Topic: my reason for abondoning god | |
Where in the Bible does GOD ever say: I like rape. I like babies being killed. I enjoy when people suffer. ??? When does GOD ever say that he takes pleasure in suffering? AS to the the whole rape thing: In those days, no man would have a woman who was raped. She was considered damages goods. And a woman without a husband, a woman would have little to no options for any kind of decent life. Is that harsh and fu**ed up? Yes, but guess what. Life can be very harsh. Welcome to the real world. So GOD had that law as a way of saying to the rapist: "You took this woman's viginity, now you are gonna pay her father AND you're gonna marry her" Since in that culture, no good man would have had her after she was with another man, for any reason. Its fun when people cut and past from the Bible, but having some understanding of the times and/or culture helps a person grasp the true meaning of what it written in there. Thats your interpretation of it anyway. It does make sense though, and it goes to prove that the Bible was written by man to fit for the times of the day, rather than by god to fit for us today. I am a heathen, so stone me. heathens don't scare me. its the Sunday Christians that do. You know the ones who walk around with a smile on their face like nothing is wrong. then go home, start drinking and beat their kids. never know which one is going to do that when you meet them. |
Oh, yes, there are religious scams out there, and who I call, "Country-Club Christians"...y'all know who you are. If a white, apparently unattached male attempts to walk into a church to enjoy a good service, he'd better be prepared to deal with the "stink look" (people staring at you, in an attempt to make you uncomfortable so as to drive you out). Sadly, I have absolutely NO CONTROL over today's headlines. And if I happen to fit some idiotic profile, so what? But as for you, my friend, would you refrain from going to the hospital, simply because it is full of sick people? Same for church. Church is full of spiritually sick people; that's why they go. Don't let the actions of others endanger your quest for salvation. And incidently, I'm not so sure I agree with Joel Osteen's selling of tickets to his "services". IRS: "Mr. Osteen, you must pay some taxes; you're a motivational speaker." Osteen: "Excuse me sir, but that is incorrect. I'm a preacher!" Attendee of his service: "Joel, why must I buy a ticket to hear the word of God? Osteen: "But I'm a motivational speaker!" Dude's got it going on. However, I look at the fruits of his labors...seems to be very positive. Just a question is he selling the tickets or the location selling them? I know most arenas will not hold an event unless they are making money. also look at the cost $15 a ticket (rose garden arena) don't think much money is going to him. money is likely going to the arena. |
So GOD had that law as a way of saying to the rapist: "You took this woman's viginity, now you are gonna pay her father AND you're gonna marry her" Since in that culture, no good man would have had her after she was with another man, for any reason. Its fun when people cut and past from the Bible, but having some understanding of the times and/or culture helps a person grasp the true meaning of what it written in there. I'm a bit late to this dicussion but can't help but to respond to this one. How could any one not grasp that men back in that day were barbarian. And you suggest it is some how noble of a god to suggest a man marry the woman they raped? And you justify that idiocy... Did I read that wrong? |
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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(Deuteronomy 20:10-14) As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you. God approves of murder, rape, and slavery? Here is the real passage:Deuteronomy 20:10-14 (King James Version) 10When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. 11And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. 12And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: 13And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: 14But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. |
Sins? What is sin? Who determines what is right and wrong? I say GOD does. Which is no surprise to anyone at this point. But how does the person who does not believe in GOD know right from wrong? Is it as simple as: dont kill, dont steal, dont be mean, etc.. If there is no GOD, then who decides what is right or wrong? You say? I say? Who are we to tell each other what is right or wrong? If I steal your money, thats bad for you. Not for me. Im going OT here, sorry. But if there is no GOD and the Bible was just written by men; then arnt morality and the concept of sin really just subjective concepts? Meaning that good and evil are really just ideas or concepts instead of actual standards or truths. The way I see it, without GOD we make our own rules. Why should I follow socities rules of conduct? Really... as long as I dont get caught. I should be able to whatever I want. Right? If you truly believe that last line, I hope you never lose your religious guidance. They have a name for people w/o any innate concept of right and wrong. Sociopath. Everyone else's innate concepts of right and wrong come from empathy. The ability to put one's self in the shoes of someone else. For example, I don't steal. I make this choice not because any god tells me not to, but because I don't want my stuff stolen and I can understand why someone else wouldn't want their stuff stolen. Empathy is a very human thing. A very powerful thing. And no god is required. And I would furthur submit that empathy should be the basis of any system of laws. I call that common sense.. ![]() |
(Deuteronomy 20:10-14) As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you. God approves of murder, rape, and slavery? Here is the real passage:Deuteronomy 20:10-14 (King James Version) 10When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. 11And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. 12And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: 13And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: 14But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. The real passage? I think that is the problem, everyone's version or translation of history already distorted by the individual beliefs of a few old men who needed to justify their actions at the time. And it seems to justify the actions of people even today. |
I think he meant a literal copy from the bible not a summarized paragraph. Though I agree something as old as the bible has been translated and transliterated so many times theres bound to be differences between one language and another though I believe the overall message hasn't itself been changed.
I think he meant a literal copy from the bible not a summarized paragraph. Though I agree something as old as the bible has been translated and transliterated so many times theres bound to be differences between one language and another though I believe the overall message hasn't itself been changed. And the over all message is? |
I think he meant a literal copy from the bible not a summarized paragraph. Though I agree something as old as the bible has been translated and transliterated so many times theres bound to be differences between one language and another though I believe the overall message hasn't itself been changed. And the over all message is? Be kind, you don't need ancient scriptures to tell you how to live, your not idiots (most of you anyway)! Care Share Play fair Love One another ![]() ![]() |
I think he meant a literal copy from the bible not a summarized paragraph. Though I agree something as old as the bible has been translated and transliterated so many times theres bound to be differences between one language and another though I believe the overall message hasn't itself been changed. And the over all message is? Be kind, you don't need ancient scriptures to tell you how to live, your not idiots (most of you anyway)! Care Share Play fair Love One another ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sins? What is sin? Who determines what is right and wrong? I say GOD does. Which is no surprise to anyone at this point. But how does the person who does not believe in GOD know right from wrong? Is it as simple as: dont kill, dont steal, dont be mean, etc.. If there is no GOD, then who decides what is right or wrong? You say? I say? Who are we to tell each other what is right or wrong? If I steal your money, thats bad for you. Not for me. Im going OT here, sorry. But if there is no GOD and the Bible was just written by men; then arnt morality and the concept of sin really just subjective concepts? Meaning that good and evil are really just ideas or concepts instead of actual standards or truths. The way I see it, without GOD we make our own rules. Why should I follow socities rules of conduct? Really... as long as I dont get caught. I should be able to whatever I want. Right? If you truly believe that last line, I hope you never lose your religious guidance. They have a name for people w/o any innate concept of right and wrong. Sociopath. Everyone else's innate concepts of right and wrong come from empathy. The ability to put one's self in the shoes of someone else. For example, I don't steal. I make this choice not because any god tells me not to, but because I don't want my stuff stolen and I can understand why someone else wouldn't want their stuff stolen. Empathy is a very human thing. A very powerful thing. And no god is required. And I would furthur submit that empathy should be the basis of any system of laws. I call that common sense.. ![]() laws based on empathy do not always work out. When you used laws based on empathy they can easily be exploited. for example a law where it is your responsibility to take care of anyone injured on your property or you could loose your house. Sounds good. Insures that we take care of the guests at our house. Here is where the exploitation comes in. The criminal who broke in intending to rob the place. a fight breaks out and you win more or less. He is injured. Well you are responsible for taking complete care of him till he is fully recovered even though he was there to do harm to you. Okay extreme example. Let me use another one. When driving in the state of Arizona if you turn left and become involved in an accident you are automatically at fault. Sounds good. Here is where it makes no sense. Okay you are in the middle of the intersection waiting to turn. Light turns red as it finally clears up so you proceed to go. Drunk driver comes flying down the road. light is red for him. he doesn't stop. plows into you. You are at fault. Even worse say you were on the job. now you lost your job. all because of someone who was breaking multiple other laws. We need to go to a different law system. one based on common sense. For example other countries don't issue total fault to one party in an accident. It is reviewed in court and a percentage is issued to each party. Reasoning if you were not there an accident wouldn't have occurred. |
to be honest there are 3 good reasons that i went form pentecostal to agnostic. 1 i refuse to accept teh one world voice/one world choice of teh end times There is no end times. 2 i will never respect anyone who thinks george w bush was a decent president and tells me he did gods work.
You're basing your opinion on what one person believes? 3 churchs feed you there own man made dogma of endless crap and doctrine, in other words their way of tricking you outta every dime you get for some quick to dispose of ministy purpose. The church is within you - Jesus ![]() What it seems like you are confused about what is religion and what isn't. You think religion is what you see in the TV or hear in the news. You think, religion means you gotta dress up in a specific way and perform specific ceremonies in a specific place and you gotta read a specific book. My best suggestion is to educate yourself more. ![]() |
Laws based on empathy do not always work out..
and the laws we all shove up each others backsides work even less. Those who start wars, never fight them, those who write laws can't recite them. |
Oh wow I could never abandon my goddess. She is beautiful and looks like Halle Berry in a catwoman suit.
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Edited by
Mon 08/03/09 07:17 AM
to be honest there are 3 good reasons that i went form pentecostal to agnostic. 1 i refuse to accept teh one world voice/one world choice of teh end times 2 i will never respect anyone who thinks george w bush was a decent president and tells me he did gods work. 3 churchs feed you there own man made dogma of endless crap and doctrine, in other words their way of tricking you outta every dime you get for some quick to dispose of ministy purpose. I guess I don't get it you say you turn your back on God but then the reasons you list are all issues you have with men |
Sins? What is sin? Who determines what is right and wrong? I say GOD does. Which is no surprise to anyone at this point. But how does the person who does not believe in GOD know right from wrong? Is it as simple as: dont kill, dont steal, dont be mean, etc.. If there is no GOD, then who decides what is right or wrong? You say? I say? Who are we to tell each other what is right or wrong? If I steal your money, thats bad for you. Not for me. Im going OT here, sorry. But if there is no GOD and the Bible was just written by men; then arnt morality and the concept of sin really just subjective concepts? Meaning that good and evil are really just ideas or concepts instead of actual standards or truths. The way I see it, without GOD we make our own rules. Why should I follow socities rules of conduct? Really... as long as I dont get caught. I should be able to whatever I want. Right? If you truly believe that last line, I hope you never lose your religious guidance. They have a name for people w/o any innate concept of right and wrong. Sociopath. Everyone else's innate concepts of right and wrong come from empathy. The ability to put one's self in the shoes of someone else. For example, I don't steal. I make this choice not because any god tells me not to, but because I don't want my stuff stolen and I can understand why someone else wouldn't want their stuff stolen. Empathy is a very human thing. A very powerful thing. And no god is required. And I would furthur submit that empathy should be the basis of any system of laws. I call that common sense.. ![]() Thanks. Unfortunatly, common sense isn't all that common. |
Sins? What is sin? Who determines what is right and wrong? I say GOD does. Which is no surprise to anyone at this point. But how does the person who does not believe in GOD know right from wrong? Is it as simple as: dont kill, dont steal, dont be mean, etc.. If there is no GOD, then who decides what is right or wrong? You say? I say? Who are we to tell each other what is right or wrong? If I steal your money, thats bad for you. Not for me. Im going OT here, sorry. But if there is no GOD and the Bible was just written by men; then arnt morality and the concept of sin really just subjective concepts? Meaning that good and evil are really just ideas or concepts instead of actual standards or truths. The way I see it, without GOD we make our own rules. Why should I follow socities rules of conduct? Really... as long as I dont get caught. I should be able to whatever I want. Right? If you truly believe that last line, I hope you never lose your religious guidance. They have a name for people w/o any innate concept of right and wrong. Sociopath. Everyone else's innate concepts of right and wrong come from empathy. The ability to put one's self in the shoes of someone else. For example, I don't steal. I make this choice not because any god tells me not to, but because I don't want my stuff stolen and I can understand why someone else wouldn't want their stuff stolen. Empathy is a very human thing. A very powerful thing. And no god is required. And I would furthur submit that empathy should be the basis of any system of laws. I call that common sense.. ![]() laws based on empathy do not always work out. When you used laws based on empathy they can easily be exploited. for example a law where it is your responsibility to take care of anyone injured on your property or you could loose your house. Sounds good. Insures that we take care of the guests at our house. Here is where the exploitation comes in. The criminal who broke in intending to rob the place. a fight breaks out and you win more or less. He is injured. Well you are responsible for taking complete care of him till he is fully recovered even though he was there to do harm to you. Okay extreme example. Let me use another one. When driving in the state of Arizona if you turn left and become involved in an accident you are automatically at fault. Sounds good. Here is where it makes no sense. Okay you are in the middle of the intersection waiting to turn. Light turns red as it finally clears up so you proceed to go. Drunk driver comes flying down the road. light is red for him. he doesn't stop. plows into you. You are at fault. Even worse say you were on the job. now you lost your job. all because of someone who was breaking multiple other laws. We need to go to a different law system. one based on common sense. For example other countries don't issue total fault to one party in an accident. It is reviewed in court and a percentage is issued to each party. Reasoning if you were not there an accident wouldn't have occurred. Your examples don't make sense. Someone breaks in, that someone has already given up his rights to life, as far as I'm concerned, and my empathy is gone for that someone. Any law that gives automatic fault for an ACCIDENT, has nothing to do w/ empathy. I've never heard of any place that wouldn't legally blame the drunk driver for any accident, as you've decribed. Thieves and drunk drivers, to name a few, have already shown their complete disregard for other people. As such, they have given up any expectation of empathetic behavior towards them, in my opinion. In any case, you missed the point. Laws based on empathy, or rather a system of laws based on empathy, would be designed to simply protect people from other people. Which should be the point of a law system in the first place. |
to be honest there are 3 good reasons that i went form pentecostal to agnostic. 1 i refuse to accept teh one world voice/one world choice of teh end times There is no end times. 2 i will never respect anyone who thinks george w bush was a decent president and tells me he did gods work.
You're basing your opinion on what one person believes? 3 churchs feed you there own man made dogma of endless crap and doctrine, in other words their way of tricking you outta every dime you get for some quick to dispose of ministy purpose. The church is within you - Jesus ![]() What it seems like you are confused about what is religion and what isn't. You think religion is what you see in the TV or hear in the news. You think, religion means you gotta dress up in a specific way and perform specific ceremonies in a specific place and you gotta read a specific book. My best suggestion is to educate yourself more. ![]() I believe most people believe that's what religion is. |
I think he meant a literal copy from the bible not a summarized paragraph. Though I agree something as old as the bible has been translated and transliterated so many times theres bound to be differences between one language and another though I believe the overall message hasn't itself been changed. And the over all message is? Be kind, you don't need ancient scriptures to tell you how to live, your not idiots (most of you anyway)! Care Share Play fair Love One another ![]() ![]() oh, how I wish the world at large believed and lived that... |