things in the bible was documented as they happened, giving it substantial evidence. |
how is God then a theory? The things in the bible was documented as they happened, giving it substantial evidence. And we have documented observations of evolution :) except those people who documented it then had their documentation challenged and accepted by skeptics alike. |
how is God then a theory? The things in the bible was documented as they happened, giving it substantial evidence. No true, the vast majority of stories in the bible have no evidence at all. There is no evidence that any man was ever born of a virgin. There is no evidence that there was ever a world-wide flood. On the contrary, there is evidence that no such thing could have ever happened. There is no evidence that Moses was spoken to by a burning bush. There is no evidence that the Garden Of Eden every existed or that mankind fell from grace. There is no evidence of a God who is appeased by blood sacrifices. There is no evidence at all to support any of the myths in the Bible actually. So for you to claim that there is, is actually false. This is one thing that never ceases to amaze me, people who desperately need this religion to be true will stop at nothing to support it, including all-out lying. And the real irony is that what they desperately need to be true isn't even a pretty story. For some truly insane reason they need to believe that they are sinners (purposefully defying their creator) and that they need a chance at salvation at all cost (even if it means that their creator has to sacrifice his own son for their sake). It's a truly sad and extremely desperate religion. The only thing I can figure is that many people feel so deperate about keeping it alive simply because they don't have enough imagination to imagine something better. They seem to be stuck in a rut that either the Biblical account of God is true, or life is meaningless. So they strive to keep the story alive to give their lives meaning. That's really nothing more than a gross display of lack of faith, and an inability to think beyond rote brainwashing techniques. Like I say, this religion should be decreed a "Hate Crime" because it truly turns people into psychological basket cases. And for no good reason. And as I keep pointing out, even if the religion were true, all it would be doing is painting a picture of a truly inept and ultimately mean and insensitive creator. So even if it were true, it would be the worse possible scenario. It would be worth than atheism. It wouldn't give life any 'meaning' other than to decree that we are nothing more than the unworthy pets of a seriously inept and disgusting creator. So even if the religion were true, there is nothing to be excited about. Those who would bow down and worship this demented God would basically be worshiping a cosmic Hitler who decides who will live and who will be cast into the fire chambers. What's the difference between Hitler's plan and the biblical God's plan? NOTHING! The only difference is that supposedly God is the creator so that somehow is supposed to make him exempt from judgement. But the RESULTS of his plan are precisely the same. This is a God who is seeking to create a SUPREME RACE in his heaven by sending anyone he doesn't approve of to a fiery furnance. It's nothing but a story of an Almighty Hitler, and you're preaching it and supporting it. ![]() |
It's nothing but a story of an Almighty Hitler, and you're preaching it and supporting it. ![]() HA! Well said :) |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. You have a point. Therefore by your own reasoning God is a theory. Worse God is a theory that has been built by thousands of individuals building structure upon an unproven premise submitted by successive generations of other individuals 'guessing' at 'reality'. how is God then a theory? The things in the bible was documented as they happened, giving it substantial evidence. here is a link, I thought you might enjoy receiving the knowledge,,,,,congratulations keeping the path,,, |
My God can beat up your.....your......uh!.......your nothing! LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
here is a link, I thought you might enjoy receiving the knowledge,,,,,congratulations keeping the path,,, That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues. They start off the page by stating: The Bible is not a science book, yet it is scientifically accurate. We are not aware of any scientific evidence that contradicts the Bible.
That's a lie right there. It's not the least bit scientifically accurate, and most HONEST theologeans will acknowledge that. Also they claim that dinosaurs were mentioned in JOB, but that's an outright lie. The creatures that were mentioned in JOB were spoken of in terms of living side-by-side with men. The dinosaurs did not live along side man. So the creatures that are mentioned in JOB could not possibly have been dinosaurs. On the contrary they are most likely just mythological creatures. On of those creatures supposedly breathed fire. If anything it sounds like it was describing a fire-breathing dragon, not a dinosaur. So this page is just a page of outright lies and misrepresentations, once again created by people who are desperate to keep the myths of Yahweh alive at all cost. ![]() The extent to which people will lie to keep this mythology alive is truly astounding. |
Edited by
Mon 06/07/10 10:45 AM
That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues.
can be said of both sides,, depending upon what the reader determines 'real issues' to be,,, 'Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. ' |
That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues. can be said of both sides,, depending upon what the reader determines 'real issues' to be,,, There's only one issue that needs to be address in this story. The whole basis and premise of the story is that mankind's fall from grace is what brought imperfections and death into the world. The scientific FACT is that animals ate each other, and died from disease LONG BEFORE mankind ever showed up on the planet. Thus the Biblical fables are NOT in agreement with scientitic findings. It's an outright LIE to claim that they are. These people who wrote that article are clearly liars when they say that the Bible is compatible with scientific knowledge. Science has shown that the Bible is a lie. The world was a dog-eat-dog world filled with disease and natural disasters long before mankind ever made an appearance. That's SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. The Bible DOES NOT agree with that. On the contrary, for the Bible to to be true Science necessarily MUST BE WRONG. The Biblical fables are NOT compatible with scientific knowledge. To claim otherwise is an outright lie. At best, the religous zealots can only claim that scientific knowledge is WRONG. Period. Attempting to claim that the Bible is compatible with science is a misrepresentation of what Science actually knows! |
Edited by
Mon 06/07/10 10:58 AM
That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues. can be said of both sides,, depending upon what the reader determines 'real issues' to be,,, There's only one issue that needs to be address in this story. The whole basis and premise of the story is that mankind's fall from grace is what brought imperfections and death into the world. The scientific FACT is that animals ate each other, and died from disease LONG BEFORE mankind ever showed up on the planet. Thus the Biblical fables are NOT in agreement with scientitic findings. It's an outright LIE to claim that they are. These people who wrote that article are clearly liars when they say that the Bible is compatible with scientific knowledge. Science has shown that the Bible is a lie. The world was a dog-eat-dog world filled with disease and natural disasters long before mankind ever made an appearance. That's SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. The Bible DOES NOT agree with that. On the contrary, for the Bible to to be true Science necessarily MUST BE WRONG. The Biblical fables are NOT compatible with scientific knowledge. To claim otherwise is an outright lie. At best, the religous zealots can only claim that scientific knowledge is WRONG. Period. Attempting to claim that the Bible is compatible with science is a misrepresentation of what Science actually knows! I think the fallacy in this logic is that science changes with each new discovery, men report what they know but what they know is always changing with new evidence,, so what we have at this point is scientific evidence of the oldest KNOWN man, and no real proof to dispute that there couldnt be man before that,,, The other issue here is how ACCURATE scientific methods are(especially when proving things supposedly millions of years old,,), comparing carbon dating with radiometric,, you can find a significant difference in how 'old' things appear,,, |
My God can beat up your.....your......uh!.......your nothing! LOL ![]() Not even God can beat physics. ![]() |
why would he have to beat that which he created....?
That page is totally laughable. They very feebly address point of THEIR interest, and totally ignore the real issues. can be said of both sides,, depending upon what the reader determines 'real issues' to be,,, There's only one issue that needs to be address in this story. The whole basis and premise of the story is that mankind's fall from grace is what brought imperfections and death into the world. The scientific FACT is that animals ate each other, and died from disease LONG BEFORE mankind ever showed up on the planet. Thus the Biblical fables are NOT in agreement with scientitic findings. It's an outright LIE to claim that they are. These people who wrote that article are clearly liars when they say that the Bible is compatible with scientific knowledge. Science has shown that the Bible is a lie. The world was a dog-eat-dog world filled with disease and natural disasters long before mankind ever made an appearance. That's SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. The Bible DOES NOT agree with that. On the contrary, for the Bible to to be true Science necessarily MUST BE WRONG. The Biblical fables are NOT compatible with scientific knowledge. To claim otherwise is an outright lie. At best, the religous zealots can only claim that scientific knowledge is WRONG. Period. Attempting to claim that the Bible is compatible with science is a misrepresentation of what Science actually knows! I think the fallacy in this logic is that science changes with each new discovery, men report what they know but what they know is always changing with new evidence,, so what we have at this point is scientific evidence of the oldest KNOWN man, and no real proof to dispute that there couldnt be man before that,,, The other issue here is how ACCURATE scientific methods are(especially when proving things supposedly millions of years old,,), comparing carbon dating with radiometric,, you can find a significant difference in how 'old' things appear,,, At least science doesn't always claim to be perfect. And we are able to change as new knowledge comes forward. I could be wrong, and I'm willing to admit that, but I don't see change with new knowledge in religion. |
I think the fallacy in this logic is that science changes with each new discovery, men report what they know but what they know is always changing with new evidence,, so what we have at this point is scientific evidence of the oldest KNOWN man, and no real proof to dispute that there couldnt be man before that,,, The other issue here is how ACCURATE scientific methods are(especially when proving things supposedly millions of years old,,), comparing carbon dating with radiometric,, you can find a significant difference in how 'old' things appear,,, There's no fallacy at all. On the contrary, you're actually agreeing with. You're simply stating that their could be a possiblity that science could be WRONG. You're not supporting the idea that the Bible is compatible with science as the web page you referred to suggests. I realize that you can hold open HOPE that science could be that far wrong. However, having a deep understanding of the history of science myself I'm confident that it simply can't be that wrong. The reason being that it's not simply a matter of dating. The scientific fact is that no hominids or even primates are found in the same geological strata with dinosaur fossils. So the hope that somehow humans will be pushed back that far is simply unrealistic. Moreover, you'd need to go way back even before the time of the dinosaurs. There would need to be no such thing as death clear back to the very beginning of life on earth. And certainly no evidence of animals that eat other animals, because supposedly God looked upon his creation and said that it was GOOD. You can't have a God watching animals eat each other and each other's babies and call that a "GOOD" creation. So there's really no practical hope that science could be THAT wrong. And all for what? To salvage a mythology that demands that we are at odds with a male Zeus-like Godhead who is appeased by blood sacrifices? Unlike you, for me that story just isn't attractive enough to hold out such great hopes for. On the contrary, I think it's GREAT to know that it is indeed just another man-made myth. I think it's WONDERFUL NEWS! ![]() |
well, there are two extremes,, one can believe science backs up everything in the bible
or that it backs up nothing I think personally, both are illogical and irrational reaches to support personal views IF man and dinosaur did not live together, it wouldnt refute the fact that this book describes the creatures before science ever discovered them,,,which is pretty clear indication to a believer,, that there is much more to the book then mere 'fables' and 'myths'. |
well, there are two extremes,, one can believe science backs up everything in the bible or that it backs up nothing I think personally, both are illogical and irrational reaches to support personal views IF man and dinosaur did not live together, it wouldnt refute the fact that this book describes the creatures before science ever discovered them,,,which is pretty clear indication to a believer,, that there is much more to the book then mere 'fables' and 'myths'. At the time the original scrolls were written the world was only as big as man could travel. they had almost no knowledge of sciences, especially archaeology. So with their knowledge, I could easily say dinosaurs live with man. |
IF man and dinosaur did not live together, it wouldnt refute the fact that this book describes the creatures before science ever discovered them,,,which is pretty clear indication to a believer,, that there is much more to the book then mere 'fables' and 'myths'. Well, IMHO, it's an extreme stretch to even claim that the book of Job is actually describing dinosaurs to begin with. It clearly desribes a FIRE-BREATING dragon, which is precisely the kind of thing you'd expect to read about in an ancient fable. Besides, the Book of Job is extremely problematic on many levels. This book has Satan going to God and asking God permission to be mean to Job. So here we have this fallen angel actually obediently asking God for Permission to do his dirty work. So the book of Job conflicts with the whole notion that Satan does his dirty work on his own anyway. It's a book that actually flies in the face of the Biblical story to begin with. It also has God condoning Satan's behavior and granting his permission for Satan to slaughter Job's entire family. And Job is supposes to be a completely rigtheous person who had always had complete faith in God. All that book shows is that even Good people cannot TRUST God to be nice to them. It just shows that God is untrustworthy and cannot be depended upon. He'll even give Satan permission to do EVIL things! ![]() The book of Job does not paint God out to be a nice deity at all. Once again, if the fables are true, then our creator is a real demon in his own right. Even decent people like Job can't place their trust in God. God will sic the devil on them in a heartbeat. ![]() I've always felt that Job has got to be one of the worst stories in the Bible and I'm actually shocked that the people who chose which stories to include allowed that one to get in. Along with the story of the flood too, I guess. All I can say, is that if any of these stories are true our creator is himself an untrustworthy demon. So let's all hope that these stories are indeed nothing more than stupid fallacies and quit teaching our innocent children such utterly absurd nonsense. |
Edited by
Mon 06/07/10 02:10 PM
IF man and dinosaur did not live together, it wouldnt refute the fact that this book describes the creatures before science ever discovered them,,,which is pretty clear indication to a believer,, that there is much more to the book then mere 'fables' and 'myths'. Well, IMHO, it's an extreme stretch to even claim that the book of Job is actually describing dinosaurs to begin with. It clearly desribes a FIRE-BREATING dragon, which is precisely the kind of thing you'd expect to read about in an ancient fable. Besides, the Book of Job is extremely problematic on many levels. This book has Satan going to God and asking God permission to be mean to Job. So here we have this fallen angel actually obediently asking God for Permission to do his dirty work. So the book of Job conflicts with the whole notion that Satan does his dirty work on his own anyway. It's a book that actually flies in the face of the Biblical story to begin with. It also has God condoning Satan's behavior and granting his permission for Satan to slaughter Job's entire family. And Job is supposes to be a completely rigtheous person who had always had complete faith in God. All that book shows is that even Good people cannot TRUST God to be nice to them. It just shows that God is untrustworthy and cannot be depended upon. He'll even give Satan permission to do EVIL things! ![]() The book of Job does not paint God out to be a nice deity at all. Once again, if the fables are true, then our creator is a real demon in his own right. Even decent people like Job can't place their trust in God. God will sic the devil on them in a heartbeat. ![]() I've always felt that Job has got to be one of the worst stories in the Bible and I'm actually shocked that the people who chose which stories to include allowed that one to get in. Along with the story of the flood too, I guess. All I can say, is that if any of these stories are true our creator is himself an untrustworthy demon. So let's all hope that these stories are indeed nothing more than stupid fallacies and quit teaching our innocent children such utterly absurd nonsense. who said God was a nice deity? God is a vengeful God in the end of times. It's not all pretty flowers m8. It's life. You're not going to sit there and tell me from a worldly point of view a good dad is a nice dad are you? No it's a dad that shows love, but also disciplines the child for misbehaving. |