Topic: can anybody prove to me a GOD?? | |
Many or most Christians error in understanding of the Earth as to age. There is no conflict between evolution and creation. God first created the Earth, it was to be an abode for the Angels and a learn ground. Satan got the big head and dared to try to accend to heaven and take his throne. The Earth along with all creation went through a war and great destrution occured. As to the Earth, about 6000 years ago, God renewed the surface of the Earth and created man after their own image. The old manlike beings were not after their kind before the battle. Many creatures and plants were recreated after thier kind. The Earth is billions? million? years old. The time from Adam to now is a little less than 6000 years. *Also read as Noah loaded animal two by two "after their kind" meaning he loaded them two by two according to their kind. Just as God recreated animals and plants (his choice as to which) after (occording to their kind. There is no conflict of age. There is a conflict. Scientific Evidence says the earth is billions of years old. Round about reasoning with the ancient book says 6000. Scientific Evidence says that we Evolved from a "lesser" species of humanoid ape. (We are apes, after all.) The Ancient book says God "poofed" us into existence from dirt, and took a rib to make a woman. Those are HUGE conflicts. but still nevertheless, this is all just a theory Listen kid, the scientific use of the word "theory" is far different from the social term. Obviously you only care about the social term, as you're not using the word in it's proper context. In a scientific community, theory is above fact. Social settings use the word like flatulence, applying it to whatever they want... much like you. You obviously take no care in learning anything about the scientific community, so don't debate as if you do. There is heaps and heaps of studies on the process of evolution... the only thing in debate is how it is accelerated sometimes during a species dire need for survival. Cyclops is making the desperate connection on explaining how all this science that is PROVEN can correlate with the Bible, and at least he's willing to accept that evolution is fact, even if he stubbornly misconstrues what is known. |
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. |
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. a collection of hypothesies, studied, analyzed, dis-proven, proven, tested over and over, etc etc. If you want a more specific definition, In the sciences, a scientific theory (also called an empirical theory) comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts. A scientific theory is constructed to conform to available empirical data about such observations, and is put forth as a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena. If those words are too big for you i can try to simplify. |
Edited by
Sun 06/06/10 08:50 PM
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. Again, a Fact is anything that has been observed. An Hypothesis is an educated guess based on what has been observed A Theory is something that ties together several Hypotheses. |
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. Again, a Fact is anything that has been observed. An Hypothesis is an educated guess based on what has been observed A Theory is something that ties together several Hypotheses. but still a theory, theories are NOT facts nor are the accepted as facts even in the science world. |
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. Again, a Fact is anything that has been observed. An Hypothesis is an educated guess based on what has been observed A Theory is something that ties together several Hypotheses. but still a theory, theories are NOT facts nor are the accepted as facts even in the science world. Cowboy kid... read my post, i freaking explain it for you. |
Edited by
Sun 06/06/10 08:56 PM
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. Again, a Fact is anything that has been observed. An Hypothesis is an educated guess based on what has been observed A Theory is something that ties together several Hypotheses. but still a theory, theories are NOT facts nor are the accepted as facts even in the science world. Read the Bold. Then make (another, failed) attempt at saying you aren't being Intellectually Dishonest. |
Your argument needs a major revision, when you continue to be intellectually dishonest, in the face of evidence against your view. how is anything i have said intellectually dishonest? All i've stated is that it is a THEORY, theories are not fact. I have explained to you EXACTLY what a SCIENTIFIC Theory is. Yet you still run out the "only a theory" card. That is the height of the Creationist Intellectual Dishonesty. you stated they are a combination of hypothesis.... a hypothesis is nothing more then an educated guess...... still not factual. Again, a Fact is anything that has been observed. An Hypothesis is an educated guess based on what has been observed A Theory is something that ties together several Hypotheses. but still a theory, theories are NOT facts nor are the accepted as facts even in the science world. Cowboy kid... read my post, i freaking explain it for you. alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! |
So now this conversation has deteriorated to the idea that in order for the Bible to be true, science must be false.
![]() I think when it gets to this point the Bible has basically been shown to be totally uncredible. It's just a blatant admission that the Bible is indeed in conflict with the actual observed universe in which we live. The Bible should have been flushed away back when we discovered that the Earth isn't at the center of the universe. Now people are still arguing it's age, and evolution, etc. ![]() All for what? So they can keep alive a story that demand that they have fallen from grace from their creator and must accept responsiblity for havin their creator's son nailed to a pole to pay for their sins? Why is that scenario so attractive to people? I'll never understand that. They bend over backwards to keep this horror story alive. But why? Who wouldn't be utterly thilled to discover that the Bible is nothing more than a sick demented story made up by a sick demented society? I can't imagine any decent person who would actually be upset to learn that the Bible is a lie and they aren't a sinner after all and that Jesus wasn't crucified on THEIR behalf. It seems to me that this would be the most wonderful thing a person could ever hope to hear. Yet, look at how ready they are to totally dismiss every rational piece of knowledge that mankind has obtained, only to keep this ancient myth alive. There's something truly sad about this. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Forget it. Enjoy your delusion you chestless neanderthal. I'm out. |
alright sorry child, you stated a theory is a gathered bunch of guesses. That's not what it said at all you.... D**N it's like trying to explain electricity to a rock... except a rock would understand before you do. It's a simple concept buddy, the science terms for theory, is not the same as your term. Your term is guess, there's is EMPIRICALLY PROVEN! a theory is NOT PROVEN, so nevertheless it is a guess, an educated guess if you may. That's why it's in the theory bracket, cause if it was proven it would be fact instead of theory. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Forget it. Enjoy your delusion you chestless neanderthal. I'm out. ok God bless you and i pray you have a great life m8 :) take care. |
So now this conversation has deteriorated to the idea that in order for the Bible to be true, science must be false. ![]() It looks more like it's deteriorated to foot-stompin' and name-callin'. Pretty soon someone's gonna scream "I'm going home!". |
So now this conversation has deteriorated to the idea that in order for the Bible to be true, science must be false. ![]() It looks more like it's deteriorated to foot-stompin' and name-callin'. Pretty soon someone's gonna scream "I'm going home!". lol i like your humor. |
Yeh, I'm goin' home.
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Yeh, I'm goin' home. ![]() Me too. If science has to be wrong in order for this religous myth to be true then I guess there isn't any reason to hang around. |
no idea..i still believe in the wind , yet i have never seen it-hmmm
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'Facts may be interpreted in different ways by different individuals, but that doesn't change the facts themselves. Theories may be good, bad, or indifferent. They may be well established by the factual evidence, or they may lack credibility. Before a theory is given any credence in the scientific community, it must be subjected to "peer review." This means that the proposed theory must be published in a legitimate scientific journal in order to provide the opportunity for other scientists to evaluate the relevant factual information and publish their conclusions. ' and from 'The word fact can be used several ways, but in general in science, "facts" refer to the observations. They are best when they are repeatable observations under controlled conditions, such as "It is a fact that the speed of light is constant in a vacuum." This is the part of science which will be the same a century from now, unless more precise measurements show otherwise.... The theories are the explanations proposed in step two of the scientific method. Usually the word "theory" is reserved for more than a first attempt, which might be called a "hypothesis." A theory usually has already survived several falsification attempts, and is pretty well accepted. However, I'll use the word theory to mean any explanation of observations.' seems like a fact is a fact and theories still have room to be proven or disproven,,, |
My God can beat up your.....your......uh!.......your nothing! LOL
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