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no photo
Wed 07/22/09 12:05 PM

yeah that was a bloody good film:thumbsup: i have all 3 disks.cool

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 07/22/09 12:14 PM

yeah that was a bloody good film:thumbsup: i have all 3 disks.cool

Have you seen this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0hcu7cZFTs

franshade's photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:02 PM

no photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:08 PM

yeah that was a bloody good film:thumbsup: i have all 3 disks.cool

Have you seen this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0hcu7cZFTs
yes i have that one,on my disks off Zeitgeist..and a good 2 part disk on the truth off 9-11...:thumbsup:

supermike48's photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:19 PM
this post would be real funny. but the worse part is these people really believe it was an inside job. they sit around all day. thinking of this crap.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:30 PM

this post would be real funny. but the worse part is these people really believe it was an inside job. they sit around all day. thinking of this crap.

This coming form one who puts up 10 new posts a week about war, death, dishonesty, corruption, the media and all things negative...your posts seem to have much thought behind them. drinker

franshade's photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:34 PM

this post would be real funny. but the worse part is these people really believe it was an inside job. they sit around all day. thinking of this crap.

this post is not meant to be funny nor amusing - it is people sharing their ideas, beliefs and making others think.

do you realize how many people just go with the flow regardless of where that flow leads them?

this is meant to make people think - not coerce them into thinking any way in particular.

no photo
Wed 07/22/09 01:36 PM

this post would be real funny. but the worse part is these people really believe it was an inside job. they sit around all day. thinking of this crap.

this post is not meant to be funny nor amusing - it is people sharing their ideas, beliefs and making others think.

do you realize how many people just go with the flow regardless of where that flow leads them?

this is meant to make people think - not coerce them into thinking any way in particular.very truedrinker drinker :thumbsup:

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/22/09 03:09 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Wed 07/22/09 03:09 PM

this post would be real funny. but the worse part is these people really believe it was an inside job. they sit around all day. thinking of this crap.
Here is an active poll of 911 was it a conspiracy?

yes 18822 68%
no 7450 26%
well, im not sure 1396 5%
Current Total 27668


supermike48's photo
Wed 07/22/09 03:19 PM
i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 07/22/09 03:24 PM

i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy.
I just got back from camping yeterday mike, had a great time. Did all those fun camping activities and laid on the beach. Yes mike the sun is my friend.

franshade's photo
Wed 07/22/09 05:18 PM

i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy.

If Bill Maher says it, it must be so :wink:

can't put down the pipe, I'm working on plumbing now frown

warmachine's photo
Wed 07/22/09 05:57 PM

i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy.

Seriously... if all you can come up with is to call me crazy and talk about how all I do is sit at this machine looking up 9/11 facts or that I'm toking the pipe.

Try answering any one of the questions I posted earlier.

Not with standing is the history this Government has with false flag events.

The events of 9/11 defied the laws of physics, Oswalds bullet defies physics, but I'm the crazy person when I question it.

Oh yeah, and Bill Maher, he's a stand up comic who talks about current events, that'd be like me coming back with "Rosie believes that it was an inside job too, so it must be true"

At the end of the day, I have this stupid thing I like to do, it's called thinking, I know that has a tendency to offend people and it sure seems to frighten government.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 07/22/09 07:37 PM

Putting words in your mouth... If I'm not mistaken, when you place a question mark at the end of a sentence, you aren't making a statement, but are in fact making an inquiry.

This country has a history of using false flag events as a pretext to get it's way. All you have to do is read the Operation Northwoods document to get an idea of some of the more insidious things this Government has thought of in the past... including using remote control to fly planes into crap to blame on the Cubans.

Fact is, If you're softened metal theory is to stand up to scrutiny, you'd have to explain away 2 things, first, if the metal had only been softened, you'd not have a total collapse into the buildings footprint, instead you'd have had a leaning tower effect, which would have sent the towers smashing sides ways into the surrounding area. Secondly, all three, lets repeat that, all 3 of the buildings that went down that day, went down at free fall speed. The gentleman who has spent most of his time using ridicule with such comments as "what are you people smoking" made a statement that he was in japan and saw those buildings come down from repeated viewings of the same pieces of footage...ok... how long did it take?

Seems to me that if there was "softening" of the metal, then there should have been some resistance. Even if whole columns had simply melted, which is a absolute impossibility, then you'd still have resistance as those towers came down, from the redundancy columns that were built into it.

Just looking at the timeline of events is enough to make you need a shot of bourbon, because, quite frankly, the 9/11 Comission report is like a bad fable with horrible continuity.

Columns that were designed to prevent a building from FALLING SIDEWAYS into other buildings... Not designed to hold the weight of the upper floors intact and in freefall.

justinc1431's photo
Wed 07/22/09 10:19 PM

i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy.

Like it's been said a bout ten times already. We're not just sitting here looking up facts to prove our point. These are well founded questions. And to assume that only makes you look as ignorant as you believe we are. If you don't question what happened that day, fine, go on your merry little way. No one here is trying to convince you otherwise, you don't have to post replies.

justinc1431's photo
Wed 07/22/09 10:20 PM

yeah that was a bloody good film:thumbsup: i have all 3 disks.cool

Hate to say it but that film has a LOT of lies in it as well. Well put together, but a lot of wrong and misleading information. When I'm not at work I'll try to find a link to a site that lists all the info they gave in the film that is just flat out wrong.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 07/22/09 10:49 PM
Oswalds bullet defies physics

Ummm...no it didn't.

That particular myth is based on misinformation.

I assume you are referring to " the magic bullet ", that was popularized by the Oliver Stone film.

Had Stone not just been trying to stir things up, he would have not used that particular piece of " evidence " in the movie.

The " magic bullet " is based on the Texas governor being seated directly in front of Kennedy.

He wasn't. he was sitting slightly lower and slightly more toward the center of the car.

The bullet traveled in exactly the way it should have considering the things it hit on it's way through Kennedy.

It didn't make that " magical " turn that people love to point at as proof of some other shooter.

Sorry. I know that was offtopic

warmachine's photo
Thu 07/23/09 01:15 AM
I've seen that documentary too, the history channel one where they use a computer model to change the positioning of Connally from the position that JFK was in.

However, I've also seen E. Howard Hunts deathbed confession, where he freely admits that he participated in the op.

That aside, my point wasn't about the JFK assassination as a topic, but rather as a example of why questions need to be asked and answers demanded, or you end up with these kinds of conversations.

auburngirl's photo
Thu 07/23/09 01:24 AM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl ahhhhh man...too funny

justinc1431's photo
Thu 07/23/09 06:02 AM
For the fans of the mentioned film:


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