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Topic: How would you react?
no photo
Mon 07/27/09 08:13 AM

I know.. If I see a woman getting beaten and raped on the street/alley, I will run to a local pay phone and call the police, then another 40 minutes for the cops to show up....

NO... let me drive home, get my gun out of the gun safe and then drive back to stop him.

slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead


Does it really take that long for police to show up in your area?

My phone did something weird last week and called 911 when I wasn't home. The call was made at 8:22. The police arrived at 8:23.

slaphead Someone can strangle you or stab you to death in under 2 minutes!!! Cops would have been too late even in 8 minutes- and the 8 minutes is only because you live close to the cop shop... Many people don't. Think outside of your protected little world.
But hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones that never has to dirrectly deal with crime.

Have you had to deal directly with crime? Is that why you always carry a gun?

If you would take the time to read previous post, you would already know the answer, and I do not carry all of the time.. you are getting me confused with the other guy.

Yes I was attacked, stopped a guy from beating a pregnant girl in the middle of the street, was in a store in Columbia when it was robbed, And have had my house broke into while I was sitting in the living room. Luckily he ran when he discovered I was home.

But... what made me get my first gun was ....
I had a female coworker that was often beaten, came to work with many bruises and black eyes, I talked her into going to a shelter.
Not sure how, but he found out that I was involved in her going to the shelter and started constantly threatening me, death threats, said he would come to my work and get me if he had to...
So I bought a gun. never had to use it because he was stupid enough to leave a death threat on my answering machine.
I let the cops listen to it and he was arrested.
I have never had to use my gun, but it is great to know that I have it if I need it.
Also live in a fairly bad area. had a stabbing and a shooting right across the street.

I was replying directly to a post you made, so no, I did not go back 11 pages and read to make sure you had not replied already.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 07/27/09 08:32 AM

If you would take the time to read previous post, you would already know the answer, and I do not carry all of the time.. you are getting me confused with the other guy.

Yes I was attacked, stopped a guy from beating a pregnant girl in the middle of the street, was in a store in Columbia when it was robbed, And have had my house broke into while I was sitting in the living room. Luckily he ran when he discovered I was home.

But... what made me get my first gun was ....
I had a female coworker that was often beaten, came to work with many bruises and black eyes, I talked her into going to a shelter.
Not sure how, but he found out that I was involved in her going to the shelter and started constantly threatening me, death threats, said he would come to my work and get me if he had to...
So I bought a gun. never had to use it because he was stupid enough to leave a death threat on my answering machine.
I let the cops listen to it and he was arrested.
I have never had to use my gun, but it is great to know that I have it if I need it.
Also live in a fairly bad area. had a stabbing and a shooting right across the street.

Moblodite, even I can understand why you have a gun and why at times you do carry it. See I do not have a problem with that what I would more have a problem with is to go out on a date and not know prior the guy carries a gun for what ever reason.

But that is only due to the area that I live in they are not needed to be carried on a daily bases 24/7. Lots do have them for protection but myself since I do live less then 3 blocks from the Police Station on the same street at that since I live in a small suburb of Fort Worth I do not feel the need to carry a gun.

Every situation is different as is every area that others live in.

no photo
Mon 07/27/09 08:40 AM
We dont need guns in Canada. We just throw beer cans at the bad guys!!!laugh drinker

KimberUC2's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:55 PM

Besides that most Restaurants it is against the law to carry a weapon that is concealed. noway

While it may be illegal in Texas for a person to carry a firearm or weapon in any business that is licensed to sell alcohol which may include most of the restaurants in the State of Pennsylvania where I live it is perfectly legal to carry in a restaurant or even a bar. Now personally I do not drink alcohol but if I did with a LTCF here I could carry concealed in a bar and get falling down drunk. Not that it would be the most responsible thing to do but it would not be breaking the law unless I tried to drive home or something stupid.

Every state has their own rules and regulations on concealed carry so it is not unusual to have multiple different views on the same subject.

There are people that think that unless you need a gun for you job you should not have one. Then there is the others that think the opposite.

People like Thomas Jefferson that said it is not only a persons right to keep and bear arms it is their responsibility to do so at all times if they are physically capable of doing so. It was Jefferson and Madison that wrote that into our constitution. The supreme court ruled with the Heller case that that right to keep and bear arms was an individual right and not one of the militia in a landmark case a while back.

Many people here in the USA have fought and died to protect the constitution and the bill of rights for us. The second amendment is one of the clearest on the constitution and yet our supreme court still tries to make it less valid or manipulate the wording to take that right away from us.

As far as you living in a place that does not have a lot of crime in it or gangs well that is great for you. If you do not see a need to carry or have a desire to then it is your choice. However, If your neighbor or anyone else for that matter decides differently and goes through whatever they need to be able to carry legally you should not have an issue with what they do either. You have your rights and they have their rights. Remember right after the second amendment it said these right shall not be infringed. Technically, that could be interpreted to say that government be it federal or local should not be able to restrict in any way a person from practicing their rights. That is not how it is in today's day and age.

Strange thing is Pennsylvania and Texas have a reciprocal agreement that recognizes each others CHL or LTCF. So while I hold a LTCF it allows me to concealed carry in Texas but I would still be bound by Texas laws.

I do appreciate your incite about it would send up red flags for you. However, in the state I live I would carry on a date even if it was a first and last date. Now I would conceal it till I knew how the woman felt about it out of courtesy for her even though here I could carry openly if I wanted to. Now if I found out that she was very interested or as I call it pro gun instead of anti gun I might switch to open carry for the comfort of it but that would not be on the first date anyhow most likely.

I guess it is part of my persona and if they cannot accept me for being me then they are not right for me in the first place. If my having a gun on me makes them fear for their safety then obviously they do not trust I would not hurt them. Without trust you have nothing to build a relationship on.

Winx's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:59 PM

I know.. If I see a woman getting beaten and raped on the street/alley, I will run to a local pay phone and call the police, then another 40 minutes for the cops to show up....

NO... let me drive home, get my gun out of the gun safe and then drive back to stop him.

slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead


Does it really take that long for police to show up in your area?

My phone did something weird last week and called 911 when I wasn't home. The call was made at 8:22. The police arrived at 8:23.

slaphead Someone can strangle you or stab you to death in under 2 minutes!!! Cops would have been too late even in 8 minutes- and the 8 minutes is only because you live close to the cop shop... Many people don't. Think outside of your protected little world.
But hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones that never has to dirrectly deal with crime.

It would take more then 2 minutes to get inside of my house and get past my dog.

Think outside of my protected little world? I live IN the city of St. Louis.

flowerforyou Dang, you are only about 130 miles away.. come on over to Moberly any time for some quiet timehappy And I will even keep my guns locked in the gun safe!!!
But I will leave the fur lined handcuffs handy:wink: laugh

There's quiet time where I live.laugh

Winx's photo
Sun 08/02/09 12:02 AM

Carrying a weapon is a choice. If you are able to use it for your protection and you are convinced your odds are better surviving having it then do what you have the right to do.

My experience, and statistically, it is more often the case you will be disarmed and beaten or killed for having it. It is also much more likely that you will harm another innocent; often a spouse or your own children, or yourself.

In All the years that I was around professionals that were suppose to be able to protect me (from the people I was suppose to be afraid of) I was more often at risk from them. I have been threatened more often by people with permits than not. Funny thing about having one they learn real fast that it is very unlikely that their version of their behavior will not be protected by the blue line wheather they were right or wrong. Not saying any of those here are into that but it does happen.

JMHO When people are carrying a weapon they have a sense of saftey and power and they make stupid mistakes. My guess would be why so many peace officers and guards get killed.

What a load of crap!!
If a person has a legal permit to carry, Domestic violence is much less likely because one charge and they lose their permit.

A gun doesn't stop domestic violence. The abuser would go ballistic if he knew about the gun.

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:10 AM
someones obsessed with guns - methinks just a tad paranoid and insecure?

karmicfilly's photo
Sun 08/02/09 08:37 AM
I would be freaked out. I would also be concerned that they have
a fatalistic view of life. That we are in danger. Are they the
type that would attract that to them by manifesting it. I would
not be drawn to that type. Look at yourself, why were you attracted
to a person who carries a gun. Are you a fearful person?

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 12:23 PM
I guess it would depend on where he lived. If we were in a state where carrying a concealed weapon is legal and he legally purchased the gun, then I might be okay with it.

BonnyMiss's photo
Sun 08/02/09 12:29 PM
We also do not need guns in the UK, we have the good ole dependable Bobbie (boys in blue) if we're pushed, we send Dan and fifer in. :banana: :banana: :banana: I am terrified of guns and would run a mile if I saw one.

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 12:35 PM
i'm not terrified of guns i'm just terrified of the ppl that seem to think they need them!

no photo
Sun 08/02/09 12:40 PM
I would say: Hey baby, which gun do you want to use tonight?rofl oops offtopic rofl rofl rofl

AngieRae's photo
Sun 08/02/09 04:57 PM
As a child I had a crazy, old, blind babysitter who owned a gun. She was always threatening to blow her son's legs off. I'd like to meet the genius who sold a gun to a blind woman!

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:23 PM

i'm not terrified of guns i'm just terrified of the ppl that seem to think they need them!


motowndowntown's photo
Sun 08/02/09 05:24 PM

We dont need guns in Canada. We just throw beer cans at the bad guys!!!laugh drinker

Would that be Molsons or LaBatts? And they better be empty.

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