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Wed 06/03/09 05:05 AM

The twin towers fell in exactly the way one would predict if doused with thousands of gallons of jet fuel. There were no demolition charges used.

You must be right about this. After all, what could 700 Architects and Engineers possible know about such things?

Pardon my angst in this statement, it's not personal, but it has been PROVEN many times over that the jet fuel burned off quickly on impact (you didn't see the people standing in the holes the plane made shortly after impact?). The fires gave off black smoke, no big fires evident after the intial impact (a sure sign of an oxygen starved fire), and never got even close to hot enough, for long enough, to melt or fatigue steel.

Never before has a fire brought down a steel framed building even after engulfed in a fireball for days..... but within an hour on 9/11 2 of the strongest buildings in the world fell. Never before or since.... so surely you must be right and the professionals wrong.

There was no fire? Burned off quickly? Then what was all that smoke coming from that continued to pour out of the towers after the impact?

Way, way, back when I was in Carpentry school, we watched a video in class that was touting the superiority of laminated wood beams to steel beams in construction methods. In a controlled concrete structure, they had a steel beam roof and built a fire below out of WOOD!!! It didn't take long for the steel beams to heat up and fail!

Then they replaced the steel beams with gluelams and the wood would char on the outside but remained intact.

Maybe that Architect should have gone to the school I attended. Olde Sweet P.U. laugh

adj4u's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:19 AM

all the main support towers were melted at the same angle and the same height

yet jet fuel does not burn hot enough to melt said steel

not to mention to do it all so uniformly

and to leave lil pile of melted steel (in the same manner that thermite does)

but i am sure that is all just a coincidence

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:29 AM

$9 million spent to investigate 9/11, $60 million spent to find out Monica used Clinton like a balloon...... are you good with that?

no I am not...but I don't think saying it was an inside job without actual prove is the answer either...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:34 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:39 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yea and maybe if your son just left to defend you right to say the hell with it you would be thinking a wee bit differently...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:43 AM
Edited by SuzinVA on Wed 06/03/09 05:45 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yea and maybe if your son just left to defend you right to say the hell with it you would be thinking a wee bit differently...

I think you're taking things entirely too personally. And I never said the hell with anything, you put those words in my mouth. I agree that I'm tired of hearing about the conspiracy theories, that's what the agreement was for. Anyone who was in or near any of the sites those days knows that the conspiracy theories are full of ****.

But, in the off-chance that the theories are right, who is your son defending me against? Our own government? And he works for that? So really, he's "defending" me against himself.

I appreciate your and your son's sacrifice for this country but before you start the hating on someone you don't know and don't know why she/he said what they did, you should think it through a little more. We all have different perspectives, which are just as valid as your own. flowerforyou

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:43 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yea and maybe if your son just left to defend you right to say the hell with it you would be thinking a wee bit differently...
I dont think he is defending my right to say anything. I allready served in the military so I think I have a right to say that.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:48 AM
I just find it hard to believe that you people as amreicans are so ready to believe that we did this to ourselves...and you can think what you wish...excuse me for stating my opion...go ahead blame the ones that live here...turn a blind eye and a deaf ear and while you are saying we are to blame watch it happen again...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:51 AM

I just find it hard to believe that you people as amreicans are so ready to believe that we did this to ourselves...and you can think what you wish...excuse me for stating my opion...go ahead blame the ones that live here...turn a blind eye and a deaf ear and while you are saying we are to blame watch it happen again...

Actually, except for one or 2 people here, most agree with you. And as people are individuals, you can never expect a perfect concensus. And they are just as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours. Frankly, we're all gonna die someday then what will all this matter? nada, zero, zilch Who's right, who's wrong? In the end, it matters nought.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:51 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Wed 06/03/09 05:52 AM
I think if you watch that vid from a mainstream news source and look at the data you will find something is weird about it all. I have no idea who or what is involved but the evidence is there that the official 911 story is bogus. The day I saw those towers fall I felt "no way" could they fall straight down like that.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:56 AM
I did watch the video...but that tells me nothing about it being an inside job...true I know nothing about explosives but none the less I am not ready to blame an American for the tragedy in way shape nor form...why would they go to such lengths to highjack the planes and fly them into the buildings if someone was gonna blow them up from the ground...

BL4766's photo
Wed 06/03/09 05:58 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

tired about hearing what?

oh please tell me I am thinking wrong here...have you forgotten all the people that died that day...I am pissed at this statement shame on you...it should never be forgotten...maybe if you had more to lose you would feel a little more like remembering brokenheart
no its nothing to upset set about my uncle and cousin past away in the twin towers sorry if i offend you

yea I am highly offended...my son is putting his life on the life for you to say hell it matters no quit talking about it...I am tired of hearing it...well it matters a hell of a lot..and it should never be forgotten...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:03 AM

what has been done and over with,just tired of hearing about this

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

yea and maybe if your son just left to defend you right to say the hell with it you would be thinking a wee bit differently...

I think you're taking things entirely too personally. And I never said the hell with anything, you put those words in my mouth. I agree that I'm tired of hearing about the conspiracy theories, that's what the agreement was for. Anyone who was in or near any of the sites those days knows that the conspiracy theories are full of ****.

But, in the off-chance that the theories are right, who is your son defending me against? Our own government? And he works for that? So really, he's "defending" me against himself.

I appreciate your and your son's sacrifice for this country but before you start the hating on someone you don't know and don't know why she/he said what they did, you should think it through a little more. We all have different perspectives, which are just as valid as your own. flowerforyou

I will agree I am taking this personally it is my country and I will continue to feel personal about it...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:12 AM

I will agree I am taking this personally it is my country and I will continue to feel personal about it...

No, I meant you seem to take this as a personal attack on you and your son, which makes you come off as very hostile and aggressive and hateful. Makes it difficult to actually listen to and hear your point of view, even for those of us who agree with you.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:16 AM

$9 million spent to investigate 9/11, $60 million spent to find out Monica used Clinton like a balloon...... are you good with that?

no I am not...but I don't think saying it was an inside job without actual prove is the answer either...

All Gage and the others, even conspiracy theorists like myself, are saying is that we need a new non-bias investigation into 9/11. Without one all of it is simply a theory, conspiracy or otherwise.

I would love to be told my opinions are false and have it proven. I wouldn't mind saying "I was wrong" in the least, would love to, but there are too many questions, and too much avoidance of the REAL questions.

Too many PROVEN discrepencies have arisen. You have to ask, if they lied about this what else are they lying about or covering up? We had too much info too quickly. We were told 19 hijackers were to blame with names and photos, even passports that survived this "intense heat and fire" that destoyed 2 buildings somehow. Even the fact that at least 9 of the hijackers have been confirmed as alive with no involvement doesn't bother you? Two Plane crashes with NO WRECKAGE? A commercial airliner supposedly hits the Pentagon and disappears into a 16 foot hole? No air defense in the most protected air space in the world? The President sits in a classroom for 26 minutes after the attack when he should have been RUSHED to safety as Cheney was? Why was the site cleaned up and the steel shipped to China before any investigation could be done by a forensics team? Why did the WH change the EPA report and say the air was safe to breath when it was NOT! Where is all the missing gold that was stored in the towers? Why molten steel under the towers and building 7 for weeks after their collapse? Why did the concrete turn to dust instead of fall in great chunks if it was a collapse like they say? Why didn't they "topple" instead of falling sraight down at freefall speed? This is only a few questions, and none have been answered with any satisfaction. Too many questions to believe the "official" story and too much resistence against any requests for a new investigation.

Why are they not willing to to have a REAL investigation done? Wouldn't you think they would want to debunk fully any theories that oppose the official report and put peoples minds to rest once and for all? At least be willing to?

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:19 AM
it maddens me to know end that people are so quick to forget.. inside job or not which I for one do not believe is the fact that people wanna just skip along in a world gone crazy and forget what has happened...all the heroes they die every day to protect and defend some that would but spit in their faces..yes I can be hostile..and I am not saying that is what is being said here but it does happen...

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:21 AM
Listen..I live in New York...and was in the city the day it happend.It was a terrible event that will stay in my mind for the rest of my life.To hell with all the theories...we lost alot of people and many more here are still affected by what transpired.How 'bout a little respect for thoes who have lost and thoes that were there and have the memeory imprinted in there minds.
Unless you can act upon your theory and prove it..leave the guessing alone and be grateful you were not in thoes buildings that day.Just have a little compassion in your heart and get on with your life!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:22 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 06/03/09 06:25 AM
I am a veteran, a patriot, love my country and support our troops, but I have questions and until they are answered..... theories.

9/11 is an unsolved murder of thousands that needs to be reopened out of respect for them and their memory, as any unsolved murder case would be investigated.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:25 AM

$9 million spent to investigate 9/11, $60 million spent to find out Monica used Clinton like a balloon...... are you good with that?

no I am not...but I don't think saying it was an inside job without actual prove is the answer either...

All Gage and the others, even conspiracy theorists like myself, are saying is that we need a new non-bias investigation into 9/11. Without one all of it is simply a theory, conspiracy or otherwise.

I would love to be told my opinions are false and have it proven. I wouldn't mind saying "I was wrong" in the least, would love to, but there are too many questions, and too much avoidance of the REAL questions.

Too many PROVEN discrepencies have arisen. You have to ask, if they lied about this what else are they lying about or covering up? We had too much info too quickly. We were told 19 hijackers were to blame with names and photos, even passports that survived this "intense heat and fire" that destoyed 2 buildings somehow. Even the fact that at least 9 of the hijackers have been confirmed as alive with no involvement doesn't bother you? Two Plane crashes with NO WRECKAGE? A commercial airliner supposedly hits the Pentagon and disappears into a 16 foot hole? No air defense in the most protected air space in the world? The President sits in a classroom for 26 minutes after the attack when he should have been RUSHED to safety as Cheney was? Why was the site cleaned up and the steel shipped to China before any investigation could be done by a forensics team? Why did the WH change the EPA report and say the air was safe to breath when it was NOT! Where is all the missing gold that was stored in the towers? Why molten steel under the towers and building 7 for weeks after their collapse? Why did the concrete turn to dust instead of fall in great chunks if it was a collapse like they say? Why didn't they "topple" instead of falling sraight down at freefall speed? This is only a few questions, and none have been answered with any satisfaction. Too many questions to believe the "official" story and too much resistence against any requests for a new investigation.

Why are they not willing to to have a REAL investigation done? Wouldn't you think they would want to debunk fully any theories that oppose the official report and put peoples minds to rest once and for all? At least be willing to?

you have asked questions I for one have no answers...and will never be I am just a mom with a child that just left..but I am as American as it gets so I don't wanna believe it and this is not really the point I was trying to make...the fact that people wanna just forget about it like it was a bad wreck on the highway and move on it

no photo
Wed 06/03/09 06:27 AM

it maddens me to know end that people are so quick to forget.. inside job or not which I for one do not believe is the fact that people wanna just skip along in a world gone crazy and forget what has happened...all the heroes they die every day to protect and defend some that would but spit in their faces..yes I can be hostile..and I am not saying that is what is being said here but it does happen...

And I'm just saying that your anger would be better directed at someone/thing that is actually doing something to directly attack you or your son. Many people, myself included, believe that the "wars," "conflicts", whatever you want to call them are unjust and we do not belong there. We are against our government's decisions. That does not mean we are "spitting" in the troops faces, matter of fact, we can not support our government's policies while still supporting the troops, they are two very separate issues.

But, this is completely off-topic, in this particular thread. I apologize.

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