Topic: forgive?
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Sun 01/17/10 06:51 AM

Gods ability to forgive, like His ability to love, are not equal to mans ability but much greater. My forgiveness of others will not match Gods because I did not create man, I am equal to man.

MsHarmony...forgivness has no levels or either forgive or you don't

if you insist that people that commit crimes pay for their crimes and go to jail even if they are forgiven then the same should apply to those that committ crimes against God, that they should go to Hell even if they are forgiven

If you do not revere God, I dont think you can understand. It seems clear to me that the soul and the flesh are two different things and though the flesh must atone for what the flesh does, the soul is Gods domain and he blessed us with the choice to be saved.

MsHarmony...this is not about revering God or understanding God or about flesh or souls...

you said that even through people are forgiven they should still pay for their crimes and go to jail...but yet you are making up excuses why you shouldn't pay for your crimes against God and go to Hell

you are trying to use forgiveness as a way to stay out of Hell but yet you claim to forgive others but yet damn them to jail ...seem sort of hypocritcal don't you think .....

and that is why..if you can't forget then you can't forgive ...even God after supposedly forgiving doesn't forget or absolve people completely of their crimes which is the purpose of judgement day

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Sun 01/17/10 08:20 AM
Turning of the other cheek was for a purpose. If a Roman hit you, you turn the other cheek also. Giving in was better than prison, beatings or death. Be passive for the sake of it is not good that a follower of Christ go before the law to be judged by the ungodly. It is better to take, than to shame Christ and God.

You forgive when asked. If one repents of the wrong they did to you....forgive them. Even 70 times 7 forgive them. Does God and Christ forgive us without repenting.......NO! But they also do no evil to us out of hate.

Live at peace as much as is within you, forgive those who do you wrong when repenting. Accept wrong for the sake of Christ who died for you and them. Forgiving without repenting is a more gracious way and does credit to or lord. But even Christ does not forgive our sins without repenting. Live in peace with all as much as is in you.

Your Body is the Temple of God of those that are his. Is the Temple of God a place for!....a place of!...a place of! is the Temple of God. Make it clean.....and forgive as you were forgiven by our God and Lord.

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Mon 01/18/10 10:48 AM

You forgive when asked. If one repents of the wrong they did to you....forgive them. Even 70 times 7 forgive them.

sounds like batter's wife syndrome

Does God and Christ forgive us without repenting.......NO! But they also do no evil to us out of hate.

that's referred to as being sociopathic behavior

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:27 PM

Gods ability to forgive, like His ability to love, are not equal to mans ability but much greater. My forgiveness of others will not match Gods because I did not create man, I am equal to man.

MsHarmony...forgivness has no levels or either forgive or you don't

if you insist that people that commit crimes pay for their crimes and go to jail even if they are forgiven then the same should apply to those that committ crimes against God, that they should go to Hell even if they are forgiven

If you do not revere God, I dont think you can understand. It seems clear to me that the soul and the flesh are two different things and though the flesh must atone for what the flesh does, the soul is Gods domain and he blessed us with the choice to be saved.

MsHarmony...this is not about revering God or understanding God or about flesh or souls...

you said that even through people are forgiven they should still pay for their crimes and go to jail...but yet you are making up excuses why you shouldn't pay for your crimes against God and go to Hell

you are trying to use forgiveness as a way to stay out of Hell but yet you claim to forgive others but yet damn them to jail ...seem sort of hypocritcal don't you think .....

and that is why..if you can't forget then you can't forgive ...even God after supposedly forgiving doesn't forget or absolve people completely of their crimes which is the purpose of judgement day

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment. This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:34 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/18/10 12:40 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 01/18/10 12:41 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

life in prison or death row is not eternal, well row would be but life in prison isn't. Our life on earth is no where near the length of eternal. Eternal has no end, life in prison you are only there say 20 - 30 years till you pass away.

And your second statement doesn't really make sence, cause if the person was forgiven then there would be no punishment at all. But with receiving forgiveness you have to put forward repentance. You can not just keep sinning over and over and over asking for forgiveness each time and expect to get it. You have to truely be seeking forgiveness.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 01:04 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

life in prison or death row is not eternal,

Hell or the lake of fire also isn't eternal .....unless the God is unforgiving and keeps you there ....

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:13 PM

Turning the other cheek, how much forgiveness do you have in you? if given the opportunity can you forgive mass murders? Rapist? criminals of even the most heinous crime? or is there a capacity on forgiveness, should those who seek it be forgiven? if some one proclaimed their sins to you as a human to another human with all dogmatic factors aside, can you forgive without religious principles?

Forgiveness is not given for the criminal, forgiveness is given for yourself. To walk around with hatred and anger inside of you makes you unhealthy mentally and emotionally and eventually physically.

As for the penalties for crimes, everyone has to pay a consequence for what they do. As long as it is not the death penalty which is barbaric and ignorant. Crimes have to be paid for by the person who does them.

I actually believe that they end up paying for it in their own mind anyway over time, it is just a matter of letting time and life work on them. I have never known any people who hurt others by the way they live that do not end up paying for it even without the law intervening.

Revenge never pays. It makes a person as bad as the original criminal.

Wow. What world do you live in? I've known plenty of people who could steal, or commit just about any crime and never feel a moments quilt or regret.
I wanna live in your world....

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:29 PM

If the IDEA,,,OK,,of Christianity,,,,was NEVER believed in, from OUR first beginnings....THIS WORLD,,Your all saying.


WE would have all been born into slavery,,,and but a modest FEW,
who were born under power of their blood lines....would be born to be cared for ....

And THAT comradery led us to BE,,this PEOPLE HERE, who also SO BELIEVED in GOD,,"THEY" formed an alliance with each other that became COMMON GROUNDS,,,,through its associations,,to form our
U.S. CONSTITUTION,,which until the later part of the 1900's remained intact......

WE only KNOW,,,,,,morals THROUGH this raising of generations,
and their fellowships of kindness and good.
believing in an after-life,,,through Christ,,,or in other names
in other Countries,,,who still,,,owe THEIR culture to an invisible SUPER-POWER...who THEY worship....

IF THIS WORLD,,voids that entity of which we cannot SEE...
Then we shall all also lose any of the VALUES we knew through their presents here....

This I speak of is not my personal thoughts of GOD...

Its before us as, and behind us to, just open any text book,,and
read their histories and their hearts.....

That's a bit narrow minded and short-sighted. Not to mention a complete white-washing of history. Christianity was used as an excuse for slavery, as an excuse for the mass extermination of the native peoples of the Americas, as an excuse for the denegration and subjugation of women, as an excuse for the torturing and execution of people with different ideas, and many many other really bad things. Right from the beginning of it's inception.

Christian values? Bah. Hitler had christian values. People with christian values scare me. I prefer human values. They are a much more kind and tolerant way of being.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:33 PM

You forgive when asked. If one repents of the wrong they did to you....forgive them. Even 70 times 7 forgive them.

sounds like batter's wife syndrome

Does God and Christ forgive us without repenting.......NO! But they also do no evil to us out of hate.

that's referred to as being sociopathic behavior

Exactly. Battered wife syndrome. I hate that shiest.

And yea, that's how you spell sociopath. I hate it when I type tired...

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:34 PM

Gods ability to forgive, like His ability to love, are not equal to mans ability but much greater. My forgiveness of others will not match Gods because I did not create man, I am equal to man.

MsHarmony...forgivness has no levels or either forgive or you don't

if you insist that people that commit crimes pay for their crimes and go to jail even if they are forgiven then the same should apply to those that committ crimes against God, that they should go to Hell even if they are forgiven

If you do not revere God, I dont think you can understand. It seems clear to me that the soul and the flesh are two different things and though the flesh must atone for what the flesh does, the soul is Gods domain and he blessed us with the choice to be saved.

MsHarmony...this is not about revering God or understanding God or about flesh or souls...

you said that even through people are forgiven they should still pay for their crimes and go to jail...but yet you are making up excuses why you shouldn't pay for your crimes against God and go to Hell

you are trying to use forgiveness as a way to stay out of Hell but yet you claim to forgive others but yet damn them to jail ...seem sort of hypocritcal don't you think .....

and that is why..if you can't forget then you can't forgive ...even God after supposedly forgiving doesn't forget or absolve people completely of their crimes which is the purpose of judgement day

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment. This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

Your god sounds real nice there, partner. For a finite crime, one gets an infinite punishment. Yep, sounds fair to me...

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:38 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

life in prison or death row is not eternal, well row would be but life in prison isn't. Our life on earth is no where near the length of eternal. Eternal has no end, life in prison you are only there say 20 - 30 years till you pass away.

And your second statement doesn't really make sence, cause if the person was forgiven then there would be no punishment at all. But with receiving forgiveness you have to put forward repentance. You can not just keep sinning over and over and over asking for forgiveness each time and expect to get it. You have to truely be seeking forgiveness.

There's a whole lotta babtists out there that would disagree w/ you on that, I can tell you. I've known many many true believers that believed that going to church once or twice a week and confessing their sins wiped the sins from them leaving them free and clean, as it were, to get a bunch more sins. Which they would do with gusto.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:44 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 01/18/10 03:50 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

life in prison or death row is not eternal, well row would be but life in prison isn't. Our life on earth is no where near the length of eternal. Eternal has no end, life in prison you are only there say 20 - 30 years till you pass away.

And your second statement doesn't really make sence, cause if the person was forgiven then there would be no punishment at all. But with receiving forgiveness you have to put forward repentance. You can not just keep sinning over and over and over asking for forgiveness each time and expect to get it. You have to truely be seeking forgiveness.

There's a whole lotta babtists out there that would disagree w/ you on that, I can tell you. I've known many many true believers that believed that going to church once or twice a week and confessing their sins wiped the sins from them leaving them free and clean, as it were, to get a bunch more sins. Which they would do with gusto.

yes i know the baptist and their beliefs. Sin all you want as long as you believe in Jesus and claim to have him in your heart you're saved. Just doesn't make sence to me how someone can claim to have Jesus in their heart, but still sin on the thought doesn't matter i'm forgiven anyways. We will be judged on our actions and what is in our heart. We can not go drinking, partying and raising hell on Saturday with the thought doesn't matter i'll just go to church tomarrow and ask for forgiveness. Makes asking for forgiveness in vein.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/18/10 03:46 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Mon 01/18/10 03:50 PM

MsHarmony...forgivness has no levels or either forgive or you don't

if you insist that people that commit crimes pay for their crimes and go to jail even if they are forgiven then the same should apply to those that committ crimes against God, that they should go to Hell even if they are forgiven

If you do not revere God, I dont think you can understand. It seems clear to me that the soul and the flesh are two different things and though the flesh must atone for what the flesh does, the soul is Gods domain and he blessed us with the choice to be saved.

MsHarmony...this is not about revering God or understanding God or about flesh or souls...

you said that even through people are forgiven they should still pay for their crimes and go to jail...but yet you are making up excuses why you shouldn't pay for your crimes against God and go to Hell

you are trying to use forgiveness as a way to stay out of Hell but yet you claim to forgive others but yet damn them to jail ...seem sort of hypocritcal don't you think .....

and that is why..if you can't forget then you can't forgive ...even God after supposedly forgiving doesn't forget or absolve people completely of their crimes which is the purpose of judgement day

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment. This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

It goes the other way to, if we live our lives accordingly to God we will have eternal happiness and love in Heaven.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 04:12 PM

It goes the other way to, if we live our lives accordingly to God we will have eternal happiness and love in Heaven.

Cowboy.... but living life according to God is Old Testament claim that Christians Law is New Testament....and since you as many Christians can not make the claim that they follow all the teachings of Jesus that means you don't even live your life according to his New Testament law ...

so clearly you or other Christians that are in this boat may repent or ask for forgiveness but since you and/or they do not live life accordingly to God then you and/or they are destine for Hell

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 01/18/10 04:16 PM

It goes the other way to, if we live our lives accordingly to God we will have eternal happiness and love in Heaven.

Cowboy.... but living life according to God is Old Testament claim that Christians Law is New Testament....and since you as many Christians can not make the claim that they follow all the teachings of Jesus that means you don't even live your life according to his New Testament law ...

so clearly you or other Christians that are in this boat may repent or ask for forgiveness but since you and/or they do not live life accordingly to God then you and/or they are destine for Hell

living acording to God is following the bible, not specifically the old testiment. Jesus came to fullfill the old testiment and gave us the new testiment. And you have no position to say weather i follow all Jesus's teachings or not, nor do you have information to back your statement. Nor is it of any relivance.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 04:23 PM

It goes the other way to, if we live our lives accordingly to God we will have eternal happiness and love in Heaven.

Cowboy.... but living life according to God is Old Testament claim that Christians Law is New Testament....and since you as many Christians can not make the claim that they follow all the teachings of Jesus that means you don't even live your life according to his New Testament law ...

so clearly you or other Christians that are in this boat may repent or ask for forgiveness but since you and/or they do not live life accordingly to God then you and/or they are destine for Hell

living acording to God is following the bible, not specifically the old testiment. Jesus came to fullfill the old testiment and gave us the new testiment. And you have no position to say weather i follow all Jesus's teachings or not, nor do you have information to back your statement. Nor is it of any relivance. were the one that made the claim that one had to live their life according to God....but since you don't do get a ticket to Hell

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/18/10 11:32 PM

Funches you can not compare the punishment on earth with God's punishment.

I just did ...remember that "Free Will" thingy

This is because the punishment we give criminals is temporary, and punishment from God is eternal.

life in prison or on Death Row can be eternal unless you are forgiven and release

if God truely forgives then his punishment would not be eternal

life in prison or death row is not eternal, well row would be but life in prison isn't. Our life on earth is no where near the length of eternal. Eternal has no end, life in prison you are only there say 20 - 30 years till you pass away.

And your second statement doesn't really make sence, cause if the person was forgiven then there would be no punishment at all. But with receiving forgiveness you have to put forward repentance. You can not just keep sinning over and over and over asking for forgiveness each time and expect to get it. You have to truely be seeking forgiveness.

There's a whole lotta babtists out there that would disagree w/ you on that, I can tell you. I've known many many true believers that believed that going to church once or twice a week and confessing their sins wiped the sins from them leaving them free and clean, as it were, to get a bunch more sins. Which they would do with gusto.

yes i know the baptist and their beliefs. Sin all you want as long as you believe in Jesus and claim to have him in your heart you're saved. Just doesn't make sence to me how someone can claim to have Jesus in their heart, but still sin on the thought doesn't matter i'm forgiven anyways. We will be judged on our actions and what is in our heart. We can not go drinking, partying and raising hell on Saturday with the thought doesn't matter i'll just go to church tomarrow and ask for forgiveness. Makes asking for forgiveness in vein.

I was raised baptist and just want to clear the air that at NO TIME was I taught to believe I could 'sin all I want." smh

Zarlow's photo
Tue 01/19/10 12:20 AM
Its really not that complicated. Forgive if you want to. Dont forgive if you choose. Just remember the day will come where we individually have to stand and give an account. The rest is just humans doing the human thing and making everything complicated. I use my heart for forgiveness, not my mind. Forgiveness is instant. Trust is earned.

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Tue 01/19/10 07:49 AM

I was raised baptist and just want to clear the air that at NO TIME was I taught to believe I could 'sin all I want." smh

that would mean that you wasn't taught the gospel pertaining to Matthew 18:21 and 22....which indicates that you can sin with each person on the planet at least (70 times 7) per person and be forgiven.... which means it's ok for you to sin billions if not zillions of times