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Thu 07/23/09 08:00 AM

For the fans of the mentioned film:

cheers justin,now i can look at both sides of the argument:thumbsup:

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:25 AM
For me there is no argument. I have worked with hot steel most of my adult life. I have seen first hand what steel does when it gets hot, it bends slowly as it loses tensile strenght it doesnt suddenly collapse straight down as if made of glass. A realistic failure would be floors sagging and bowing before the weight would accumulate enough to cause a total collapse, and when it did collapse it would meet some type of resistance from the floors that were not weakened by fire, at the verry least it would slow the collapse or set it off the course of a straight down collapse. I cannot believe this fraud is still on going and hasnt been investigated in a seriouse manner. We as americans look like idiots to buy into the "pancake" theory. Our country has been raped and plundered because of the events of 911. It is the biggest story of the century and the biggest crime.

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:51 AM

For me there is no argument. I have worked with hot steel most of my adult life. I have seen first hand what steel does when it gets hot, it bends slowly as it loses tensile strenght it doesnt suddenly collapse straight down as if made of glass. A realistic failure would be floors sagging and bowing before the weight would accumulate enough to cause a total collapse, and when it did collapse it would meet some type of resistance from the floors that were not weakened by fire, at the verry least it would slow the collapse or set it off the course of a straight down collapse. I cannot believe this fraud is still on going and hasnt been investigated in a seriouse manner. We as americans look like idiots to buy into the "pancake" theory. Our country has been raped and plundered because of the events of 911. It is the biggest story of the century and the biggest crime.
i my self do think that it was a bit dodgey how they just collapsed.but i do also feel sorry for all the people who lost their lifes that day and firemen,policemen,new yorkers who are still suffering and dieing"coz off all the toxic dust cloud"and the soliders that are fighting in iraq"cheers lads & girls"so i just like 2 sit back and hear the Americans point off view and not take sides.there are loads of british people who think the 7/7 boming in london were stadged.maybe one day the truth will come out who can tell.its a crazy world we live in,but there is good and bad in all off us,maybe one day we can all live in peace,and get on with each other as we all have only 1 life,so lets enjoy it drinker

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:24 PM
The Hidden History of 9-11

By Paul Zarembka

How much insider trading occurred in the days leading up to 9/11? How compromised is the evidence against alleged hijackers because of serious authentication problems with a key Dulles Airport videotape? To what extent does the testimony of more than five hundred firefighters differ from official reports of what happened at the World Trade Center buildings that day? How inseparably connected are Western covert operations to al-Qaeda? How is Islamophobia used to sustain US imperialism?

Paul Zarembka is a professor of economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Since 1977, he has been the general editor for Research in Political Economy. He has authored Toward a Theory of Economic Development, edited Frontiers in Econometrics, and co-edited Essays in Modern Capital Theory

Check out the link http://informationclearinghouse.info/article23122.htm

no photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:10 PM
Edited by JamesC65 on Thu 07/23/09 08:12 PM
Don't worry about it flouride drinker, there is no New World Order...go back to sleep. Everything is fine, they have it all under control.laugh

WTF are you for real?

"i.m finish arguing with these people. they come up with charts and polls. to prove there point even people like bill maher says your crazy. but go ahead keep making up this crap. but for once put down the pipe. walk outside. the sun is your friend not your enemy. "

Kleisto's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:40 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 07/23/09 08:40 PM

For me there is no argument. I have worked with hot steel most of my adult life. I have seen first hand what steel does when it gets hot, it bends slowly as it loses tensile strenght it doesnt suddenly collapse straight down as if made of glass. A realistic failure would be floors sagging and bowing before the weight would accumulate enough to cause a total collapse, and when it did collapse it would meet some type of resistance from the floors that were not weakened by fire, at the verry least it would slow the collapse or set it off the course of a straight down collapse. I cannot believe this fraud is still on going and hasnt been investigated in a seriouse manner. We as americans look like idiots to buy into the "pancake" theory. Our country has been raped and plundered because of the events of 911. It is the biggest story of the century and the biggest crime.
i my self do think that it was a bit dodgey how they just collapsed.but i do also feel sorry for all the people who lost their lifes that day and firemen,policemen,new yorkers who are still suffering and dieing"coz off all the toxic dust cloud"and the soliders that are fighting in iraq"cheers lads & girls"so i just like 2 sit back and hear the Americans point off view and not take sides.there are loads of british people who think the 7/7 boming in london were stadged.maybe one day the truth will come out who can tell.its a crazy world we live in,but there is good and bad in all off us,maybe one day we can all live in peace,and get on with each other as we all have only 1 life,so lets enjoy it drinker

You know about 7/7 it happened the same day as supposed test drills for something similar. Coincidence?

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 03:06 AM

For me there is no argument. I have worked with hot steel most of my adult life. I have seen first hand what steel does when it gets hot, it bends slowly as it loses tensile strenght it doesnt suddenly collapse straight down as if made of glass. A realistic failure would be floors sagging and bowing before the weight would accumulate enough to cause a total collapse, and when it did collapse it would meet some type of resistance from the floors that were not weakened by fire, at the verry least it would slow the collapse or set it off the course of a straight down collapse. I cannot believe this fraud is still on going and hasnt been investigated in a seriouse manner. We as americans look like idiots to buy into the "pancake" theory. Our country has been raped and plundered because of the events of 911. It is the biggest story of the century and the biggest crime.
i my self do think that it was a bit dodgey how they just collapsed.but i do also feel sorry for all the people who lost their lifes that day and firemen,policemen,new yorkers who are still suffering and dieing"coz off all the toxic dust cloud"and the soliders that are fighting in iraq"cheers lads & girls"so i just like 2 sit back and hear the Americans point off view and not take sides.there are loads of british people who think the 7/7 boming in london were stadged.maybe one day the truth will come out who can tell.its a crazy world we live in,but there is good and bad in all off us,maybe one day we can all live in peace,and get on with each other as we all have only 1 life,so lets enjoy it drinker

You know about 7/7 it happened the same day as supposed test drills for something similar. Coincidence?
yeah we brits now about that:thumbsup:

warmachine's photo
Fri 07/24/09 06:28 AM

The Hidden History of 9-11

By Paul Zarembka

How much insider trading occurred in the days leading up to 9/11? How compromised is the evidence against alleged hijackers because of serious authentication problems with a key Dulles Airport videotape? To what extent does the testimony of more than five hundred firefighters differ from official reports of what happened at the World Trade Center buildings that day? How inseparably connected are Western covert operations to al-Qaeda? How is Islamophobia used to sustain US imperialism?

Paul Zarembka is a professor of economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Since 1977, he has been the general editor for Research in Political Economy. He has authored Toward a Theory of Economic Development, edited Frontiers in Econometrics, and co-edited Essays in Modern Capital Theory

Check out the link http://informationclearinghouse.info/article23122.htm

Oh, yeah, the "Bin Laden" put options.

Interesting how this never made it to the T.V.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 08/03/09 02:17 PM
Officials in Turkey are trying to figure out why a building demolition went wrong. Instead of imploding, the structure fell over, narrowly missing a neighboring apartment building. TODAY's Ann Curry reports.

Watch video:


Even when they try buildings do not allways fall straight down

warmachine's photo
Tue 08/04/09 08:02 PM
And theres more...


MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 08/04/09 08:13 PM
:smile: The owner and former CEO of Blackwater mercenaries calls himself a Knights Templar in private and say his mission is to exterminate Muslims, and has had people murdered.:smile: The Knights Templar was a medieval group of Crusaders that was burned at the stake for secretly practicing satanism.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 08/04/09 08:37 PM
My friend, my fellow Adama,
let us regain the stolen Paradise,
and reclaim earth’s garden,
we have tasted the fruit
of knowledge, we are as gods.
Look beyond the veil of maya,
draw back the flimsy curtain,
expose the lizard wizard.

God is not love, man is love.
God is a lie, a magician’s trick,
a device for divide and conquer,
the hidden sleight-of-hand
of the vampire brood.
We are amnesiacs, stacked
naked and pell-mell in
the slave ship of State.

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