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Wed 06/03/09 10:09 AM

not my theory

what makes it my theory

and why is it that the research findings i find are less valid than yours

after all i have posted proof the govt planned such an action in the past

40 years ago and a completely different administration? (even the other party in charge)

Kennedy planned a whole lot of subterfuge with the Cubans. Remember the Bay of Pigs even

. How does that relate to George Bush planning and executing an internal attack against the United States?

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:11 AM
I see melted steel.


adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:13 AM
so it could never happen again

and the only reason it didn't happen that time is because McNamara said he would blow the whistle on it if they carried it out

(what doe the bottom side of the sand look like)

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:13 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 06/03/09 10:14 AM


Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

A highly-respected physicist explains how Thermite may have been used to cut the critical core columns and produce the large amounts of molten iron seen at the World Trade Center, but the controlled media and scientists refuse to look at the evidence.



A team of scientists claim to have unearthed startling data from dust and debris gathered in the days and weeks after the World Trade Center towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

In a study published by the Open Chemical Physics Journal -- a peer-reviewed, scientific publication -- Steven E. Jones and Niels Harrit level an stark allegation: that within the dust and rubble of the World Trade Center towers lays evidence of "a highly engineered explosive," contrary to all federal studies of the collapses.



Study claims 'highly engineered explosive' found in WTC rubble
Stephen C. Webster
Published: Saturday April 4, 2009



adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:31 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 06/03/09 10:32 AM

not my theory

what makes it my theory

and why is it that the research findings i find are less valid than yours

after all i have posted proof the govt planned such an action in the past

40 years ago and a completely different administration? (even the other party in charge)

Kennedy planned a whole lot of subterfuge with the Cubans. Remember the Bay of Pigs even

. How does that relate to George Bush planning and executing an internal attack against the United States?

was it not Reagan that said i did not leave the democrat party it left me

and i doubt bush could have carried this out in 8 months if it was a govt job bush did not plan it

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:33 AM
glasses I think the levys in New Orleans were blown up tooglasses

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:37 AM

glasses I think the levys in New Orleans were blown up tooglasses

i don't know about that but i would not rule it out

and who knows anyone could have done either deed

maybe the planes were used as a trigger and the terrorist planted the explosives???????

i have no idea who did what

but i refuse to close my eyes and hide my head in the sand from possibilities

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:44 AM

glasses I think the levys in New Orleans were blown up tooglasses

i don't know about that but i would not rule it out

and who knows anyone could have done either deed

maybe the planes were used as a trigger and the terrorist planted the explosives???????

i have no idea who did what

but i refuse to close my eyes and hide my head in the sand from possibilities
glasses Probably Israeli agents did itglasses

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 10:46 AM
anything is possible i guess


Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/03/09 11:50 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Wed 06/03/09 11:51 AM
On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war. Not on foreign terrorists, "the adversary's closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucracy," he said.

He said money wasted by the military poses a serious threat.

"In fact, it could be said it's a matter of life and death," he said.
Defense Department Cannot Account For 25% Of Funds — $2.3 Trillion
Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11-- the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten.

Just last week President Bush announced, "my 2003 budget calls for more than $48 billion in new defense spending."


InvictusV's photo
Wed 06/03/09 12:29 PM

Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

A highly-respected physicist explains how Thermite may have been used to cut the critical core columns and produce the large amounts of molten iron seen at the World Trade Center, but the controlled media and scientists refuse to look at the evidence".

No one, and I mean no one, has ever produced any evidence that thermite was used. Notice the "thermite may have been" part of the above paragraph. Thats a theory. Not a fact or evidence.

Can someone please inform me how you could have possibly carried tons of thermite into the building, set it, and not have it react after the planes hit. Until then, its just another theory.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:05 PM

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:44 PM


Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press

A highly-respected physicist explains how Thermite may have been used to cut the critical core columns and produce the large amounts of molten iron seen at the World Trade Center, but the controlled media and scientists refuse to look at the evidence".

No one, and I mean no one, has ever produced any evidence that thermite was used. Notice the "thermite may have been" part of the above paragraph. Thats a theory. Not a fact or evidence.

Can someone please inform me how you could have possibly carried tons of thermite into the building, set it, and not have it react after the planes hit. Until then, its just another theory.

how did pows move tons of dirt out of the tunnels they dug to escape in ww2 pow camps or any others that they dug

who knows how long this has been in the works

Winx's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:05 PM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

tired about hearing what?

oh please tell me I am thinking wrong here...have you forgotten all the people that died that day...I am pissed at this statement shame on you...it should never be forgotten...maybe if you had more to lose you would feel a little more like remembering brokenheart
no its nothing to upset set about my uncle and cousin past away in the twin towers sorry if i offend you

yea I am highly offended...my son is putting his life on the life for you to say hell it matters no quit talking about it...I am tired of hearing it...well it matters a hell of a lot..and it should never be forgotten...

Yikes, what harshness sent to somebody that said that their uncle and cousin passed away in the twin towers.

TJN's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:57 PM
Edited by TJN on Wed 06/03/09 07:07 PM
It looks to me like someone cut the beam with a torch. I'm not a professional welder but I do know what cut steel looks like.

Here is a site about debuncking this theory


no photo
Wed 06/03/09 07:05 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 06/03/09 07:08 PM
I have an idea. Yes it will cost money but at least we can know for sure if the towers fell due to the impact of the airplane or not.

We build a tower the size of the twin tower again in a area away from people. Then we get 747 plane full of fuel that is flown in by remote control at the same speed it did when hitting the tower and have it crash at the same spot in the new tower.

Then we watch and see.

If the building doesn't collapse at a certain amount of time then we know a demolition team helped. If it does fall then all the conspiracies are false.

Will this experiment ever be done? No! I know, I know it won't be so why mention it right. lol

It would be a good idea that would prove if the conspiracies or true or not.

Now imagine if the building didn't fall! What would the country do then? Would they have Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, CIA members, etc. etc. sit at the Supreme Court and defend their case for the justification of going to war in the first place?

Well anyway it doesn't seem like President Obama is too concerned about this. It makes you wonder what kind of letter did Bush leave on the table in the oval office for Obama to read on his first day sitting on that leather seat.

Perhaps it was a warning statement such as - Don't you dare try to reevaluate the justification of the Afghanistan or Iraq war!

Well what it is worth the majority of Congress voted for the war! I wonder if any of them evaluated the justification the Bush Administration send them before voting yes or no. Or did they have no say in this matter at all?? Perhaps Bush didn't need permission and just issued an attack anyway.

Perhaps in time we will know more. drinker

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:12 PM
Talking about this subject is beating a dead horse and it has been discussed around the world millions of times.Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on this dumb theory I ponder you with these facts.

Ample evidence that this was planned for years by terrorist and carried out by terrorist.Terrorist tried to bring this building down years before by a bomb in a car in the garage.Bin laden claimed responsiblily and even told how this was planned.

Not one,not a single piece of evidence was found at ground zero despite every single cubic foot of dirt and debris being sifted through.Not one detenation cord,not one explosive,nothing.Thousands of people from everyone to police officers,fireman,and government officals sifting through that rubble.

It would have taken well over 1 million pounds of explosives per building to bring one of them down.It would also take hundreds of miles of cords,tape,connections,detonators,etc.This type of planning would take years and years with hundreds of people walking into this building with this stuff on a daily basis.Do you really think that the thousands of people and security guards that worked in this building would have not noticed hundreds of people coming into that building planting explosives and running wires?

Not a single person,not one has been indicted or so much accused of such as attack.Not a single person has been charged or gone to court.There is nothing!

Give it up.You have nothing.

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 09:15 PM

what we have here is people formulating a theory and then trying to fit facts to the theory

thats not the way it's done and is dishonest

you gather the facts and then formulate the theory and the facts taken as a whole do not support these outlandish theories

I'll prolly have to say this a hundred times because people dont listen to things that don't fit their preconceived notions

like I said

adj4u's photo
Thu 06/04/09 12:14 AM

i don't know about that but i would not rule it out

and who knows anyone could have done either deed

maybe the planes were used as a trigger and the terrorist planted the explosives???????

i have no idea who did what

but i refuse to close my eyes and hide my head in the sand from possibilities

like i said

TJN's photo
Thu 06/04/09 03:36 AM

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