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Cowboy wrote:
No we will not have sex in heaven. By the way, can you show us where it actually states this in the Bible? Or is this just more Cowboyainity? Perhaps noone has sex in Heaven because people in Heaven are mindless robots only serving to inflate the ego of a selfish and insecure godthing. Mindless robots, who do nothing but praise and worship God, don't really need sex. Well, in all honesty, the more Cowboy describes his "God" the more I begin to believe in Satan. I'm beginning to think that there truly is a Satan and he's the one who wrote the Bible. He probably saw Jesus preaching LOVE and had him crucified so he could use him as a patsy to get a bunch of people to worship him in Jesus' name. ![]() Like you, I wouldn't want to go anywhere near these Christians. I would gladly choose spiritual death over living in eternity with such perverted people. Heaven would be hell, and spiritual death would be heaven. Of course, I personally don't believe that life or God is anywhere near as petty, shallow, and perverted as these Christian demand. So thankfully, the "REAL GOD" is capable of having multiple heavens. God can allow the Christians to go off to their perverted "heaven" where they are not permitted to enjoy any pleasures of any kind and must instead just constantly worship their creator. They seem to be obsessed with doing that anyway, so I guess that will make them happy. In the meantime I'm sure that God has far greater plans for me. I would need to truly LIMIT God in order to become a Christian. Christianity would be a GIANT step backwards for me. There's a great story by Harlan Ellison about how Satan was the one who created the Earth and life and people. Then God, being mad(as in crazy) stole it from him and then wrote all the books demonizing Satan so he could keep it. And Satan has been suing God about it ever since. |
No sex in Heaven?? Well, I'm sold...on Hell. ![]() Well, don't listen to Cowboy. He just another perverted Paper Pope. What kind of a God would have made the procreation of LIFE a filthy dirty sinful act? ![]() Clearly those ancient Hebrews were just perverts and they they put their perverted thoughts into the mythologies they wrote. No truly sane and intelligent human would believe that the act of creating new life could be a filthy sin. That's just absurd. This is just yet more proof why these ancient Hebrew perversions are as far from being 'godly' as they can get. These Christians are just verifying how truly perverted their religion truly is. A famous actress, from the golden age of cinema, was once asked "Is sex dirty?" She said, "Oh honey, only if it's done right." |
Being Born Again
Does being 'born again' require some human ritual or can any person simply declare they are 'born again'? it requires Baptism ....which presents a problem for those Christians that haven't been baptisted or don't go to Church ..this is why Catholicism is the true form of Christianity Baptism is not a "ritual". That is done willingly to show that you have turned your life over to God. It is an action to show your faith to the lord. As everyone knows actions speak louder then words. There are no "rituals" in Christianity. We don't sacrifice animals, we don't do anything along the lines of "rituals". It is merely a choice one has taken to show the father he has laid down his own life and is picking up the life of the lord. That is what the baptism symbolises. It symbolises death and burial *the dunking of one under the water* and then when you are brought back up out of the water that symbolises the resurrection. Either you are just wrong or you're just lying. Christianity is FILLED with rituals. Designed to reinforce the belief system and to keep people from thinking too hard. He's neither wrong, nor lying. He simply makes up his own version of Christianity. He treats it as though it's Wicca. ![]() I call it "Cowboyianity" ![]() He writes his own Book of Shadows and pretends the Bible can be used to support it. ![]() This is the foundation of Protestantism. (i.e. Protesting-ism) This is the stuff that Paper Popes are made of. ![]() Ok then, obviousely i'm not in the loop. What "rituals" do Christians do? Pray every day. Go to church every Sunday. Pray before eating. Reciting speeches before getting married. ect ect ect...jeeze, there are so many to choose from. Also, they vary from brand of christianity to brand. I'm guessing you've never actually been to church before... |
Being Born Again
All that might make you feel better, but it's superstious drivel. A fantasy. A dream. It's not reality. And what makes you think know what reality is, pray tell? My cats tell me...No wait, that's not right, hold on a sec, lemme get back to you on that... ![]() |
Well, most "Christians" as well as others would use the "doctrines of men" to condemm others. Read Romans 2 and make up your own mind. ![]() Well, if Romans 2 is in contradiction with the scriptures of John then they only thing I can suggest is the hearsay rumors called the "New Testament" are inconsistent and in contradiction with themselves: [color=blue John 3: [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. "but he that believeth not is condemned already" If it says otherwise in Romans 2 then these hearsay rumors are clearly ambiguous and cannot be trusted to speak truth. In fact, this is indeed my conclusion of this whole collection of fables from the beginning of the Old Testament to the revelations of John at the end of the New Testament. It's just contradictions and inconsistencies at every turn of the page the whole way through the cannon of stories. you cannot read the bible with a carnal mind and expect to understand it. every book in the bible is supported by one or more other books. some books you have to read and understand in order to know what another book is talking about. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Isn't that the very definition of circular logic? Sounds like one needs a retarded mind to "understand it". |
Christianity is a combination of may Pagan beliefs. Corruption! It hijacked, combined and corrupted Pagan beliefs. Rather sad. Well, the truly saddest part is that not only have they corrupted it, but they then have the audacity to condemn all others as 'heathens' for not cowering down to their corrupted egotistical views of "God". That's what makes it so sad. If they had only corrupted it for themselves it wouldn't have been such a crime against humanity, but the fact that they then hold it over everyone else's head as a tool of condemnation is what truly makes it sad. And the Abrahamic religions have to condemn each other as well. So it's just constant finger-pointing that never ends. All in the name of a jealous male-chauvinistic Zeus-like Godhead. ![]() What will it take to get people to wake-up to the atrocity they have created in the name of "God"? In a word, ALIENS! ![]() |
Most Bizarre Bible Quotes
![]() Mercy "Blessed are the merciful" [Matthew 5:7] "Leave alive nothing that breathes. Show them no mercy." [Deut. 7:2] "The Lord hardened their hearts... that they might receive no mercy." [Joshua 11:20] "I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]" >>>>>>> Deut7:2 <<<<<<< "And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:" v2. "...Thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them." Those who think that there was cruelty in this command, usurp too great authority in respect to Him who is the judge of all. The objection is specious that the people of God were unreasonably imbued with inhumanity, so that, advancing with murderous atrocity, they should spare neither sex nor age. But we must first remember what we shall see hereafter, i.e., that when God had destined the land for His people, He was at liberty utterly to destroy the former inhabitants, so that its possession might be free for them. We must then go further, and say that He desired the just demonstration of His vengeance to appear upon these nations. Four hundred years before He had justly punished their many sins, yet had He suspended His sentence and patiently borne with them, if haply they might repent. That sentence is well known, "The iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full." (Genesis 15:16.) After God had shewn His mercy for four centuries, and this clemency had increased both their audacity and madness, so that they had not ceased to provoke His wrath, surely it was no act of cruelty to compensate for the delay by the grievousness of the punishment. And hence appears the foul and detestable perversity of the human intellect. We are indignant if He does not smile at once; if He delays punishment our zeal accuses Him of slackness and want of energy; yet, when He comes forth as the avenger of guilt, we either call Him cruel, or at least complain of His severity. Yet His justice will always absolve Him; and our calumnies and detractions will recoil upon our own heads. He commanded seven nations to be utterly destroyed; that is to say, after they had added sin to sin for 400 years, so that their accumulation was immense, and experience had taught that they were obstinate and incurable. It will therefore be said elsewhere, that the land "spewed them out," (Leviticus 18:28,) as if it had eased itself, when burdened by their filthiness. If impiety is intolerable to the lifeless element, why should we wonder that God in His character of Judge exercised extreme severity? But if God's wrath was just, He might surely choose whatever ministers and executioners of it He pleased; and when He had given this commission to His people, it was not unreasonable that He should forbid them to pity those whom He had appointed for destruction. For what can be more preposterous than for men to vie with God in clemency? and when it pleases the Master to be severe, for the servants to assume to themselves the right of shewing mercy? Therefore God often reproves the Israelites for being improperly merciful. And hence it came to pass that the people, whom they ought to have destroyed, became as thorns and briars to prick them. (Joshua 23:13, and throughout the book of Judges.) Away, then, with all temerity, whereby we would presumptuously restrict God's power to the puny measure of our reason; and rather let us learn reverently to regard those works of His, whose cause is concealed from us, than wantonly criticise them. Especially when He declares to us the just grounds of His vengeance, let us learn to subscribe to His decrees with the humility and modesty that becomes us, rather than to oppose them in vain, and indeed to our own confusion. NONE of that crap post negates anything. Why is your religion so cruel and "evil"? "usurp too great authority in respect to Him" Really? Seriously? Christianity in no way is cruel or evil. Our father teaches us to love your neighbour as ourselves. Teaches us not to steal from one another, not to physically or emotionally hurt one another. Teaches us no evil actions. God luv ya, Cowboy. I wish all good christians thought that way. Unfortunatly, most have no problem being cruel or evil to anyone who disagrees w/ them. I'm thinking christianity, on the whole, will be known for the acts of the practiciners therof. |
Most Bizarre Bible Quotes
I agree :) How can anyone with even minimal logic or reason buy into this ?? It is so rediculous and imaginary ....... So many people waste so much time, energy, guilt and so much $$ on religion. It is OK if they want to live in an imaginary world, I just dislike that it is pressed upon us freethinkers. "in god we trust"....are you kidding !!!! :) And how many people do you know w/ minimal logic or reason? |
Are you sure?
i often wonder, how can an atheist be so sure that there is no god, the answer is simple....Atheism can only exist because God doesn't umm..oky doky. Works for me... ![]() |
Are you sure?
You must be new to Earth. We're violent here. Be careful... Personally, I want to beat the crap out of a lot of people. Frequently. A short fuse is a hard thing to live with. Fortunatly, I have mastered a modicum of self-control. I haven't hit anyone out of anger for over 26 years. Despite ample provocation. I have noticed that. And sometimes I think the Bible might be true after all. Perhaps these violent people are all descendants of Israelites and this God is indeed the God of the Israelites. After all, the scriptures have Jesus saying that he only came for the sick and not for the righteous. So perhaps he did come for these nasty people and the reason that none of this makes any sense to me is because it simply doesn't apply to me. The nasty people are both nasty and stupid (a requirement for being nasty), and therefore they can't see that there are actually good people in the world. So they think this biblical God is for everyone, but in reality he just came to offer them a chance to straighten up. I've been thinking that maybe that's the way it works and this is why it makes absolutely no sense to me. I'm simply not a descendant of those nasty ancient Israelites. I'm probably the son of a Celtic Goddess or something cool like that. ![]() Well, if the Bible is true, I think Satan had the right idea and I'd be pleased to join him in his great struggle against the inequaties of a jealous and insecure godthing. Besides, Satan could use some pointers in tactics. |
We often hear Christians claim to serve God but what service to God does the bible say to offer? What is the quality and quantity of service that is an acceptable offering to God? to "spread the word" which means to convert others you will be assimulated...resistance is futile...we are CHRISTIANS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Being Born Again
Does being 'born again' require some human ritual or can any person simply declare they are 'born again'? it requires Baptism ....which presents a problem for those Christians that haven't been baptisted or don't go to Church ..this is why Catholicism is the true form of Christianity Baptism is not a "ritual". That is done willingly to show that you have turned your life over to God. It is an action to show your faith to the lord. As everyone knows actions speak louder then words. There are no "rituals" in Christianity. We don't sacrifice animals, we don't do anything along the lines of "rituals". It is merely a choice one has taken to show the father he has laid down his own life and is picking up the life of the lord. That is what the baptism symbolises. It symbolises death and burial *the dunking of one under the water* and then when you are brought back up out of the water that symbolises the resurrection. Either you are just wrong or you're just lying. Christianity is FILLED with rituals. Designed to reinforce the belief system and to keep people from thinking too hard. |
Being Born Again
I have no need of being 'born again'. God has been with me from the moment of my birth. Truly, I can't even begin to imagine existing without God. I never had that experience so I have no clue how that could even work. you said it very well abracadabra, you never had that experience so you dont understand how it works. this is an experience every human being must have. without this experience it is very difficult to understand it or really comprehend much of what the bible is speaking about. i didnt understand it before it happened to me. i know the bible seems to condradict itself but that is because people read it on the surface. if you dig a little deeper and have an understanding of the spiritual nature of God, you will find that all the books from the old to the new testament actually relate, tie in, and support each other. i can only credit the understanding that i have to the grace of God through his spirit. you cannot read the bible with a carnal mind and expect to understand it. I think you misunderstood Abra's meaning. He has never had the experience of being far from god. God walks with each of us (from the moment we exist) could you but see through the veil you would know this in truth. When we are born into this world our sprit is born with us... There is no need to be 'born again', only a need to open the eye of the spirit. When we breath, we breath the breath of god as we take in the air of the earth. Our physical bodies need the one. Our sprit is nutured by the other. i may have misunderstood ab's reply and i apologize for that if i did. i am not mistaken about being born again though. yes we breathe the air that God has given us but we are not born with his spirit. have you no understanding of his word when he says that whoever doesnt have his spirit then they are not his. if every man was born with his spirit then why did he say that. you are born of flesh and therefore born into sin. you need his spirit to be born of him for he is a spirit. im sorry but you will not get around this one man. id hate for you to find out the hard way. i would remind you that Jesus said that you need to be born again but i remember that you dont even accept him acccording to your post so whats the point in trying to convince you. if you dont believe in Jesus then there is absoulutly no way you are going to see that you need to be born again. i just wanted to add that this breath that you are refering to is the breath of life, not Gods spirit. animals have this too man. it is our soul that sets us apart from every other creature. I accept that Jesus was a Prophet. As for anything that he is supposed to have said... Did he say it to you? Chapters written by a third party stating what a second party was told by a first party are defined (in any other instance except the bible) as hearsay... The breath I reference is the two fold... One is the breath that this body needs to survive and science measures it and calls it air... The other is the breath of god. If the physical world exist, than also, does the spritual (All things have balance). Both 'realities' occupy the same space yet most can see only one, though both surround them. He walks with me as he walks with you... It stands to reason that in the spiritual world (the veil is but a thin thing) I therfore breath the breath of god as surely as I breath air in the physical world. All that might make you feel better, but it's superstious drivel. A fantasy. A dream. It's not reality. |
Being Born Again
I have no need of being 'born again'. God has been with me from the moment of my birth. Truly, I can't even begin to imagine existing without God. I never had that experience so I have no clue how that could even work. you said it very well abracadabra, you never had that experience so you dont understand how it works. this is an experience every human being must have. without this experience it is very difficult to understand it or really comprehend much of what the bible is speaking about. i didnt understand it before it happened to me. i know the bible seems to condradict itself but that is because people read it on the surface. if you dig a little deeper and have an understanding of the spiritual nature of God, you will find that all the books from the old to the new testament actually relate, tie in, and support each other. i can only credit the understanding that i have to the grace of God through his spirit. you cannot read the bible with a carnal mind and expect to understand it. I think you misunderstood Abra's meaning. He has never had the experience of being far from god. God walks with each of us (from the moment we exist) could you but see through the veil you would know this in truth. When we are born into this world our sprit is born with us... There is no need to be 'born again', only a need to open the eye of the spirit. When we breath, we breath the breath of god as we take in the air of the earth. Our physical bodies need the one. Our sprit is nutured by the other. And your evidence for that assumption is what, exactly? |
Being Born Again
I have no need of being 'born again'. God has been with me from the moment of my birth. Truly, I can't even begin to imagine existing without God. I never had that experience so I have no clue how that could even work. Oh, it's not so bad. ![]() I've never had God and I'm doing ok. |
Cowboy wrote:
No we will not have sex in heaven. By the way, can you show us where it actually states this in the Bible? Or is this just more Cowboyainity? Perhaps noone has sex in Heaven because people in Heaven are mindless robots only serving to inflate the ego of a selfish and insecure godthing. Mindless robots, who do nothing but praise and worship God, don't really need sex. |
=========================================== Cowboy 2 states that when if refers to the Holy Ghost ...the term "Holy Ghost" will be capitilized because it's a "being" but in the passage below the term "ghost" was not capitalized which means it's not referring to 'The Holy Ghost" ============================================= That is because the Holy Ghost itself is a separate being. It's a being of it's own. Our souls, spirits, ghosts, they are all synonyms for one another meaning the same thing. and that is why the ghost that Jesus yeilded was not the "Holy Ghost" it was only a regular ghost as the passage below clearly displays..... John 19:30:
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. it states nothing about the ghost being a "Holy Ghost" and the fact that Jesus was willing to yeild his ghost proves that he was suicidal Through all your words twisting this got a little mixed up. So i'll clarify all this one more time Jesus yielded up his GHOST, his spirit, his soul. Jesus sacrificed himself so that you did not have to die, but could have ever lasting life through him. Not suicide, he SACRIFICED. Jesus did not have to come to earth and feel the pain of death. He willingly did so that he may teach us of the new covenant between our father and us, and to feel death so that you did not have to. The Holy Ghost is an entirely different being all in it's own. Yes Jesus' ghost/soul was holy, but it was not the Holy Ghost. Again, the Holy Ghost is an entirely different being. wow another contradiction have so many contradictions in your posts that all I have to do is sit back and let you debate with the other two cowboys ...but anyway Cowboy 3 posted:
Yes Jesus' ghost/soul was holy, but it was not the Holy Ghost. Cowboy 1 posted:
The ghost that is being inferred is the Holy Ghost. so which is it (Cowboy 2) was the ghost Jesus yeild "The Holy Ghost" the Gods of all Ghosts as (Cowboy 1) suggested or was it just Jesus's lower level holy ghost that (Cowboy 3) suggested I've already admitted to screwing up and describing it incorrectly with the cowboy 1 statement. Move on funches, that's already been admitted to having failed. (Cowboy 3)it wasn't you that was screwing up it was (Cowboy 1)can't you do anything about him? ...but anyway are we all now in agreement that christians under the jurisdiction of Jesus will be ghosts in Heaven? Holy Ghost is a name for a being. We will not be specifically ghosts for we will be given a new rejuvenated body which i've shown with previous verses. (Cowboy 3) didn't we already agree that there will be no "Flesh" in Heaven .....which means that those rejuvenated bodies you keep referring to will be that of ghosts The rejuvenated body will be a spiritual body. If you wish to name that a ghost, then so be it. a ghost by any other name is still a ghost ....Casper 3:16 ok now that we know that those believers under the jurisdiction of Jesus Christ will be turned into ghosts which means they probably do not have to eat food and take of drink since they are already dead ...but it makes you wonder about angels since there are indications in the bible that they do eat food are angels therefore more alive than ghosts but now the question becomes is being a ghost in Heaven a gift or a gag and what will a ghost be allowed to do in Heaven according to the rules set forth in the bible FOR EXAMPLE: will ghosts be allowed to have sex ... No we will not have sex in heaven. There would be no need for such an action. Sex is for reproduction. In heaven the producing is finished. Sex for any other purpose falls into the category of lust. Desiring/lusting for the physical pleasure of sex. In which is sinful, therefore would not be included in heaven. No sex in Heaven?? Well, I'm sold...on Hell. ![]() |
Although, I have seen many instances of people becoming wacked out religious from continual use of hallucinogens.
A guy I knew in high school went from atheist to wiccan/pagan to hard core right wing Jesus freak from hallucinogens. They destroy the ability to reason and the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. When that happens, they latch onto anything that seems to give them stability. I've seen it happen, up close and personal. I've also seen it happen, over and over again, among people I didn't know. I'll take my 20+ years of experience of dealing with people who do things like hallucinogens over pretty much any other kind of evidence. They may be fun every once in a while, I don't know, however continual use makes one crazy, stupid, and gullible. |
You're living proof that everything I said about the harm of continual use of hallucinagens is true. They make you stupid and they make you crazy. Lots of my friends take mushrooms. I had assumed that they were more or less harmless until I started reading this guy's posts. Is that what they do to your mind, or was he an idiot before he started taking drugs? Probably a little of both. The mushrooms don't help. Seriously, anyone who thinks hallucinations are proof of God wasn't all there to begin with. |
Are you sure?
This reveals a lot. If you feel that it's a "sacrifice" for you not to give into your egotistical urges to beat the crap out of other people who push your emotional buttons then I truly feel sorry for you indeed. Especially if you are keeping all this bottled up inside of you. You're just creating a pressure cooker that is bound to blow its top eventually when enough steam is built up and you just can't take it anymore. tick tick tick.... I can't even remember ever wanting to beat the crap of anyone. Maybe when I was young and immature. But certainly not in my adult life. That's just ridiculous. You must be new to Earth. We're violent here. Be careful... Personally, I want to beat the crap out of a lot of people. Frequently. A short fuse is a hard thing to live with. Fortunatly, I have mastered a modicum of self-control. I haven't hit anyone out of anger for over 26 years. Despite ample provocation. |