Topic: single parenting! | |
I'm not going to complain at all about being a single mom, it made me who i am today. I was 17 when my son was born and 19 for my daughter and divorced a few years later. My kids are my life and i wouldn't know what to do without them. My son is now 10 and my daughter 8, it gets so much better. To hear your children tell you that you are the best mom in the world, that is a feeling you just can't describe!!! Taking your kids to the park, a movie, or just spending quality time with them and not worrying about the outside world will make it so much easier. I wouldn't know what to do without my children!! It will get easier, just wait and see.
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Hi Eeveryone!! My name is Adrian. I'm a single father of a 5 and a 14 and 17 and the oldest graduated from Elsik and I'm so proud of all my kid's. There mother passed 2 years ago from breast cancer. It's been hard. But also has been fun. Being single is great, it gives you more time to spend with your kids and to be more involved in there everyday life. And my girls ask me everything and i don't lie to them for one second. Just love your kids and cherish the moments you have until they grow up and leave home. We are blessed single parents. Sincerely Adrin
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It's a tough gig, honey, especially when they're little like that. You need support: your parents, friends, other parents of little ones. Make sure that someone gives you some breaks so that you don't get too frustrated.
i am a single parent of 2, and an only child of a single father as well, i have been single for the last 3 years and i havent had one date and it seems like they all say the same thing, "i dont want to deal with kids", my ex hasnt had a hole lot of influence in there live's, it is realy hard on me, iv been a single father since i was 21 with some help from my dad, but not much, just a place to live.
the thing about it is, my grandparents were there for my father when he was a drug addict, so i was basicly raised by them and they were veary good people, but my father isnt much like them, he never re-married or re-coupled, hes still single, im worried i will turn out the same as my father, i want to be a good dad, i want to be a family again but its realy hard to find some one that wants to be with some one and there kids. i can say that i do love my kids and i have alot of fun with them, we spend alot of time together, but my daughter needs a good female rolemodle in her life, my kids mom moved about a year ago with her new boy friend, my kids use to go visit her every weekend, but now she hardly ever calls them, but now i get no time to myself, i have to deal with all of lifes hard decisions alone. |
You don't u derstand why you have to do it alone??
Ummmm cause he doesn't want to do it? Yes??? Is that why?? No whining. Ya got yourself in the position of being a mom for the next eighteen years at least! Go do it!! ![]() |
I don't know how people live with themselves not seein their kids. I'm unfortunately a weekend parent and not thru choice either but every second i get with my kids i spoil them rotten, and play with them, and basically make every second count. I feel sorry for those who's parents aren't there for them when their growing up. I resent my father for that reason. He was too busy running his precious football team to care for his own child.
Sweetie, I have never married and have an 11 yr old daughter that I had when I was 36. The last time her father saw her was when she was 2. Am I upset about that? Heck no!! He wasn't ready to be a "good" father and decided to go back to drugs.. (I met him in recovery). It took 8 yrs for them to catch up with him to pay child support.
But ya know...she is the biggest blessing I've ever had!! We laugh together, cry together, shop together, cook together...she's my buddy through all that life has to throw our way. Sure things are difficult at times..there have even been times I wished I could go back and undo some things...that's normal! However, I have never spoken an ill word about her father. When she asks questions, which she doesn't ask often anymore, I try to come up with the most positive response so that when she gets older and wants to find him, she won't have any preconceived ideas as to what he is like. It wouldn't benefit her to know all the details unless I knew for a fact she would be hurt in some way. Make this time the most enjoyable experience you can have and don't depend on ANY man to bring that joy into your relationship...I have found that if I can't be happy single, I sure will be miserable in a relationship!! Joy comes from the inside and experiencing every moment with what you have in your life today! Good Luck!! ![]() |
It is so hard being a single mom! I just don't understand why I have to do it all alone! Nothing has changed for him but I am doing this all alone! Was alone threw the pregnacy and now my son is 10 months old and I am still alone! How can someone only spend 18 hours a week with there child? Any advise to help me? Hang in there, You are young and beautiful. I am single mother of 3 and the hardest part of me is breaking up arguments all day long, feeding the bottemless pit and wondering how I am supposed to afford it when the GD Child Support is not being paid. At the end of the day you can at least watch a show in silence, and its worth tivoing something you enjoy and watching it later when kiddies are asleep. Or for me I have been coming here lately, Adult conversation helps. |
my daughter's "father" hasn't seen her in over 3 years. You'd think I was asking to much of him just to call her for 10 minutes a week. He's busy... He's bullsng ya. |
my daughter's "father" hasn't seen her in over 3 years. You'd think I was asking to much of him just to call her for 10 minutes a week. He's busy... He's bullsng ya. |
Edited by
Tue 08/24/10 07:53 AM
![]() For future use... You dont wanna go through this again. Been there. |
Man, you guys are right! Single parenting is immensely hard! You wouldn't believe what happened to me. My baby daddy got caught cheating by my best friend with my other best friend. And the crazy thing is, they have 3 kids together now. All this happened last week. Well, I've moved on from that.
Now my kid took all my tips and through them in the toilet! Then my second kid came in and flushed the money. I can't believe these catastrophes. So, as you may know by now, I have two kids. Just the other day my oldest child who is 5 walked in on my having sex with a woman. I didn't intend on this happened, I layed him down to sleep and I figured he had fallen asleep. But it turns out he had a bad dream. The other day my youngest one put the cat in the toilet and almost sjut the lid but I heard the cat screaming so I ran in the inspect the situation and I noticed my 13 year old cat was trying to get climb out of the toilet! I can't believe all of this is happening. I would let them stay the weekend at my parents house but the last time I did that they let the dog lose in the house after running it through the mud in the rain. Sooo my mom through a fit and told me she wasn't watching them anymore. *Sigh* Any advice? ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/25/10 03:21 PM
Man, you guys are right! Single parenting is immensely hard! You wouldn't believe what happened to me. My baby daddy got caught cheating by my best friend with my other best friend. And the crazy thing is, they have 3 kids together now. All this happened last week. Well, I've moved on from that. Now my kid took all my tips and through them in the toilet! Then my second kid came in and flushed the money. I can't believe these catastrophes. So, as you may know by now, I have two kids. Just the other day my oldest child who is 5 walked in on my having sex with a woman. I didn't intend on this happened, I layed him down to sleep and I figured he had fallen asleep. But it turns out he had a bad dream. The other day my youngest one put the cat in the toilet and almost sjut the lid but I heard the cat screaming so I ran in the inspect the situation and I noticed my 13 year old cat was trying to get climb out of the toilet! I can't believe all of this is happening. I would let them stay the weekend at my parents house but the last time I did that they let the dog lose in the house after running it through the mud in the rain. Sooo my mom through a fit and told me she wasn't watching them anymore. *Sigh* Any advice? ![]() I think its best to get a grasp on our kids before injecting them into the lives of others,,,,,as cliche as it sounds, it does start at home,,, my daughter has gone through stages where we have had to stay completely homebound together for two weeks after she was exposed to misbehaving children to get her back on the 'right' track of behavior sounds as if you are in the same boat as alot of single parents, its very hard to be provider, nurturer, cook, maid, etc,, and have energy and motivation left to also be disciplinarian,, but its going to be so important to their lives the way they learn to interact with and respect others so we have to make sure we are keeping them on that path so they wont be distancing themself from everyone else in their future,,, |
so i have a peoblem and would like some advise im a single mother with 4 girls ages 6, 5, and twins that are almost 3 my older two girls and diff fathers and the twins but the twins dad has been in their life since my 5 year old was born and they call him dad well about a week ago he told them not to call him dad anymore because he isnt their dad and he told me its because we arent together anymore he was taking them for visitation when he took the twins but informed me that from now on he wouldnt be taking them much any more because him and his new girlfriend want to spend family time with just their own kids (his twins and her two kids) im upset that hes treating my older two kids this way when in the past hes never shown a diff between the kids and i dont know if should still let him see the older two girls once in a while or if i should just cut it off for good and advise
so i have a peoblem and would like some advise im a single mother with 4 girls ages 6, 5, and twins that are almost 3 my older two girls and diff fathers and the twins but the twins dad has been in their life since my 5 year old was born and they call him dad well about a week ago he told them not to call him dad anymore because he isnt their dad and he told me its because we arent together anymore he was taking them for visitation when he took the twins but informed me that from now on he wouldnt be taking them much any more because him and his new girlfriend want to spend family time with just their own kids (his twins and her two kids) im upset that hes treating my older two kids this way when in the past hes never shown a diff between the kids and i dont know if should still let him see the older two girls once in a while or if i should just cut it off for good and advise I never think its a good idea to keep kids from their parents,, unless their parent is abusing them,,,, problems between parents should not come in between parental relationships with children as to the rest,, had he ever been in a relationship with single mothers before you,, and did he continue to look after their children once he was with you? how someone treats others is usually a good indicator of what to expect,,, it seems like he is the type who cares about his flesh and blood and who takes single mothers as a package deal but when the mother is no longer a part of their life that means her kids arent either I say let the kids continue having a relationship with their dad and perhaps at some point you will have a life partner who can take on the whole package again,,, |
Single parenting IS very, very hard. But I wouldn't want to go back and change a thing!
I get frustrated with my son's dad sometimes, but if I spend all of my time focusing on what he ISN'T doing, I won't ever allow myself to appreciate all of the things he DOES do. I think that mentality is what makes us get along and consider each other friends. The most important person in this equation is your baby, and as long as SOMEBODY is making him happy and taking care of him, he'll be just fine. |
I know how you feel. Even though I have only one child, I work full time and in grad school full time, the only hours left in the day is for sleep. I am very grateful for my life and even though it is hard I would not change it for the world:)
Hi I've only just turned 24 and I have ason nearly 3 and a daughter nealy 9 months and I'm all alone look after them full time 7 days a week if I can do it any one can u not alone if u ever want to chat I'm here usualy on msn to addy
it's just as hard being a single father, i have 3 boys and i do it all on my own, its not easy by any means but the struggles are more than worth it.
Hi Eeveryone!! My name is Adrian. I'm a single father of a 5 and a 14 and 17 and the oldest graduated from Elsik and I'm so proud of all my kid's. There mother passed 2 years ago from breast cancer. It's been hard. But also has been fun. Being single is great, it gives you more time to spend with your kids and to be more involved in there everyday life. And my girls ask me everything and i don't lie to them for one second. Just love your kids and cherish the moments you have until they grow up and leave home. We are blessed single parents. Sincerely Adrin ![]() ![]() wow bro thats cold, "There mother passed 2 years ago from breast cancer. It's been hard. But also has been fun. Being single is great". |